“Whew! You can’t kill me!” Stupid! ”

Wang Yin sneered.

He was very confident in his ability to regenerate.

In addition, finding that his own blood could cause damage to Lin Yun.

So he became more arrogant.

For Wang Yin’s mockery, Lin Yun did not have any reaction.

Just slowly swing the posture of drawing the knife!

Seeing the situation, Wang Yin sneered, and then the whole person disappeared into Lin Yun’s sight.

“Go and die!”

The next moment, Wang Yin appeared behind Lin Yun and attacked him!


In this moment!

Lin Yun also moved!

He was like a samurai, pulling out the Blade of Nothingness in an instant!

And it flashed in the sky!

At first, Wang Yin didn’t know what Lin Yun was doing.

After all, he operated together that he couldn’t see at all.

And when he found that his body was already torn apart, he was stunned!

“How is this possible? Why? How did you do it? ”

The shredded Wang Yin fell directly to the ground.

He looked at Lin Yun in horror, completely unable to believe the scene in front of him.

The time just now is at most a few breaths of time.

But he was unloaded in eight pieces!


Not just eight pieces!

At least a hundred to start!

This is simply not something that ordinary humans can do!

It’s simply not something a human being can do!

“There’s nothing to ask, you deserve to die.”

Lin Yun said coldly.

“Dead? Hahahahaha! ”

Wang Yin laughed and said, “Do you think that if you cut me into pieces of meat, I won’t be able to reorganize and resurrect again?” You’re thinking too simple! I am immortal! I am immortal! ”

As the voice fell, Wang Yin’s severed body began to reorganize.

Want to come together again.

However, Lin Yun would not give him this opportunity at all!

He pulled out the electromagnetic gun and aimed at Wang Yin’s scattered pieces of flesh!

“This! What is it? ”

Wang Yin had never seen such a weapon at all, and there was a pang of doubt in his heart.

The next moment, Lin Yun pulled the trigger.

Only to see that the electromagnetic cannon shot out directly from the gun, annihilating Wang Yin into powder.

Even before he could even shout out a scream, he had already left this world!

Eternal life? Immortal?

It was just his own words.

After solving Wang Yin, Lin Yun turned his gaze to Xiao Ling.

She was kneeling in front of Elder Xiao.

“Grandpa! You wake up! ”

She cried and screamed, wanting Xiao Lao to wake up.

However, at this time, Elder Xiao’s whole body was injured, and even his chest cavity was trampled by Wang Yin, and there was basically no possibility of life.

Lin Yun walked over to Elder Xiao.

His eyes were filled with death, as if he was only one step away from the ghost gate.

“Grandpa! You hold on! ”

Xiao Ling shouted at Elder Xiao.

And Xiao Lao had already lost his strength.

He could only slowly spit out a few words, “Is it the boy of the Bai family?” ”

His question was because his eyes had lost their vision, and it seemed that Wang Yin’s kick had directly caused many organs in his body to lose their ability to function.

“Old man, you should not be saved.”

Lin Yun’s words were very crisp, after all, this old man Xiao was his own enemy, and there was no need to have much honorific words for the enemy.


Xiao Ling glanced directly at Lin Yun.

Although Lin Yun saved her life, when this sentence came out, it was simply speeding up Xiao Lao’s death.

“Cough, I know.”

Elder Xiao was not very angry, and even laughed a little.

Then he said, “It doesn’t matter if I’m dead, Ling Er is fine.” ”

“What? Are you going to entrust your granddaughter to me? I women many do not lack this one. ”

Lin Yun said with a smile.

It once again attracted Xiao Ling’s glare.

“Hahaha! Laughing, how can I force others to do things they don’t want to do, Ling Er herself will take care of herself, as long as she does what I say, it will not be difficult to be born in this last life…”

Before Xiao finished speaking, he returned to the west.


Xiao Ling lay on his body and cried.

And Lin Yun had been pondering one thing.

He always felt that there was something in Xiao’s old saying.

Moreover, Wang Yin wanted to deal with these two grandfathers, and it was definitely not a random killing.

There was also Elder Xiao who knew the location of the secret base, and all of this was now known only to Xiao Ling alone.

“He’s dead, get out of the way.”

Lin Yun pushed Xiao Ling away.

“What are you doing?”

Xiao Ling was a little angry, but the wound on her back did not allow her to do anything to Lin Yun.

“Bury his body.”

Lin Yun replied coldly.

Only to see his thoughts move, a pit appeared in front of him, and then Elder Xiao’s body was put down.

Then fill in the soil.

It only took half a minute to come and go.

Xiao Ling looked at the man in front of her in surprise.

What exactly is this ability?

Mindfulness in comics?

After burying Elder Xiao, Lin Yun’s eyes turned to Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling’s heart trembled as she stared at it.

“You… What are you doing? ”

Xiao Ling hurriedly retreated, but how could her injured body escape Lin Yun’s clutches?

“Come here, I’ll show you the wound!”

“Nope! I’ll deal with the wound on my back! Stay away from me! ”

Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and it seemed that if he wanted to know the whereabouts of the secret base, he would have to work hard.

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