“We also have a black crystal in the White Family!!”

Kaoru’s voice dropped, which immediately surprised everyone, and they felt that their ears had heard wrongly.

The White Family where the sun was setting in the middle of the day, there were even black-level zombie crystals?

“Really?? We have the White Family too? ”

“I don’t know, Miss Bai said there is.”

“We haven’t killed a single black zombie anyway.”

The Bai family also began to look at each other, some of them could not believe Bai Yukao’s words, after all, they had never participated in any black-level zombie war.

Moreover, since Bai Yuan’s people had never returned, the zombie crystals left behind by the Bai family had been very few.

Even the number has not yet done less than the number of Li Jiaduo.

“I said Kaoru Hakuba, don’t be reckless.”

Xuan Long also observed the faces of the subordinates of the Bai Family, and it was obvious that this group of guys did not believe in the Bai Family, and she Bai Yu Kaoru was able to take out a black crystal.

Therefore, Xuan Long concluded that Bai Yu Kaoru was just trying to be strong.

“The fall of your White Family is there for all to see.” Xuan Long continued, “And I also heard that Bai Yuan and Bai Liu are dead, right?” ”

“What? Bai Yuan Bai Liu is dead? ”

“How did I not know?”

“No wonder it was Kaoru Hakuba who presided over this little girl, it turned out that these two guys were dead!”

“The ghost knows if it’s true, just ask Bai Meng if he knows?”

Hearing the news that Bai Yuan Bai Liu was dead, all the owners of the house were very surprised.

Because Bai Yuan’s goods are notoriously powerful, the result is that he suddenly died violently?

They were unable to react for a while.

“Of course it’s true.” Xuan Long continued to cheer on the fire, sneering and said, “I listened to her brother Bai Xin personally, but I am a little curious, what about Bai Xin?” Why didn’t he come? ”

“He’s dead.”

Kaoru Hakuba replied very dryly.


Xuan Long’s brow frowned slightly, “You killed? ”

“This is a matter for our white family, and we don’t need you to ask more!” Bai Yu Kaoru looked at Xuan Long calmly on the surface, but inside he already wanted to kill this person.

Disturbing the Bai family five times over and over again, this person had already fallen to the end of death in her heart!

“Really? That’s a shame. ”

Xuan Long smiled and shook his hand, suddenly his face became vicious and cunning, and he said with a sneer, “Then take out the black zombie crystals of your Bai family and show it to everyone!” I’d like to see if there really is! ”

“That’s it! Take it out!”

“Let’s see if there really is a black zombie crystal.”

“Most likely, if Bai Yuan is dead, who has the ability to organize people to kill black-level zombies?”

“Yeah, that’s a monster, and I don’t even believe that the Xuan family can kill a black-level zombie.”

In the face of everyone’s doubts, Bai Yu Kaoru did not show any look, but put his hand into the pocket inside his clothes.

Then, in full view of everyone, a black crystal was pulled out!

“This! Is it really black? ”

“Shouldn’t it be fake?”

“I don’t know! But it looks very similar to Xuanlong’s! ”

“Much like so what? Hurry up and give Elder Xiao an appraisal! ”

Voices of doubt still echoed in the scene.

Bai Yu Kaoru had no choice but to throw this black-level zombie out and throw it to Elder Xiao.

Elder Xiao immediately took the black-level zombie, carefully pondered, and quickly got the answer.

“This crystal is also true, and the quality is even higher than the Xuan Family’s black-level zombie crystal.”


“A notch higher than the Xuan Family’s zombie crystal?”

“How is this possible? That doesn’t mean that the black-level zombies killed by the White Family are even more powerful than those killed by the Xuan Family? ”

“Wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t it be picked up on the main road? ”

“You give me a try!” Do you think the black zombie is a cabbage? ”

Hearing this black-level zombie crystal was also true, and the faces of all the families became mixed again.

They never expected that the White Family would even possess a black-level zombie crystal!

Even the quality of this crystal! Taller than the Xuan family’s one!

“How is this possible?”

Xuan Long’s brow frowned slightly at this moment, and he looked at Wang Yin behind him with some doubt.

But Wang Yin shook his head, obviously, he also agreed that the quality of this black crystal was much higher than theirs.


Xuan Long gritted his teeth, and his eyes were full of irritation.

However, all this was not over, the corners of his mouth struggled to raise, and he smiled and said, “Okay, just when your Bai family and our Xuan family are even, but what about the rest?” What about the quantity? ”

Bai Yukao, who had taken back the black level zombie crystal, heard Xuan Long’s words, and his brow frowned instantly.

In a somewhat less forceful tone, he said, “Twenty orange-level crystals and three hundred and twenty-two red-grade crystals.” ”

That’s right, that’s all the White Family has now!

Without the black-level zombie crystal that Lin Yun had given her, it would be completely impossible to believe that this was the financial resources that a big family should have!

“Hahahahaha! That’s too little, right!? Is this the so-called White Family? Former overlord? What a laugh to make people laugh out of their teeth! ”

Xuan Long heard this number and laughed with a happy smile!

Sneering at Kaoru Hakuba, he verbally striking at Kaoru.

The other families were also smiling, and it was obvious that the White Family’s foundation was really too weak!

However, just then, a discordant voice came into everyone’s ears.

“I just don’t understand, why do you laugh like a pig and still be the master of the Xuan family?” Also, who told you we had a black zombie crystal? Stand up and get beaten! ”

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