Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 221 Children’s Stories Don’t Deceive Me

Lin Qun originally prepared this sword of oath of victory to sink the second warship of the Prophet Civilization.

On the way of the attack, dark energy and energy were also replenished rapidly in the process of strangling the life of the Shadow Civilization.

But now, it has become his means to attack and kill the top powerhouse of the Prophet Civilization.

Lin Qun actually didn't know how he found the other party.

It seemed to be the so-called perception in the dark.

As Lin Qun's basic attributes reached a certain level, he could clearly perceive the existence of the other party and the gap between himself and the powerful.

Strictly speaking, this perception is more like a kind of instinct.

Biological instinct.

A feeling that will surge in the face of the threat of death, powerful hunters, or even natural threats.

And Lin Qun's sword did not work as expected.

The flash of the sword of oath of victory rose from the ground and pierced the clouds, but the strong man of the Prophet Civilization only stretched out his arm and pressed down, and the space in front was broken at that moment. This time it seemed not to be an illusion, because the flash of the sword of oath of victory emitted by Lin Qun was chopped up.

This blow was like a golden thread, which was shattered in mid-air, and then refracted and magnified by the multi-faceted mirrors, flying at multiple angles - that was the energy of Lin Qun's blow being torn apart and scattered throughout the sky.

So at that moment, the sky lit up with a bright light like the aurora, almost illuminating the entire world, and the end of the Demon City and the gray-black fog wall became infinitely brighter.

It was as brilliant as the palace of the gods landing.

Lin Qun's thunderous blow was turned into invisible.

Not only that, the moment Lin Qun took off, the top strong man of the prophet civilization also took off quickly, keeping a distance from Lin Qun. In fact, at such a distance, even if the opponent did not take action to resolve it, Lin Qun's sword could hardly hit.

The opponent was indeed wary of Lin Qun's headshot female skill.

The more powerful the existence, the more cautious it is.

At this moment, Lin Qun could not find any opportunity to fight, and it was impossible to rely on Mark 50 to fly into the sky and then transform and kill instantly. The opponent would never give him this opportunity!

But Lin Qun had expected this.

Therefore, he ran away just after completing this attack.

Mark 50 nano armor accelerated to the extreme, and his body flew away like lightning. The direction he flew was parallel to the coastline of the Magic City, not the direction of Lucheng and Li Jie's troops, nor the gray-black fog-shrouded area.

The reason for not flying in the direction of Li Jie and others was very simple. The strong man of the prophet civilization in front of him was not at the same level as them. If he really took him there, he would kill them in vain!

As for the gray-black fog area, Lin Qun and the shadow civilization were not friends. He was just killing the lives of the shadow civilization. If he went there now, if the domain master wanted to hurt him, he would probably fail to escape as long as he intercepted him!

Mark 50 nano armor is very fast, and it can break through the first cosmic speed at the fastest.

Superman can fly into space, and Lin Qun can do it with this armor.

Therefore, he was sure to run away. The Sword of the Oath of Victory made a feint, giving the other party the feeling that he was going to fight desperately. Lin Qun immediately turned around and ran away.

Who is fighting with you?

Even if you use a superhuman body, you can't use it like this.

The benefits and risks are not proportional, and the best strategy is to run away.

This is the style of Lin Qun, the advanced version of Voldemort.

I can't beat you today, and I'm not sure. I'll do it when I grow up and can kill you with one finger!

Therefore, at this moment, he accelerated madly and broke through the speed of sound in an instant.

Three times the speed of sound... five times the speed of sound... seven times the speed of sound...

He ran away in a hurry!

In the blink of an eye, Lin Qun was gone!

In the gray-black fog, the domain master was stunned.

Lin Qun really deceived it.

It almost thought that this powerful human was going to arrogantly challenge the top powerhouse of the prophet civilization.

It didn't know Lin Qun before, but it knew who the prophet civilization life in front of it was.

Tianqu and Ke under the prophet.

The second strongest man sent by the Prophet Civilization in the Blue Star battlefield is said to have stepped half a foot into the realm of the Evolver. Before entering the Blue Star battlefield, all attributes had exceeded 800, and now all attributes must be above 900.

Such a strong man can sweep away a low-level civilization without masters!

No one can stop him.

The Prophet Civilization is a civilization that has the ability to decide the winner of the civilization battlefield. On the one hand, it is certainly because of its own advanced civilization technology and strong military power; on the other hand, it is also because of the unique civilization ability of the Prophet Civilization and these top strong men!

In the civilization battlefield where the use of weapons of mass destruction is restricted, these top strong men are mobile weapons of mass destruction, and they are not restricted!

This is also what the organizers of the global battlefield want to see!

Therefore, when Lin Qun made a move, it was very gloating and felt that this human would definitely die.

It didn't expect that Lin Qun was just a feint, and he ran faster than a rabbit and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

The most cunning person, that human landlubber did not run inland, but ran to the sea instead, leaving it no chance to do bad things and kill him!

The domain master was stunned.

Lin Qun ran away, so aren't they and this Tianqu the only ones left here? !

With Tianqu's combat power, it would be no problem for him to kill all the Shadow Civilization contestants here as long as he is willing to spend some time!

It was terrified.

The gray-black fog rolled back crazily, and a large number of shadow civilization life forms moved backwards. It even wanted to flee directly back to its own civilization!

At this time, the flash of the Sword of Victory in the sky was dissipating, and the figure of Tianqu was revealed again. It glanced coldly, but the domain master was ecstatic and did not come to it. Instead, it rose upwards, suspected of chasing that human!

This made the domain master very happy.

You fight! You fight!


Lucheng Command Center.

"Our troops in the Magic City have retreated and are expected to arrive in Lucheng within two hours. The top strong men of the Prophet Civilization who appeared over the Magic City are suspected to have left the Magic City coastline and are chasing Mr. Lin. They advanced along the coastline for a distance and went to the sea..."

The situation in front is being transmitted back.

Li Zheng's eyes were fixed on the picture in front of him. From here, they could hardly observe anything.

The global battlefield has been opened. This is no longer the world of the Federation and humans. From their perspective, the information they can observe and obtain is very limited.

Li Zheng said, "What's the situation now? Are there any reconnaissance planes that can keep up?"

"No... Commander, we have almost lost the target now, and he has even exceeded our communication range..." The staff in front lowered their heads.

Lin Qun's picture has been lost, and he has also left the limit of the detection range of the Lucheng military detection radar.

Li Zheng looked at the empty picture in the direction of the Magic City in front of him and was silent for a long time: "In other words, we can't do anything now, and we can only rely on Mr. Lin himself?"

Everyone looked at each other and fell into silence.

At this time, the adjutant on the side suddenly said, "Commander, you'd better take a look at this-the information feedback from the detector we sent to the deep Pacific Ocean to find the prophet civilization shows...

"A huge fleet has appeared in the deep Pacific Ocean and is approaching the coastline of the Magic City. It will arrive and land within two days at the latest!"

Li Zheng's face changed slightly, and he quickly approached. Sure enough, in the blurred picture, a naval and air force regiment was sailing out from an unknown location in the deep Pacific Ocean, advancing triumphantly.

"This is..."

"Commander... It's the prophet civilization, they are coming. "

There was a dead silence in the command center.

They all knew that the real war was about to begin.

However, they had defeated the Zerg swarm first. Now, the Prophet Civilization landed on the coastline of the Magic City and would face two enemies at the same time.

The Shadow Civilization and Humanity.

This is not without the ability to fight.

Li Zheng took a deep breath, and finally took a look at the screen showing the direction of the Magic City, and said: "Keep an eye on Mr. Lin's position, let Gu Pan keep calling, and report to me immediately if there is any information about Mr. Lin!"

He paused slightly here, and his eyes swept over everyone again: "Pay attention to this matter. Mr. Lin is not only the top combat force we rely on, but he also saved us and is the hope of civilization. If Lucheng is destined to lose, we will all die, but we must ensure that he can survive. If he survives, the fire of mankind will not be easily extinguished. "

After saying this, he turned his head back and said hurriedly: "Connect to the Jinling General Command immediately, we need a plan to deal with the Prophet Civilization! "

Lucheng and Jinling are also operating intensively.

This is the global battlefield. Everyone is fighting for survival in it.

In the hospital in Lucheng, Chu Youwei, who had just finished treatment, was lying on the bed, looking at the sky outside.

At this moment, most of the survivors in Lucheng, including her, did not know what had happened. Even the fact that they were rushing to the Magic City to fight was not something that ordinary people could know. Now most people are still immersed in the joy of defeating the insect swarm.

But for some reason...

Chu Youwei felt a little panic.

Some kind of frightening warning arose in her heart.

Until Xia Qing on the side called her name, she retracted her gaze, and when she felt it again, the feeling disappeared again.


In the wilderness in the direction of Lucheng from the Magic City.

The elite team of the military was evacuating at a rapid speed.

The initial fear was gradually fading at this time, replaced by frustration and worry. They rushed hundreds of miles and killed from Zhenze Lake to here, but they ran away without participating in any battles. From the overall situation and their own lives, it was the right choice. But most of the people here have experienced rounds of bloody battles and killed countless alien civilization creatures, so they inevitably feel a little depressed.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the team is particularly dull, and some people have been asking about Mr. Lin.

Some even left the team on their own initiative.

Liu Rui wanted to stop them, but those people were not from the military, but only recruited survivors. Some of them were not even from the Magic City. They volunteered to fight and leave. He could not say anything and could only watch the other party leave the team and disappear in the wilderness.

At this time, Huang Qizheng also wanted to leave the team.

Hearing this news, Liu Rui and Duan Tianqi all took the initiative to connect and wanted to talk to Huang Qizheng.

If the convoy had not retreated quickly, they might have come directly at this time while driving at high speed.

Those ordinary survivors left, but Huang Qizheng was not ordinary. He was the treasure of Jinling City!

And at this time, wouldn’t it be very dangerous for him to leave like this?

But Huang Qizheng only said: "The prophet civilization number one is here, Lin Qun is having a hard time, I will go to help him. Don't worry, I won't die. Don't worry about me or follow me. You will be a burden if you go."

After hearing what Huang Qizheng said, Duan Tianqi was shocked: "Brother Huang, you... Mr. Lin has to run, what are you going to do? You can't go, this... Although I shouldn't say this, it's too dangerous. Considering the overall situation, you can't go. At least you have to report to the Jinling General Command first."

But Liu Rui was silent.

He knew that Duan Tianqi was right.

But he couldn't open his mouth to persuade him at this time.

That was Lin Qun, the number one in the Magic City. Liu Rui had been chasing and looking up to him since the battle of the Magic City. He barely had a lot of contact with Lin Qun. He knew what kind of person Lin Qun was. He felt that such a person should not die. In this situation, as a Magic City person and a friend of Lin Qun, he was acting rationally, but how could he not want to help Lin Qun in his heart?

If a strong man like Huang Qizheng can help Mr. Lin, then Mr. Lin may be able to...

Of course, it is useless for Liu Rui to say this or not, and Duan Tianqi's persuasion is meaningless. Huang Qizheng has made up his mind and will leave the team directly at this time.

Duan Tianqi had to order the driver of Huang Qizheng's vehicle to follow the team closely and report to the Jinling General Command immediately.

But unfortunately, this is not difficult for Huang Qizheng.

Huang Qizheng opened the car door, forced to slow down, and threw the driver out directly, then he turned his head to look at Tong Xin.

Tong Xin bit his teeth and lips and said, "You are not Mr. Lin from the Magic City. You need someone to cooperate. I won't stop you. I will go with you and drive for you!"

So, Duan Tianqi could only watch Huang Qizheng's car whizzing away from the team, starting in a straight line, and disappearing at the end of the field of vision.

At this time, the response of the Jinling General Command came, but it was useless.

Huang Qizheng had already left.


The sea area outside the Magic City.

This area is the East China Sea along the coast of the Huaxia region.

Lin Qun is flying here.

He has been running from the Magic City for more than half an hour, flying at full speed with the Mark 50.

The Mark 50 nano armor is worthy of being the armor that supports the fourth era of the Avengers. It has excellent performance and fast speed. Lin Qun has accelerated to ten times the speed of sound at this time, as fast as lightning, galloping between heaven and earth. The gray-black foggy world behind him has gradually become smaller, and the strong man of the prophet civilization has disappeared.

But Lin Qun's current location seems to be far away from Lucheng.

He flew along the coastline, and he didn't know where he flew to.

Voldemort's attributes are full, no matter where he is, keep a safe distance first!

Such a powerful master must have a long safe distance!

The area of ​​his current ranking shows that his location is the East China Sea War Zone.

However, this ranking is a bit weird.

Because there are too few people, except for Lin Qun, all the people on this list seem to be from the Prophet Civilization. The first one is still Ke, with more than 1.6 million contribution points. This number is too exaggerated. Below him, the second one is Lin Qun, and then there are other Prophet Civilization lives with strange names.

Occasionally, there are one or two lives from other alien civilizations.

At the bottom of the East China Sea ranking list, a row of text is displayed.

[The number of contestants or natives in the region is less than 5,000 individual units. This regional ranking list only records the ranking and does not settle contribution points. ]

This is the first time that Lin Qun has encountered such a situation.

It turns out that there is still a head limit for the settlement of regional ranking rewards. When the number is below a certain limit, it will not be settled.

But this is meaningless to Lin Qun. He still doesn't know where he is. The only thing that is clear is that the top powerhouse of the Prophet Civilization is in the East China Sea area!

It did not go deep into the Magic City to fight the Shadow Civilization. It is still chasing itself.

At this moment, the enemy targets suddenly appeared in his battle suit. They appeared outside the limit range of Lin Qun's Mark 50 nano battle suit realm radar, but they were extremely fast, approaching rapidly from two directions.

Those were two groups of fighters of the Prophet Civilization.

Each group had three fighters.

One group was in the left front, and one group was in the right rear, blocking Lin Qun's way forward in two directions.

He might be intercepted if he broke through from any direction.

But as long as it was not the big boss of the Prophet Civilization, Lin Qun would not take these fighters seriously.

At the moment, facing the interception, Lin Qun was not afraid and quickly approached the enemy in the left front.

Before, he was in the air battle in the Zhenze Lake battlefield, because his battle suit was broken, and now he has Mark 50, even if the fighters of the Prophet Civilization are more advanced than those of humans, so what?

The distance between the two sides is rapidly closing.

Three elliptical fighters of the Prophet Civilization appeared in Lin Qun's field of vision.

He narrowed his eyes, facing the beam of energy rays shot by the opponent, he quickly evaded in mid-air and fired palm cannons.

After passing each other twice in mid-air, Lin Qun rose above the battlefield. Behind him, three oval fighters of the Prophet Civilization turned into blazing fireballs and crashed into the turbulent water below!

Three contribution points were credited.

Lin Qun was about to leave quickly, but Mark 50 suddenly sounded an emergency alarm.

It detected a strong electromagnetic pulse attack!

Its location was directly below Lin Qun!

In the deep sea, a huge warship was emerging from the bottom of the sea!

It was a 300-meter-class Prophet Civilization warship. It traveled through the seabed in complete silence, avoiding the detection of Lin Qun's Mark 50 suit. At this moment, it suddenly appeared and opened fire directly!

It was not preparing a conventional strike, but an electromagnetic pulse bomb.

It was like a firework passing through the water, rising straight into the air from the sea water, breaking through a distance of a thousand meters in an instant, and was hit by Lin Qun's palm cannon at the feet of Lin Qun, but it was too late.

An electromagnetic pulse sweeps across the battlefield.

Lin Qun's suit malfunctioned instantly. The screens in front of him went out one after another. The power system that kept him in the air also completely failed in less than a second. His body was pulled like a cannonball under the pull of gravity. It was falling rapidly, and below, the 300-meter-class warship of the Prophet Civilization was rapidly taking off. A beam energy weapon turret on it rose up and opened fire on the free-falling forest group.

Bright energy rays flew across the sky.

Lin Qun took back the Mark 50 immediately - the interference from the electromagnetic pulse bomb was actually not serious. The Mark 50 could complete the restart in half a minute at most and restore 100% of its functions.

But now, obviously half a minute is no longer realistic.

Lin Qun threw out the kunai directly, and with the help of the flying thunder god's technique, he teleported everywhere in mid-air.

No matter how fast the beam energy weapon strikes, it can only fall behind Lin Qun!

The strong wind passed by, and the forest group fell rapidly, heading towards the Prophet Civilization battleship at their feet.

However, at a certain moment, the kunai thrown by Lin Qun was accurately hit by Prophet Civilization!

Immediately afterwards, multiple kunai with the Flying Thunder Divine Technique printed on them were shot through and shot down one after another!

Lin Qun's inventory bottomed out instantly.

Obviously, they react faster than the insect swarm, and they have mastered the use of Lin Qun's flying thunder god technique. If the kunai is cut off, Lin Qun's teleportation will naturally become ineffective!

At this moment, even Lin Qun didn't react and fell into free fall again, falling at a terrifying speed.

At the same time, he was locked by three beam energy turrets, and three particle beams instantly broke through the sky and shot at him!

Lin Qun's expression changed suddenly. One side of his flying sword was raised to block one blow, and the other side raised Captain America's shield to block another blow. However, the last one still rushed towards him at high speed.

Due to the penetrability and high-energy characteristics of particle beams, Lin Qun would still be shot with a hole in his body even if his current constitution was over 200!

This injury is nothing to him, but now is a tense time. Once injured, it will inevitably affect his mobility and combat effectiveness, and the consequences are self-evident!

The attack from the beam energy ray came too fast. If he hadn't been agile and energetic enough, he wouldn't have been able to react. Let alone using his sword skills and Captain America's shield to resist, he would have been penetrated long ago.

But for this last one, Lin Qun had no time to use it even if he had the means!


Lin Qun twisted his body forcefully, trying to avoid it.


A strange scene happened.

Lin Qun flew up!

His fall stopped.

It even rose upwards for some distance!

And the beam energy strike that was supposed to predict his falling direction missed and flew directly from his feet!

Lin Qun was stunned for a moment.

What the hell is this?

The feeling was very strange. At that moment, it was like the air current in the air suddenly lifted him up.

This not only stopped his fall, but also pushed him upward for a certain distance.

Moreover, following this wonderful feeling, Lin Qun fluttered in mid-air for a second. Not only did he not fall, but he flew horizontally for a distance. The surrounding air flow seemed to be under his control. Subtle changes make it possible to fly!

Lin Qun was startled at first, and then realized that this was not some innate ability he suddenly acquired in times of danger, but an additional ability brought about by his current high-value attributes!


Feel the airflow and soar into the sky!

But, which attribute leads to the ability to fly at this moment?

Lin Qun didn't know, but what he was thinking about at this time was the fairy tale about a bird learning to fly that he had read when he was a child.

It says that in order for the baby birds to learn to fly, the mother bird lets them jump off the cliff by themselves.

At the moment, he seems to be confirming this.

He learned to fly while falling!

Of course, his current flying ability is still very clumsy and his speed is very slow. He is like a turtle and a living target in mid-air. This cannot offset the excitement in Lin Qun's heart.

The research direction of the Magic City expert team is right. When the attributes reach a certain level, it will cause a qualitative change!

Super high attributes themselves can bring certain abilities!

Of course, now was not the time to study these things. Lin Qun quickly stabilized his mind and continued to fall, because at his feet, the 300-meter-class battleship of the Prophet Civilization was already close at hand.

As he approached, he directly activated the revenge demon transformation!

The flames of hell begin to burn!

Aren't you going to shoot me down?

Now I'm here!

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