
Kaoru Hakuba was stunned, she never dreamed that this guy would be able to stand alive in front of her after being headshot!

“Surprised? Your bullet didn’t hurt me. ”

Xuan He sneered and pointed to his eyebrows.

There was only a faint wound there, the only injury was a few drops of bright red blood oozing out, and it did not cause any fatal damage to Xuan He at all.

“How is this possible!?”

Kaoru Hakuba looked at the pistol in her hand in surprise, although she knew that the capable person could block the bullets of the gun, but it also depended on which part of the attack it was!

Just like her, as long as she is not critical, she will not be injured by bullets.

And what he had just shot was Xuan He’s eyebrow!

It was very fragile, but this guy was only slightly injured, causing Bai Yu Kaoru to take a few steps back in horror.

Sigh in your heart, this guy is very strong!


Xuan He sneered, waving a samurai sword in his hand and slowly approaching Bai Yu Kaoru, “Then trouble you to die, Miss Bai!” ”

With that, he raised his sword and waved it at Kaoru.

Just as Kaoru Hakuba was about to dodge and fight back, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

Facing Xuan He’s samurai sword, he just stretched out his right arm and easily blocked his attack!

“This? How is this possible!? ”

Seeing this scene, Xuan He was directly frightened.

His knife is not to say human, even the stone wall can be split!

But now it’s blocked by a human with an arm?

What is this arm made of? Superhard synthetic metal?

“Is it all right?”

“Lin Yun!? Why are you here? ”

Kaoru Hakuba saw the man appear and exclaimed.

She never expected that Lin Yun would appear in front of her at this time.

To Bai Yukao’s question, Lin Yun did not answer, but smiled and looked at Xuan He.

Laughing, he said, “Your knife is a bit blunt, used to cut vegetables?” ”

“You! Find Death! ”

Xuan He was furious, and the two samurai swords were raised and frantically attacked Lin Yun.

“I’m going to chop you up into minced meat now!” Yes! ”

With the sword light and sword shadow, Xuan He constantly raised the samurai sword and swung it towards Lin Yun.

However, when his waving arms began to become sore, and cracks began to appear on the blade, Lin Yun still stood where he was, allowing him to slash at himself without any harm, Xuan He was stupid.

He was directly frightened by the scene in front of him.

How exactly does this work?

He looked at the notched blade in his hand in amazement, and his heart was full of shock.

Did he cut it human? Or Monkey King?

“How? Go ahead! ”

Lin Yun smiled and asked, not understanding why he had to stop slashing?

Are you tired?

“You…. You…..”

Xuan He took a few steps back in fear.

This was the first time he had met someone who could block his katana with his flesh!

“Looks like you’re over?” Then it’s up to me. ”

Lin Yun smiled slightly, took a step forward, and approached the Xuan River.

“Xuanlin! Save me! ”

“Get out of the way!”

Xuan Lin in the rear roared loudly, picked up a handful of Gatling in his hand and shot at Lin Yun.

However, these bullets seemed to be very afraid of Lin Yun, and before they could land on Lin Yun’s body, they fell one after another and scattered on the ground.

“This… How is this possible? ”

Xuan Lin in the back was also frightened for a moment.

He couldn’t believe his eyes at all, why didn’t these bullets even have the ability to get close to Lin Yun’s body?

“It’s my turn!”

The corners of Lin Yun’s mouth rose slightly, and before Xuan He could react, a blade appeared in his hand at some point, instantly piercing into Xuan He’s thigh.


A heart-rending scream echoed through the warehouse.

Xuan He watched in horror as he was pierced, gushing out of his thighs, and his whole being was frightened.

His own flesh can even withstand bullets, why would it be pierced by a blade?

“Xuan River!”

“Don’t move!”

Xuan Lin originally wanted to come forward to help Lin Yun, but he was calmed down by Lin Yun’s roar.

His heart was full of fear at the moment, and the strength of the man in front of him had completely exceeded their imagination.

The relationship between them was like the two brothers of the Xuan family meeting with the subordinates of the Bai family, crushing it!

“You were trying to do something to my woman just now, didn’t you?”

Lin Yun smiled and asked Xuan He.

“I… I….”

Xuan He endured the pain, but he couldn’t say a word.

Because he didn’t know how to reply to Lin Yun at all, maybe no matter what he said, he would be greeted by death.

“Don’t… Other… Don’t kill me…..”

After a long time, Xuan He just spat out these three words, don’t kill me!

However, the next second.

Lin Yun’s knife slashed through his throat.

Before he could bleed, Xuan He fell to the ground.

“Xuan River!”

Xuan Lin’s fearful gaze kept wandering on Lin Yun and Xuan He’s body.

Who could have imagined that a simple task given to them by Bai Xin would actually kill the two of them?

“It’s up to you!”

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