“Kiss you?”

Lin Yunrao looked at Chen Mofeng in surprise, he never expected that Chen Mofeng would make such a strange request to himself.

If they were to change to someone else, such as Chen Moting and Ye Xuefei, perhaps Lin Yun would have not hesitated to print a crimson lip print on their faces.

But now in the face of Chen Mofeng, he was a little withdrawn.

Because it always feels a little strange.

After all, in a sense, this guy is his own sister-in-law.

“Cough cough!”

Lin Yun cleared his throat and said to Chen Mofeng, “What are you doing?” Is there some discomfort in the body? “、

“No, no.”

Chen Mofeng simply shook her head, a pair of eyes had been staring at Lin Yun’s eyes, and she could feel a deep desire coming from the depths of her heart.


Lin Yun swallowed a mouthful of spit with some hesitation.

After making a choice for a long time, he finally chose to give Chen Mofeng a chance.

“Okay, then you close your eyes.”


Chen Mofeng very obediently closed his eyes and emptied his whole body.

At this moment, she did not have any defenses and was at the mercy of Lin Yun.

Lin Yun first looked at Chen Mozhen behind him, this guy was still asleep, so he turned his gaze to Chen Mofeng’s body again.

It was the first time he had put all his attention on this girl.

Unlike others, Chen Mofeng seems to have been following her father for many years, appearing to be very obedient, plus she has always protected her sister, so her body is full of weaknesses.

Although Chen Mofeng’s personal ability is not particularly outstanding, all of them rely on Chen Yaowei’s beating to achieve today’s results, Lin Yun has always felt that Chen Mofeng is a woman with a particularly strong sense of responsibility, whether it is good for her father or her sister.

She did everything she could to help them.


Lin Yun chose to give her this reward!


“What are you doing?”

Just as Lin Yun was giving the reward, Chen Mojing suddenly woke up like a ghost.

Looking at Lin Yun hugging his sister, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face, “Oh yo? Oh yo yo? ”

“Not really! No! ”

Chen Mofeng was suddenly frightened by his sister’s body and trembled, and his face turned red like an apple and fled from here.

In this regard, Lin Yun helplessly spread his hands, and sure enough, life was full of accidents.

“My good Lin Yun! Why did you do it to my sister right in my room? ”

Chen Moting jumped directly onto Lin Yun’s body and grabbed Lin Yun’s two arms and smiled.

Lin Yun glanced to the side and replied ambiguously: “Accidents, all accidents, then do you remember what happened before you fell asleep?” ”

“What happened before falling asleep?”

Chen Mojing doubtfully pressed her fingers against her chin, completely unimpressed.

Lin Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head, it seemed that the potion that Yang Weiyu had studied was really powerful, and it could even make people lose their memory.

“Ah! I seem to have lost my memory! ”

Suddenly, Chen Mojing shouted, “It seems that I dreamed that I would drink milk again, but the cow kept running!” I’ve been chasing! Keep chasing! Finally I was cornered! At my mercy! Hum! ”

Hearing Chen Mojing’s words, Lin Yun suddenly began to worry about Yang Weiyu, this guy was also too miserable.

But the sins you have committed are something that cannot be escaped.

“All right, I’m leaving, you go on resting!”

Lin Yun carried Chen Mojing to the bed, then turned around and prepared to leave.

“Eh! Don’t you stay with me? ”

Chen Moting asked with some grievances.

“No, in a few days, I’m too busy these days.”

After speaking, Lin Yun left the room.

He immediately returned to the Bai family, after all, after resting, he was about to start preparing for the Tianshan War.

As soon as Lin Yun appeared, he was caught by Bai Yu Kaoru, after all, the location where Lin Yun appeared was Bai Yu Kaoru’s room.

“Coming back after solving the physiological needs?”

Bai Yu Kaoru glanced at Lin Yun and said coldly.

Lin Yun touched his nose and replied, “This is called proper rest, how’s that?” Has anything changed in the White Family? ”

“Of course!”

Bai Yu Kaoru stood up, and the corners of his mouth revealed a long-lost smile: “Yesterday Bai Meng already announced to all the subordinates of the White Family that the current White Family ruler is me, so we can participate in the Tianshan War by virtue of our status as the leader of the White Family!” ”

“Oh? Then your purpose seems to have been achieved. ”

Lin Yun smiled slightly, but he knew what Bai Yu Kaoru wanted to do.

White feathers

When Kaoru heard Lin Yun’s words, he put his hands on his chest and replied plainly, “Of course not, we haven’t won the Tianshan War yet, and!” The Xuan family has always been eyeing us, and now that we have killed Bai Xin, they will definitely target us. ”

“Really? Is the Xuan family aimed at the Bai family? Isn’t it for you? Xuan Long is very interested in you. Lin Yun said jokingly.

Bai Yu Kaoru glanced at Lin Yun suddenly, obviously she didn’t like such jokes.

“Don’t make fun of me, I don’t like it and don’t want you to do that, and…. Don’t you want to kill Xuan Long? He’s going to snatch your woman! ”

“My woman?” Lin Yun smiled and touched Bai Yuxuan’s chin, and replied coldly, “Don’t worry, Xuan Long, he is dead.” ”

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