A little time passed, Liu Qing was still pacing in the room.

She couldn’t wake Lin Yun up at all, nor could she leave the room.

It made her feel very anxious.

Outside, Bai Duan had left.

But the subordinates of the Bai family are still guarding here, after all, they must be sure whether this zombie is safe or not, and they must keep an eye on it all the time.

Moreover, the scientific personnel left by the Bai family were sent to investigate this transparent barrier.

“I’ve never seen a transparent barrier that can withstand a bomb, it’s more transparent than glass!”

A scientist said to the people around him.

“Me too, what the hell is this?” There is also an electric current on it. ”

Another researcher also expressed doubts.

They’ve never seen this kind of technology before, doesn’t it fall into the realm of technology?

But what happens in nature?

They had no way of knowing, so they had to study on the transparent barrier to find out why this result was the cause.

At this moment, Bai Xin also appeared.

Of course he had heard that a zombie and a transparent barrier had appeared outside Kaoru’s room.

But when he really saw the transparent barrier, his face suddenly showed a look of embarrassment.

After all, now he had been thinking about how to kill Lin Yun and the two guys of Bai Yuxuan.

I hope to be able to use the power of the Xuan Family to quietly kill them!

However, the appearance of this transparent barrier has delayed his plans again.

“Did anything come out of it?”

Bai Xin asked his men.

“No, there is no way to dialyze the existence of this barrier.”

The researchers shook their heads, a force of science and technology they had never seen before.

“So, if you use a weapon with greater lethality, you can forcibly break through?”

Bai Xin continued to ask.

“No, the explosives they used before are already very powerful, but not even cracks have been created, so….”

The researchers shook their heads helplessly.

Obviously, they looked powerless in the face of this transparent barrier.

“Is there anyone inside?”

Bai Xin shifted the topic, after all, if these researchers lose confidence, then their Bai family would be finished.

“I don’t know, now I only know that Miss Bai Yu Kaoru is out, and there are two missing.”


Bai Xin touched his chin in surprise, he didn’t expect Bai Yu Kaoru to go out?

And it’s still a person!

So, isn’t this a good opportunity?

“Okay, I see, you keep studying, I’ll go first.”


After Bai Xin finished speaking, he left this place.

Let the Bai family subordinates stationed here play freely.

But when he left, he immediately went to a guest room.

There were his guests there.


The door was opened.

There were two men sitting inside, and when they saw Bai Xin’s arrival, a smile immediately appeared on their faces.

“White Prince, is there any good news for us?”

The two asked Bai Xin.

“Two Xuanjia capable people, I have a job that you need to do, can you help?” Bai Xin said with a smile.


The two looked at each other and finally said, “Of course we can promise to do this work, but you know, let us work, we have to give money.” ”

“Of course! Something you guys are absolutely satisfied! ”

With that, Bai Xin pulled out two orange crystals.

“Orange crystals? OK! ”

Two people the size, this is a very rare thing, it is impossible for the capable to refuse the temptation of orange crystals!

“Say, what do you want us to do?”

“My sister is out, and I hope you don’t let her come back.”

Hearing Bai Xin’s words, the two immediately frowned.

They couldn’t have imagined that Bai Xin this guy would let them kill their sister!

However, this kind of fratricidal is still very common in large families.

Just intervening in their battles, but there is a good chance of putting yourself to death.

“This matter may be a bit troublesome…..”

The two rubbed their fingers and continued, “You must know that Bai Yu Kaoru is one of the few young people in your Bai Family, and if it is found that we did it after killing her, the upper echelons of the Xuan Family will scrape us both alive.” ”

“What do you mean?” Don’t you want to? ”

“No, no, no! It’s tricky, but our two brothers can still help, but well…. Gotta add money! ”

“Each person is adding an orange crystal!”

“Good! We did it! ”


“Lin Yun! You’re waking up! ”

Liu Qingdu was about to cry.

Lin Yun had been asleep for nearly four hours, and she had also been shut down in her room for four hours.

If she stayed like this, Liu Qing would feel that she was going crazy!

She sat weakly on the stool in the room, complaining and covering her stomach.

Why cover your stomach?

Because she is going through the most difficult events!

She wants to go to the bathroom!

But she couldn’t walk out of the room at all, so she had to hold it all the time, and now she had been holding it for a long time, so she couldn’t hold back!

“Damn, do you want to solve it with a plastic bottle?”

Liu Qing looked her last hope at a large plastic bottle in the room.

She has to act!

“This bastard is asleep anyway!” Can’t see! ”

Reach out and grab it in your hand.

As she was enjoying the comfort of the release, a word fell into her ear.

“Oh well…. Eh? Why does it smell like urine? ”

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