
A dull explosion came over Bai Xin’s ears.

He was surprised to find that many black objects had gushed out of Bai Meng’s broken arm!

“This? What is this? ”

Bai Xin took a few steps back in fear!

All the Bai family members also looked at everything in front of them in surprise.

The black object actually condensed into the shape of a hand!

And after a few seconds, a brand new arm appeared in front of everyone!

The severed arm of the old man of Bai Meng was actually reborn!


Everyone couldn’t believe what was happening right in front of them.

Is this still something that humans can do?

Bai Xin also frowned at this moment.

Obviously, Bai Meng’s ability to regenerate, coupled with his considerable strength, is definitely not his opponent!

“My grandson, you are so filial!”

Bai Meng snorted coldly, “Inject me with the potion to turn into a zombie, do you want to die?” ”

“Dead? Bai Xin injected the old man with a drug? ”

“Is there such a thing?”

“Isn’t the White Prince a filial piety?” I think he’s a super nice guy! ”

“Wouldn’t you?”

“Why not? But the old man said it himself! ”

Everyone turned their doubtful eyes to Bai Xin, this man actually did not only attack his sister, but also to Bai Meng’s old master!

For a time, Bai Xin was isolated by the people of the Bai family, after all, two things happened at the same time, so that they had begun to have a huge suspicion of Bai Xin.

This guy probably doesn’t want to be as kind as he sees it!

He’s a hypocrite!

“Grandpa! What more do you say? I didn’t do that! Did you misremember?”

Bai Xin still wanted to redeem himself, but everyone no longer believed his words.

“Misremembered? My memory is not that bad! But thanks to you, I’ve once again gained the ability to get back on my feet as a black-level zombie! ”

Bai Meng said with a sneer!

“Black zombie?”

“Oh my God! The old man of the white mask turned into a black-level zombie? ”

“Isn’t that no different from humans?”

“Have you forgotten? The old man’s arm was reborn just now! ”

“Makes sense!”

“However, the current old man is a black zombie…..”

For Bai Meng to directly say that he was a black-level zombie, everyone felt a deep fear in their hearts.

It also gave Bai Xin a chance to fight back.

“You didn’t hear that? Standing in front of you now are black zombies! Not in vain! Fast! Kill him with your hands! ”

Bai Xin shouted for the people around him to do it.

These humans are naturally more afraid of zombies, and they have turned their guns to Bai Meng.

Seeing this scene, Bai Meng not only did not have any change in expression, but even showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

He said, “Yes, I’m a black-level zombie now, but I’m still called Bai Meng!” As long as I don’t die for a day, the power of this white family is mine! Do you dare to take action against me, do you want to rebel? ”

Bai Meng’s roar directly frightened all the subordinates of the Bai family to immediately put down the muzzle of the gun aimed at him.

After all, they had lived in the Bai family for so many years, and Bai Meng’s prestige was still deeply imprinted in their hearts.

And now the white mask in front of me is simply no different from that of a human being!

Black zombies?

They didn’t feel it at all!

Seeing that everyone around him had put down their weapons, Bai Xin was suddenly flustered and turned around to escape.

But where will Bai Meng give him this chance!

“Catch him for me!”

Suddenly, dozens of Bai Family subordinates rushed to Bai Xin and tried to catch him.

However, Bai Xin is not a vegetarian either.

In the face of so many people’s envelopment, he can easily resist.

While escaping, he attacked the subordinates of the Bai family who were catching up with him, and in just a few moments, he killed more than a dozen people.

Seeing Bai Xin running farther and farther, Bai Meng was naturally going to leave!

He only came to Bai Xin’s back for an instant.


Bai Xin was stunned by Bai Meng’s speed, their distance was nearly two hundred meters, right?

But Bai Meng this guy caught up with himself in less than three or four seconds?

How is this possible?

And the next moment, Bai Meng’s attack also attacked Bai Xin, slapping it and injuring him!


After Bai Xin was injured, he fell heavily to the ground.

He covered his chest in pain, and the next second, the weapons of the Bai family’s subordinates were already aimed at Bai Xin.

Let him have no way to escape!


Bai Xin couldn’t escape, so he looked at Bai Meng with a pair of resentful eyes.

He still couldn’t know how this old thing had directly evolved into a black-level zombie!

Obviously his own medicine only allowed him to merge with the old tree! It’s never possible to do it in one step!


That’s when it happened!

Bai Xin’s ears were filled with applause!

“Wonderful! It’s wonderful! I said Yu Kaoru, your brother is dying, do you have anything to say? ”

“There’s nothing more to say, kill him!”

Bai Xin’s face suddenly turned red, and he looked angrily at the two people who were slowly walking towards him!

Gritting his teeth, he shouted, “It turned out that you two did a good job!” ”

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