Wang Yin struck preemptively, and his sword was like a sharp sword, attacking Lin Yun’s back.

However, when his palm touched Lin Yun’s body, he was surprised to find that he could not break through Lin Yun’s defenses!

“How is this possible?”

Wang Yin’s face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

He never expected that the palm of his hand that could penetrate the black level zombie shell would not play any role in Lin Yun’s body at all.

“I said, you don’t have that skill.”

Lin Yun smiled slightly, and kicked directly at Wang Yin’s abdomen.


With a loud noise, Wang Yin’s entire body flew directly backwards and flew tens of meters away.

But soon he stood up from the ground like a man who was all right.

There was also a penetrating smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

“I’ll just say! I’ll just say! You are the strongest being in human beings! Hahahahaha! ”

Wang Yin laughed wildly.

The morbid smile made Lin Yun frown.

What the hell is going on with this guy?

The only information that can be known now is that this guy is definitely not human!

I said! How do we work together? ”

Suddenly, Wang Yin proposed to Lin Yun.

“Cooperation? Talk about seeing? ”

Lin Yun replied plainly.

Want to know what the so-called cooperation is all about.

“It’s simple!”

The corners of Wang Yin’s mouth were slightly raised, and his cold eyes stared at Xiao Lao, who was lying on the ground.

He said, “This guy knows the secret base of the Dragon Kingdom, which has the world’s most advanced scientific research technology, and the most important thing is that there is the answer I want!” ”


Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, this guy was indeed looking for something.

And what is the so-called answer in his mouth?

“As long as you cooperate with me! We will be the most powerful force in the world! I! And you! How about dominating the world? ”

Wang Yin then asked.

“World domination?”

Lin Yun smiled and touched his chin.

Seems like a good choice.

“How’s it going? Believe me! The two of us work together! Win-win is inevitable! ”

Wang Yin looked forward to Lin Yun’s answer.


Suddenly, Lin Yun’s eyes flashed a hint of murderous intent, and he shook his head and replied, “I don’t like win-win results.” ”

“What do you mean?”

“I want it all!”

As the voice fell, Lin Yun’s figure instantly popped out and stretched out his hand to attack Wang Yin’s heart.

Since this guy can regenerate physically.

So what happens to a complete death?


Seeing that Lin Yun was unwilling to cooperate with him, Wang Yin’s face became very bad for a while.

The body immediately retreated to avoid Lin Yun’s attack.

But the next second, a white light fell on him!


Wang Yin looked at his body in surprise.

His flesh was torn in two.

Blood gushes out like a fountain!

However, his blood was black.

It’s also very viscous, not so much blood as oil!


Wang Yin’s body fell to the ground.

Lin Yun shook his hand.

Naturally, he had just used the Blade of Nothingness to deliver a fatal blow at a distance from which the other party could not escape.

Just as he stepped forward, ready to see if the guy was dead.

Wang Yin’s two parts of his body also changed.

Only to see that his body was constantly gushing black blood.

Then the blood began to writhe as if it had life.

Then he launched an attack on Lin Yun!

“In danger!?”

Lin Yun sensed that this blood was enough to cause harm to himself.

Immediately backwards, out of the attack range of the black blood.

I’m afraid, this thing is very corrosive.


Wang Yin, who had been cut in half, actually laughed at this moment.

Subsequently, his half-amputated body began to rise slowly under the support of black blood.

Finally, the split bodies once again fused together.

This scene made Lin Yun frown suddenly.

This guy is much harder to deal with than he thinks.

What the hell is this demon?

“I didn’t expect you to be so stupid.”

Wang Yin opened his mouth and laughed at Lin Yun, “Since you are not willing to cooperate with me, then I can only send you to hell!” ”

After speaking, a lot of black liquid appeared behind Wang Yin.

They were all black blood scattered nearby.

When Wang Yin sensed that Lin Yun would take the initiative to avoid these blood, he understood that the time had come for him to fight back.

“It seems that you are afraid of my blood!”

Wang Yin licked the corners of his mouth and smiled.


Lin Yun did not answer, but just quietly stared at Wang Yin in front of him.

It is clear that this guy is not in a state of absolute death and will still regenerate.

Therefore, he had to find a way to directly turn Wang Yin’s body into powder!

With the Blade of Nothingness, it is certainly not possible.

And the weapon of mass destruction he now possesses may only have the electromagnetic gun.

However, he could not guarantee that the electromagnetic gun would be able to hit Wang Yin.

Therefore, before using this trick, first of all, we must cut Wang Yin’s body into pieces!


Lin Yun took a deep breath, then slowly opened his eyes and said lightly, “Come again!” ”

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