On the battlefield outside Daxing City.

The smoke and dust were boiling.

The thunderous blow lasted for twenty-two seconds and then suddenly stopped.

The roar of Lin Qun's heavy punch in the smoke and dust spread out like waves, sweeping across the normal battlefield, and everyone heard the angry roar.

And it was not until this moment that people seemed to suddenly react.

Human life near and far was the first to discover the "abnormality".

They couldn't believe the changes in the regional and even global rankings.

"Look... on the rankings, the Prophet Civilization Evolver disappeared..."

"Is it... dead?"

"No. 2 in the world... This is No. 2 in the world..."

"Dead, it's really dead, not only is it gone from the regional rankings, it has also disappeared from the global rankings..."

"The Prophet Civilization Evolver is dead, he was killed by Mr. Lin and the Blood Emperor!"

On the human front.

This conclusion spread at an incredible speed, and people rushed to call out, as if they were afraid that the news would be passed on to other companions later.


I don't know who was the first to raise his arms and shout.

Shouts rang out one after another on the front lines inside and outside the city.

Then, there was a sound like a tsunami.

"The Prophet Civilization Evolver is dead!"

"The Prophet Civilization Evolver is dead!"

In the Daxing City Command Center, Chen Weiang excitedly slammed the table.

He knew that if they really killed the Prophet Civilization Evolver, the battle would be decided, and they would achieve their expectations in this battle.

They achieved the result they wanted.

"Can you still contact Bai Yiming or Lin Qun? We must confirm as soon as possible whether they really killed him!"

Chen Weiang suppressed his excitement. He knew that the Evolver was not an ordinary life. Just now, the Prophet Civilization Evolver was beaten back to the homeland and disappeared from the rankings. Now it needs to be confirmed. Only after it is confirmed can the next advancement be carried out!

In the Lucheng Command Center, the same thing happened. Li Zheng said the same thing several times in a row, and said quickly: "Contact Mr. Lin, contact Mr. Lin, contact Mr. Lin, I want to know his situation immediately!"

In contrast, other civilizations were panicked and retreated.

The silicon-based civilization life stumbled and fled.

They suffered the heaviest losses. At this time, there were few flying vehicles left, and they could only run desperately on the ground.

These huge robot life forms of the silicon-based civilization were also very horrified.

"They actually killed the evolver!"

"This is incredible - the human natives became the final winner of this battle. This is probably something none of us could have imagined..."

"Let's go... We have no strength to fight again. We underestimated them... Leave now..."

The Knight Commander's order was issued quickly, and he was running for his life with his own people in fear.

At this moment, the black sheep civilization life also broke into pieces and flew in several directions. They no longer had the pride and strength when they first appeared. Now they only knew to run for their lives, and they could only run for their lives.

Lin Qun had just killed the Prophet Civilization Fleet of Daxing City, and had already demonstrated a shocking combat power. They knew very well that Lin Qun's combat power in this state was infinitely close to that of the evolver, and their black sheep civilization evolvers had suffered losses and retreated in the fight with the Prophet Civilization Evolvers. They could not resist this human now, and their only choice was to run away.

Fortunately, when their evolvers were defeated and their flagship was sunk by the forest group, they had already started to flee. The evolvers were defeated and their flagship was destroyed. They had no chance to stay here. What else could they do?

But no one expected such an ending. Everyone thought that the Prophet Civilization would win the battle and completely establish the Prophet Civilization's dominance in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. But in the end, it was the human civilization that had the last laugh.

The proud and powerful Black Sheep Civilization life was like seeing a ghost when they saw humans.

The remaining two fleets of the Prophet Civilization life had already been on the way to escape, but they were also monitoring the situation here. When they got such a result, they were terrified.

They couldn't believe that they had lost this battle that was almost certain to win in the predicted results. How could they lose?

Their Tianqu, their arrogant and powerful civilization evolvers, died just like that?

They were defeated?

The proud Prophet Civilization life, at this moment, was almost in chaos and collapse in its fleet from top to bottom.

"Is this true? Is this really true? Our Evolver was really killed... I can't believe it, I can't believe it. We have a chance of winning of more than 70%. How could we lose? How could we lose? And lose to these humans... Aren't they just our background?"

"How is this possible? How can humans have such a strong power?"

"How can the natives be the winners? They are just a group of natives!"

"Our Evolver can't die. Our prediction results clearly show that we have a very high chance of winning..."

"It's over... It's over... What should we do? What should we do? Did we fail again? We didn't lose to other top contestant civilizations, but we lost to the native civilization?!"

"Shameless! They used us! That's right, these human civilizations used us. They didn't dare to fight with us in a real way. They only picked up leaks from behind and waited for our evolvers to fight each other until they were both injured before they took action..."

"But they are indigenous civilizations... indigenous civilizations... even if they are the sons of civilization, they can't have such combat power!"

"I can't accept it. That human was clearly chased by us and Lord Tianqu like a dog all the way, but how could he... how could he kill our Lord Tianqu and Lord Evolver all at once!"

"I can't accept it, I can't believe it."

In the plan of the Prophet Civilization, humans were the background board they used, but they were never a huge threat.

And now the result is...

Evolvers and Tianqu were quickly killed one after another in just two or three minutes, completely defeating the will of these Prophet Civilization lives. Although they are powerful, Evolvers are invincible like gods in their eyes. The current situation has exceeded all their expectations.

They pressed the full power of the entire civilization of the Blue Star battlefield this time, but the result was such an ending!

They were defeated!

Not only did they lose the battle, but all the evolvers died at the hands of humans. The death of the evolvers not only meant that they lost an extremely precious top-level warrior, but also made them completely fall from the altar of top-level civilization in the Blue Star battlefield, and no longer had the possibility of becoming the winner of the Blue Star civilization battlefield. This feeling was like they were about to climb Mount Everest, but were swept by a sudden gust of wind, and were blown down all at once, and were directly paralyzed!

This blow almost destroyed the life of the Prophet Civilization!

But some people still kept their sanity.

A commander said sternly: "The result is known, go... go... we must evacuate the battlefield as soon as possible. We can't lose our main fleet anymore, otherwise, the management of our civilization for the past hundred years will be burned to ashes!"


And in the center of the smoke and dust.

When the four sides were trembling and fleeing frantically.

Lin Qun was standing in the center of the huge pit he had smashed, looking at the Prophet Civilization life body in front of him that was torn into pieces by the heavy punch, and he briefly stopped for a second, and his body also shook slightly.

It was still.

His energy was now 0.

His eyes were empty, staring at the rotten blood stains on the ground in a daze, and the consciousness in his brain seemed to be withdrawing.

At that moment, he almost forgot what he was looking at and what he was doing the second before.

Until he was still for a moment.

It took him a few seconds to realize what he was doing, what was happening now, and what to do next.

The superman body was still supporting him not to fall.

Even if his energy had returned to zero, the powerful force brought by this body still supported him to stand in the smoke and dust, standing on this battlefield.

Let his will not dissipate.

This time, Lin Qun fully mastered the power of Superman. Every bit of Superman's ability was his arm, and his basic physique before the transformation had reached an unprecedented height, which could support the Superman transformation for a longer time.

He still had time.

The battle was not over yet.

The Evolver was dead, and the little time he had left was enough.

So soon...

Someone shouted.


In the distance...

In the smoke and dust, a bright figure was rising at high speed.

The tattered cloak danced wildly.

He rose under the light of dawn, and the weak sunlight penetrated the heavy clouds and fell on him. His strong body and gnarled muscles were clearly revealed. He bathed in the light and held his chest high.

That was Lin Qun.

At this moment, he was still a god on earth.

On the earth, countless humans shouted from far and near.

They raised their arms and shouted, calling Lin Qun's name.

No matter where they came from.

Lucheng, Jinling, Daxing...

Whether they knew Lin Qun or not, they cheered loudly at this moment.

But Lin Qun did not speak, did not respond to the people on the ground, nor did he respond to the calls of the Lucheng Command Center and Daxing City.

He rushed straight into the sky.

The supersonic speed rolled up the wind, and the thunder of the sonic boom tore the eardrums.

The troops on Lin Qun's way heard the deafening sonic boom, tearing the sky and shaking people!

As countless people looked up...

Lin Qun disappeared from the skyline here in an instant, piercing the sky with a cold flash, passing through the vast land of Daxing area, passing over a large number of moving human troops, causing countless people to look up in shock, their hearts surging, fear and shock.

Their eyes followed Lin Qun's figure, their hearts surging, and their eyes flashed with unprecedented, blazing light.

With the help of communication electromagnetic waves, the news of victory spread to the human army at the speed of light, which was more than ten times faster than the speed of sound of Lin Qun's superhuman body.

From Daxing City to the front troops, to the rear legions, artillery positions, and command centers...

They all knew it.

The Prophet Civilization Evolver is dead.

Mr. Lin won a great victory!

At this moment, Lin Qun was making a thunderous move -

The heat rays were crisscrossing in the air.

He was chasing the two fleets of the Prophet Civilization.

Lin Qun knew that he had little time left. The last blow of the Romantic Battery could achieve such a terrifying power that it even shattered the kaleidoscope world of the Prophet Civilization Evolver at the cost of zero energy. The Superman Body can still move when the energy is zero, but when the Superman Body ends, it may not be the case.

He must seize the present time.

Every minute and every second must be used to fight back.

All used to slaughter!

At this moment, Lin Qun was not only for contribution points, but also for... killing all the aliens.

His eyes were blood red.

Kill all the aliens, blood for blood.

This was the boiling thought in his heart at this moment, which was more intense than harvesting contribution points.

He wanted to make these people pay the price.

Tell them that fighting against human civilization is not something you can come and go as you please.

The two fleets were one of the main forces of the Prophet Civilization on the Blue Star battlefield. In this battle, the Prophet Civilization has invested more than two-thirds of its troops in the Blue Star battlefield, and the main fleets have already gone out together, just to win this leg.

These two main fleets have been dormant for a long time, just to make a move at the critical moment, cooperate with Tianqu and the Prophet Civilization Evolver to complete the harvest, but now, they have become the contribution points delivered to the door.

When Lin Qun appeared in their field of vision, their alarm had just sounded.

Because this human was too fast.

In the period just now, their two fleets had actually accelerated and had long left the Daxing area. The strikes launched by the human military failed to keep them at all.

But even if they sailed in silence and moved at a speed of more than five times the speed of sound, they still could not escape Lin Qun's pursuit.

Lin Qun's speed had already exceeded fifteen times the speed of sound. Although his speed was far less than lightning, for humans on the ground, from the perspective of human senses, it was almost like lightning. In the blink of an eye, it had already swept across the sky!

And for Lin Qun...

Under the super senses, the surrounding world has never been so clear. The Prophet Civilization Fleet more than ten kilometers away, every move was clearly presented in front of Lin Qun's super senses.

The Prophet Civilization Evolver was beaten to death on the ground by his heavy punch.

The fleet of the Prophet Civilization was doomed to have no way to escape.

The stealth technology of the Prophet Civilization was meaningless in front of Lin Qun.

Five times the speed of sound could shake off most of the pursuit of the Human Federation.

But they could not shake off the shadowy Lin Qun.

He caught up from behind like a flash of lightning.

The heat rays from his eyes easily pierced the entire fleet of the Prophet Civilization like a blade.

Lin Qun's eyeballs turned slightly, and the heat rays followed. The warships of the Prophet Civilization fleet that fell behind were easily swept and torn apart like a fruit-cutting game, and then exploded and turned into a group of gorgeous fireworks.

The heavy steel warships were as fragile as paper.

The Prophet Civilization fleet was terrified. While they were desperately escaping, they threw a large number of missiles, intensively fired, and countless attacks greeted Lin Qun.

But this couldn't even stop him for a moment.

He rushed forward and hit the missile directly.

It was the missile that was shattered.

Multiple explosions triggered chain explosions. The entire sky was almost lit up by the explosions. Clouds of fire rose in the open field. It was the majesty of destruction!

In the explosion, Lin Qun's figure passed through without any damage. The explosion of the missile could not even scratch him. The explosions and impacts that were enough to destroy human tanks, armored vehicles and fortifications could not even make him pause.

The obstruction of the Prophet Civilization was completely ineffective. They could only watch the distance being shortened. Lin Qun approached like a killing god with destruction.

For the Prophet Civilization life, they used to slaughter others like this. Their Evolvers and Sky Drives rushed and killed incomparably, bringing this unstoppable fear to others.

But now, this fear was returned to them.

The flame stretched out on Lin Qun's supersonic airflow, forming a long tail flame behind him. He flew out of the missile array, as if he had turned into a missile, but his speed was faster than those missiles, faster!

And the threat he could bring was more terrifying than those missiles combined.

He arrived first, with a long tail and fire line behind him, savagely and powerfully, and crashed into the fleet of the Prophet Civilization!

In the Prophet Civilization ship, the Prophet Civilization's lives looked up in horror, their eyes reflecting the infinitely approaching humans, with extreme despair and terror, and they shouted frantically.

"All our obstructions are ineffective, he is too strong! He is too strong! We can't stop him from approaching us!"

"He's coming!"

"He's coming!!!"

Lin Qun has already rushed into the Prophet Civilization fleet.

The massacre began.



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