“So what should we do?”

Bai Yu Kaoru looked at Lin Yun with some anxiety.

Obviously, this so-called new human organization is likely to be the culprit of all these events.

Everything has their presence, and the only way to restore the original world is to destroy them.


Lin Yun slowly raised his head.

A pair of deep eyes looked at the sun in the sky.

The original world may not be so beautiful, is it?

“Go back first, I’ll take care of it!”

Lin Yun said calmly, he still needs a little time.


On a small island in the Pacific Ocean.

An old man with skin like bark all over his body was looking at a screen.

The picture above is that the members of their organization are killed by Lin Yun.

The young man of the Dragon Kingdom made him feel a little threatened.

“Dr. Jano, what are you looking at?”

From behind came a foreign woman with long blond hair.

Her posture was bloated, fat like a leather ball.

There were also two sharp fangs at the corners of his mouth, which looked very frightening.

“Nothing, it’s the layout in the Dragon Kingdom, it seems to have been disrupted.”

The old man, Dr. Jano, swiped the picture off the flat screen with a stroke of his dry hand.

He didn’t seem to want anyone else to know about it.

“Dragon Kingdom? Did something happen there? ”

The blonde woman asked Dr. Jano.

“Nothing, just small things, I’ll fix it.”

Dr. Jano shook his head and said he could fix it.

“Is it?”

The blonde woman sneered, “I hope you don’t ruin the boss’s plan, otherwise you will die a miserable death.” ”

With that, the bloated blonde woman turned and left.

In the face of the woman’s words, Dr. Jano’s face showed a look of helplessness.

Of course, he didn’t want to mess up the boss’s plan, so he had to step up his efforts to sanction the man named Lin Yun.

It’s just that….

“Oh, forget it, just go and beg him!”

Dr. Jano walked toward a valley.

There is a huge cave there.

No sooner had Dr. Jano walked in than a muffled sound came from the cave.

Dust swept across Dr. Jano’s body.

“Jano, what wind blew you?”

A man’s voice came from the dark cave.

“Mord, I need your help.”

Dr. Jano said to the people in the dark cave.

“My help? Hahahahaha! ”

The man in the cave laughed twice and asked, “What do you want me to do?” ”

“Go to the Dragon Kingdom and kill someone!”

Dr. Jano replied.

“Killing? How? Can’t your people deal with him? ”

The man in the dark cave was surprised to hear that Dr. Jano had begged him to kill someone.

Because Dr. Jano’s men are very powerful characters, even he has to be afraid of a few points.

But at this time, Dr. Jano actually came to ask him to kill people?

Is this guy serious?

“That’s right! My men couldn’t deal with him, and five had already lost their lives at the hands of that guy. Dr. Jano sighed.

“What? Have you lost five people? ”

Hearing Dr. Jano say that five people had been lost, the man in the dark cave was even more surprised.

How could five members of the organization have died in the Dragon Kingdom?

How is this possible?

You know, each member of their new human organization can compare to a black-level zombie!

Does that mean the old humans were able to kill black-level zombies?

How is this possible?

They can’t have this strength unless they use some super-massive thermal weapon!

Otherwise, no members of the organization would have lost their lives!

“Did they die from a mass attack?”

The man continued to ask.

“No, they were all killed by a man.”

Dr. Jano shook his head.


This sentence once again surprised the man in the cave.

They were all killed?

Or the same man?

What exactly is the origin of this man? 》

How could he kill five members of the New Human Organization?

“Does the boss know about this?”

“I don’t know.”

Dr. Jano then said, “He’s still completing his final metamorphosis, and I don’t want to bother with it, so I’m here to ask you to help me kill that human!” ”

“Kind of interesting! Kind of interesting! ”

Suddenly, there was a violent laugh in the cave.

This caused the area under Dr. Jano’s feet to begin to tremble.

Then came the sound of earthquake-like footsteps coming from the cave.

The man strode out of the dark cave.

It was a huge human being with a height of more than ten meters.

He has three or four eyes on top of his head, and he holds a huge wolf’s tooth stick in his hand, as if he were an ogre in the game, looking extremely fierce!

The whole body is also covered with dark black armor, which is very strong in both attack and defense!

“Dr. Jano.”

The man grinned, “Leave this matter to me, I will help you solve the other side!” But then you’ll have to give me what I want!” ”

“Rest assured!” Dr. Jano nodded, “Sooner or later my daughter will be your thing!” ”

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