“Are they all fake?”

Lin Yun looked around, everything was so calm.

It’s really like you’ve slept on your own and nothing has happened.

Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he murmured, “System? ”


“It doesn’t seem to be fake!”

Hearing the system’s response, the corners of Lin Yun’s mouth revealed a faint smile.

This is obviously an illusion, although I don’t know which guy is in the yin itself, since it is an illusion…..


Lin Yun stabbed his right arm with a dagger.

In an instant, the illusion in front of him vanished, and the face of Bai Yu Kaoru appeared in his sight again. 、

“Lin Yun, you….”

Bai Yu Kaoru didn’t know what had happened to Lin Yun.

Before she could react, Lin Yun gave a knife to his thigh.

Suddenly her whole body trembled with fright.


Lin Yun shook his head.

The wound on his arm recovered instantly.

Lin Yun looked around.

Want to find the guy who is himself.


He saw the shadow of a little ghost under a tree.

Those dark pupils told him that it was the illusion created by this guy!

And the little zombie also sensed that Lin Yun had discovered himself.

Want to escape.

However, as soon as he left, Lin Yun’s figure appeared behind it.

“Want to go? Dream! ”

Lin Yun snorted coldly, and a knife stabbed directly into its abdomen!

Pin it to the ground!


The little zombie let out a scream, but he didn’t choose to give up.

Instead, he continued to struggle and try to escape.

However, how could Lin Yun possibly give it this opportunity?

His large hand pressed directly on the head of the little zombie.

Then pinch gently.

He held him firmly in his hands.

“Roar, roar, roar!”

The little zombie frantically waved his fist, but he couldn’t break free.

Lin Yun’s strength was really too great, and it didn’t look like a plane person to this little zombie.

“Ding! Xeno zombies detected! Kill it to gain the ability to create illusions! ”


Lin Yun was a little surprised to suddenly receive a prompt from the system.

The power to create illusions?

Maybe a good choice!


As soon as Lin Yun exerted his big hand, he squeezed the little zombie to death in his hand.

“Ding! Gain the ability to create illusions! You are able to create terrible illusions! ”

After gaining the ability, Lin Yun casually threw the body of the little zombie aside.

Then he looked at Kaoru Hakura, who was walking towards him.

Bai Yukao’s eyes kept looking at the little zombie, and asked Lin Yun, “Is this little zombie a little…..”

I haven’t waited for her to say it.

The scene before her eyes changed dramatically.

In an instant, the whole heaven and earth went black, and then, she was surprised to find that there were many forest clouds around her body!

“What’s going on!?”

Kaoru Hakuba was so frightened that she directly collapsed on the ground.

One Lin Yun was enough for her to bear, what was going on with so many Lin Yun?

However, in the next second, Lin Yun lifted his ability.

The picture in front of Kaoru’s eyes changed again.

Back to the original world.

“This is…..”

Bai Yu Kaoru looked at Lin Yun with some doubt.

And Lin Yun did not give her any explanation.

He just said lightly, “Let’s find a place to stay for one night, and then enter Kunlun Mountain tomorrow.” ”

“Oh well!”

Kaoru Hakuba nodded.

My mind is still the picture just now.

What the hell is going on with you?

Could it be that he was caught in the magic again?

But where did this magic come from?

Lin Yun took Bai Yukao and casually found a room that looked quite good.

Although it has not been used for a long time, it is covered with a layer of ash.

But the house is relatively very tidy.

You don’t need to clean it up to live there.

Lin Yun took out some food and used it as dinner for the two of them.

After a simple solution to dinner.

Lin Yun walked up to the bedroom on the second floor.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Yun saw this huge photo on the wall of the bedroom.

It is a wedding photo of a man and a woman.

The two look very sweet in the photo, but I don’t know if they are alive now.

Most likely, it will become a zombie.

Or it was torn to shreds.

“I didn’t expect that the town’s electricity and running water were not cut off.”

Suddenly, Kaoru Hakuba walked in.

“No water? So many days have passed, and the tap water here should not be able to drink. ”

Lin Yun replied.

“But it can be used for bathing, but I don’t know why the power is not broken, and it is reasonable to say that the power supply has been stopped long ago.”

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