“All right, all right! Don’t be noisy! ”

In the chaos, in the end, it was Elder Xiao who prevented the chaos of the other four major families.

A pair of old eyes looked at Lin Yun in front of him, and his heart was full of complaints about Lin Yun.

He was already a little confused about the young man in front of him, and his untamed appearance seemed to be very sure that he would defeat all enemies.

“Xiao Lao! This kid is so arrogant! We’re going to give him some color and see! ”

“It’s bloody! It is impossible to forgive him! ”

“He also offended you, you can’t just stop it!”

Several clans were extremely excited to fight Lin Yun.

Lin Yun stood calmly where he was, waiting for Elder Xiao’s response.

Elder Xiao’s eyes glanced at Lin Yun, and then shifted his gaze to the other clans.

A withered yellow hand pressed on the person in front of him, and said lightly, “Isn’t it just that a person is dead?” How big a deal is it? Calm down first! ”

“What is the matter of how old a person is?” Elder Xiao, what’s wrong with you? ”

Everyone couldn’t believe that Elder Xiao could actually say these words, so did Elder Xiao have to compromise with this stunned boy?

“All right, look at my face and take a step back!”

Elder Xiao continued to speak.

This made the people of the five major families close their mouths, but their hearts were still very unwilling, and they stared at Lin Yun with a solemn face, wanting to kill him!

The next second, Elder Xiao looked at Lin Yun.

He smiled and said, “It’s okay to apologize, but you also want your people to go back to your area, okay?” Don’t disturb the rules of the Tianshan War! ”

Although he didn’t know how capable Lin Yun really was, whether he could pose a threat to himself.

However, he admitted that he had killed Chen Mojing before, so apologizing was not a big deal.

Hearing Elder Xiao’s words, the corners of Lin Yun’s mouth raised slightly, and he smiled: “Okay, you apologize.” ”


Elder Xiao smiled and nodded, and then looked at Chen Mojing and said to Chen Mojing, “Just now the old man didn’t have a measure and almost injured you by mistake, I’m really sorry!” ”


Chen Moting’s reaction was only to turn her head, after all, she didn’t know what that slap would send on her body.

Moreover, with Lin Yun’s battle suit, he would not be harmed.

“That girl forgave you!” Stinky old man! ”


Hearing Chen Moting scolding her grandfather for smelling old man, Xiao Lao’s granddaughter was not happy and wanted to teach this little one a lesson.

But he was stopped by Elder Xiao.

“Ling’er, don’t mess around.” Elder Xiao stopped his granddaughter with his hand and said.

“But Grandpa…..”

Xiao LingEr looked at Elder Xiao with some embarrassment, very dissatisfied with this result.

“You don’t have to shoot, I have my own measure!”

Xiao Laoyu finished speaking, and a pair of old eyes turned to Lin Yun again.

It was as if he was asking Lin Yun if he was satisfied with this apology.

Lin Yun nodded, indicating that he accepted the old guy’s apology.

Therefore, Elder Xiao looked at the sky and said, “It is not too early for everyone to see this day, and today’s competition for financial resources should also end here. ”

“That’s it?”

“What’s going on with Old Man Xiao?” How does it feel different? ”

“Forget it, since Elder Xiao has compromised, we don’t have anything to say.”

“It’s poor Liu Family, who died in vain!”

“Let’s go, let’s go on tomorrow!”

“Ahem! I will not let go of the White Family! ”

The families returned to their area with a scolding grin.

Before Xuan Long left, his gaze had been on Lin Yun, and that look was like a snake, wanting to know the secrets of Lin Yun’s body.

“Then let’s go.”

Lin Yun also left this place with Bai Yuxuan and the two sisters of the Chen family.

When everyone left the scene, Xiao LingEr asked her grandfather in doubt, “Grandpa, why do you want to compromise?” You’ve never been humble to humanity! ”

“If I don’t apologize, this day will change.”

Xiao Lao shook his head bitterly, as if he was forced to apologize to Lin Yun out of helplessness.

“What do you mean?”

Xiao LingEr did not understand Elder Xiao’s words at all.

Only to see Elder Xiao’s head slowly raised, and then a pair of glasses looked at the sun that was about to set, and said slowly: “This guy named Lin Yun is really not good, I am afraid that this Tianshan War will have an unexpected ending.” ”

“An unexpected ending?”

Xiao LingEr couldn’t understand what her grandfather was saying at all, as if she was listening to the Book of Heaven, and her mind was full of mosquitoes.

“That’s it, that’s it, go back to dinner.”


“Lin Yun! Why don’t we just go straight with them? Can’t we beat them? ”

Chen Moting waved her small fist and asked Lin Yun.

After all, in her eyes, Lin Yun called them over and did the fighting.

As a result, Lin Yun was silent most of the time, and his words may not have been as much as Bai Yukao’s words.

“I want to shoot.”

Lin Yun smiled bitterly and said, “Isn’t this different from what I thought?” The ghost knows that the old man will really apologize? Also, I didn’t expect that the people of these four major families would be so tolerant, and one of the people I killed would listen to the old man’s words and choose to shut up! ”

“That’s because Elder Xiao’s status is different!”

Suddenly, Bai Meng said, “His status is much higher than you think!” ”

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