
Lin Yun closed the door.

He already knew what was needed to power it.


The Bai family had already arrived at Kunlun Mountain.

The other two families still have some time to go.

Lin Yun stood upstairs alone, watching Bai Yukao directing the group of people below to do things.

Prepare for entering the Kunlun Mountains.

Only to see that Bai Yu Kaoru singled out the twenty subordinates of the White Family who had been selected before and asked them to stand in a row.

Food and elixirs were carried on them.

Because there is no way to go in the Kunlun Mountains, it is also equipped with props for climbing.

Of course, all this was irrelevant in Lin Yang’s eyes.

“It’s all ready.” Bai Yu Kaoru turned his head and said to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun nodded.

Jumped straight from the second floor.

He said to twenty people, “Then let’s go.” ”

The group entered the Kunlun Mountains directly and straight.

I don’t know if it’s foggy.

There was a strange smell floating in the smoke-filled Kunlun Mountains.

It seems to smell bloody, but it’s different.

Let the group look around vigilantly, lest any monsters attack them.

“Kunlun Mountain is huge, how do we find the secret base?”

Bai Yu Kaoru asked Lin Yun.

If you walk on two feet, the ghost knows when to go.

“It’s simple.”

Lin Yun replied plainly, “I’ll take you to find it.” ”

After finishing his words, he directly hugged Bai Yu Kaoru and flew into the air.

However, when they flew into the air, the smoke still filled the entire mountain range, and they still could not find the location of the secret base.

“Still can’t see clearly.”

Bai Yu Kaoru shook his head, the smoke seemed to be a barrier, blocking their eyes.

Not to mention finding the secret base, even the twenty Bai Family subordinates who had just been with them, she couldn’t find it.

They had to be notified by radio, turning on the infrared, and the two saw their location.

“It looks like we have to find someone to lead the way.”

Lin Yun touched his chin.

Instantly disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, there was one more person around him, and that was Xiao Ling.

“Which is this?” How did I get here? ”

Xiao Ling couldn’t believe her eyes.

Ming Ming was still eating lunch in a room just now, and the next second he appeared in the middle of the smoke-filled mountain.

It made her break out in a cold sweat on her back, unable to imagine what had happened to her.

Didn’t even see Lin Yun and the others who had been standing behind her.

“Hey, hey.”

Lin Yun nodded at Xiao Ling’s shoulder, frightening Xiao Ling to take a few steps backwards.

Turning around in surprise, he asked, “Lin Yun?” You brought me here? ”


Lin Yun nodded, “Don’t you know here?” ”


Xiao Ling looked around, and her two eyes narrowed slightly, only to confirm that this was not the Kunlun Mountain?


Lin Yun this guy actually came to Kunlun Mountain with himself!

“I didn’t expect that you would really dare to enter Kunlun Mountain, and if you were discovered by the people of the secret base, you would be blasted into pieces.”

Xiao Ling pretended to be a mysterious threat.

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

Lin Yun replied, “You lead the way, to that so-called secret base.” ”

“You think I’ll agree?”

Xiao Ling’s face showed a trace of anger and did not want to compromise with Lin Yun.

“There’s no way around that.”

Lin Yun shook his head, directly grabbed Xiao Ling’s arm with one hand, and then flew up!

Brought Xiao Ling to a height of thousands of meters!

“You you you you!”

Xiao Ling, who was carried by Lin Yun to a height of thousands of meters, was frightened.

“How’s it going? Take it with you or not? ”

Lin Yun smiled and asked, he was now a demon in Xiao Ling’s eyes.

“You dream!”

Xiao Ling also wanted to resist.

In this regard, Lin Yun could only smile bitterly and shake his head.

Then he released his hand….


With a scream, Xiao Ling’s whole person began to fall down directly from a thousand meters in the air.

That pig-like cry was not to mention Lin Yun next to him, and even Bai Yukao and others in the Kunlun Mountains could hear it clearly!

Lin Yun came to Xiao Ling’s side and did not catch her.

Instead, he took advantage of the fall and asked Xiao Ling, “Take me there?” ”

“With a belt! Save me! Save me! ”

Xiao Lingqiang held back tears and compromised with Lin Yun.

Who would have thought that this guy’s methods would be so vicious!

Under the double attack of fear and physical discomfort, Xiao Ling had to choose to surrender!

Just a second before Xiao Ling was about to fall.

Lin Yuncai reached out to help.

The ability to use space movement brought Xiao Ling back inside.

Looking at Xiao Ling, who was trembling with fright, the white feather on the ground suddenly rolled his eyes.

Sure enough, having special abilities is good, and the means of questioning are not something that ordinary people can see.

“All right, lead the way.” Lin Yun patted Xiao Ling’s shoulder and said, “Don’t let me down! Xiao tour guide! ”

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