Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 310: The ultimate killer of the Evolver!

The kaleidoscope world is spinning.

The time for Lin Qun's superman transformation is passing by every second.

The prophet civilization evolver wants to exhaust him to death here.

Lin Qun doesn't know how to break out of the current blockade with his current means, but he thinks of a way to break the situation in an instant.

This time, he will reverse time and space!

The time belt appears in his hand in an instant.

Reverse twenty seconds!

Lin Qun just soared into the sky at a very fast speed, and the kaleidoscope world also extended very quickly, and Lin Qun made a judgment very quickly, definitely not twenty seconds.

Although the time belt requires a lot of cooling time, it has been a long time since Lin Qun last used it, and the cooling time has long ended. Now it can be used directly, and it is different from the reset ability of the prophet civilization life. The reset ability resets only the time state of a person, and it can reverse the time in an area!

Without any hesitation, he dared not delay for a second.

Lin Qun directly reversed time.

In an instant.

The surrounding kaleidoscope world disappeared.

Lin Qun's position also changed in an instant.

The entire Daxing battlefield instantly returned to twenty seconds ago.

The body of the Prophet Civilization Evolver, whether it was the real body or the phantom, still shone majestically in the sky.

Lin Qun had just risen from the crashed flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization and rushed towards it with a high head!

His eyes glowed with a piercing red light, and the heat ray was about to burst out in the next second - and this was exactly what had just happened.

But at this moment, Lin Qun suddenly changed direction. The heat ray did not shoot out, but his speed continued to increase, rushing towards the distance of the Daxing area at high speed.

His target was the other two fleets of the Prophet Civilization!

Lin Qun's idea was very simple.

Give him what he has given him!

His weakness was time.

The superhuman body was not his own strength, and it could not continue to exist. What was the weakness of the Prophet Civilization Evolver?

Their main fleet was here, and the main fleet was as fragile as paper to Lin Qun, who was now a superhuman, and could not escape at all.

This was also the reason why the Prophet Civilization Evolver was eager to return to the battlefield.

It must return to the battlefield.

Otherwise, it could just wait for Lin Qun's superhuman transformation time to disappear on its homeland, so why come back?

This further proves that the main fleet of the Prophet Civilization is the key.

The Prophet Civilization cannot afford to lose such a large advanced fleet!

But Lin Qun was still wrong.

His speed was fast enough, and he flew across the sky in the blink of an eye. One of the fleets that the Prophet Civilization was desperately escaping from instantly came into his sight.

But he saw that the space around him began to break and reflect again.

He realized that he might be wrong.

Whether he attacked the Prophet Civilization Evolver or not, the other party could lock him into the kaleidoscope world!

He didn't understand what an evolver was and what abilities an evolver had.

From just now to now, the Prophet Civilization Evolver's ability in front of them was very limited, which was obviously intentional. It didn't want to reveal information about itself, and any ability information could not be known to the living opponent, otherwise, it would also create danger for itself.


This time, the kaleidoscope world did not take shape.

Compared with the last time Lin Qun was locked in the kaleidoscope world, this time the kaleidoscope world was formed later, and this time gave another person an opportunity.

Bai Yiming.

Blood light shot up into the sky.

The Blood Emperor of Daxing City took off with a surging sea of ​​blood.

At that moment, the sky turned bloody.

Looking from here towards Daxing City, it was as if a bloody curtain had risen between the sky and the earth, and everything was shrouded in blood.

Moreover, it rose very quickly. In a few seconds, it had covered the entire field of vision, and rolled down from the sky towards the Prophet Civilization Evolver.

At that moment, the sky in that direction was completely shrouded.

Lin Qun saw that a large number of bright spots suddenly appeared in the blood light. At first glance, it looked like sunlight was coming through, but he knew very well that it was not, it was the Prophet Civilization Evolver's counterattack.

The kaleidoscope world that was taking shape around Lin Qun suddenly paused.

The Prophet Civilization Evolver was dealing with a greater threat.

Lin Qun's reaction was also fast.

The fleet in front of the Prophet Civilization appeared in front of him, and the Prophet Civilization life inside all showed a look of horror.

But Lin Qun turned again at this moment and rushed back to the sky behind.

The fighter plane only had a moment.

Only the moment when the Prophet Civilization Evolver just tore through space and fought back from its native land was their chance to attack.

The twenty seconds of the time belt reversal changed the outcome.

Lin Qun fought for time, but he failed to break the situation, but Bai Yiming attacked brazenly.

He created an opportunity for Bai Yiming!

The time belt reversed the changes in the few seconds when Lin Qun tried to break the situation, and also gave Bai Yiming, who had no chance to intervene in the battle between the Prophet Civilization Evolver and Lin Qun, an opportunity.

And this opportunity will reverse the most critical point of everything!

When fighting back at high speed, Lin Qun was seeing a shocking scene.

The sea of ​​blood in the sky was being torn into pieces by the light spots, but at this moment they suddenly gathered into a line and turned into a real blood river, pouring down all over the sky, indicating the location of the Prophet Civilization Evolver.

Under the blood river, there was a glowing figure.

The blood river impacted and exploded in front of it, and it was becoming brighter and brighter.

The space around it was broken layer by layer, and then densely rose up, like a fragmented space shield, completely blocking the blood river falling from the sky.

But it was only blocked for a moment.

Because Lin Qun had already killed them from the side.

Superman's body rushed at supersonic speed, and the heat ray was faster than his speed——

Heat rays penetrate the sky.

Once again separated by broken space.

But this time, Lin Qun successfully fought in front of it.

The iron fist of the Man of Steel and the extremely cold breath shot out simultaneously.

The space fragments outside the body of the prophet civilization evolver exploded in a large area like real glass in an instant. The impact destroyed the invisible shield it raised. The river of blood was no longer blocked and poured down overwhelmingly!

During Lin Qun's impact, he threw out his second punch fiercely.

But the punch failed to hit, and he vaguely seemed to notice some kind of blow. With his super sense, he looked to the side like lightning.

But he was hit without seeing the attack.

The body felt a sharp pain. It came at such a fast speed just now, and now it was knocked away at such a fast speed.

All kinds of meat and vegetables were smashed directly into the ground below.

At the last glance, I saw the body of Chong Guang, the prophet of civilization evolution, being swallowed up by boundless blood!

The soil surged, and Lin Qun forcefully punched a huge hole in the ground.

He raised his head and saw a new kaleidoscope world unfolding before him.


Lin Qun turned around like lightning.

But this time, it's not just him who is blocked here.

The kaleidoscope world that emerged this time was not pure.

The space in the kaleidoscope is not completely broken, but like a multi-faceted mirror room, it reflects and presents multiple integrated real worlds.

for example……

At this moment, Lin Qun turned around and saw eight identical scenes appearing in eight directions around him——

The river of blood hit the prophet civilization evolver and crashed onto the ground about two hundred years away from him.

Waves of dust rise.

The blood light and worship light faded away.

The bodies of the prophet civilization evolver and Bai Yiming emerged.

Bai Yiming is entangled with the prophet civilization evolver.

The bloody light on Bai Yiming's body became dim.

But the worship of the prophet civilization evolver completely disappeared, and it showed its true body, which was not much different from the prophet civilization life that Lin Qun had seen. To humans, aliens almost all look the same.

And Bai Yiming was entangled with it, which looked a bit weird, as if Bai Yiming was clinging to it, his body and flesh were almost connected to it, and the blood became a bridge, creating a strange symbiosis.

For this reason, Bai Yiming suppressed the Prophet Civilized Evolver and trapped it on the ground. The Prophet Civilized Evolver roared angrily. It was wrestling with Bai Yiming. It wanted to tear him into pieces, and Bai Yiming, in turn, wanted to Use your own body to "eat" this prophetic civilization evolver alive!

And that eating will be a certain assimilation of blood and blood.

This scene is scarier than a horror movie.

But this scene appeared in front of Lin Qun eight times.

It felt like eight huge mirrors had been erected in the world around Lin Qun, rising from the ground and connecting to the sky, reflecting eight identical images around them.

And inside there are eight Bai Yiming and prophetic civilization evolvers.

In the kaleidoscope world, Lin Qun's superhuman super senses are blocked.

He couldn't feel which one was the real Bai Yiming's body or the prophet's civilization evolver's body!


Bai Yiming roared in pain.

It looked like he was suppressing the evolver of prophetic civilization, but at this moment, it seemed like he was about to be torn apart.

Lin Qun knew that Bai Yiming would not be able to deal with the prophetic civilization evolver by himself.

His assimilation could not succeed.

It's too powerful.

Lin Qun couldn't tell which one was which, so he shot out heat rays from his eyes and smashed a "mirror" casually.

But he failed.

One mirror shattered and turned into three mirrors.

Eight screens turned into eleven screens!

The suppressed prophet civilization evolver was raising his unchecked arm towards Lin Qun, and raised his palm towards Lin Qun from a distance.

Invisible power burst out in the kaleidoscope world, and Lin Qun felt that his breathing seemed to be stagnant for an instant.

It looked like there were blades cutting into his internal organs.


Doesn't it seem...

it is true.

Every inch of space in the body of the prophetic civilization evolver is in the twisted forest group.

The blade exists in every position of his flesh, blood, and bones. It wants to tear and mince him directly from the inside!

Bai Yiming's suppression is weakening.

The power of the prophetic civilization evolvers is rising.

"Quick... quick... quick... ah ah ah..."

Bai Yiming's roar came from eleven directions.

The evolvers of the prophetic civilization expected this scene. It had been injured in the confrontation with the previous evolvers. It was either in full strength or worried that Lin Qun and Bai Yiming would cooperate to kill it. Therefore, Bai Yiming restrained it and it immediately opened the kaleidoscope world to trap it. Living with Lin Qun made Lin Qun unable to do anything, and the two of them could not cooperate.

Lin Qun slowly took a step back.

He calmed down at this time.

Bai Yiming had already put in all the pressure.

If he wants to cooperate with Bai Yiming and kill the prophet civilization evolver, he must first destroy this kaleidoscope world——

And a crazy idea has already formed in Lin Qun's mind at this moment.

At this moment, the fairy's hairpin disappeared from Lin Qun's hand.

Instead, it was replaced by the Romantic Turret.

He raised the Romantic Turret with his superhuman body and pointed the gun at any direction.

Is there any situation more dangerous than this moment?

He will face death.

Bai Yiming will also face death.

It's a life-or-death situation.


All energy.

Under the superhuman body, the only attribute that will not change is energy.

Energy represents the spirit and will of a person.

If the energy changes, it will be the real Clark.

Not Lin Qun's.

He doesn't have much energy left.

But at this moment, he seemed to vaguely understand the meaning of the last prompt of the Romantic Turret.

The amount of energy input determines the power of the Romantic Turret.

But the meaning contained is not just a value.

Even if a person has only ten points of energy, when he is willing to invest all his energy, it is also the maximum value.

No matter what your energy limit is.

When the energy is zero.

This is the most desperate gamble.

And that will also bring the most powerful power to the Romantic Fort.

Enough to shatter the entire kaleidoscope world.

By then, the Prophet Civilization Evolver will have nowhere to hide.

At the last moment of injecting all his energy, Lin Qun hesitated for a second.

He is a coward.

His energy has dropped to 1 several times.

He knows very well what zero energy may mean.


He looked at the Prophet Civilization Evolver in the distance, and at Bai Yiming who was clamping it.

He was not familiar with Bai Yiming.

But he was familiar with Huang Qizheng, Xia Qing, Li Jie, and so many people outside.

He was also familiar with Chu Youwei.

That glimmer of blood, and the figure lying in the pool of blood, seemed to be reflected in his pupils at this moment.

He was shocked and confused at that time.

I don’t know why Chu Youwei rushed up, so recklessly, that didn’t seem like the choice she should make.

Maybe now...

He knows.

Lin Qun raised the muzzle of the gun, and at this moment, the hesitation receded, and he directly injected all his energy into this romantic fort.

On Lin Qun's personal panel, the data of the energy attribute was quickly returning to zero, reaching the lowest value.


Then, the Romantic Fort burst into an unprecedented flash.

The roar of the soul rushed out of the gun barrel.

In an instant, the entire kaleidoscope world was submerged in the flash.

The rage gushing out from the muzzle of the Romantic Fort shuttled between each "mirror", and in three seconds, it pierced all the mirrors in this world.

Finally, it was infinitely magnified in Bai Yiming's pupils.

At this moment, it seemed that what was reflected in his eyes was not this flash.

But countless faces.

Those he loved and those who loved him.

Everything intertwined and overlapped.

He showed a bright and brilliant smile.

Until he was submerged in the dazzling flash.

All the mirrors were shattered one by one.

The kaleidoscope world collapsed.

The roar sounded in the world of shattered and infinite flashes, and the iron fist flashed through. The iron fist of the steel body will shatter everything until it shatters the evolution of the prophet civilization-

At this moment, Lin Qun has already killed the evolutionist.

Under Bai Yiming's control, it has nowhere to hide.

It will definitely face the anger of mankind.

At the last moment, it seemed to want to fight back and struggle, but the sublime light rising from its body had not yet risen, and it was suppressed by a blood light and a black shadow, watching Lin Qun come to it.

Carrying the anger of countless people.


The strong confront, one opportunity can determine life and death.

Now, this opportunity is firmly grasped by Lin Qun.

And for the outside world.

At this moment, a terrifying explosion broke out in the wasteland outside Daxing City.

In the explosion, a broken body quickly rose into the air and desperately fled to the space crack in the sky.

At that moment, except for the loud explosion, the entire battlefield was silent. Countless lives had a premonition of something, and at this moment they instinctively raised their heads and looked at the sky.

That was the Evolver of the Prophet Civilization.

But it could not leave.

Another figure rose up after him.

It was a body of steel.

His broken cloak danced wildly in the wind, and his body was as strong as steel. He caught up with the Evolver of the Prophet Civilization and knocked it down from the air with one punch.

It smashed into the ground under his feet, and the shock wave shook the dust wave that had just exploded.

Then the humans behind him landed.

Like a missile falling.

The ground shook with even bigger smoke and dust, and behind the shock wave was a more overwhelming dust wave.

Everything was submerged in this terrible wave.

Therefore, no one could see what happened in the smoke and dust.

All they could hear was the deafening sonic boom.

And the loud sound like a heavy hammer hitting the ground.

That was not someone flying at supersonic speed.

That was a heavy iron fist.

When his fist fell.

The speed has exceeded the speed of sound.

One punch...

Another punch.

The earth shook.

The ground cracked inch by inch, and the cracks spread all the way to the outside of the smoke and dust, a kilometer away.

One sound after another.

Like the beating of a drum.

Some people heard angry roars coming from the smoke and dust, mixed with thunderous sonic booms, spreading out endlessly in circles, like the roar of gods.

The whole world heard about it, and the whole world was shocked.

The fighting stopped at this moment.

Watching this scene, listening to the thunder and roar.

All life produces only deep fear and timidity.

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