“This is it?”

At this moment, Bai Yu Kaoru came to a remote area in Yanjing.

It’s full of collapsed buildings, and you can even see many zombies wandering around.

However, under the escort of the Bai family’s subordinates, Bai Yu Kaoru was absolutely safe, not to mention that her own strength was also very strong.

She came here to obey Lin Yun’s orders.

Lin Yun told her that Bai Meng could not die yet, so he needed to let her take some medicine for him in this area.

As for whether this was true or not, Bai Yu Kaoru didn’t know and had to do it.

“Miss Bai, it’s better to move quickly, there seem to be traces of zombies above the red level here, and we must leave quickly.”

A subordinate of the Bai family said to Bai Yu Kaoru.

After all, this place is already some distance away from the center of Yanjing, and the capable people of Yanjing have not yet opened up to here.

“Well, I understand.”

Kaoru Hakuba walked slowly toward a building, and her two beautiful eyes kept looking around, alert to everything that could happen at any moment.


With a strange roar, several zombies pounced on Kaoru’s squad.

“Damn! There are zombies! Shoot! ”

Bang Bang Bang!

Under the protection of the Bai family’s subordinates, several zombies were instantly swept into powder by bullets.

“You have to hurry up.”

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu Kaoru couldn’t help but frown.

Immediately entered the hospital under the protection of the Bai family’s subordinates.

Inside it was like ruins, covered in blood.

The doctor who had been torn to shreds could be seen lying in the dried blood.

There are also incapacitated patients, who have been chewed by zombies and only have white bones left.

In this regard, Bai Yu Kaoru only frowned slightly and continued to walk inside.

Finally came to an area where the medicine was stored.

Just as she was about to take out the note given by Lin Yun to check what kind of medicine Lin Yun was going to let herself take away, there was a scream outside.

“Who are you?”


“Damn! Shoot! Shoot! ”


Soon, the voice stopped, and it seemed that all the subordinates brought by Kaoru Hakuba were all killed.

“Humans? Or a zombie? ”

Bai Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the whole person plunged into the darkness.

She wondered what had attacked her people.

However, judging from the conversation just now, it should be human.

“Miss White, come out, we know you’re inside!”

Just then, a man’s shout came from outside the door.

The sound sounded strange, forcing Kaoru Hakuba to draw the pistol from his waist and prepare for battle.

“Xuan He, what if Miss Bai doesn’t come out?”

“Not out? Then we had to go inside and find her! After all, our mission is to kill her! ”

“Hahahahaha! Good! Let’s get in! ”


With a loud bang, the door of the hospital was smashed by the kick.

Two men with katana in their hands appeared in the room where the medicine was placed.

Their eyes scanned around carefully, trying to find the figure of Kaoru Hakura.

However, the windowless warehouse is somewhat dim, and coupled with the chaotic scene, it is impossible to find the hiding place of Kaoru Hakuba.

“Damn, this woman can hide.”

Xuan He twisted his neck and took a step forward.

Keen senses are constantly searching the room, ready to take her life the moment they find Kaoru.

“Xuan Lin, keep the door guarded, if you let that woman run out, I will break your neck!”

Xuan He said, slowly walking inside.

“Knowing that, can’t I do such a small thing?”

Xuan Lin sneered and stood in the doorway, waiting for Xuan He to pull out Bai Yu Kaoru.

Bai Yukao, who was hiding in the darkness, stared dead with two eyes at Xuan He, who was slowly approaching him, thinking about whether to move.

She can completely choose to move away directly using space, but…..

The names of these two people clearly told her that they were people sent by the Xuan family.

And if you want to seize Bai Xin’s handle, this is an opportunity that cannot be missed!

“Kitten, where the hell are you hiding?” Come out! ”

Xuan He sneered and kept walking inside, and just as he was about to come to the end, a piece of black cloth suddenly caught his attention.

“I found you!”

He let out a loud roar and directly swung the katana in his hand and slashed in that direction!


With a loud noise, the medicine cabinet was directly split into pieces.

In the back of the medicine cabinet, there was no figure of Bai Yu Kaoru, just a piece of black clothing.


Xuan He was horrified and immediately turned his gaze to the opposite direction.

But the next second, he saw that Kaoru Hakuba had already aimed the gun at his head.


A gunshot rang out, and the bullet instantly hit Xuan He’s brain, and Xuan He fell to the ground in response!


After solving the Xuan River, Bai Yu Kaoru slowly walked out of the darkness and came to Xuan Lin’s sight.

“That’s all that’s left for you.”


Facing Bai Yukao’s words, Xuan Lin sneered and said, “Are you serious?” You take another good look. ”


Suddenly, Kaoru Bai Yu felt a sense of crisis coming from behind him, and immediately shifted his body to the left.

And just in the same position where her figure was, two samurai swords slashed through it, slashing the air and making a humming sound.

“I said Miss Bai, if I Xuan He is so easy to be killed, then what face do I have as a member of the Xuan family?” Don’t underestimate me! ”

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