“Good and good!!”

Bai Yukao’s words really angered Xuan Long.

At this moment, Xuan Long’s face seemed to be filled with anger, and a pair of blood-colored eyes stared at Lin Yun deadly, as if to give Lin Yun a good look.

“What to see? Want to die? ”

Not to be outdone, Lin Yun asked Xuan Long with a sneer.

He was ready to strike, as long as Xuan Long dared to act first, he would immediately send him to hell.

However, at this moment, a familiar figure appeared in front of Lin Yun, instantly awakening Lin Yun’s memory.

“Oh oh oh! Didn’t expect to meet you here! ”

Suddenly, a man in a black top hat and a tuxedo appeared in front of everyone.

At the first sight of the man, Lin Yun frowned suddenly.

Isn’t this guy the one who created the zombies in Qinglin City?

He never expected to meet him here!

“Wang Yin, do you know this man?”

Xuan Long asked the tuxedo man doubtfully.

Lin Yun was a little surprised, he didn’t expect that this man was actually called Wang Yin?

He should not be human, or this Wang Yin is his identity in the human world.


Hearing Xuan Long ask himself a question, the corners of Wang Yin’s mouth cocked slightly, and he replied, “Know, of course I knew him, a year ago.” ”

Wang Yin’s smile looked very terrifying, his two eyes were like black holes, staring at Lin Yun, wanting to take everything in Lin Yun’s eyes.

Lin Yun couldn’t help but feel a chill in his back, this guy was definitely the strongest enemy he had ever encountered!

Xuan Long heard that Lin Yun knew Wang Yin and skimmed his lips, “Oh? So it seems I can’t move him yet? ”

“You want to kill him?”

Wang Yin turned his gaze to Xuan Long.

Xuan Long seemed to be a little afraid of Wang Yin, as if everything he did had to be approved by this Wang Yin.

“Well, I think, but now I’ll give up, let’s see if there’s a chance later.”

Xuan Long flinched, just because this man in a tuxedo knew Lin Yun.


Wang Yin showed a bohemian smile, and then said lightly: “You are not his opponent, maybe you will die in a few moves.” ”

“Are you kidding?”

Hearing the gap between himself and Lin Yun in Wang Yin’s mouth made Xuan Long a little annoyed and angry, of course, he would not believe that Lin Yun could kill himself with a few moves.

After all, this guy looks ordinary.

Wang Yin did not give Xuan Long any explanation, but a pair of dark eyes kept looking at Lin Yun.

And there is a mysterious smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, as if to say, you have finally come, I have been waiting for you for a long time.

Lin Yun was also very calm at this moment.

The guy in front of him carries a lot of secrets, and it is not a simple thing to try to get out of this guy little by little.

“I’m not kidding or not really, but that’s my most direct assessment of you and him.” Wang Yin replied with a sneer, “Of course, you can try it, if you die, I will not bury the body for you.” ”

Hearing Wang Yin’s words, Xuan Long immediately looked at Lin Yun with great doubt.

I wondered if this seemingly ordinary guy was really as powerful as Wang Yin said.

However, he still followed Wang Yin’s advice and did not move to Lin Yun.

After all, Wang Yin’s strength he still believes, this man who makes him afraid must be careful to face the guy, he will also choose to be cautious.

“Then I’ll let you go, though.”

Xuan Long looked at Bai Yu Kaoru with a sneer, his two eyes wandering back and forth over Lin Yun and Bai Yu Kaoru’s bodies, and continued, “I want you even more now!” Wife Attribute Max! Ahahahahaha! ”

When Bai Yu Kaoru heard this, his face immediately darkened.

Lin Yun on the side was already ready to move, and his right foot took a step forward, ready to solve Xuan Long’s trouble.

Lin Yun’s move also made Wang Yin look in his eyes.

He smiled and said, “Looks like we’re going to have to go, there’s going to be a period later!” ”


He took out two black balls from his pocket, and in an instant the black mist enveloped Xuan Long and him.

And when the black fog dispersed, their figures disappeared in front of Lin Yun.

“It’s that trick again!”

Lin Yun’s brow sank, this guy was really like a ghost, coming and going without a trace.

However, his eyes looked towards the area where the Xuan family was located.

Even if you escape, where can you escape?

You all have to die!”



Xuan Long, who had just escaped, directly spat out a mouthful of blood after returning to the Xuan family’s area.

He never expected that Lin Yun was already quietly moving to himself.

“Can’t die yet?”

Wang Yin handed Xuan Long a handkerchief and asked him to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Xuan Long chose to refuse, reflexively asking Wang Yin, “Who the hell is this guy?” He’s so strong! ”


The corners of Wang Yin’s mouth cocked slightly, and he replied, “Anyway, what you can’t deal with is it, you don’t have to go to the Bai family’s area these days, otherwise you don’t know how to die.” ”

Xuan Long nodded, he didn’t go this time to specifically look at Bai Yu Kaoru, but to check on the situation of the Bai Family, and he didn’t expect such a big gain.

“That’s right.”

Suddenly, Wang Yin’s cold gaze looked at Xuan Long.

“You must protect what I give you, the guy at the bottom of the lake needs that thing to control, and whether he can master the entire Dragon Kingdom at that time depends on it!”

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