“It turns out that you two guys did a good job~!”

Bai Xin saw a man and a woman walking towards him, and finally understood why Bai Meng was able to get up from his wheelchair!

Obviously, it was Bai Yu Kaoru and Lin Yun who did it!

“Oh? What do we do? ”

Lin Yun smiled and spread his hands, and then his eyes became cold, and he asked Bai Xin, who was lying on the ground, “And even if we did it, so what?” What can you do now? ”


Bai Xin gritted his teeth straight, but now he was being pointed at his head by more than a dozen guns, and no matter what he did, these people would directly kill him!

At will, he did not dare to act rashly.

It was just a pair of eyes staring dead at Lin Yun in front of him, but he didn’t dare to say too much.

“Bai Xin, you deserve it, when you sent the Xuan family to kill me, you were already doomed to death.” Kaoru Hakuba also said coldly.

“What the woman said was true?”

“Is Bai Xin really looking for someone to kill Miss Bai Yu Kaoru?”

“Hey, we don’t have much to say about these things, anyway, everything is obedient to Old Master Bai Meng, the owner of the Bai Yuan family is not there, he is the master of the Bai family!”

“Bai Xin Gongzi is doomed to this, even Old Master Bai Meng dares to frame him!” He’s dead! ”

The Bai family began to criticize Bai Xin’s death sentence by sentence.

Bai Xin clenched his teeth in anger, a pair of bloodshot eyes stared viciously at the two people in front of him, he was eager to tear their hands apart by the dog man and woman!

“Okay, don’t talk about these cool words.”

Lin Yun looked at Bai Meng, in order to do enough tricks, he also needed to have some honorific titles.

“So Old Master White, what are you going to do with this filial grandson?” Killed? Still is? ”


Bai Meng snorted coldly and commanded his men, “Kill him for me!” Such people don’t deserve to live in our white house! ”

“Obey orders!”

“Don’t! No! Grandfather! Please don’t kill me! Wait! It’s Xuanjia! The Xuan family asked me to do this! Bai Xin faced death and hissed for forgiveness.


Bai Meng frowned and asked, “What do you mean by that?” ”

Bai Xin took a deep breath and said in a somewhat dry voice, “It’s the Xuan family!” Xuan Long! He said that as long as Bai Yu Kaoru married, when he was his woman, he would let me sit in the position of the head of the Bai family, and the victory of the Tianshan War would also help me get it, so I would agree to the Xuan family. ”


Hearing this news, everyone’s face suddenly darkened.

It turned out that Bai Xin this guy used Bai Yu Kaoru as a bargaining chip and made a deal with the Xuan family.

That way, probably everything is clear.

However, Xuan Long was actually willing to hand over the victory of the Tianshan War to anyone as long as Bai Yuxun was alone, which made Lin Yun laugh bitterly.

Turning to Kaoru, he said, “Hear that? You woman is still quite valuable. ”

Bai Yu glanced at Lin Yun without any reply.

“Grandpa! I was wrong! Forgive me! I’m a ghost obsessed for a while! Forgive me! ”

Bai Xin crawled under Bai Meng’s body and begged Bai Meng for forgiveness.

However, he obviously begged for forgiveness from the wrong person, after all, Bai Meng was just a black-level zombie obeying Lin Yun’s orders.

“Spare you?”

Bai Meng’s pair of dark pupils looked at Bai Xin.

Suddenly, Bai Xin’s mind was filled with deep fear.

Because he found that there was no breath of life in Bai Meng’s eyes at all, as if it were a dead body, cold and frightening!


Bai Xin swallowed a mouthful of spit and turned his gaze to Lin Yun behind him.

He was shocked to find that Lin Yun was smiling at him!



With a loud noise, Bai Meng directly stepped on Bai Xin’s head, and the scene became a mess in the face of blood.

Bai Xin! Die!

The sudden picture made all the Bai family members a little afraid, after all, Bai Xin was such a big living person, instantly turned into a headless corpse, and suddenly it was somewhat unacceptable.

But Bai Meng was like a zombie at this moment, looking at this group of Bai Family subordinates coldly.

They were too frightened to say a word.

Until, Bai Meng said to them in a low voice, “Tomorrow, gather everyone in the lobby of the Bai family, I have something to tell you!” Did you hear that? ”


“Let’s roll!”

As the Bai family returned to their respective posts.

Bai Meng also left this place.

On the contrary, Lin Yun turned his gaze to Liu Qing outside, and with one displacement, he came to Liu Qing’s back.

“What do you see?”


Liu Qing was directly frightened and his whole body trembled, until he saw that it was Lin Yun, and he was relieved.

“You’re scared me to death!”

Liu Qing spat out her tongue and tapped Lin Yun’s chest with her hand.

Then he said, “What happened inside the White House?” I seem to hear the argument. ”


Lin Yun touched his chin with a smile and replied, “Right, right, it was a quarrel, they quarreled about what to eat at night, and because of this matter, they even had a fight over the head, which was fierce!” ”

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