
All the clan leaders gathered at a certain location after the reorganization.

Lin Yun walked by Bai Yukao’s side, and the two of them went to the gathering point together.

However, as soon as the two appeared, they attracted the attention of everyone else in the family.

“Who is this man?”

“What about the Bai Yuan guy?”

“Isn’t this White Willow’s daughter?”

“Didn’t she get used by Bai Liu to do the experiment?”

“Why are the representatives of the White Family them?”


A group of people argued with each other sentence after sentence, not understanding what had happened to the Bai family.

Only Bai Meng, who was sitting on the sidelines, did not speak, and beside him sat several elderly people from other families.

After the end of the world, they handed over the family’s management power to the next generation, after all, these old bones have long passed the age of fighting, killing and killing.

In the face of gossip, Bai Yu Kaoru did not care and sat directly in the position of the owner of the Bai family.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, was sitting next to her, his cold gaze did not look at this group of people at all, but at the sky.

“Bai Yu Kaoru, what about your Uncle Bai Yuan?” What about your father? ”

Next to the location of the Bai family, it was the Mo family, and the owner of the Mo family asked Bai Yuxuan in doubt.

Bai Yu Kaoru turned his gaze to the right, this was a middle-aged uncle who was about the same age as Bai Yuan.

His name is Mo Yun, he is the current owner of the Mo family, and he and Bai Yuan are also deep friends, so Bai Yuan’s absence makes him a little confused.

“My Uncle Bai Yuan?” I don’t know, maybe it’s dead. ”

Bai Yu Kaoru’s answer was very crisp, making Mo Yun’s brow sink.

He never expected that Bai Yu Kaoru would tell him such an answer.

So he turned his gaze to Bai Meng.

Seeing that Bai Meng, who was sitting in the position of the older generation, did not say anything, obviously acquiescing to Bai Yukao’s current status, he was not good at saying anything.

Look straight ahead with a pair of eyes and wait for the Tianshan War to proceed.

“What is this Tianshan War going to do?”

Lin Yun asked Bai Yu Kaoru, who was beside him.

Until now, he didn’t know what the Tianshan War was going to be.

“It’s simple.”

Bai Yu Kaoru’s beautiful eyes turned to Lin Yun and replied, “Compared to the foundation of each family, that is, financial strength, force, and the leadership ability of the younger generation.” ”


Hearing Bai Yukao’s explanation, Lin Yun nodded, it turned out to be old things.

However, he wondered, are these things useful in the current end times?

For example, financial resources, now in this world can see money as dung!

If anything is valuable, it may be zombie crystallization.

“Meet again!”

At this time, Wang Yin followed a large group of Xuan family members to Lin Yun.

However, they did not stop here.

Wang Yin just shook his hand and immediately went to the Xuan family’s area.

Like the Bai family, the rulers of the Xuan family are also the younger generation, that is, Xuan Long.

Instead, the other families were fathers who were two rounds older than them.

“Do you know this guy?”

Lin Yun looked at Wang Yin’s smiling face and couldn’t help but ask Bai Yuxuan.

I want to know if Kaoru Hakuba knows where he came from.

However, Kaoru Bai Yu just shook his head and replied, “I don’t know where this guy came from, and it was the first time I saw him.” ”

Lin Yun frowned for a moment, and a pair of eyes stared at Wang Yin.

It’s strange, how does this guy come and go between humans and zombies?

And looking at his appearance, he didn’t seem to be afraid of himself, plus the last time he fought with the other party, he was afraid that this person was also a strange person.

“He’s coming out.”

Suddenly, Bai Yu Kaoru said to Lin Yun.

“He? Who is he? ”

Lin Yun’s face was full of doubts, and he didn’t understand Bai Yukao’s meaning.

“The initiator of the Tianshan War is rumored to be a meritorious soldier of our Dragon Kingdom.”

Hearing Bai Yuxuan’s explanation, Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he was constantly scratching these four words in his mind.

Meritorious soldiers?

It seems that this person’s status in the Dragon Kingdom is not generally large.

Then, his eyes turned to the center, which was a villa, where the meritorious soldiers in Bai Yukao’s mouth were located.

Only to see that the door of the villa slowly opened.

The person in Bai Yu’s mouth was about to appear in front of Lin Yun.

Lin Yun stared intently at the door of the villa, he wanted to see what this so-called meritorious soldier was…


Kindness? Dog?

Lin Yun did not see the meritorious soldiers, but instead saw a puppy running out of the villa.

“Don’t run! You stand still! You bad dog! ”

Then, another ball-headed girl dressed in bubbles ran out of the villa and grabbed the puppy that ran out.

In an instant, Lin Yun’s face was covered with black lines, and he looked at Bai Yuxuan with a puzzled face.

Is this what you call a meritorious soldier?

“It’s not out yet, it’s his granddaughter.” Bai Yu glanced at Lin Yun and replied.

“Oh, that’s good-looking.”

Lin Yun turned his gaze to the villa again with some embarrassment.

And just then, he saw a man taking a light step in front of everyone.

“Yo? So many people coming? I didn’t expect the end times to be so lively! ”

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