The nuclear weapon launched by the multipod civilization exploded in the sky.

A scary mushroom cloud blooms in the sky.

First is the feast of light.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud rumbling sound, like continuous thunder, rapidly spreading in all directions within a few seconds.

The entire night sky was illuminated and startled.

in multiple corners of the battlefield.

Tong Xin and Huang Qizheng, who were running, and Xia Qing and Chu Youwei, who were on their way, all felt the explosion from their own angles.

Its landing point is not the ground.

But the sky.

On the bridge of the multi-legged civilization battleship.

The technicians of the Dozu Civilization looked at the information and data fed back from the front with ugly expressions, and excitedly said in their language: "He lied to us, he misled us, and the ultimate speed of his suit was not what he had always been." On the contrary, his performance is far beyond our imagination. His speed exceeded ten times the speed of sound in an instant. His suit is far beyond our imagination and can even break through the first cosmic speed!"

"If we had known earlier, we should not have launched the nuclear weapons at all..."

The confident commander was also livid at this time: "This is impossible. He only has 20,000 contribution points. How can he exchange for something of this level? Even if he is a son of civilization, the Kingdom of God behind the scenes has not directly given him anything. Equipment precedent, damn..."

But it also understood that it was meaningless to say this now, and it was impossible for Lin Qun to tell it the answers to these questions.

The result now is...

Their attack, by accident, hit the red shadow man, causing Lin Qun to run away!


It was not an accident that hit the red shadow man, but under the guidance of the son of human civilization, the red shadow man was hit.

Thinking of this, the commander of the multi-legged civilization became more and more angry and almost jumped!

They used a nuclear weapon and wasted a precious opportunity to use weapons of mass destruction. As a result, they did not kill their own target, but instead helped others kill their opponents. What kind of situation is this?

At this time, in the bridge, the other multi-legged civilized beings were looking at each other. After a while, the multi-legged civilized life was very depressed and said: "You guys tell me, is this weapon of mass destruction of ours exchanged for someone else's use?" ?”

Its words came from the heart, showing that it was deeply aggrieved.

One sentence revealed the truth that no one was willing to say, which made the atmosphere in the air very awkward.

As a result, the multi-legged civilization commander's expression became increasingly ugly.

The truth is the truth, but being told it is another feeling, and my face is even more unbearable.

As the commander of a multi-legged civilization fleet, now it is like this, where can it put its old face?

After a while, it said grimly: "Okay, okay, he has this ability and can break through the Blue Star's first cosmic speed. Then we will directly ascend into space and beat him in space to see if he can come up!"

It suffered greatly.

A nuclear weapon is nothing. Which civilization with thermonuclear technology does not have a large nuclear reserve? What is truly precious is the opportunity to use nuclear weapons on the global battlefield, especially for polypodal civilizations. They do not have the top powerhouses like the Barkatans or the Prophet civilization. Their overall life standards are relatively average, and they rely entirely on military power to demonstrate force. The opportunity to use such a weapon of mass destruction is extremely valuable to them.

The commander became more and more angry and wanted to avenge his shame.

Kill this human being completely!

In the sky, the irregular fleet group of multi-legged civilization began to climb rapidly, and its troops began to divide into two parts and separate from each other.

Warships with low-Earth orbit capabilities rise upwards, while those without this capability quickly retreat.

At the same time, space strikes on the ground are also being prepared.

The multi-legged civilized commander's cold gaze swept across the entire venue, and the entire bridge fell silent.

It must use the blood of this son of civilization to play with its shame!

What about a suit of armor?

So what if the individual is powerful?

It's not like they haven't faced powerful individual beings before. In the third-level battlefield, individual strength will always be fragile in the face of civilization.

And at this moment...

Above the nuclear weapons explosion of the multipod civilization.

The forest group almost rose on a mushroom cloud.

But his Mark 50 speed was fast enough, and he didn’t have to break through the first cosmic speed. He climbed at a high speed of six kilometers per second, and almost instantly passed through the explosion range of the multipod civilization’s nuclear bomb, leaving only the red behind. The shadow man suffered silently.

The value on the Mark 50 Geiger counter climbed rapidly, then dropped rapidly as the distance between the forest groups grew farther and farther.

Lin Qun narrowed his eyes.

Enjoy this magnificent scene from high in the sky.

Below, the red light of the red shadow man and the servants hidden in the red light disappeared.

The nuclear explosion point is located in the wilderness of Green Province.

There are no cities or human gathering points around. It will leave long-lasting "radiation trauma" here, but the impact on human survival will not be particularly great.

Lin Qun raised his head, his first target was still the original multi-legged civilization.

The multi-footed civilization is the one who contributes the most.

Moreover, Lin Qun also held a grudge in his heart for blowing him up with a nuclear bomb. He wrote it down in his notebook. If he didn't retaliate now, then when?

But he soon noticed.

The red shadow man is not dead.

Looking at the overall ranking of the rankings, it still ranks first with a terrifying contribution of more than 500,000 points.

Lin Qun narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment.

He remembered that the last moment, the red light of the red shadow exploded. Perhaps it used some way to escape.

But despite this, it should be either dead or disabled now, right?

Lin Qun immediately moved back.

He didn't fight with the red shadow because they were all masters, so there was no need to waste time and energy.

But now it's different.

The red shadow was hit by a nuclear bomb.

Why do we need to fight?

As long as we can find it, it will die?

This is the contribution points and experience points that are delivered to the door!

Lin Qun immediately began to patrol, looking for the location of the red shadow.

And Lin Qun's guess was not wrong.

The red shadow was indeed dying.

All its servants melted in the high temperature and explosion.

It used a means to save its life, which was a unique means of life in the Shengui civilization, so it was not directly killed by the explosion, but it was almost dead. The grand red light that was enough to cover the entire sky was now only a small point, about the size of an adult's arm, and it was moving quickly like a snake on the ground of the nuclear explosion.

It felt very aggrieved.

It came all the way here, carrying the great will of the god of its own civilization.

In its eyes, this was a sacred holy war.

To eradicate the apostles of the alien gods, or even to kill the son of civilization to get rewards and Easter eggs, in its eyes, it was not so important. In this respect, the Shengui civilization was very different from other alien civilizations.


It chased for so long, and it would be fine if people ran away when they saw it, but why did it eat a nuclear weapon!

After all, it was also a top-level strongman, and it was a presence that dominated everywhere. How could it die without even a formal fight with the son of human civilization?

Thinking of this, it felt a sense of wanting to cry but not having tears, and was extremely ashamed of its own civilization and gods.

It felt ashamed of its own civilization, and ashamed of the great existence that chose it and gave it the gospel.

Therefore, it tried hard to survive.

Survive, and then slowly complete its tasks and goals.

It swore in its heart that it must kill this son of human civilization and offer it to its god, so as to show its purity and ability and get the reward from God. Perhaps, it can also be qualified to become a candidate for evolution, which is what it dreams of.

But unfortunately, its idea was soon shattered.

It realized that it seemed to be discovered.

That human appeared above its head and flew over to find it.

It suddenly became nervous.

It felt the long-lost uneasiness and fear when it was a weak person.

It ran fast enough. Before the nuclear bomb exploded, it cut off its limbs to survive, paying a huge price, and ran out more than two kilometers in a flash, which saved it from death. After escaping, with the help of the explosion of nuclear weapons, it kept running, running as fast as it could. Now it has almost run five or six kilometers. How can he catch up?

The red shadow man was also fierce and was ready to counterattack immediately, using the advantages of his civilization to kill the opponent directly, and then...

Then there was nothing else.

When the red shadow man jumped up, Lin Qun directly sacrificed the Golden Light Curse.

This Golden Light Curse is most effective against the weirdness of this kind of mysterious civilization, and the Golden Light Curse does not require too much practice. The more dark energy is injected, the more obvious and powerful the effect will be.

It is most effective to deal with this half-crippled red shadow man.

Lin Qun fell from the sky, pinched his hands, chanted something, and the dark energy burst out. He pushed his hands forward, and a golden light flowed instantly, directly covering the red shadow man who was about to jump up from the ground. The red shadow man screamed continuously, and the counterattack that was originally brewing was shattered in an instant, howling and trying to retreat.

But Lin Qun was frantically inputting dark energy.

10 points of dark energy... 30 points of dark energy... 50 points of dark energy...

The Golden Light Curse in his hand became more and more intense.

A shocking and mighty aura emanated from Lin Qun's body.

His body even began to emit golden light, his hair and clothes moved without wind, and in the dark night, he floated half a meter above the ground, majestic, like a furious Vajra, pinching the magic formula with his hands to suppress the evil spirits below!

This is the ancient oriental Taoism!

No matter what kind of mysterious civilization you are, I will suppress it with all my strength!

The Golden Light Curse is a natural restraint for the Red Shadow Man.

At the beginning, Lin Qun’s input of dark energy was not enough, and the Red Shadow Man was able to struggle, rushing left and right, and trying to fight back.

But as Lin Qun invested more and more dark energy, its struggle became weaker and weaker, and it was suppressed by the Golden Light Curse before it could fight back. In the boiling, its body began to melt, melting like ice and snow, and the last scream became extremely shrill.

"What kind of means is this? What kind of ability is this? It actually restrains me naturally. Damn it, if I hadn't been hit by a nuclear bomb, you couldn't kill me with this means, you couldn't kill me!"

The scream of the Red Shadow Man sounded in Lin Qun's heart.

Its body is this light.

However, at this moment, its scarlet light was also fading, rushing left and right, becoming less and less, and becoming thinner and thinner.

And the golden light covering Lin Qun became more and more blazing.

He could hear the extreme fear and panic in the words of the red shadow man.

In response, Lin Qun sneered: "I'm standing here, you come and kill me! In fact, I also want to thank you. You tried so hard to survive, so you didn't get killed by the nuclear weapons of many civilizations, right? That's all. It's easier for me to pick up your head and kill you. I should be able to at least level up, right?"

This sentence seemed very unworthy of a beating in this situation, and the red shadow man screamed in anger, but unfortunately, in the end, the ice and snow melted helplessly, and he was directly killed by the golden light curse!

At this point, the golden light on Lin Qun's body dissipated.

The golden light spell was removed.

At the same time, reminders of the global battlefield rose before Lin Qun's eyes.

Killing this red shadow man provided Lin Qun with a contribution point and a total of 90,000 experience points.

At the same time, I triggered the Human Star and received an additional 80 contribution points as a reward!

Lin Qun's eyes flickered and he looked at his personal panel.

What he just said was not just to anger this red shadow man.

This is all true.

He can really level up.

Thank you very much too.

The head finally fell into the hands of Lin Qun.

Lin Qun came all the way from Huhe City and killed many alien civilizations, but they were all small fish and did not have much experience. Just now, Lin Qun was still more than 50,000 experience points away from upgrading to level 31. Unexpectedly, this red shadow man helped him achieve his dream.

90,000 experience points were credited, and the experience bar was instantly full.

Lin Qun directly clicked to upgrade.

Level 31, achieved!

[Name: Lin Qun]

[Level: 31 (39550/315000)]

[Strength: 108.6]

[Agility: 56.3]

[Constitution: 78.5]

[Stamina: 37.4/85.5]

[Dark Energy: 107.2/254.2]

Lin Qun blinked.

Level 31!

This was his first round of upgrades above level 30. He found that all attributes had increased by four points, which was more than the increase when he upgraded to level 20.

Under normal circumstances, from level 31 to level 40, each attribute can increase by at least 40 points.

Sure enough, the higher the level, the more the attribute increases.

However, the difficulty of upgrading has also increased greatly.

The experience value for upgrading one level now is already very exaggerated.

But Lin Qun is not too worried. His current strength is getting stronger and stronger, and his ability to gain experience has also improved. The difficulty of upgrading is essentially not much different for him. Level 40 and level 50 are just a matter of time.

Moreover, Lin Qun has many abilities and unlimited card drawing. The upgrade and increase of those attributes is a lot for others, but for Lin Qun, it is really not so tempting. Upgrading a Dragon Elephant Prajna Art can increase 25 points of strength, not to mention cultivating immortals...

The many ability bonuses of his unlimited card drawing talent are also the key reason why he can fight back and forth with these alien civilization masters who have a large number of contribution points even though his level is not high and his contribution points are not many.

Although the upgrade path seems to gain more experience by killing powerful masters at one time, in fact, if it is for the purpose of upgrading, from the perspective of cost-effectiveness, it is more efficient and less risky to slaughter ordinary contestants.

Such as the group of Bakatans that Lin Qun encountered before.

Lin Qun killed more than 200 Bakatans, including a master of telekinesis, in a few minutes, providing him with nearly 20,000 experience points.

The best way to upgrade is still massacre.

The massacre of contestants from alien civilizations.

Lin Qun lowered his eyes.

The stronger he was, the clearer he felt about it.

The essence of the civilized battlefield is to promote the mass death of low-level life.

This upgrade system obviously does not encourage the strong to kill each other, but encourages the strong to slaughter the weak.

But this is not the time to think about these things. He is in a hurry now, so how can he think about the essence of the global battlefield and the civilized battlefield?

Lin Qun is taking off quickly.

This position is actually in the radiation coverage area of ​​nuclear weapons, but Lin Qun has Mark 50, so he doesn't have to worry about these.

The news that Lin Qun killed the Red Shadow Man was immediately transmitted back to the Lucheng Command Center, and his support team was so excited that they almost jumped up.

No one expected that the Red Shadow Man, such a visible and difficult-to-deal-with terrorist threat, was killed by Lin Qun in such a muddle!

Maybe even the Red Shadow Man himself could not have thought of it.

Gu Pan even let out a soft "yeah".

The head of Lin Qun's support team said: "Mr. Lin is worthy of being called Mr. Lin. From the Magic City to today's Green Province battlefield, he has never let us down!"

With the death of the Red Shadow Man, many people in this area noticed it.

Chu Youwei narrowed her eyes: "On the list, the Red Shadow Man died, and Lin Qun's contribution points increased a little. He must have killed him!"

Xia Qing said: "Mr. Lin is really amazing. With the cooperation of the multi-legged civilization, he killed it so easily! Looking at China, which human can have such combat power?"

In another direction, even though Tong Xin had seen Lin Qun's combat power many times, he still couldn't help being deeply shocked: "The Red Shadow Man disappeared from the list, or after the nuclear bomb exploded, did Mr. Lin kill it? This is a mysterious and powerful person with more than 500,000 contribution points. He came here from Huhe City with a surging momentum and chased us all the way. He died so absurdly?"

Huang Qizheng rubbed his chin: "Good fellow, if this was really killed by Lin Qun, if I were this Red Shadow Man, I would be so angry that I would have to crawl out even if I died!"

Tong Xin could only smile bitterly at Huang Qizheng's remarks.

The battlefield was hidden in the distance.

Inside the warship of the Prophet Civilization.

Tianqu was extremely angry and said: "This idiot from the Shengui civilization, did it come all the way here to give experience and contribution points to this human?"


Other Prophet Civilization lives also looked at each other, but there was shock in their eyes.

They observed the changes in the entire battlefield from the perspective of bystanders and were deeply shocked. They knew that Lin Qun had calculated every step to kill the Red Shadow Man. He killed the Red Shadow Man so smoothly and easily, which even they did not expect.

It is not difficult to kill an enemy, but it is not something that ordinary people can do to kill an opponent who should be a strong enemy without any effort.

This human, really should not be underestimated!

The reaction and means are first-class.

The glass jar of Tianqu moved forward.

It also gnashed its teeth in a rare way: "This group of idiots... This group of idiots..."

In the bridge of the multi-legged civilization that was taking off, the commander of the multi-legged civilization had confirmed that the red shadow man did not die at the hands of their civilization, but should have been killed by Lin Qun, and it became more and more angry and furious.

It was even angrier than the red shadow man.

How could it not be angry?

The nuclear weapons they dropped did not kill their target Lin Qun, but helped Lin Qun solve a big enemy. The most important thing was that Lin Qun took away all the contribution points and experience of the red shadow man.

After fighting for a long time, the enemy benefited instead.

It had never been so aggrieved in its life.

It was furious, and its slender body was shaking with anger: "Prepare energy beam weapons and space-based weapons, and kill this son of human civilization for me!"

The multi-legged civilization life around was also very depressed and aggrieved. At this time, they dared not speak out and could only prepare honestly.

At this moment, Lin Qun's location.

"Congratulations, Mr. Lin, for successfully killing the red shadow man." Gu Pan's tone was also full of excitement, but she knew what her responsibility was, so she immediately changed the subject and said seriously: "But you have to pay attention: the fleet of the multi-legged civilization has moved. Their fleet is divided into two. One has entered the space orbit and is moving towards your location. It seems that they want to attack you in space. The other is retreating. It should be a fleet that does not have the ability to navigate in space."

In the third-level civilization battlefield, a space fleet that can have the ability to fight in the orbit near the planet is already a very powerful level. A higher-level civilization such as the Prophet Civilization can only be active in its own star system at most. A civilization that can really fight across the starry sky and has a real interstellar fleet is impossible to appear on the third-level civilization battlefield of Blue Star. Therefore, the fleet of the multi-legged civilization seems huge, but not all of them have the ability to fight in space. Only some of the warships have such capabilities, so they divert the troops, one part is launched, and the other part is descended.

The intention of the multi-legged civilization is very obvious. The main fleet rises into space and wants to bombard the Lin group in the space orbit!

During the time when Lin Qun killed the Red Shadow Man, they had already taken off and were ready in the space orbit.

In this way, they could maintain a safe distance and also achieve a strike against Lin Qun. If Lin Qun wanted to take off to find trouble with them, even if his Mark 50 was faster, it would still take time at an absolute distance. This process was enough for the Multi-legged Civilization to inflict heavy damage on Lin Qun!

Although the commander of the Multi-legged Civilization was angry, he did not lose his mind and did not want to close the distance with Lin Qun.

Lin Qun's eyes flashed, how could he not understand the Multi-legged Civilization's idea?

He said: "Are they trying to force me to go up and fight them in space? Okay, I won't go. Gu Pan, give me the position of the Multi-legged Civilization's retreat fleet, and I will go to kill them and see if it is the main force of the Multi-legged Civilization that is anxious, or me.


"Where are my people that Lao Li said? Let them hunt with me and eat the remaining troops of the Multi-legged Civilization that are still in the universe.

"They want to lead me by the nose, it's impossible. We must let them know that their division of troops this time will make them pay an unimaginable painful price! ”



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