Seeing the black crystal in Xuan Long’s hand, everyone was very surprised.

Because they couldn’t believe that someone could kill a black-level zombie! And get the nucleus inside!

You know, there are not many black-level zombies in the world right now!

As a result, the Xuan family killed one?

It’s like a dream!

“Shouldn’t this be fake?”

Suddenly, the owner of the Liu family asked suspiciously, and he began to guess the authenticity of this crystal nucleus.

“Oh? Fake? ”

Hearing this, Xuan Long was a little unhappy, after all, he knew in his heart that this was a real guy.

However, since some people have doubts, they can highlight the value of their crystallization!

And also able to come to a wave of punching the face to pretend!

“You have to be clear about what you have to say and what you shouldn’t say.” Xuan Long sneered and said, “This is Elder Xiao’s territory, do I dare to take a fake to show Elder Xiao?” Am I not looking for death? ”

“Also, who is Elder Xiao?” Xuan Long didn’t dare to do anything. ”

“However, the crystallization of the black zombie, does this really exist?”

“It should be true, right? Maybe it was killing a black zombie that wasn’t yet formed. ”

“Okay, wouldn’t it be nice to just let Elder Xiao take a look?” There’s nothing to talk about. ”

Everyone rushed to discuss, and finally decided to let Elder Xiao confirm whether this was a black zombie crystal.

“Okay, then I’ll do the work.”

Elder Xiao nodded, looked at Xuan Long with a soft gaze, smiled and said, “Bring it.” ”

Xuan Long nodded and casually threw the black zombie crystal to Elder Xiao.

Obviously, this guy is very relieved about Xiao Lao’s character.

Facing the black-level zombie crystals flying towards him at a rapid pace, Elder Xiao only had two fingers and caught them.

Then he took it in his hand and carefully pondered, trying to confirm whether this black-level zombie crystal was true or false.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes were focused on Elder Xiao.

After all, in Elder Xiao’s hands, there was a suspected black-level zombie crystal!

After about a few minutes, Elder Xiao finally had a thought, turned his head and announced to the crowd, “This is a zombie crystal of black quality.” ”

“What? Is it really a black zombie crystal? ”

“Didn’t expect this to be true!”

“How many red crystals can that black-level zombie crystal match?”

“A hundred in proportion?”

“How could it be! At least five hundred! Scarce things are expensive! ”

After receiving Elder Xiao’s confirmation, everyone’s face showed a look of incredulity, and it was obvious that this black-level zombie crystal directly established the status of Xuanlong Champion!

Xuan Long also hung a faint smile at the corner of his mouth in the same place.

After all, this battle!

He will win!

“Take it.”

Elder Xiao casually threw the black zombie crystal back to Xuan Long.

“Thank you Elder Xiao.”

Xuan Long politely arched his hand, and then continued, “There are still one hundred and sixty orange zombie crystals and one thousand six hundred red zombie crystals here, please Elder Xiao to look over.” ”

“So much?”

“Oh my God! Even without that black zombie crystal, we would have lost! ”

“This quantity is simply not comparable to ours!”

“Is this Xuan family rich?” How can it be so strong? ”

Hearing the number of Xuanlong’s orange-level zombie crystals and red-level zombie crystals, the other family owners couldn’t sit still for a moment.

These things are only afraid to be more terrible than the property of the three families combined!

Especially that black zombie crystal!

That’s a priceless treasure!

“It’s over on my side.” Xuan Long sneered and turned his gaze to the Bai family.

“Next, it’s your chance to perform, White Family Lord~”

In the face of Xuan Long’s provocation, Bai Yu Kaoru’s face did not have much expression, and he walked directly to the box placed in front of the Bai family.

However, she didn’t open the box immediately, but wondered if she would pull out the black-level zombie crystal that Lin Yun had given her.

After much hesitation, she turned her gaze to Lin Yun.

However, Lin Yun’s behavior made her stunned.

This guy was actually peeling oranges with Erlang’s legs crossed, completely unaware that the Bai family was in crisis at this moment.

Kaoru shook her head helplessly.

Raising his chest and facing the crowd, he said, “The harvest of the Bai Family may not be as outrageous as that of the Xuan Family, but it is not much different.” ”

“Isn’t there much difference? How did you say that? Xuan Long sneered, “Can’t you also have black-level zombie crystals?” ”

He sneered and turned his gaze to the families sitting next to him, trying to get them to speak up for themselves.

“It just is!”

“There is no black level zombie crystal and the face says there is not much difference?”

“Why did the Bai family let you have a female doll to preside?” What about your grown-ups? ”

“What about Bai Yuan? Is it dead? ”

The Lords also followed Xuan Long’s rhythm and belittled the Bai Family.

After all, the most powerful family in the past is now presided over by a girl’s family, which really makes them laugh out of their teeth.

In the face of their sneering, Bai Yu Kaoru replied plainly, “Who said that our Bai family does not have black crystals?” The White Family also has one! ”

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