“Elder Xiao is dead?”

When Chen Yaowei heard Lin Yun say that Elder Xiao was dead, the whole person was stunned.

The old monster that has been guarding the secret base has actually died?

He began to regret why he hadn’t gone with him.

After all, this is a big deal for the Dragon Kingdom.

“So do you know the location of the secret base?”

Chen Yaowei asked Lin Yun.

Lin Yun nodded.

“So what are you going to do?”

Chen Yaowei took a deep breath and asked Lin Yun.

He was mentally prepared.

I want to know what kind of move Lin Yun made to this legendary Dragon Kingdom secret base.

Destroy it?

Or possess it?

“Don’t you think that maybe this secret base has disappeared?”

Lin Yun asked with some doubt.

Chen Yaowei choked a little.

The secret base is gone?

He couldn’t imagine this choice, after all, there was the most outstanding scientific research team in the Dragon Kingdom, and those who could enter there were carefully selected talents.

He didn’t quite understand why Lin Yun had come to this conclusion.

“Although it is only a guess from me, you have to admit that when the world is prosperous, it is a talent, but once it reaches the chaotic world, whether that person still has the ability to live.” The two environments are too different. Lin Yun then said.

“Well, exactly.” Chen Yaowei nodded, “But there are heavy guards in the secret base, and it should not be easily destroyed by zombies.” ”

He still didn’t believe the secret base had disappeared.

After all, the military power there is also unique.

“However, I’ve heard that the secret base was established before the zombie outbreak.”

Lin Yun continued, “No matter why they foresaw the outbreak of the end times in advance, they should not be able to avoid who will suddenly turn into zombies, right?” And as long as there is one, the environment there will lead to total extinction! ”


Lin Yun’s words instantly made Chen Yaowei’s heart cluck a little.

He’s right!

In the early days, humans had no way of knowing who would suddenly turn into a zombie.

It wasn’t until later that it was learned that zombies were transmitted through blood.

However, it has never been said that all zombies come from a single matrix.

And it is highly likely that the zombie virus began to spread to the world from hundreds of thousands of mothers.

Otherwise, the speed of propagation could not be so fast!

Encroached on the globe in two months!

“There is some truth in what you say, but it is also possible that they have the means to find the matrix and remove it from the root!”

Chen Yaowei also made his own assumptions, after all, everything was a conjecture of the two people.

“Therefore, only by personally going to Kunlun Mountain can we know the truth of the matter.” Lin Yun replied plainly.

“The secret base is in Kunlun Mountain?”

Hearing these three words of Kunlun Mountain, Chen Yaowei looked very surprised.

It made Lin Yun a little confused, not knowing why this guy had such a big reaction.

“Is there anything strange about it?” The Kunlun Mountains are a good place to be a secret base, and they are full of rolling mountains. Lin Yun asked.

“Of course it’s weird!”

Chen Yaowei’s tone became very tough at this moment: “Do you know where the first zombie virus outbreak in the Dragon Kingdom is?” ”

Lin Yundun raised an eyebrow and replied, “That town at the foot of Kunlun Mountain?” ”

“That’s right! There were also news reports at the time! ”

Chen Yaowei’s face suddenly became very bad.

Because the location of the secret base has been the location of the first zombie outbreak, I am afraid that everything is not so simple!

“I have one more crucial piece of information!”

Chen Yaowei continued.

“What information?”

Lin Yun asked.

“Before the outbreak, there was a foreign team that applied to enter the secret base of Kunlun Mountain, and they got the consent of the Dragon Kingdom!” Chen Yaowei said in a calm tone.

But as soon as these words came out, Lin Yun’s pupils shrank suddenly.

It’s all too coincidental!

What was the secret base of the Dragon Kingdom built for?

Zombie crisis?

I’m afraid not!

And why did the zombie crisis break out after the foreign team entered the Kunlun Mountain?

What’s the connection?

“Is it the zombie crisis that first broke out in our Dragon Kingdom, or abroad?”

Lin Yun asked Chen Yaowei.

“At the same time! Erupted almost at the same time! ”

Chen Yaowei replied.

“Across the globe, in more than three hundred countries, there are almost simultaneous numbers of zombie patients! On that day in the Dragon Kingdom, in addition to the town under the Kunlun Mountain, there were six other cases that broke out! There’s definitely something to do here! ”

Hearing Chen Yaowei’s words, Lin Yun’s face became even more gloomy.

Obviously there’s something connected in it.

I’m afraid, this so-called zombie crisis is not a natural disaster!

It’s a man-made disaster!

“I plan to go to Kunlun Mountain myself.”

Lin Yun said to Chen Yaowei.

“Don’t you take anyone with you?”

Chen Yaowei asked rhetorically.

“I will discuss this matter with Bai Yu Kaoru, and I don’t need the ability of Ninghang City, but…” Lin Yun’s voice paused and continued, “I need your people to help me with something!” ”

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