The "sun" in the center of the Prophet Civilization warship looks like it is exposed to the outside, but in fact it seems to have naturally formed a structure similar to a protective film. Lin Qun's attacks fell and exploded on the outer layer!

It can't hurt itself at all.

Especially the attack of the fire symbol, it even seems to add fuel to it.

Lin Qun narrowed his eyes, he tightly grasped the Sword of Victory in his hand, and the Sword of Victory was slowly flashing.

He wanted to try to chop it with a curry stick.

At this moment, the behemoth under his feet was sinking and accelerating, moving at high speed to the area outside the gray-black fog outside the magic city. The guns on it roared, as if they wanted to leave the battlefield quickly.

And Lin Qun landed on its ship, and the Prophet Civilization only bombarded him with guns and never sent anyone out.

Obviously, the communication interference of the gray-black fog could not affect the Prophet Civilization. Their technology was far superior to that of humans. They had already obtained the previous information and knew that it was unrealistic to send people out to deal with Lin Qun.

But they realized that Lin Qun was about to launch an attack, so they stepped up their firepower at this time. From the side of their hull, a row of small elliptical drones flew out, carrying machine guns, and madly fired at Lin Qun.

But it was too late.

Lin Qun had just replenished his energy and dark energy, and the Sword of Victory flashed a dazzling flash, and then chopped it down from the middle!

The target was the small "sun" with nuclear fusion!

At that moment, the shadow civilization creatures around him stepped back.

Lin Qun's sword worked, successfully splitting the outer layer of the "sun" at its core, stirring it like a chopstick deep into an egg, and instantly detonated the "sun"!

Lin Qun rose up and retreated backwards at the first time. He held up Captain America's shield in one hand to resist the drone machine gun shooting from the side, while switching the Mark 50's thruster mode and retreating at high speed--

However, the expected violent explosion did not occur.

The warship of the Prophet Civilization seemed to have some kind of stabilizing device, which played a role before it exploded and expanded, shrinking and weakening the power of its theoretical explosion sharply, and finally disappearing in an instant, but the explosion that just spread still broke the center of the 300-meter-class warship of the Prophet Civilization. In the flames that shot up into the sky, it broke into two halves and fell to the ground below.

Thick smoke billowed.

The warship of the Prophet Civilization was like a cruise ship that broke after hitting an iceberg. This moment was extremely tragic. It was no longer advanced, emitting flames and thick smoke, and throwing a lot of substances.

Below, the gray-black fog surged like a tide, like a huge palm, trying to hold up the fallen spaceship of the Prophet Civilization from below, but this was not a salvation. On the contrary, the gray-black fog swallowed the thick smoke and swarmed in from the broken Prophet Civilization warship hull. The shadows surged like living things. They were densely packed Prophet Civilization creatures. Their biological characteristics allowed them to ignore the limitations of the environment and shuttle and enter as long as there was a gap.

They were like piranhas that swarmed after smelling blood, rushing forward and gnawing at the Prophet Civilization warship that had fallen into the water!

Inside the Prophet Civilization warship, one after another Prophet Civilization life floated up, glowing all over, and strangled the surrounding Shadow Civilization life.

They still failed. They lasted less than three minutes before being sunk by that human!

"This human is really powerful. No wonder he was able to kill Chou."

"But our prediction is accurate. Lord Chou helped us obtain more accurate information and corrected our predictions about him. No matter how powerful he is, he will lead our predictions to death step by step!"

"There is one minute and thirty-five seconds left on Blue Star. Lord Tianqu will be here!"

"These hybrid civilization lives can't kill us."

They are now in a desperate situation, with Lin Qun above them, and the entire warship is submerged by the lives of Shadow Civilization, but they are not panicked at all, as proud and confident as ever, because they know very well that the balance of war is about to tilt.

In the deepest part of the gray-black fog, the domain lord of Shadow Civilization is very excited.

Drive the tiger to devour the wolf, humans helped it kill the warship of the Prophet Civilization!

Seize this opportunity and let the advance troops of the Prophet Civilization die, then their follow-up troops will be out of touch. At that time, even if they don’t know where the fleet of the Prophet Civilization is, it will definitely delay their landing process and even affect their entire advancement plan!

This opportunity and change may affect the situation in the entire Magic City area.

Outside the gray-black fog, humans are also very excited.

There is electromagnetic interference from the gray-black fog. They can’t contact Lin Qun inside, and they are almost unclear about the battle situation inside, but they can clearly see the extinguishing of the "sun" lit by the Prophet Civilization warship.

This means that Mr. Lin succeeded!

At this moment, there is only one "sun" and a Prophet Civilization warship left in the gray-black fog!

Li Zheng said: "Let them see what they will face if they are enemies with us!"

At this time, Lin Qun was rising from the battlefield.

Around him, the lives of the shadow civilization were all retreating quickly, and no one dared to approach him.

Lin Qun looked down and saw that the warship of the Prophet Civilization below had even stopped falling and was strangely hovering in the air. The flames burning on it were extinguished one after another, and the creatures of the Shadow Civilization were moving in and out of it, moving like ghosts, extremely terrifying.

Combined with the gray-black fog that was constantly surging around, the falling spaceship, the twisting weirdness, and the surging fog, at first glance, this seemed like a scene from a science fiction thriller.

Lin Qun noticed something and suddenly turned around. He saw behind him, the gray-black fog surged and opened a path for him.

In that direction, there was another warship of the Prophet Civilization.

That warship was not the primary target, so it was able to move quickly and try to break through. At this time, it was almost at the edge of the coastline of the Magic City. The speed was very fast.

And this passage in the gray-black fog was obviously the work of the Domain Lord.

They couldn't do anything to the Prophet Civilization. Seeing that Lin Qun had successfully sunk a ship, they wanted to continue and let Lin Qun help them solve the second big problem.

But unfortunately, Lin Qun wanted to solve the Prophet Civilization, but did not follow the route planned by the Domain Lord.

He looked along the narrow passage, and then holding the Sword of Oath of Victory, he rose at high speed and plunged into the gray-black fog in the same direction.

That was not the road that the Domain Lord gave him. The gray-black fog at that position was full of the lives of the Shadow Civilization!

Lin Qun rushed directly into the lives of a group of shadow civilizations. The sword of the oath of victory was covered with aura, and it opened and closed, killing the creatures of the shadow civilization. A large number of them were killed by Lin Qun in an instant!

—— His goal was to retaliate against the prophet civilization, but going there did not mean that he was here to help the shadow civilization.

He wanted to kill the prophet civilization.

He also wanted to kill the shadow civilization!

Lin Qun was too lazy to kill the creatures of the prophet civilization in the prophet civilization warship that had just sunk, so he simply rushed into the pile of contestants of the shadow civilization and started killing!

Anyway, he already knew the direction, so why bother to take the road that the domain master gave way?

Wouldn't it be better to kill all the way?

With Lin Qun's current combat power, looking at the entire shadow civilization, no one except the domain master can threaten him. He killed all the way like this, and he took the road opened up by the domain master for him. The time difference is almost the same. He can also get contribution points by doing this, so why not?

In the sky, the shadow civilization creatures screamed continuously and were slaughtered in large numbers by Lin Qun!

Lin Qun's contribution points rose.

Five hundred and fifty points...

Six hundred points...

Six hundred and fifty points...

Seven hundred and fifty points!

In order to block and encircle the warships of the Prophet Civilization, the Shadow Civilization gathered a large number of troops around here, which was very dense. Lin Qun went crazy.

He could just use Wushuang Luanwu at will!

Those strange creatures of the Shadow Civilization that were like nightmares to ordinary life were slaughtered by Lin Qun like ants, and they were defeated and fled in panic!

The domain master of the Shadow Civilization never expected that Lin Qun would be so cruel. He was a little dumbfounded, and then he immediately evacuated his people.

Therefore, a funny and weird scene appeared. Wherever Lin Qun killed, the fog parted.

Revealing a large open space.

He did not have a nuclear fusion "sun" like the Prophet Civilization, but he became a "nuclear fusion" sun. He killed wherever he went. From the domain master to the ordinary life of the Shadow Civilization, everyone was terrified, so he gave way to Lin Qun!

Moreover, in the gray-black fog, these dark matter creatures ran very fast. Lin Qun killed half of the monsters and found that there were no monsters to kill.

They all ran away!

Lin Qun felt a little regretful.

After killing so many monsters just now, his contribution points were close to 900. Unfortunately, the domain master and the shadow civilization reacted and ran away quickly. He didn't have three heads and six arms, so he couldn't catch up.

The most important thing is to take down the warships of the prophet civilization first!

The domain master gnashed his teeth.

It knew that this was the price of luring Lin Qun in to kill the prophet civilization, but it still hated it and hated the human in front of it.

But it couldn't do anything to Lin Qun.

It had suffered a great loss. As the saying goes, it's better to die than to die. How dare it show up? If it was really killed, everything would be too late.

Therefore, it only hated it, but it didn't mean to end it.

At this time, Lin Qun had no more shadow civilization lives to kill, and finally rose slowly, flying at high speed towards the second and last warship of the Prophet civilization in the gray-black fog of the Magic City!

The Mark 50 has excellent performance and moves forward at high speed. He has just traveled halfway and is now getting closer and closer to the Prophet civilization warship.

Under his feet is the Magic City area shrouded in gray-black fog.

In the fog, the buildings and ruins are shadowy and unclear. Lin Qun can't recognize where is where. Returning to the old place, he doesn't feel anything, only the enemy in his eyes!

Killing the creatures of the Shadow Civilization and harvesting contribution points is incidental. Lin Qun has not forgotten the real purpose of his appearance here today. He wants to drive the Prophet Civilization out of the Magic City area and shock the Prophet Civilization!

This is the key.

Anyway, the Shadow Civilization is here and can't run away.

With the nano armor of Mark 50, Lin Qun's limit speed has been improved again. It won't take long to sail from Lucheng to the Magic City at full speed. At that time, he can "commute" every day to level up and kill monsters.

Because from the current situation, Lin Qun estimated that even if he didn't keep using Wushuang, he should be able to move back and forth freely in this gray-black fog that eats people.

Since there is no threat, isn't this a holy place to earn contribution points?

The number of alien civilizations in this gray-black fog is much greater than that of Tatun's group of Taku people!

It is possible to upgrade the fourth-level card pool here!

The poor domain master never dreamed that he thought he was driving the tiger to devour the wolf and wanted to use Lin Qun's power to drive away the prophet civilization, but the tiger was eyeing them!


Lin Qun's expression quickly froze.

Because he felt a gust of wind.

It blew from outside the Magic City.

At that moment, the domain master hiding in the deepest part of the gray-black fog of the Shadow Civilization suddenly raised his "head" and looked outside the world in horror.

At that moment, the last warship of the Prophet Civilization was infinitely close to the coastline, less than one kilometer away from the edge of the gray-black fog of the Shadow Civilization.

But at this moment, on the sea outside the Magic City, an elliptical aircraft flew low at high speed and pierced the sky at five times the speed of sound.

As sharp as a sword, wherever it passed, a vertical and horizontal trace was left on the sea.

And at the moment it approached, the elliptical aircraft did not slow down, and a figure flew out directly from it, spreading its arms in the air, and then, in the windless place, a strong wind suddenly rose.

The space in front of it overlapped like a kaleidoscope.

This wind formed on the sea surface and turned into a sweeping tide when it reached the coastline of the Magic City.

But when Lin Qun felt a little bit of wind, the fog in front of him began to dissipate.

The strong wind swept away the gray-black fog that filled the sky!

At this moment, the fog covering a three-kilometer range on the coastline in front was like being pushed away by an invisible big hand, and it rolled back sharply!

The creatures of the shadow civilization in it were flying around like rotten cotton! They were no longer able to threaten the warship of the prophet civilization.

The sky and the ground were exposed.

Sand and rocks were flying on the ground, and some houses near this area were even uprooted and rolled into the sky.

But the exposed sea surface was not the sea surface.

It was a taller broken wall.

In the front direction, the entire space seemed to be broken, and a broken wall seemed to appear suddenly between the worlds, connecting the ocean below and the sky above!

The space in it was broken like a glass mirror, and it looked extremely scary, as if if you approached it, you would be directly cut into pieces by this broken space.

Without the threat of the gray-black fog and the shadow civilization, the speed of the Prophet Civilization warship suddenly increased, but it did not stop, but rushed forward and hit the broken wall. It was shattered, but it passed through it directly as if it passed through an invisible wall, and then suddenly disappeared.

Behind it, Lin Qun, who was chasing it, stopped, and the Mark 50 was suspended in mid-air.

At this moment, he had arrived at the empty area. In front of him was a huge, vertical broken space wall, and behind him was the gray-black fog that was blown into pieces. He stood there, one in front and one behind, as if in two worlds!

"Zila... Zila... Lin, Mr. Lin... This is the Lucheng General Command, I am Gu Pan... Zila... Please... look at the ranking list immediately!"

The gray-black fog dissipated, and the communication was briefly connected, but it seemed to be still disturbed and distorted.

But at this moment, Lin Qun did not look at the ranking list as Gu Pan instructed, because at this moment, he felt an unprecedented pressure.

He raised his head.

The dark night sky was revealed by the dissipation of the gray-black fog.

A hook-like silver moon hung in the sky.

And under the silver moon, there was a figure standing in the sky.

It appeared there, and the sky seemed to solidify, the broken world wall remained motionless, and there was a dead silence in the sky and underground, like a frozen picture, and an unimaginable terrible breath spread from the sky.

It overlooked the humans and the huge foggy city under its feet.

At that moment, the air was almost stagnant.

Only Gu Pan's voice was still ringing in Lin Qun's ears with difficulty.

"Zila... Lin... Mr. Lin... Zila... General Command Order... Retreat immediately! Retreat immediately!!"

The surrounding gray-black fog retreated quietly.

In the shadows, the domain master put away his fangs with difficulty.

Outside the fog, Huang Qizheng suddenly raised his head and looked at the deepest part of the fog that he couldn't see from his position. He suddenly said, "Back off."

Tong Xin on the side didn't hear clearly and couldn't help asking, "What did you say?"

"I said back off..." Huang Qizheng suddenly shouted. He stood on the roof of the car and hoarsely said, "Everyone - back off immediately!!!"

At this moment, the information from the headquarters in the rear had also come, and the orders came one after another. Three emergency orders were all one instruction.

Everyone, retreat, evacuate urgently!

Someone in the team found something unusual.

"Look at the rankings! Look at the rankings!"

"Oh my god - this..."

In the crowd, Li Jie's pupils contracted.

At this moment, they were in the Magic City area, and it was the Magic City rankings.

In the past few minutes, the first place in the Magic City area was still the Domain Lord, the second was Huang Qizheng, and the third was Lin Qun.

But just now, this ranking suddenly changed.

First, it became a strange symbol, which was the text of the Prophet Civilization, translated as Ke.

And its contribution points.

As high as 1.63 million!

"This is ranked 15th in the world - this is ranked 15th in the world! In the global rankings, the life with the second most contribution points in the Prophet Civilization!"

1.63 million contribution points.

Whether it is the Magic City or Jinling, no one has ever seen so many contribution points.

Not to mention the human side, even in the alien civilizations in these areas, there are not so many contribution points!

The domain master of the Shadow Civilization has only more than 200,000 contribution points.

Baka Lie, the strongest man in Bakatan, does not have so many contribution points.

Moreover, this is the 15th in the world.

It is not a regional ranking, nor a single ranking of a certain civilization, but a global ranking!

The top ranking sequence of the entire Blue Star, many civilizations, and the global battlefield!

Li Jie instinctively looked forward: "Brother Lin..."

Such a strong man appeared in the battlefield of the Magic City. If he is not here at the moment, then he can only be at the forefront of the battlefield, the enemy faced by Lin Qun!

Worry instinctively surged in his heart.

"It's Mr. Lin, it's here to deal with Mr. Lin, damn, is the prophet civilization so fast?"

Nie Wensheng gritted his teeth: "We can't retreat, we have to help him!"

But at this time, a large number of teams have begun to retreat, and military orders are like mountains. What's more, with the appearance of such a strong man, it is meaningless for them to stay here.

Li Jie's body was trembling slightly, but he gritted his teeth: "We have to go help him."

At this time, Li Xinghe, who was sitting on the side, was silent for a moment, stretched out his hand, and put it on the shoulders of Li Jie and Nie Wensheng, saying: "Brother, I know you want to help Lin Qun, and I want to, but... Look, 1.63 million contribution points are still in the gray-black fog. If we go now, it will not help him, but cause trouble for him. Maybe he has a way to deal with it, and can fight or even get out, but... If we go, won't he still care about us? We... We..."

His words made Nie Wensheng and Li Jie silent.

Because Li Xinghe was right.

At this moment, there was no point in them going, that would cause trouble for Lin Qun.

After a moment of silence, Nie Wensheng silently started the vehicle, followed the convoy, and quickly retreated, evacuating the Magic City area.

In the Lucheng General Command, Li Zheng had already stood up from his position, walked step by step to the bottom of the front screen, and stared at the picture on the battlefield.

Their communication with Lin Qun was not stable.

The picture on the battlefield was not clear.

Two figures were shown on the distorted picture.

One was a strong man of the Prophet Civilization standing in the sky.

The other was Lin Qun below.

In the depths of the gray-black fog, the Prophet Civilization warships that were facing the shadow civilization life were sunk, and those Prophet Civilization lives raised their heads proudly.

"Lord Tianqu has arrived."

"3 seconds faster than expected - Lord Tianqu is more powerful."

"The battle is over."

"Humans in Lucheng and Jinling City will be defeated."

"Everything is within the prediction of the 'Prophet'."

A large area of ​​gray-black fog retreated.

The core of the battlefield, the edge of the Demon City.

Lin Qun took the lead.

He didn't have time to look at the rankings, but he knew very well that the person in front of him was a Prophet Civilization creature, and was extremely powerful.

He felt an indescribable sense of oppression on the other party.

He had never felt that kind of oppression on alien civilizations, only on his own superhuman body.

This Prophet Civilization life, if not all attributes are 999, must have all attributes above 900 points!

The Prophet Civilization reacted too quickly.

And with Lin Qun's current combat power and attributes, he can crush most of the powerful alien civilization life, but it seems that there is still no way to fight against this level of opponents.

Unless the superman power is activated.

Lin Qun's first reaction is to activate the steel body.

Superman's strength is not only familiar, but also a terrifying ability bonus, especially this time is Lin Qun's third superman transformation, he is sure to exert 90% or even 100% of Superman's combat power!

But Lin Qun calmed down the next second.

It is not rational to use the superman body here now.

One should not let the oppression and terror brought by the strong enemy affect one's own judgment.

The Bakatans gave the Prophet Civilization information. Since the opponent's top strongman has come, how can they not know this?

They are probably fully prepared.

Once he transforms into a superman, this Prophet Civilization creature will definitely run away, and he has not yet figured out what the ability of the Prophet Civilization is. Spending time chasing is a waste of precious opportunities!

Even if he could kill this strong man of the Prophet Civilization with his superhuman body.

Then what?

He didn't even know where the remaining fleet of the Prophet Civilization was...

Moreover, the people he met before said that Lin Qun's superhuman power was only close to the power of some evolutionary.

This shows that this evolutionary is a terrifying existence that surpasses the superhuman combat power he showed before!

Apart from anything else, the Bakatans should be able to judge that the attributes of Lin Qun's superhuman body are more than 900, which proves that the attributes of this evolutionary are at least more than 1,000 points!

And the Prophet Civilization is suspected to have an evolutionary.

If he uses the superhuman body here, what can he use to face the evolutionary?

Waiting to die?

With superhuman power, Lin Qun feels that even a strong man with more than 1,000 attributes may not be unable to fight, but the most fatal thing for him is that the duration of the superhuman transformation is limited, and the duration is calculated based on the basic attributes without bonus. Even if he is already level 26, it can only last for about seven minutes at most. Every second cannot be wasted.

Lin Qun only has one chance to transform into a Superman. If he fails to achieve the expected effect, it will be like breaking a trump card!

The Superman body is used at the most critical moment.

Although the life of the Prophet Civilization in front of him is extremely powerful, it is obviously not the Evolver of the Prophet Civilization!

Before making a decision, Lin Qun took a special look at the rankings.

The Prophet Civilization life in front of him is ranked 15th in the world, but not the strongest in the Prophet Civilization. The strongest in the Prophet Civilization ranks third in the world!

It's not the person in front of him at all!

The strongest evolver in the Prophet Civilization is nowhere to be found!

If the last superhuman opportunity is wasted on the second strongest in the Prophet Civilization, it will be more trouble than gain.

Now using the superhuman body, it will be a momentary victory, but it can only achieve little results. The alien civilization army will come later, and he, or humans, can only wait to die!

If the trump card is lost, it will be the end!

The trump card should be used at the most critical moment.

Therefore, at this moment, the general judgment is also Lin Qun's idea.

Today's battle has changed, and it is not appropriate to fight again.

Even if we have to fight, it is not at this moment...

Lin Qun took a look at his physical attributes, more than 200. If he can use the Armored Titan Transformation or the Super Titan Transformation, and delay a little time, maybe with the Headshot Girl skill, he can reproduce the results of the Zhenze Lake.


Whether it is the transformation of the Armored Titan or the Colossal Titan, there is a fatal problem.

He will lose the ability to take off.

At this moment, the top powerhouse of the Prophet Civilization is in the sky, at least a few thousand meters away from him. Even if he succeeds in transformation and has enough physique to headshot, he can't get close.

And he has used the same method in Zhenze Lake last time. The Prophet Civilization must be wary of his headshot skills. Lin Qun guessed that this is probably the reason why the other party did not approach him.

The other party is deliberately keeping a safe distance!

Even if he drives the Mark 50 into the sky and transforms into a giant, the other party can continue to distance himself and always keep a safe distance from him.

In this way, it is better to retreat first. In this confrontation, he has no advantage and no chance-

He has many means. Even if the Prophet Civilization in front of him has all attributes of 900, he may not be able to stop him if he wants to run!

But if this top powerhouse of the Prophet Civilization dares to catch up, then...

The pursuer will reveal his flaws!

However, Lin Qun was thinking of running away, but his action was to take action, directly releasing the Sword of Victory and attacking the powerful prophet civilization in the sky!



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