“Whew! Wei Yu, I didn’t expect you to play badminton so well! ”

“I played on the varsity team when I was in college, so it was a little bit.”

“Still Yu Qian is strong, no one can beat her at all!”

At this moment, Yang Weiyu and his party returned.

They were just playing badminton outside.

Accompanying people were Yang Weiyu, Yu Qian, Chen Mofeng, Chen Yuexin and Ke Qi.

However, just as they opened the door, they were shocked by the mess in the living room.

Lin Yun and Ye Xuefei were collapsing on the sofa, and as for what had just happened, the clear-eyed people could see it.

Yang Weiyu immediately covered Keqi’s eyes with her hand.

This kind of inappropriate picture for children is really exaggerated.

I don’t know what Lin Yun thinks of this product, and will solve the problem in the living room.


Time passed in a flash, and after ten days, Lin Yun finally decided to leave for Kunlun Mountain.

This time, Bai Yu Kaoru selected a total of three hundred subordinates of the Bai Family.

Their strength is very strong, basically the most elite troops of the Bai Family.

Not only that, Bai Yuxuan also informed the Li family and the Wang family, asking them to send someone to Kunlun Mountain to do the reception.

And clean up the zombies along the road in advance.

Because they were afraid that Lin Yun would attack them, they had to obediently obey the order.

Otherwise, the Xuan family would be their end.

After Xuan Long and his party died, Bai Yu Kaoru occupied the Xuan family’s territory.

The surname Xuan was basically killed by Bai Yu Kaoru.

Those who remained were all capable people recruited by the Xuan family in Longjiang.

Their hearts were not toward the Xuan family.

As long as they can live to follow everyone, it is the same for them.

“It’s ready.”

Bai Yu Kaoru said to Lin Yun beside him.

Lin Yun looked at the three hundred people and nodded.

Their role is to clear the barrier outside.

There would definitely not be more than twenty guys following themselves into the Kunlun Mountains.

After all, the fewer people there are, the less trouble-making it is.

As for what the other twenty do, it is natural to be useful for their place.

“Yes, let’s go!”

Lin Yun nodded.

Bai Yu Kaoru immediately beckoned three hundred people to prepare to march towards Kunlun Mountain.

However, just as Bai Yu Kaoru was about to get into the car, Lin Yun caught her.


Kaoru Hakuba asked doubtfully.

“We’re not driving.”

Lin Yun explained.

“Then we….”

Kaoru Hakuba had wanted to say that it was possible to make an airplane, but it was very likely that unpredictable circumstances would occur.

But Lin Yun’s next move made her dumbfounded.

Only to see Lin Yun smile slightly, and then grab Bai Yu Kaoru and directly take off into the air.


Bai Yu Kaoru was frightened by Lin Yun.

She forgot that the cargo could still fly!

Watching Lin Yun take herself to a height of thousands of meters made her a little nervous.

“How? Scared? ”

Lin Yun held Bai Yu Kaoru in both hands and flew in the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

In the face of Lin Yun’s question, Bai Yukao shook his head.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of, I’m not a kid.”

Although Bai Yu Kaoru said so, she hugged Lin Yun tightly.

He even buried his head in Lin Yun’s arms.

Obviously, she was still very scared, but she didn’t say it.

Lin Yun just smiled slightly.

Accelerate towards Kunlun Mountain.

With just a blink of an eye, Lin Yun arrived at Kunlun Mountain.

Looking at Kunlun Mountain from a height of thousands of meters, it looks like a fairyland.

Countless white smoke lingers between the mountains, making this mountain range very mysterious.

“This is Kunlun Mountain?” The feeling has changed a lot from the last time. ”

Bai Yukao, who was in Lin Yun’s arms, said in surprise.

“Last time?”

Lin Yun was very confused, could it be that Bai Yu Kaoru had come before?

“I came here a few years ago and followed a few troops, but that wasn’t the case at that time. It was no different from ordinary mountains, but now Kunlun Mountain seemed to be covered with a layer of white veil. Kaoru Hakuba replied.

Hearing Bai Yukao’s words, Lin Yun nodded.

It seems that this series of phenomena caused by the outbreak of zombies is inevitable!

“Let’s go!”

Lin Yun swooped down with Bai Yu Kaoru in an instant.

In just a dozen seconds, they came to the ground from a height of several thousand meters.

But Lin Yun did not directly enter Kunlun Mountain, but landed in a small town near Kunlun Mountain.

According to the agreement, this will be the area where the subordinates of the White Family will camp.

Lin Yun’s eyes looked into the interior of the town.

There were many scattered zombies in action.

But the numbers are extremely scarce and do not match the population of the town.

If the capable have not been hunted and killed, most of the zombies have disappeared on their own.

As for where he went, Lin Yun didn’t know.

“Do we want to go to the town first?” Maybe there will be some clues inside. ”

Bai Yu Kaoru proposed to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun nodded and replied, “Yes, but there is one more thing we have to do.” ”


“Kill the guy who is following us first!”

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