“Oh ~ the effect is finally lifted ~”

Lin Yun smiled and put on his clothes, his body felt particularly relaxed now.

This guy may take several days to regain his vitality, and now he is collapsing on the sofa like a dead fish, inexplicably a little pitiful.

“Go find those two guys.”

Lin Yun suddenly remembered that Chen Mojing had also licked a potion made by Yang Weiyu.

I don’t know how she is now, her consciousness is still unconscious, but since Yang Weiyu can take her away, there is definitely no danger.

Lin Yun began to look for the location of the two men, and he found that the two guys were hiding in a storage room.


With a crisp sound, Lin Yun teleported to the door of the storage room.

But before he could open the door, he heard the sound of someone crying, which immediately made Lin Yun frown.

Lin Yun hurriedly pushed open the door, wanting to see what was happening inside.

Only to see that the inside was a mess, and Chen Mojing, who had fallen into Yang Weiyu’s arms, seemed to be asleep.

There was still a faint smile on his face.

And Yang Weiyu was a little pitiful, sitting in the corner crying.

Her clothes had been torn in some places, her hair was messy, and the whole person looked like she had been … That’s it.

Seeing Lin Yun appear in front of her, Yang Weiyu’s face cried even more.

The mouth shouted: “I’m sorry, I was wrong! I don’t study this weird thing again, Woohoo! ”

Lin Yun heard her cry and immediately raised an eyebrow, and he didn’t know what this guy was thinking in his head, and he would do such an experiment.

However, the effect of that potion is really very powerful.

“Okay, I’ll take her back to sleep, and you’ll go back to your room and wash yourself.”

Lin Yun said to Yang Weiyu.


Yang Weiyu got up and handed Chen Mojing in her arms to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun grabbed Chen Mojing’s calf and held her upside down in his hand.

“Well, later.”

After speaking, he disappeared into Yang Weiyu’s sight.

Leaving Yang Weiyu alone to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, she muttered, “I am really a self-inflicted sin!” Live and suffer! ”

On the other side, Lin Yun quickly came to Chen Mojing’s room and placed Chen Mojing on her bed.

And just as he was about to go out, Chen Mofeng pushed the door in.

“Huh? Lin Yun? ”

Chen Mofeng was a little surprised to see Lin Yun in his sister’s room, and he didn’t expect that he would run into Lin Yun so coincidentally when he had something to find Chen Mowen.

“What’s the matter?” Lin Yun asked Chen Mofeng.

“Nothing, I’m just coming to talk to Momo.” Chen Mofeng said with a smile.

“Really? But you may not have come at the right time, she was already asleep. ”

As he spoke, Lin Yun’s gaze fell on Chen Mojing, who was asleep.

It seemed that the potion had caused a huge burden on Chen Mojing’s body, and all of them might have to sleep for a long time.

“Ah, so….”

Chen Mofeng first glanced at Chen Mozhen, who was already asleep, and then looked at Lin Yun.

Pose as if you have something to say to Lin Yun.

“How? Is there something to say to me? ”


Chen Mofeng hesitated at first, then nodded and said with courage, “I have something to say to you.” ”

“Say it.”

Lin Yun heard that Chen Mofeng had something to say to himself, and immediately sat down on the sofa next to him.

Chen Mofeng also walked towards him and sat down beside him.


Chen Mofeng twisted and squeezed, and in a moment and a half he spat out two words.

“Say it, I’ll listen.”

Lin Yun’s eyes looked at Chen Mofeng and asked her to tell herself the words in her heart.

After struggling for a long time, Chen Mofeng finally said, “I have been traveling back and forth to the Ability Base in Ninghang City for the past few days, and my father has almost trained all those capable people, so I will wait for your order to go to the Tianshan War together.” ”

“Oh? This old guy is pretty good. ”

Lin Yun smiled and nodded.

After determining that Chen Mofeng was going to lead the team to the Tianshan War, Lin Yun gave her the right to freely enter and exit.

It allows her to confirm the training progress of capable people in Ninghang City in real time.

And now, it seems that all the preparations have been perfected.

Only the last step remains.


Chen Mofeng became a little hesitant again, and his two eyes looked at Lin Yun, as if he had some prayer for Lin Yun.

“How? Is there anything I want me to do for you? ”

Lin Yun asked doubtfully.

Chen Mofeng immediately shook his head and explained, “No, just…. I have a little wish, can you help me make it happen? ”

“A little wish?”

Lin Yun touched Chen Mofeng’s head with a smile and said, “If you have any wishes, you can tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you realize it.” ”



“That! Can you kiss me? Take a look! ”

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