“Speak quickly! Who is your boss! Where is the base of your organization? ”

Lin Yun stretched out his hand and pinched the other person’s face.

Under the tremendous pressure, the man’s face was somewhat deformed.

The painful mouth spat out a mouthful of thick blood.

“I… Nope….”

The man struggled, unwilling to tell Lin Yun everything.

Seeing that this guy’s mouth was so hard, Lin Yun had to use mind control.

He slowly closed his eyes, and then a white beam of light poured into the man’s brain.

The next second, the man’s whole body trembled, and then he lost the act of struggle. 、

Looking at Lin Yun with a sluggish face,

“The host….”

The man bowed respectfully to Lin Yun.

“Say, what is the origin of your organization?”

Lin Yun ordered the man to tell him everything he knew.

“Our organization is called…. Called New… New Humans…. Aaaaa ”

No sooner had the man opened his mouth than his head suddenly became unusually painful.

Covering his head and rolling on the ground, to no avail.

Lin Yun looked at the man on the ground, and his face showed a touch of sadness.

He saw something squirming inside the man’s brain.

It was as if it were a bug, but it could not be said, as if it wanted to break through his brain and rush out in the next second.

“Say what you know!” Even if you’re going to die soon! ”

Lin Yun coldly ordered the man.

He wouldn’t care if the man was alive or dead. 、

Under Lin Yun’s orders, the man began to endure the pain and speak: “We are the new human beings!” The boss of the organization is called the Sun! Our base in… At…. In the Pacific… Above… Yes! ”

With a scream, the man’s brain exploded directly.

A bunch of bugs sprung up from his brain like mushrooms, causing Lin Yun to take a few steps back. 、

Avoid these bugs splashing on your body.


Lin Yun’s brow furrowed slightly, it seemed that this organization called New Human had a way to control other members with bugs.

That’s it.

At the very least, however, he now knows the name of the organization and its location.

“On the Pacific?”

Lin Yun thoughtfully touched his chin.

The extent of the Pacific Ocean is too large.

To find the hiding place of these guys is to find a needle in a haystack!

It seems that we can only find another way,

Lin Yun waved a big hand, and the two women appeared in front of Lin Yun again.

When they saw what they saw, they were immediately frightened.

After all, the feeling of a bunch of bugs crawling out of the human brain is absolutely unacceptable.

Even Xiao Ling had a reaction that wanted to vomit.

“Is this the man just now?”

Bai Yu frowned and asked Lin Yun,


Lin Yun nodded.

“They belong to an organization called New Humans, but I don’t know anything about the organization.”

“The organization of the new humans?”

Kaoru White’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she seemed to know something.

“I may have learned about this so-called new human being.”

Bai Yu Kaoru said to Lin Yun.

“You know?”

Lin Yun looked at Bai Yukao with some surprise, not expecting her to know anything about this so-called new human being. 、


Bai Yu Kaoru nodded, “This new human has approached our White Family before, and asked us to do something for them.” ”

“Do something? What’s up? ”

Lin Yun asked.

“It’s drug research, and the kind used on me is one of them!”

Kaoru Hakuba pointed to herself, and the reason why her whole body was snow-white was thanks to the so-called new human!

“Then you white family will do what they do?”

Lin Yun continued to ask.

This is somewhat inconsistent with the style of the Bai family.

“They used the deal my grandfather made, and he already had signs at that time.”

Kaoru Hakuba explained, “The drugs that suppress the virus in his body are provided by the new human tissues, but they are extremely mysterious!” ”

“So, which ones do you know about them?”

Lin Yun’s expression at this moment was very ugly.

Because it was hard for him to imagine that this organization could have them everywhere.

It’s just interspersed with this plot!

“They’re a foreign organization, and if I remember correctly, their purpose is to create new human beings.” Bai Yu Kaoru said to Lin Yun, “They have been working on the restart of the world, and in their eyes, humans are too weak, so they have been studying how to make humans more powerful!” ”

“For example, turn into a zombie?”

Suddenly Lin Yun’s words made Bai Yuxuan’s two eyes open to the boss.

Could it be that this so-called zombie virus was created by this new human organization?

That blue imitation is a product of the new human organization?

Lin Yun smiled and shook his head, and the blue Rubik’s Cube appeared in his hand.

“It seems that there is more than one of these things, otherwise it would be impossible for the zombie virus to appear all over the world at the same time.” New humans? Reboot the world? What this organization does, it’s crazy enough! ”

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