Liu Qing shook her head hurriedly.

Thrown as bait to zombies?

Then she doesn’t want to go!

“It’s a shame not to go.”

Lin Yun smiled and shrugged his shoulders, but unfortunately there was an extremely good bait missing.


Liu Qing glanced at Lin Yun, although he knew that this guy was fooling himself, but if this really happened, this product would probably come true.

After all, I am a waste in the team, a vase.

Isn’t that all there is to it?

Unless she can become Lin Yun’s woman, she may also get some help from Lin Yun.

“Big handsome man Lin! Are you free tonight? ”

Liu Qing immediately shifted the battle line and held Lin Yun’s arm and asked.

Since you have made up your mind, you must attack Lin Yun!

She couldn’t believe that there would be men who could escape their temptations!

“Not available! I don’t care about you! ”

Lin Yun’s answer made Liu Qing instantly petrified in place.

This Lin Yun refused her without even thinking about it.

Even Liu Qing didn’t say what to do at night!

“Eh! I’m not done yet! ”

Seeing that Lin Yun turned to leave, Liu Qing hurriedly chased after him.

“Don’t want to listen, stay away from me!”

Lin Yun, however, was very disgusted and sped up his pace and quickly fled the scene.

“Hey! You bastard! ”

Seeing the fight between the two, Kaoru shook her head and continued to turn her eyes to her own people.

Although Lin Yun said that she was going to Kunlun Mountain, she did not say the exact time, so she needed to quickly organize a squad with extremely strong combat effectiveness to go to Kunlun Mountain together.

She had a hunch that there would be a far more difficult battle than the Tianshan War!


“Half a month! It’s been half a month! My river is drying up! ”

In the system world, Ye Xuefei was collapsing on the sofa and wailing.

She hadn’t been blessed for half a month.

On the contrary, Lin Yun often appeared in the System Heaven and Earth during the time he was preparing to go to Kunlun Mountain.

And communicate deeply with other women.

Only Ye Xuefei was punished.

Even if you want to talk to Lin Yun, it is difficult.

It made her feel a little weak and even hostile to others.

“Snow Princess, do you want to eat tangyuan?” Today is the Lantern Festival! ”

Shen Qiuyu took a bowl of tangyuan and used the soup spoon to ask for a tangyuan and handed it to Ye Xuefei.

Ye Xuefei glared at Shen Qiuyu fiercely.

This guy’s room Lin Yun has also been in twice, so she is his enemy!

“Don’t eat! You take it away! I don’t eat what comes to me! ”

Ye Xuefei said fiercely.

“Huh? All right. ”

Shen Qiuyu spat out his tongue and had to eat the tangyuan himself.

However, Ye Xuefei beside her said not to eat, but the corners of her mouth left tears that were not disputed.

Staring at Shen Qiuyu, it was still difficult to bear the temptation.

“Don’t you really want to eat it?”

Shen Qiuyu saw that there were only five or six tangyuan left in the bowl, and asked Ye Xuefei again.


Ye Xuefei was already shaken, and slowly put her hand over, wanting to eat two bites.

At this moment, I don’t know when Lin Yun appeared behind Shen Qiuyu.

Seeing that she was holding a bowl of tangyuan in her hand, she immediately snatched it up.

“Oh? Have rice balls? You don’t eat what I eat!” ”

With that, he swallowed the few remaining tangyuan into his stomach.

Then he handed the empty bowl to Shen Qiuyu.


Ye Xuefei was stupid in an instant, and she felt as if her world had collapsed.

A face of anger stared at Lin Yun.

But I don’t know what to say.

For the situation in front of him, Shen Qiuyu held back a smile.

Because Ye Xuefei’s expression at this moment was really too interesting.

It was like a little fart child who had been robbed of his toy but did not dare to speak, so he had to suppress his anger in his heart, and his two eyes stared at Lin Yun viciously.

After Lin Yun wiped his mouth, he noticed Ye Xuefei’s strange eyes.

Puzzled, he asked, “What are you looking at me for?” I don’t have any rice balls on my face? ”


Ye Xuefei gritted her teeth angrily, she could be sure that this bastard was deliberate!

Deliberately yourself!

I don’t know what swine fever he committed! How can I get along with myself so much!

“Lin Yun! Oh! ”

Suddenly, Chen Mojing, who saw Lin Yun, rushed straight to her.

A small jump jumped into Lin Yun’s arms.

“Oh yo yo yo! So enthusiastic? ”

Lin Yun asked with a smile.

Chen Moting hugged him hard and rubbed her face him, like a puppy.

“Who to choose today?” Is it me? ”

Chen Mozhen asked excitedly.

And this sentence immediately made the other two people also look at Lin Yun.

They all seemed to be waiting for Lin Yun’s flops.

Especially Ye Xuefei.

It’s been half a month! Half a month!

Save the child!

Faced with Chen Mojing’s question, and the eager eyes of the three people.

Lin Yun smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said, “Right here, the four of us are playing some exciting games!” “Don’t don’t don’t!”

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