In the face of Lin Yun’s question, Xiao Ling was already too late to answer.

Because the tiger zombie had opened its blood basin mouth.

Like some kind of arthropod, the mouth is full of teeth and there is a yellow-green liquid connected in the mouth.

The most crucial thing was that those dozens of tongues, like snake letters, were constantly reaching out to Xiao Ling.

Fear had taken over the high ground of her mind.

“Save me! Save me! ”

She shouted only these two words in her mouth, and her body kept retreating, not wanting to be bitten by this monster.

However, Lin Yun didn’t move until the tiger zombie really wanted to touch Xiao Ling.

He immediately teleported in front of Xiao Ling.

Then a punch pierced the monster’s head.

Blood splashed everywhere, staining Xiao Ling’s whole body blood red.

However, she did not care about this kind of thing, but was always immersed in fear and could not calm down.

It seems that the people who want her life may be a little more.

“Say, the address of the secret base.”

Lin Yun asked Xiao Ling.

“In Kunlun Mountain!”

Xiao Ling replied unconsciously.

“Kunlun Mountain?”

Lin Yun touched his chin, and he was somewhat unaware that the address of the secret base was actually in Kunlun Mountain.

However, there are steep mountains and forests everywhere, and it seems that if you really build the secret base there, it is a very correct choice.

“Take her to the bathroom to wash it, it stinks.”

Lin Yun ordered Bai Yu Kaoru.

Bai Yu Kaoru immediately asked the two women to take Xiao Ling down.

Then he asked Lin Yun, “When are we going to leave for Kunlun Mountain?” ”

In the face of Bai Yukao’s question, Lin Yun did not rush to answer.

Instead, he turned his head to Kaoru Hakuba and looked closely at her face.

Lin Yun’s gaze made Bai Yukao’s whole body tremble, as if something had entered his body.

Immediately afterward, Lin Yun asked Bai Yukao, “So you want to see the secret base?” ”

“Isn’t it because of curiosity?” And the secret base has the most powerful technology in the Dragon Kingdom, don’t you want it? ”

Kaoru Shiraba replied.


Lin Yun just smiled briefly and turned his head to Xiao Ling, who had been taken away.

He was thinking about whether to go to Kunlun Mountain or not.

Because he had a premonition, the organization to which Wang Yin belonged had been keeping an eye on his movements.

As long as you move on your own, you will most likely be followed by them.

At that time, I am afraid that I will face a big war.

In the face of Lin Yun’s reaction to himself, Bai Yukao’s side wondered.

What does it mean?

Hurriedly asked Lin Yun, “Aren’t you going to go?” Give me a letter of approval, I’m ready to prepare! ”

“No letter, see you back.”

After the words were finished, Lin Yun disappeared in the same place.

Bai Yukao’s face was confused, and he didn’t understand what Lin Yun meant at all.

I had to go busy with my own business, waiting for Lin Yun to speak and making plans for the next step.

After disappearing, Lin Yun appeared in Ninghang City.

He had come to see Chen Yaowei.

The capable people of Ninghang City had played an important role in this Tianshan War, so he planned to give Chen Yaowei a little reward.

“Yo! What kind of wind is this blowing you? ”

As soon as Lin Yun appeared in front of Chen Yaowei’s eyes, this old thing laughed.

He was sitting in his seat, sipping tea and reading a book.

Life is also comfortable.

“Come and see you, and by the way, look at Wang Xin’s two sons.”

Lin Yun naturally sat across from Chen Yaowei and poured himself a cup of tea.

The two of them really sat together like an old man and a son-in-law, talking about recent events.

“How about my daughter?” You alright? ”

Chen Yaowei asked while looking at the newspaper.

“It’s okay, this time the capable people of Ninghang City have helped me a lot.”

Lin Yun nodded, if there were no capable people in Ninghang City, it would be difficult to rely on the Bai family’s group of guys to fight against the other four major families.

“Well, as long as they can get your trust, they will have no worries in this life.”

Chen Yaowei said with a smile.

“What about Wang Xin and Li Hongyu?” How are they doing? ”

Lin Yun continued to ask.

“It’s not bad, the children are growing up healthy, you know, we gave the best to the two of them.” Chen Yaowei assured.

Lin Yun nodded, and it seemed that everything was going very well.

Even now, even now, new life is still multiplying.

It is believed that in the near future, the kingdom of mankind will prosper again in this world.

“You know the secret base of the Dragon Kingdom, don’t you?”

Lin Yun suddenly asked Chen Yaowei.

This guy should know, after all, he used to be a figure with a head and a face in the military region.

“How? Do you want to do something about the lifeblood of the Dragon Kingdom? ”

Chen Yaowei was a little surprised to hear Lin Yun’s words.

Naturally, he had heard about it, and he was even invited to go.

But he could only take Chen Mofeng alone, so he refused, after all, he had two daughters.

“I know where it is, from Xiao Ling’s mouth.”

“Xiao Ling?”

Chen Yaowei’s eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Lin Yun and asking, “Old Xiao granddaughter?” What about Xiao Lao? ”

“Dead, of course I didn’t kill people.”

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