
The Xuan family looked in surprise at the place where the white light fell.

The place where it fell, at this time, was full of the corpses of Xuan’s family.

A large pit was even formed inside, and a wisp of smoke slowly rose from the pit.

“! What happened again? ”

Xuan Long’s eyes were full of anger at this moment.

He never expected that it would be difficult to mobilize the emotions of the Xuan family.

But then an accident happened.

“Xuan Shao! It looks like something has smashed down! ”

The Xuan family said in horror.

On the other side, Bai Yu Kaoru also sensed what seemed to be happening in the Xuan family’s camp.

Immediately stopped the pace of everyone’s attack.

“What’s going on?”

Chen Mofeng asked Bai Yuxuan.

“I don’t know, just wait.”

Kaoru Shiraba shook her head.

At this moment, the Xuan family was looking towards the center where the white light had fallen.

Only to see, along with the smoke and dust dissipating, a figure appeared in front of them.

“Where is this?”

The man who appeared was a man covered in heavy metal, and he looked around and found himself surrounded by a crowd of people.

But this man did not have any fear.

Instead, slowly walk out and look around.

When he looked at the black-level zombie and Keqi in the distance, the corners of his mouth revealed an evil smile.

“Found it!”

He seemed to have come for the two black zombies!

“Who are you?”

A man from the Xuan family asked the man.

But he had just exited, and the other party directly raised his hand, and then a piece of iron flew out in an instant, cutting the man’s heart.


The Xuan family was stunned.

They never expected that the other party would indiscriminately shoot directly!


Suddenly, the Xuan family turned their gunfire to the man in front of them.

“What are they fighting with?”

The Bai family’s side is also confused.

I don’t know what happened in the very center of the Xuan family.

“What’s wrong?”

Lin Yun had just returned at this time and found that the Xuan family was very lively.

“I don’t know, there seems to be a fight over there.”

Kaoru Shiraba shook her head.

Obviously, this sudden situation made them a little unresponsive.

Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the whole person took off in the air at the next moment.

He saw that in the center, there was a man with metal attached to his whole body who was fighting fiercely with the Xuan family’s people.

And, because the man’s body was covered in metal, the bullets couldn’t hurt him at all.

Even, countless shrapnel pieces were used by him and directly returned to Xuan’s family.


For a moment, a scream broke out from the Xuan family’s mouth.

They never dreamed that such a thing would happen!

“Damn! We can’t even break each other’s armor! ”

“What kind of monster is this?”

“It’s over! Run! ”


The Xuan family lost more than a hundred people in an instant.

In front of that strange man, they are not opponents at all!


Xuan Long angrily hammered his chest.

He couldn’t understand why he was so unlucky.

Not only surrounded by the White Family, but also fight this monster!

“Get out!”

The strange man directly punched several Xuan family members in one punch.

He didn’t have time to pay attention to this group of waste, he needed to quickly take these two black zombies away!


Suddenly, Xuan Long signaled everyone to stop attacking.

“Friend, what the hell are you?”

Xuan Long gritted his teeth and asked.

He had no way, if he continued to fight, he was afraid that everyone in the Xuan family would die here.

“Who do you call me?” Kill all of you and get the job done! ”

The strange man snorted coldly, it was obvious that he did not want to have too many negotiations.

“Wait a minute! Brothers! In fact, we have no grievances and no vendetta, so why should we turn swords against each other? ”

Xuan Long said hurriedly.

“No revenge? I don’t care about that, I just get the job done! ”

The weird man said.

“Task? What tasks? ”

“What do you do?” Hurry up and get started! ”

The strange man roared, and one punch went down and killed several Xuan family members.

This caused the Xuan family to all fall backwards in fear.

This guy is simply not a being they can deal with.


Xuan Long’s brow sank, the guy in front of him was almost no different from a zombie, and there was only killing in his eyes!

“Xuan Shao, do we encourage him to deal with the people of the White Family?”

Suddenly, a subordinate of the Xuan family proposed to Xuan Long.

“Encouragement? Do it! This man is like an iron lump! ”

Xuan Long was annoyed, if he could really do it, he would not be happy to die?

The problem is that it can’t be done!

“It’s simple!”

Suddenly the man sneered.

Speaking to the strange man, he said, “You wait for me! There’s a bunch of people behind us! I see how you escaped from the palm of our hands! ”

Shouting, the man pointed to the location of the Bai family.


The strange man sneered and taunted, “Then I’ll kill them first!” ”

With a snap, the man flew to the camp of the White Family.

“Awesome! Awesome! ”

Xuan Long quickly praised that if this person entered the Bai Family camp, he would definitely be able to wipe out the Bai Family….


A white light flashed.

Xuan Long and the others were surprised to find that the strange man who had just flown past had his body instantly broken in half and slowly fell from the sky…..

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