With Lin Qun's location as the center.

Information is spreading rapidly.

Within a range of tens of kilometers, many advancing troops suddenly turned.

These are all Lin Qun's support troops, led by Xiao Yi, and the counterattacks are scattered throughout the area.

Their individual teams are not large in number. Some may have only one or two people in a car, and some are only a squad or a platoon of soldiers, marching in the wilderness under the dark night. Some teams are slow and the lights are off, like ghosts walking at night, while others do not even have this concern, and their strength is enough to run rampant.

For example...

A car engine roars, driving on the dirt road in the wilderness.

The lights are bright.

The surrounding withered wilderness is illuminated.

And those broken villages that have long been deserted and seem creepy and quiet in the dark night.

This is Xia Qing and Chu Youwei's car.

Although they are only two people, they are powerful, and ordinary alien civilizations are really not their opponents, so they don't care so much, speed up and move sideways to Lin Qun's position.

But at this moment, their direction of advance has changed again.

Lin Qun's support group is re-deploying troops and mobilizing troops according to Lin Qun's latest requirements. The scattered forces seem to be operating in a scattered manner, but in fact, at the macro level, they are like a big chess game, advancing at a high speed, rotating like a vortex, and each sword blade is pointing in the same direction.

——And the sword tip in this direction is Lin Qun who is moving!

On the front, Chu Youwei and Xia Qing also encountered a small group of alien civilization troops, about seven or eight people, and it was unclear whether they were regular troops or scattered civilian armed forces of alien civilizations, but their reaction was very decisive. When they found that they were humans from a distance, they turned around and ran away.

At this moment, the news that the red shadow man was killed has spread throughout the nearby area.

The sons of human civilization have arrived, and multiple civilizations have taken action. The power of humans should not be underestimated. A large number of other alien civilizations have all fled and left the battlefield.

The area where the Green Province is located was originally the actual control area of ​​the Multi-legged Civilization. In this area, the Multi-legged Civilization is dominant. Other alien civilizations are either small-scale guerrilla forces or civilian armed forces. They are OK against ordinary survivors, but they have no combat power against regular forces and strong men. They don't even have the qualifications to pick up leaks. They must speed up and leave, otherwise, whoever they run into will be dead.

Alien civilizations are also life, and even more so intelligent life. Those who can come to participate in the civilization battlefield have the same level of civilization and intelligence as humans. At most, there are four-dimensional and psychological differences due to differences in civilization and culture. Therefore, when they really see that the situation is not good, the alien civilizations that think they have no ability to get involved will naturally run away, showing their magical powers, and they can't be found even if they want to.

This is also the reason why Lin Qun did not take the initiative to touch these alien civilizations.

Because he couldn't find them. There is no point in killing alien civilizations that are a group of several people.

They are not NPCs. They are all intelligent creatures. If they hide from you and run away, how many times can you succeed? China is so big, Lin Qun has to find people even if he has the fighting power. Mark 50 is fast, and his fighting power can sweep low-level aliens, but it does not mean that he can harvest crazily. Civilization war is different from playing games. In the game, not only is the position of the monster fixed, but it can even refresh on the spot after being killed. You can keep killing here, but the alien civilization life... they see a little clue, and they may run away before you come. Running out aggressively to find people to kill, the final result can only be a waste of time and energy.

From the combat methods of the contestants' civilization armies, it can be seen that at any time, clearing small-scale humans is the last option, because if humans want to run, they are also very troublesome. Eat the main force first, and attack the important cities where the population is concentrated and there is no time to run. That is the key. War is not that simple.

However, this gives other fleeing human survivors a chance. They pass through the cracks of the war and flee to their desired destination.

At the same time.

Lin Qun has passed through the sky like a flash of lightning.

He is very fast.

The humans moving in the entire Green Province area could not catch up with his speed, so he was the first to find the retreating fleet of the Multi-legged Civilization.

Of course, he was also the first to be attacked from space.

As soon as Lin Qun moved, the Multi-legged Civilization knew his movements and destination, and opened fire in the sky, with dense beams of energy piercing through space.

It was like a heavy rain shooting down from directly above Lin Qun.

But they were all left behind by Lin Qun, and the distance was enough, so the beams of energy could only follow behind Lin Qun and eat dust.

With the help of the military, Lin Qun quickly found the location of another fleet of the Multi-legged Civilization retreating.

"The target is just ahead. The human survivors in the Green Province area have provided us with precious coordinates." Gu Pan sent the information and said quickly, "The multi-legged civilization in the Green Province area is divided into two parts, its military force and the central control area. The central control area is the Green City, the capital of Green Province. It has been completely occupied by the multi-legged civilization and no humans survive there. Its military force has two large-scale fleets, each responsible for fighting in Green Province. The one attacking you now is one of their fleets."

The human situation in Green Province is very serious. The federal army in Green Province has long been defeated by the multi-legged civilization, and a large number of humans have been slaughtered, but the spark of human beings has not been extinguished.

The power of human beings is still resisting.

In the corners of Green Province, small groups of human resistance forces are still struggling. They don't want to escape. They think that the world has become a battlefield and there is nowhere to escape. Therefore, they stay in their homes and fight to the end with the multi-legged civilization here. However, their power is too weak compared to a civilization, and they can only struggle like rats crossing the street.

But Green Province is large enough. Although the multi-legged civilization controls this area, occupies and destroys all major cities, it still cannot prevent a large number of humans from hiding in the shadows and corners of Green Province and dealing with them. For the multi-legged civilization life in Green Province, if they want to eliminate these human resistance forces scattered throughout Green Province, and even the resistance forces, they can only rely on time to kill them bit by bit. Even if they have enough firepower to kill all the humans in Green Province in one breath, humans are hiding, where is this opportunity? It can only take time to solve it.

But the humans in Green Province were also powerless to compete with the Green Province civilization. Although they hid in the dark, contacted each other, and even established a human resistance army, they were always suppressed and could only hide from place to place. They had no power to resist the multi-legged civilization and watched their people gradually decrease in the long sweep and killing of the multi-legged civilization.

They were also a little desperate, but they were unwilling to give up. They didn't want to abandon their homes like this. They had a kind of anger and hatred in their hearts, and they wanted to vent it out, looking forward to and hoping that one day they could rise up and kill these alien civilizations.


Until today.

They finally saw hope.

When the broadcasts of the Lucheng Survivor Base, Jinling Survivor Base, and Daxing Federation Military Survivor Base were transmitted, and when their secret communication information was received by the Green Province Human Resistance Force, they chose to respond and follow without hesitation.

And when they realized that the key figure Ye Ying, that is, Lin Qun, appeared here, they were even more excited and wanted to do their best to help him.

Because they saw the opportunity and hope!

The humans in their place had no ability to fight against the multi-legged civilization.

But with the power of other humans, maybe it can be done!

The killing of the Red Shadow Man gave the people of the Green Province Human Resistance the greatest confidence. This is a great record that can truly prove Lin Qun's combat power!

At the hidden command center of the Green Province Human Resistance Center, its leader Wang Zhenghua stood high, facing the dark crowd below, and shouted: "Facts have proved that our waiting is not fruitless. The opportunity we are waiting for has come. The multi-legged civilization once used two nuclear weapons to rely on our two important cities and massacred millions of humans. Our relatives and friends all died tragically in their crazy and cruel massacres. But sadly, with our strength, we can't compete with them, but now, the situation has changed.

"We have heard the voices of humans in other regions.

"The idea we have always believed in is not wrong.

"Humanity will never be the only one to resist.

"This is our planet.

"Even if we have been defeated, our people will surely ignite sparks in the corner until the prairie fire is rekindled!"

The people below responded with a tsunami.

"Kill the multi-legged civilization!"

"Fight with them! "

"They destroyed my home and my city with nuclear bombs. I escaped because I was on a business trip. But in my heart, I am already a dead man. As long as I can kill the multi-legged civilization and make them pay for their blood, why should I fear death?"

"We are all living ghosts in Green Province. Now, it is time for us to roar for ourselves and for the millions of humans who died in Green Province!"

"Ignite the fire of the prairie!"

"The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of every man. They destroyed my hometown and killed my relatives. I must make them pay with blood!"

"Fight for home! Fight for humanity! "

The scene was almost boiling.

Many people's eyes were bloodshot, and their veins were bulging with excitement.

Many of these people had lost their families and loved ones under the massacre of the multi-legged civilization. They didn't want to live anymore. They had only one purpose in life, which was to take revenge and make the multi-legged civilization pay the price. Now, the opportunity finally came, how could they not be excited?

They waited and struggled desperately for so long!

They were not afraid of death at all.

What they were afraid of was that they would not have that opportunity.

Wang Hua looked at the scene in front of him, and his eyes were also filled with tears.

If it weren't for today, he wouldn't even dare to gather so many people here, because that would only become the target of the multi-legged civilization and lose manpower in vain.

But now, they can!

They can gather people and gather strength.

Wang Hua believes.

The moment they have been struggling and waiting for is coming!

With shouts...

In various places in the Green Province, one after another human resistance organizations and the remnants of the exiled Federation all began to respond to the call and gather troops. They have been fighting all the time, and it is even more impossible to retreat at this moment. They are the first to stand up, and the scale is huge!

A large number of human resistance fighters surged out from their hidden hiding places and rushed to the battlefield!

Respond to Lucheng's call!

Respond to Lin Qun's call!

They hid in many places, and there were not many people in each place, but when they all rushed out, it was still a torrent-like force that could not be underestimated.

Originally, Lucheng was not prepared to let them participate in the war. After all, most of these resistance forces were just ordinary people, but they insisted on participating in the war, and finally Li Zheng decided to allow them.

Although Lucheng and Jinling City both sent people to support Lin Qun and Huang Qizheng, they were far away from here, and the people sent were divided into pieces and could not come much. If they really wanted to form a scale, they would need the power of local people.

There were also survivors from other regions called by the three survivor bases. Their situations were different, and they were also different from the local resistance forces in Green Province. The response was not very good at this time. Many people were even still wishing and were not optimistic about this war, let alone participating in the war.

In this case, if the military wanted to fight, it must need the local resistance forces in Green Province.

Li Zheng's eyes flickered, looking at the electronic map, Lin Qun crossed the land of Green Province in an arc and pounced on the retreating multi-legged civilization fleet in the universe, his heart surged, and said: "This will be an extremely meaningful battle.

"This will be our first real counterattack, the first real anti-encirclement and killing of alien civilizations!

"Aren't there many survivor bases hesitant and still waiting and watching?

"I believe they don't want to join the war.

"They are afraid and terrified. They have seen too many deaths and failures and can't afford the price of both death and failure.

"Then let's use this battle to win a beautiful victory and let everyone see the call and power of mankind.

"This battle is not only meaningful, but will also directly affect our next battle!

"We must win."

"Not only must we win, but we must also kill the multi-legged civilization!"

At the same time, Lin Qun is moving forward.


The fleet of the multi-legged civilization has appeared in front of him.

The fleet of the multi-legged civilization is divided into two, one rising into space and the other retreating rapidly.

But unfortunately, their speed is still not as fast as the Mark 50.

This suit gives Lin Qun the most critical mobility and flexibility on this battlefield.

Of course, the part of the fleet left by the multi-legged civilization is no joke.

They just don't have the ability to enter space navigation. They are not miscellaneous soldiers. They are all regular troops of the multi-legged civilization, and they are not small in scale. There are two giant warships with a length of more than 400 meters, guarding a large number of irregular small and medium-sized warships, moving in the air, like a towering castle on the clouds.

The technical strength and combat effectiveness of such an air force are enough to destroy the most trump card air force of the Federation. It is a terrible war weapon that the multi-legged civilization is invincible.

And now, they have to face only one person.

Outside the universe, the commander of the multi-legged civilization fleet looked solemn: "How is the preparation of the directional space-based weapons? The weight and strike range must be precisely controlled, and the limit of weapons of mass destruction limited by the battlefield of civilization must not be reached-you all know that we no longer have the authority to use weapons of mass destruction. Once we use them in excess, what will be waiting for our civilization!"

The people behind him responded loudly.

Dare not be careless again.

The commander's eyes were grim.

The son of human civilization turned to attack their fleet in the universe, which surprised them a little, but they also had a response plan for this, which was this directional space-based weapon.

If the son of human civilization really went to find their inner fleet, then it was ready to use the inner fleet, sacrifice some of its own people, bite this human, and reduce his powerful mobility, so that this space-based weapon could achieve a 100% hit rate.

One space-based weapon would kill him even if he was a god!

Space-based weapons, that is, kinetic weapons, are launched in space, accelerated to the extreme, and after landing, the power they can trigger is extremely terrifying. In fact, they are also weapons of mass destruction.

However, as long as the height, weight, and angle of entry of space-based weapons are accurately controlled, its killing radius can be controlled, so that it can only kill its target at a fixed point, while the destructiveness to the surrounding area is relatively reduced.

This is the last plan of the commander of the multi-legged civilization.

It believes that when this human attacks their inner fleet, he will also put himself in a desperate situation.

Moreover, it has confidence in the fleet of its own civilization, and it also wants to see how this human can challenge a fleet alone?

At this moment, the inner fleet of the multi-legged civilization has opened fire.

A large number of artillery positions are turning.

Machine guns, missiles, and rockets fired at the same time, and the dazzling blows almost shone into a dazzling flash in front of Lin Qun.

At the same time, above Lin Qun's head, in the sky, there were also attacks from the multi-legged civilization, and beams of energy fell to the ground like light rain.

The world was strangling, and Lin Qun in the center seemed to be here to die.

But of course he was not.

Facing the whistling blows, Lin Qun fought back with even more terrifying flames.

Release the treasure-

Sword of Promised Victory!

On the way here, he had replenished the dark energy and energy.

Now with the Goddess's Tears, he didn't need to activate the unparalleled skills at all. He had more than 250 dark energy directly, plus energy, and in normal state, he could blast the Sword of Promised Victory!

At that moment, a brilliant light burst out from his sword, rushing to the battlefield at the speed of light, instantly annihilating the machine gun bullets, missiles and rockets in front of him in the flash.

Everything along the way burst in the collision, only this little flash, moving forward and piercing through everything.

In front of it, an irregular 400-meter giant warship of the multi-legged civilization tried desperately to change its course, but still failed.

Its speed was already very fast, but it was still not as fast as this blow.

The next second.

The night sky was pierced by a flash of light.

The huge irregular warship of the multi-legged civilization was pierced dazzlingly, and then it disintegrated magnificently and brilliantly.

The explosion shook the earth.

The loud roar.

And Lin Qun's figure had rushed to the front of the universe warship following this blow.

He held up the American captain's shield in his hand, resisting the beam of energy from the sky, and the heavy shield impact was resisted by Lin Qun's high strength attribute.

In front, the fleet of the multi-legged civilization's universe fleet was already close at hand.

The 400-meter-class irregular warship that was just destroyed was turning into a fireball and sinking to the earth, and a large number of multi-legged civilization creatures were all trembling with fear.

What an amazing momentum is this?

Not only did he charge thousands of miles, he also resisted the attack of his entire fleet and destroyed a warship with one strike!

What kind of combat power is this?

"Is this the Son of Man?"

The commander of another irregular 400-meter-class warship of the multi-legged civilization stepped forward, showing horror and fear, but it was not a soldier, but a soldier of the multi-legged civilization. It did not hesitate at all and gave orders coldly: "Don't panic, can our entire fleet be destroyed by such a human? Who does he think he is? An evolver?

"If he dares to close the distance, he will be courting death. At this distance, our precise strikes are enough to give him no chance to react.

"Change the formation immediately, lock him, open fire, and kill this Son of Man in our battle formation legion!"

The commander of the multi-legged civilization spaceship spoke in a sonorous voice, and his reaction was also very correct.

Many people believe that when facing a fleet, getting close can limit the opponent's attack and make the opponent lose sight of the other, but that is only effective for low-level civilizations. Although the civilization of the multi-legged civilization has not yet reached the true cosmic level, this classic disadvantage of intra-cosmic warfare can be avoided long ago. The computing power of their quantum computers is so terrifying that even if Lin Qun flies close to their warships, they can attack by constantly adjusting their movements.

Firing in motion, there is no blind spot, no close combat.

On the contrary, at close range, Lin Qun will lose the advantage of large-scale distance avoidance. Facing attacks such as high-speed missiles, no matter how good his Mark 50 performance is, it will not work.

But unfortunately, its reaction is fast enough and the judgment it makes is correct enough, but Lin Qun has no intention of firing at them from the beginning.

Because at the moment he approached, behind the flash of the Sword of Promise of Victory, a card has been thrown out.

It was a card that had been drawn long ago but never used.

The silver card rotated and dissipated in mid-air.

In the light, the card face displayed is...

The rules of the clan!

This is a consumable effect card. Activating this card and declaring a race can make the creatures of this race within a radius of 600 meters centered on the user lose the will to attack, and the duration is 32 seconds.

Targets with a level higher than twice the current level of the user are not affected by this effect!

Lin Qun is now level 31, which is not low. In a fleet of the multi-legged civilization, there are very few lives with twice his level.

And the 600-meter range can cover two-thirds of the multi-legged civilization fleets in the universe that are almost scattered.

Lin Qun said directly: "Activate, the rules of the clan, declare the race target: the multi-legged civilization race!"

Directly make their fleets passively cease fire.

How can you hit me?

You can only be beaten!

Now, it's my turn!

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