“Is it?”

Lin Yun’s gaze looked at Bai Meng in the rear, and it was obvious that he was more familiar with this old man.

Bai Meng then said, “Elder Xiao can be said to have connected the lifeblood of the Dragon Kingdom before, and it is rumored that he knows where the secret base of the Dragon Kingdom is, but he just doesn’t know if that secret base is still guarded by someone.” ”

“Secret base?”

Lin Yun raised an eyebrow, he was still the first time he had heard that there was still a secret base in the Dragon Kingdom.

“Yes, the secret base, the materials, scientific research equipment, and stationed talents there are the best in the entire Dragon Kingdom, so the power that Elder Xiao holds is much greater than you think, after all, now you are only facing the five families that occupy the economic lifeline of the Dragon Country on the surface, and compared with the official forces of the Dragon Kingdom, it is much worse.”

“I know this too.”

Lin Yun nodded, then asked, “So why didn’t they come out to save the world?” The current Dragon Kingdom is like a hell on earth. ”

“Then I don’t know.”

Bai Meng shook his head and continued, “Maybe something happened there, let them take care of themselves.” ”

Lin Yun was a little dissatisfied when he heard Bai Meng’s answer, after all, the information here was very important, so important that Lin Yun could make a choice about the next move, such as whether to kill this old man Xiao.

After all, he didn’t expect that Elder Xiao actually had such a secret behind him.

“Secret base?” I’ve heard people in the army say it before. ”

Suddenly, Chen Mofeng spoke.

“Oh? What did they say? ”

Lin Yun was a little surprised that Chen Mofeng had actually heard of the secret base of the Dragon Kingdom.

“What was said? They said that when they were promoted to a certain level, they could go to the secret base, but they had to sign a contract, and it seemed that they would not be able to get out of there for the rest of their lives. Chen Mofeng spread his hands and said that he only knew this.

“All right.”

Lin Yun nodded, it seemed that the secret inside had to be found from Xiao Lao’s body.

“Lin Yun! Here we go! ”

At this moment, Yang Weiyu also walked to the temporary camp where Lin Yun was.

“You’re calling so many women here to satisfy your greedy desires?”

Seeing that Lin Yun had summoned several women, Bai Yu Kaoru immediately projected a white eye at Lin Yun.

Lin Yun frowned and replied, “I just asked for them, and then I and Dr. Yang Weiyu didn’t happen to anything!” ”

As soon as Lin Yun said this, Yang Weiyu was stunned, making her situation look very embarrassing.

After all, she understood what Lin Yun meant by this.

However, Lin Yun immediately added, “There is nothing to do with my eldest sister-in-law, after all, I am a very pure person.” ”

Chen Mofeng smiled awkwardly and shrank behind Chen Mofeng.

“Then I’ll leave first, and if something calls me.”

Bai Meng said and turned to leave, at this time only Lin Yun and his woman were left in the camp.

“I’m gone, so you can enjoy yourself slowly.”

Kaoru Hakuba rolled her eyes and prepared to leave.

But a figure rushed straight into the tent and bumped into her.

“Ahhh! It hurts me to death! ”

The other party was directly shocked by Bai Yu Kaoru and flew out, after all, Bai Yu Kaoru was a capable person, and his physical quality was leveraged.

And the people who rushed in?

Liu Qing!

What kind of threat can an ordinary person pose to Kaoru Hakuba?

“Next time grow more eyes.”

Kaoru Hakuba left a word and turned away.

“My head!”

Liu Qing stood up with her head covered, and crystal clear tears appeared in the corners of her eyes.

“You came looking for me?”

Lin Yun asked Liu Qing.

“Of course….”

Liu Qing was just about to speak, but suddenly found that Lin Yun stood here two beautiful women who were a hundred times more beautiful than her, and she suddenly had no confidence.

I heard that Lin Yun’s women were of high quality before, and now that I really saw them, I suddenly felt ashamed of myself.

What she didn’t know was that these two women and Lin Yun didn’t have much to do with each other, physically.

“This is … Your people? ”

Liu Qing pointed to the two big beauties and asked.


Lin Yun looked at Yang Weiyu and Chen Mofeng and immediately shook his head, “Not yet.” ”

“Huh? Isn’t that yet? ”

Liu Qing was surprised and almost stared at the eyeballs.

Lin Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head, dragging Chen Mojing out.

“This little one is.”

“Isn’t this a little bit?”

Seeing Chen Mojing in front of Lin Yun, this guy who looked very petite and cute, and the guy who was only tall enough to reach Lin Yun’s waist, was actually Lin Yun’s woman?

Suddenly, Liu Qing’s look at Lin Yun’s eyes became very wrong.

Looks like again, I saw the wrong person!

“Why?” Look at me with that look? Lin Yun noticed that Liu Qing’s eyes were a little strange and asked with a bitter smile.

“Don’t you know you’re breaking the law?” Liu Qing glanced at Lin Yun and expressed great anger.

Lin Yun shook his head helplessly and replied, “Mo Zhen has turned eighteen years old, okay?” ”

“She’s eighteen?” Really fake? ”

Liu Qing looked at Chen Mojing in surprise, she couldn’t believe that this little girl, who was less than one meter and five meters tall, was eighteen years old?

“What’s up! Growing short to eat your rice? Stinky woman with green hair! ”

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