“Fly something?”

Lin Yun raised an eyebrow slightly.

When he found a figure flying towards their camp, he directly controlled the Blade of Nothingness, cutting him in half.

The strange man who had originally killed in the Xuan family was instantly split into two large pieces.

The shocked Xuan family’s face showed a sense of panic.

“The man is dead?”

“I Cao! We lost hundreds of people without causing him any harm, how could it be….”

“What is the means used in this? Just for a moment! ”

They couldn’t believe their eyes.

Obviously, the man’s flesh was as strong as steel and iron bone.

But in front of Lin Yun, he was so vulnerable!

“How is this possible!?”

The strange man was not dead at this time.

Instead, he collapsed to the ground, unable to move.

He couldn’t believe that his body could be split in half.

However, his body is also terrible and frightening.

Even if it falls from a height of more than ten meters, or it is cut off by the waist.

He didn’t die either.

Not even a drop of blood was shed.

If he hadn’t met Lin Yun, he was afraid that everyone present, even Ke Qi, who was a black-level zombie, would not be his opponent.

“This person is the one who has made a big fuss in the Xuan Family camp!”

Kaoru Hakuba and the others walked up to the strange man.

They looked at the amputated body and couldn’t help but have a look of disgust on their faces.

Because his incision was not human-like, it was blood-red.

It’s pitch black.

It’s like charred carbon, which makes people sick to their stomachs.

“Isn’t this a human?”

Chen Mojing’s brow tightened, not daring to get close.

Only Lin Yun took a few steps forward and approached this guy.

As soon as Lin Yun approached, the man looked very scared.

“What the hell are you using!?” It was able to cut off my body! ”

The weird man shouted.


The corners of Lin Yun’s mouth cocked slightly, and he did not answer.

Instead, he set his gaze on the metal that covered the man’s body.

This strange guy seemed to have some resemblance to Wang Yin.

Their bodies have completely departed from the human category.

It can even be described as a zombie directly.

However, this guy doesn’t seem to recover, and he doesn’t know if he can move after gluing the two severed parts of his body with glue.

“Lin Yun, kill him!” Looks disgusting! ”

Chen Mofeng and Lin Yun asked to arrive.

“Wait a minute.”

Lin Yun did not intend to rush to move, but asked the strange man, “What are you here for?” ”

“You can’t kill me!” I’m not going to die! ”

The strange man did not answer Lin Yun’s question, but shouted at him.


Lin Yun sneered.

In an instant, mind control floods into the other person’s brain.


The strange man let out a terrible scream directly.

He never dreamed that Lin Yun was using mind control to take control of his body.

Learn from him where he came from.

However, the process is very long.

Because Lin Yun found that this guy’s soul seemed to be nothing.

I said! I say! Don’t invade! ”

The weird man yelled.

Lin Yun also stopped his mind control.

He couldn’t take it anymore.

In the end, I was afraid that this guy’s brain would directly fall into death.

“I’m here to take those two black-level zombies with me!” The strange man said in pain.

“Take those two zombies away?”

Lin Yun’s gaze looked at Ke Qi, who was still fighting, and he didn’t understand, could this strange man in front of him face two black-level zombies alone?

Then his strength is a little terrifying.

“Which organization do you belong to?”

Lin Yun asked.

“No, I’m a loner.”


Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, this guy is definitely not a loner!

Even he began to suspect that this guy might be inextricably linked to Wang Yin!

“Believe it or not!”

The strange man snorted coldly and did not answer any more.

Lin Yun’s brow sank, wanting to use his mind control to continue his attack.

However, just as he was about to strike, a strange flame appeared on the man’s body.

“Ah! No! No! ”

“Please! No! ”

The sudden burst of flames directly frightened everyone to take a few steps backwards.

And just a few seconds later, the strange man was burned to ashes in a scream.

Just now this guy also said that he will not die.

As a result, the next second, it becomes a pinch of dust.


Lin Yun’s brow tightened, it was obvious that this guy was from an organization that he had never known.

And Wang Yin is also very likely to come from there!

“Forget it!”

Lin Yun took a deep breath and looked at Xuan Long.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said, “Solve the trouble in front of you first!” ”

After the words were finished, the whole person instantly disappeared from everyone’s sight.

And when he reappeared, he had already come to the back of Xuan Long!

“Protect Xuan Shao!”

A group of Xuan family members rushed up to protect Xuan Long.

However, Lin Yun’s direct mind power was turned on, and the Xuan family members around him who launched a charge against him directly flew out, hitting their heads on the ground and bleeding!

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