“Detonate the explosives!”

“It’s over!”

As the news came from outside that the explosives were about to detonate, Liu Qing was already frightened, and quickly covered her ears with her hands and curled up on the ground waiting for the explosion of the explosives at the door.

And the outside has become lively.

A group of Bai family subordinates threw the explosives in their hands at the zombies.

In order to make the bomb able to kill this zombie without knowing what level it is, so their dosage is very large.

Probably used the weight to blow up the tank!



A pile of explosives was thrown at the black zombie.

When everyone thought that the explosives would blow up the zombie to pieces, a shocking scene occurred!

They were surprised to find that when the explosives were thrown less than a meter away from the zombies, they seemed to hit something and landed on the ground!

However, they did not have time to react, and immediately crouched down and hid behind the defense facilities to avoid being affected by the explosion.

And the next moment…..


A loud explosion spread throughout the White Family.

Bai Duan and the others hid behind the defensive facilities before dodging the damage.

When they were ready to get up with great interest to confirm whether the zombies had been blown to ashes, they opened their mouths in surprise.

For a while, because the cells in the brain could not react to everything that happened at the scene, they were stunned in place, and the scene seemed to be unusually quiet!


They were shocked to find out!

The violent explosion did not kill the zombies!


The dynamite didn’t do any damage to the zombies or even Kaoru Hakuba’s room!

That’s right!

Even Kaoru’s room was not destroyed by explosives!

Only the defenses on the outside of them were charred black by the explosives.

Obviously, the dynamite is not inferior explosives, but there is something wrong with the zombie and the room of the white feather Kaoru!

“This! How is this possible? ”

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them with stunned eyes, completely unable to understand why this resulted.

The zombie was not awakened by the loud explosion and remained motionless.

“My goodness!”

Bai Duan stood up and took a few steps forward.

Frightened, the subordinates of the Bai family immediately shouted, “Bai Shao, don’t take any risks!” ”

However, where will the white segments listen to them?

Went straight to the center of the explosion.

He was surprised to find that the explosion marks on the ground also had a surprising phenomenon.

It was as if there was a transparent wall separating the zombies from them, one side was the scorched black of the explosion, and the other side was intact!

“Is there something there?”

Bai Duan curiously reached out his hand to touch the alternating gap.


He suddenly screamed and held his hand back.

“Is there really something?”

Bai Duan was convinced that there was really something that separated them from the existence of the zombies!

But humans can’t see with their eyes, and even if they touch it with their hands, it’s a strange feeling like an electric shock.

Bai Duan frowned suddenly, what exactly was placed in Bai Yukao’s room?

He was now beginning to suspect that this zombie did not appear out of thin air, but was brought by Lin Yun and Bai Yukao!

After all, he believed what these two men had done!

“Didn’t… It’s okay? ”

Liu Qing, who was hiding in the room, also opened her eyes in shock.

She was amazed to find out that she was still alive!

The explosion didn’t shatter the room!

She stood up and looked out the crack in the door, because the room seemed to be cursed, not only could not open the door, not even the sound could not be heard, so Liu Qing could only check the situation outside through the crack in the door.

She was surprised to find that Bai Duan was standing in front of the zombie, looking at something.

As well as a large area outside had turned scorched black, it was clear that the explosives had been successfully detonated.

As for why the room was not affected, she did not know.

“Damn! I don’t know if there is anyone in the room before throwing the explosives! ”

Liu Qing glanced at the Bai family outside, most likely because Bai Yukao’s outing made this group think that there was no one in the room.

After all, who stays in the room during the day.

“Lin Yun this guy!”

Subsequently, Liu Qing turned her gaze to Lin Yun, who was asleep.

It seems that the explosion just now did not wake Lin Yun up.

Liu Qing sighed helplessly.

Obviously, there was nothing she could do in the room, and she could only wait until Lin Yun woke up before making the next move.

And the outside is in the same situation.

With the protection of the invisible barrier, they could not harm the zombie and could only look outside.

“Bai Shao, will it be a mirage?” How could there be a transparent barrier! ”

A group of people stood by Bai Duan’s side and made hypotheses.

They didn’t even dare to reach out and touch the barrier, after all, the white section had just screamed loudly.

“You can touch it yourself to find out if it’s an illusion.”

“Farewell! I’m afraid of pain! ”

Bai Duan glanced at the man, and then set his eyes on the closed door.

He began to wonder that although Bai Yuxun had gone out, Lin Yun was still staying in the Bai family, was this guy in the room now?

And all this in front of him is his means?

“You have withdrawn the defense project, and then you have sent people to guard here twenty-four hours, and if anyone comes out, let me know at any time!”

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