“Kill the guy who is following us first!”

As soon as Lin Yun’s voice fell, the Blade of Nothingness slashed at the other side.

The next second, a pile of shredded flesh fell from the sky and landed around the two of them.


Bai Yu Kaoru was shocked, she did not notice the existence of the other party at all, but Lin Yun had already killed the enemy?

What the hell is going on with this man!?

“Well, it’s over, let’s go into the village.”

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he stepped into the small village in front of him.

Everywhere they went, the scattered zombies immediately surrounded them.

But before he could get closer, he was cut into pieces by Lin Yun.

“The zombies here seem to be ordinary zombies.”

Kaoru Hakuba talks to Lin Yangdao.

The zombies in the village are all categories that have not evolved at all.

It was particularly vulnerable in front of the two.

You won’t even see a red-level zombie appear in front of the two of them.

“Leave that alone and move on.”

Lin Yun didn’t answer, just continued to move forward.

The town is long in ruins.

But the strange thing is that there doesn’t seem to be a fight here.

It was as if they had been bitten while they were sleeping.

Lin Yun remembered that when the TV station reported it, the place was blocked.

This means that it is very likely that at night, this place has become a nest of zombies.

It was just discovered by someone else the next day.

“It feels like a strange smell.”

Lin Yun said to Bai Yu Kaoru.

“Is there one?”

Bai Yu sniffed his nose and did not smell what Lin Yun said.

Just when she was stupid, Lin Yun had already walked straight in one direction.

“Hey! Lin Yun, where are you going? ”

Kaoru Hakuba asked incomprehensibly.

Lin Yun seemed to be guided by someone, and he ignored her and continued to move forward.

“What’s going on with this guy?”

Bai Yu was stunned for a few seconds, and then immediately ran over.

“Lin Yun, can’t you hear me?”

When Bai Yuxun ran to Lin Yun’s face, she was surprised to find that there was no blood on Lin Yun’s face.

Like a zombie, it keeps moving forward.

And the eyes are hollow, the lips are chapped, as if they have been dead for a long time.

This scene made Bai Yu Kaoru stunned, was Lin Yun dead?


Before she could guess downwards, a slap slapped Bai Yukao’s face.

The aching White Feather Kaoru hurriedly covered his face.

And at the moment when the pain triggered the brain, the picture in front of me just now disappeared.

Bai Yukao was surprised to find that Lin Yun was standing in front of him.

It was very different from the Lin Yun who had seen him with no color just now.


Bai Yu Kaoru pointed doubtfully at Lin Yun.

“You what you are! What happened to you just now? Suddenly rushed over and hugged, swine fever? ”

Lin Yun glanced at her.

In his line of sight, Kaoru Hakuba hugged himself as if he were going crazy.

The strange behavior directly caused him to give Kaoru Shiraba a slap.

I don’t know what kind of wind it is.

“Is it all an illusion?”

Kaoru Hakuba looked at his hand in disbelief.

Her mood had not yet calmed down from Lin Yun’s death just now.

Because, she couldn’t believe that she actually had feelings for Lin Yun.

When he saw Lin Yun’s dead appearance, he actually felt a pang of heartache in his heart!

“What’s the fuss about?” Let’s move on. ”

Of course, Lin Yang didn’t know what Bai Yu Kaoru was thinking, and continued to walk forward.

“Oh, good!”

Kaoru Hakuba hurriedly changed his demeanor back to his original form.

Then he kept up with Lin Yun’s pace.

And just after they left.

A small figure appeared behind them.

It was a zombie the size of a baby.

His face was wide open, showing a very penetrating smile.

It is it that has just created the fear in its heart with its own ability.

There will be a scene where the white feather is ugly.

“Humans! Eat eat eat! ”


“It doesn’t seem like there’s anything special about this town.”

After Lin Yun and Bai Yu Kaoru finished visiting the town, they found that there was nothing special here.

Except for the zombies weak and somewhat terrible.

Basically, when you encounter two people, you can only be killed.

“Who knows, maybe we’re thinking too much.”

Kaoru shook her head, thinking that maybe this town was really very ordinary.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, kept his eyes on one place.

Something seems to have been found.

“What’s wrong?”

Bai Yu Kaoru asked Lin Yun.

“It was as if something was watching us.”

Lin Yun said lightly.

“What creatures are watching us?”

Bai Yu Kaoru was very curious and did not understand what Lin Yun was saying.

However, at this very moment.

That little zombie launched a magic attack on Lin Yun in the distance!

Only to see that a terrifying picture appeared in Lin Yun’s field of vision!

He was lying in bed at this time, and the sound of cars honking and people laughing everywhere outside the window.

It was as if there had never been a zombie.

It was like a dream….

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