In the early morning, Lin Yun slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Xuefei was still immersed in sleep, after all, it had only been three hours since they had fallen asleep.

Lin Yun slowly sat up, looked at the messy room, and with a wave of his hand, he restored the place to its original appearance.

Then lift the quilt and go into the toilet for a simple wash.

After cleaning up his personal hygiene, Lin Yun slowly walked out of the door.

But I saw that Yang Weiyu was leaning against the corridor, seemingly waiting for Lin Yun deliberately.

“What’s the matter?”

Lin Yun asked Yang Weiyu.

After Yang Weiyu saw Lin Yun, she curled her pink hair with her fingers and said with some hesitation: “But Qi’s condition is now very stable, and the experiment we agreed on is officially over.” ”

“Grace, then what?” Lin Yun was listening to what Yang Weiyu said.

“And then…..”

Yang Weiyu’s gaze slowly tilted downwards, and then plucked up the courage to ask Lin Yun, “Can I live here all the time now, is it true?” ”

“Of course, you can live here carefree, as long as you don’t do anything that makes me angry, you can stay forever.”

Lin Yun nodded and replied, and it was very likely that he would need her at any time.

“That’s fine.”

Yang Weiyu breathed a sigh of relief and revealed a faint smile.

Seeing that Yang Weiyu’s heart always has a little inferiority, thinking that she may be different from other people here for some reasons, which is why it will cause this mentality.

“All right.”

Lin Yun walked over to Yang Weiyu’s side, patted her shoulder, and smiled: “Believe in yourself, in fact, your charm is greater than everyone else!” ”

After speaking, Lin Yun was ready to turn around and leave.

Of course, the charm he said was the value she brought to her, not just her appearance.

However, Yang Weiyu only seemed to understand the superficial meaning, and at the moment when Lin Yun was ready to leave, he grabbed Lin Yun’s hand.

“Huh? Is there anything else? ”

He looked at Yang Weiyu’s face and found that this woman’s face was as red as a monkey’s ass.

You can also see white smoke coming out of the top of the head.

Let Lin Yun touch her forehead with his tangled hand.

After making sure it was hot, he asked, “Do you have a fever?” ”

“I… I have recently invented a potion, can you try it out? Yang Weiyu asked somewhat shyly.


Lin Yun’s brow frowned slightly, this guy who studies zombies and biological sciences will also develop potions?

Then he replied, “Yes, you can show me.” ”


Only to see that Yang Weiyu did not know where to take out a Molotov cocktail, which contained some strange liquid.

Its color is pink, just like Yang Weiyu’s hair.

However, Lin Yun was surprised to find that this liquid looked a little strange, its state was similar to lava, and a few bubbles appeared from time to time.

Lin Yun couldn’t help but look at Yang Weiyu’s eyes a little strangely.

Shouldn’t this guy want to hurt himself?

“Don’t…. Don’t look at me with this kind of look, I won’t say that I haven’t closed my eyes for three days in order to develop this potion. ”

Yang Weiyu bowed her head in shame, and this highly educated scientist showed a small bird-like appearance at this moment.

Lin Yun was suddenly stunned, and this abnormal move made him start some strange speculations.

Maybe…. Is this potion controlling humans?

Just when Lin Yun was thinking wildly and Yang Weiyu was shy and did not dare to speak, a figure appeared in front of them.

One took away the pink potion from Yang Weiyu’s hand.

He said, “What is this?” Drink? ”

When he finished, he reached in with his fingers, dipped a little, and put it in his mouth.

“Moo! You can’t….. At the very least…..”

Yang Weiyu wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

It was just a lick of Chen Mojing, and in an instant the whole person turned red, as if he had drunk fake wine, and he was a little confused.

“This… This is… What is it? ”

Chen Moting looked at Lin Yun slowly, and then hugged Lin Yun’s thigh.

The whole person twisted and kneaded and looked like an eel.

Suddenly Lin Yun frowned, he never expected it!

Yang Weiyu really wanted to hurt him!

“This… Ah! You’ve screwed it up! ”

As soon as Yang Weiyu picked up Chen Mowen, she fled Lin Yun’s line of sight, while the Molotov cocktail containing the pink liquid remained in place.

Lin Yun doubtfully picked up the Molotov cocktail from the ground.

At this time, the sound of system detection came out.

“Ding! Detection Successful! ”

“Unknown synthetic potion! The effect of the drug can make people lose their minds, hormones rise, and the body is greatly strengthened in a short period of time,…..”

Looking at a series of information, Lin Yun suddenly frowned, what is Yang Weiyu going to do with this goods?

Although this kind of thing is completely ineffective for itself…..


“Strange…. It feels like ….”

Lin Yun originally thought that he would be immune, but it turned out that he still had some effects on himself.

He propped his hands against the wall and tried to find Yang Weiyu, but the two goods did not know where they had gone.

At this moment, Ye Xuefei opened the door and a pillow flew out.

“Dead of noise! Let not let people sleep….. Wait a minute! What are you doing? Yes! ”

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