
Lin Yun returned to the Yanjing Bai family from Ninghang City.

As soon as he returned, he went to Kaoru’s room.

Since you want to take the Bai family to Kunlun Mountain to find out, naturally you must first talk to this white family owner.

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Yun saw a large wooden barrel.

Inside, Kaoru Hakuba is taking a bath.

The white water is also sprinkled with petals, which is quite an ancient princess bathing scene.

Seeing Lin Yun enter the door, Bai Yu Kaoru did not react at all.

While wiping his white arm with the petals, he asked Lin Yun, “What’s the matter?” ”

Lin Yun slowly stepped forward and leaned his hands against the large wooden barrel.

A pair of eyes admired the special objects in the water and said, “I want to go to Kunlun Mountain, and you will accompany me.” ”

“Kunlun Mountain!?”

Bai Yu Kaoru was instantly excited when he heard the three words.

After all, that was where the Dragon Kingdom’s secret base was located.

She had wanted to go for a long time, but she had never had a chance.

If you hide from Lin Yun, you are afraid that you will be given a hand blade by him.

“Cough cough!”

Bai Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked Lin Yun, “What are you going to do?” Knock down the secret base? ”

“Of course not.”

Lin Yun shook his head, he wouldn’t go to Kunlun Mountain for such a boring reason.

“I’m going to look for the root of the end times, and the Kunlun Mountains may have the results I want!”

“The root of the end times!?”

Bai Yu’s eyebrows were slightly raised, and she was a little surprised that Lin Yun had actually gone to Kunlun Mountain for this reason.

She slowly got up and moved her face closer to Lin Yun.

At this point, the distance between the two was only one finger.

Looking at each other, they asked Lin Yun, “Are you trying to save the humans in this world?” Banish all the zombies from Earth? ”

“It’s just something to do.”

Lin Yun replied, “We can’t let the zombies live in this world forever, then humanity will be destroyed.” ”


Bai Yu sneered disdainfully, and his body slowly retreated.

Slapping the splash of water, he asked, “Your place is very suitable for people, and it is not impossible to re-establish your home there, right?” Why save the world’s humanity? ”

“It is true that my place can become a new world, but that is only mine.”

Lin Yun replied, “The place where I live with my family, but I don’t want my child to be born in that paradise and have never seen how many novelties there are in this world!” I hope that they grow up ordinary, at least, it is their own life! ”

Hearing Lin Yun’s words, Bai Yukao was stunned for a moment.

She didn’t expect Lin Yun to be thinking about her own children.

But, not to mention the kids, this guy has so many women and even reproduces so often.

But there wasn’t even a pregnant one.

I don’t know if there is a problem with this product, it is impossible for his women to do it, right?

“Okay, I’ll organize a bunch of people to go with you, I’ll be your tool anyway.”

Kaoru rolled her eyes.

She had no ability to resist Lin Yun.

Even the status was the last of Lin Yun’s women, of course, Liu Qing’s green-haired monster did not count.

“Seeing that you are so obedient, give you a little reward.”

Lin Yun suddenly took off his clothes.

“Hey! You! ”

Bai Yu Kaoru tried to stop it, but Lin Yun had already stepped directly into the barrel.

War is on the verge of breaking out!

Out of control!



Kaoru Hakuba was organizing his men to prepare for the Kunlun Mountains.

Kunlun Mountain is a one-day drive from Yanjing.

They also had to calculate whether they would encounter a tide of corpses when passing through the Kunlun Mountains.

This will all be a hindrance to the Kunlun Mountains.

As for Lin Yun, he did not show up, but instead went to prepare something.

“Kaoru Hakuba, what is this going to do?”

Liu Qing, who had been staying in the Bai family, asked Bai Yu Kaoru what he did not understand what Bai Yu Kaoru was going to do by organizing his men.

Bai Yu Kaoru glanced at Liu Qing and replied, “It’s none of your business, you can stay in Yanjing, we will be back in about half a month.” ”

“Huh? Going to go for half a month? ”

Liu Qing’s two big eyes spun around and continued to ask, “Will Lin Yun also go?” ”


Bai Yu Kaoru nodded, indicating that Lin Yun would also go with him.

“Then I’ll go too!”

Liu Qing said excitedly.

“Are you dreaming??” We’re not on an outing. ”

Bai Yu Kaoru rolled his eyes, Liu Qing, who had no chicken power, went to Kunlun Mountain to send rations to the zombies?

And she didn’t know what dangers there were in the Kunlun Mountains.

There was even a possibility of conflict with other human organizations, how could it be possible to take a woman to the Kunlun Mountains?

“Huh? Can’t you? ”

Hearing that Bai Yu Kaoru did not allow her to go with her, Liu Qing looked very disappointed.

“Of course not!”

Kaoru Hakuba said firmly.

“Who said no? Liu Qing want to go?? ”

Suddenly, Lin Yun appeared and asked Liu Qing.

Seeing Lin Yun, Liu Qing was like seeing a savior.

“Grace! I want to go! ”

“Then go for it!”


“Of course! When the time comes to encounter zombies, they will throw you out first! Help us escape! What do you think? ”

Liu Qing: “Ah! (⊙o⊙)? ”

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