Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 319: Ten consecutive draws!

Lin Qun is now a well-deserved celebrity in the first-line area of ​​the three major survivor bases.

Especially for the warriors who participated in the Daxing War.

The world's human ranking is number one.

This is not as intuitive as their feelings.

The warships of the Black Sheep Civilization and the fleet of the Prophet Civilization they faced were destroyed by Lin Qun alone in just a few minutes.

Most of the warriors have not seen the power of the Prophet Civilization Evolvers with their own eyes, and do not know the gold content of the rumors that Mr. Lin killed the Prophet Civilization Evolvers, but they have all fought against these alien civilization fleets.

The terrifying sense of oppression brought by the burning flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization.

The despair of the three main fleets of the Prophet Civilization when bombing the entire Daxing area, they almost thought they were going to lose.

Even if the number of human troops deployed in the Daxing area exceeds that of the Prophet Civilization, they are a fleet flying in the sky. They may not be able to shoot down one of their advanced warships with thousands of cannons on the ground, but in one round of bombing, humans will be killed in the overwhelming artillery fire.

They can still fight with a few ships, but it is too difficult to fight with so many ships.

But such a powerful alien civilization fleet was destroyed by Lin Qun alone.

Who didn't hear the sonic boom of the whistling Tracer?

Who didn't hear the roar of the dense explosion of the Prophet Civilization fleet?

Who didn't see the flames covering the sky?

Especially those human warriors who participated in the subsequent encirclement and suppression war. They were ordered to kill the large number of Prophet Civilization lives who escaped from the warships destroyed by Lin Qun, and saw such a scene with their own eyes.

"It is said that wherever Mr. Lin passed, the vast and powerful fleet of the Prophet Civilization was shattered, the sky was full of fire, and the proud Prophet Civilization lives were all frightened and had almost no combat effectiveness, and were killed one-sidedly by us!"

And because of this, Lin Qun's coma was not too long, only a few hours, but his name was spreading rapidly throughout Daxing.

Jinling, Lucheng, etc., already knew that he was nothing, and many troops and survivors in other regions remembered this name with fear.

As a result, Lin Qun was transferred to a temporary field hospital, and the news of his coma could no longer be hidden. Everyone knew about it in a short time and everyone was worried.

Who wouldn't want such a strong man to live well?

The survival of the strong in the human race is a good thing and a guarantee for everyone.

Therefore, the news that Lin Qun woke up also spread quickly.

Lin Qun was in a single ward, surrounded by a bunch of doctors and gifted people with medical abilities, and he heard someone outside shouting "Mr. Lin is awake" and "Mr. Lin is fine".

He blinked.

At this time, he found that his lips could move.

His energy recovered to 0.2.

This is a good start.

As long as the energy starts to increase, it means that Lin Qun will soon be able to return to his prime.

A group of doctors are still analyzing Lin Qun's situation. Their judgment is accurate. They think that Lin Qun's current energy value is still too low. He is awake, but he can't move or speak.

They are discussing whether there is any way to make Lin Qun recover quickly, but where is it? After discussing for a long time, there was no result.

Lin Qun watched this scene silently.

He was a little emotional.

He seemed to have never enjoyed such treatment in his life. When he was sick, he was surrounded by so many doctors and experts, and he didn't have to spend money or find connections.

This feeling...

It's so cool!

The idea of ​​ordinary people quietly emerged.

Lin Qun had just been promoted and was very happy. His thoughts were like wild horses that had broken free from their reins, not very serious.

At this time, Lin Qun's lips moved.

Li Xinghe on the side noticed it keenly.

He immediately stepped forward and said, "Wait, Brother Lin is talking."

A group of doctors immediately surrounded him, seven or eight mouths.

"What did Mr. Lin say?"

"Is he uncomfortable?"

"Mr. Lin, where are you uncomfortable?"

Li Xinghe listened for a moment, then stood up with a strange look on his face and said, "Brother Lin said... he is fine, and he also said that he is invincible."

Lin Qun gave Li Xinghe a look of approval.

The doctors looked at each other, and all opened their mouths.

Lin Qun shared his joy and soon calmed down.

He had something more to worry about.

He immediately asked about the situation.

At this time, the other doctors withdrew, leaving only Li Xinghe, an acquaintance of Lin Qun, here - they did not dare to disturb Lin Qun too much.

Speaking of this, Li Xinghe's expression was also a little gloomy. He said: "A lot of people died. But the ones you are familiar with are basically fine. Brother Jie is fine, and he is also in a coma. The doctor said he will wake up in a few days. Old Nie is also fine, but his lumbar vertebrae are broken. If he does not replace the mechanical spine, he may not be able to go to the battlefield again, but, being alive is a good thing, isn't it? As for the others, Xia Qing is fine, Huang Qizheng is seriously injured, but his basic attributes are very high, and he is fine..."

After listening to this, Lin Qun was slightly relieved.

It's not like before.

With the medical capabilities of the Federation and Blue Star before, Nie Wensheng's situation may be a little difficult to deal with, but now there is a contribution point mall, and it is not difficult to replace a "cyber" spine.

But when Lin Qun thought of this, he suddenly reacted.

Nie Wensheng may not have so many contribution points.

Cyber ​​limbs are not expensive, but they are not cheap either, otherwise Xia Qing would not have waited so long to change into a humanoid body.

Nie Wensheng's strength is not as good as Xia Qing's. If he wants to change a mechanical organ that fits the human body, it may cost more than a hundred contribution points, which is not something he can afford.

That little contribution point is a drizzle for Lin Qun, but it is a number that is difficult to get for most people.

One hundred contribution points means that at least one hundred alien civilizations have been killed, and this is when all of them are saved and not consumed.

Lin Qun took a breath and said, "You tell him... Don't worry, I will give him this contribution point."

These one hundred contribution points are really nothing to Lin Qun - he is now ranked first in the global human rankings. Even if he does nothing every day to maintain this ranking, he will get 600 contribution points. But for Nie Wensheng, these mere one hundred contribution points are the key to whether he can stand up.

Moreover, Lin Qun has always had a good impression of Nie Wensheng.

Li Xinghe looked at Lin Qun with red eyes.

Although they have a good relationship with Lin Qun, they are all sensible people.

They know very well how precious contribution points are.

They have killed many alien civilizations, but they can only save a few contribution points, and there are always expenses.

Perhaps, these 100 contribution points are nothing to a strong man like Lin Qun, but they know that no contribution points are blown by the wind, and Li Xinghe will not think from this perspective.

He said, "Old Nie will be grateful to you forever."

Lin Qun still only had his mouth and eyes to move. He exhaled and said, "Come on, I feel he is gay. By the way... Chu... How is she?"

Li Xinghe said, "Don't worry, Chu Youwei is fine. She just woke up more than half an hour ago. She spent more than a thousand contribution points to replace a mechanical arm. She is now in surgery. She must be fine. At that time, except for those who died directly, she was the most seriously injured. Am I not lucky that nothing happened? She is very kind, and I can't be a slacker. Brother Lin, you and the bastards of the Prophet Civilization fought outside the city, and I crawled out. My ability is much stronger now than before, and I saved her. Of course, she is also very powerful. Like Lao Huang, her physique should be very high, so it is not so easy to die."

Lin Qun glanced at him.

He laughed softly.

The battlefield is complex and changeable. While he was busy with the battle in front of him, for others, they also had their own battles. Everyone was taking action. They jointly supported this war and also welcomed the victory of this battle.

As for Chu Youwei...

She is rich.

She casually took out a thousand contribution points to buy an arm.

Lin Qun imagined that this was indeed the case. He had rarely seen Chu Youwei spend contribution points.

She is a master, she must have a lot of savings.

Lin Qun's eyebrows moved, and he felt that the feeling of his hands and limbs was returning.

His energy value has recovered to 0.6.

He began to silently operate the Concentration Technique.

The Concentration Technique can have a little effect.

At this time, Lin Qun finally asked about the current situation.

It's not that he doesn't care about the war situation, but he has already judged clearly that the situation on the human side is good, so there is no need to ask first.

Li Xinghe said: "What's wrong with the war situation? Hehe, I don't know much about this. After all, I'm not at the level of Brother Lin. I don't know what's going on above or what's going on in the overall situation, but I know that those who escaped from the Prophet Civilization Fleet that you killed, Brother Lin, were all killed by our people. The Prophet Civilization suffered heavy losses this time! Now the Daxing area is completely under the control of us humans!

"Oh, by the way, it's not entirely true. There are still some weird things in Daxing City now. Commander Chen is still commanding the battle, but those weird things can't run away. It's only a matter of time before they are all killed. "

Li Xinghe knows a little bit. It's good enough to know this roughly.

This time, the four top civilizations fought in the Daxing area. Only the Prophet Civilization sent out its entire army, but it backfired and made them the party with the heaviest losses.

Lin Qun also nodded.

This is similar to the result he predicted. He can think of Li Zheng's judgment.

At that time, there were only the Black Sheep Civilization, the Prophet Civilization and the Silicon Civilization left. Only the main force of the Prophet Civilization was broken, and the Prophet Civilization was also the closest to them. Killing the main force of the Prophet Civilization and killing them all would rather fire at the remnants of the other two civilizations. This is the option that can gain the greatest benefits for the three survivor bases now.

In fact, he was a little worried about the situation in Jinling.

Jinling was besieged by the Zerg, and I don't know what happened.

The threat of the four top civilizations is no longer there. In the nearby areas, their biggest threat is the Zerg.

But thinking of this, Lin Qun thought of another thing.

It was the dark shadow of the Shengui civilization.

It seemed that it did not appear until the end.

Where did it go?

He chatted with Li Xinghe for a while, and his state recovered little by little. His energy reached 2, and he could do it. At this time, Lin Qun exchanged a mechanical spine worth 120 contribution points from the contribution point mall, gave it to Li Xinghe, and asked him to save Nie Wensheng.

Li Xinghe was so moved that he didn't know what to say. He just grabbed the thing, nodded vigorously, and said: "Brother Lin... I won't say more, I'm going."

Lin Qun smiled and nodded: "It's nothing, I don't want my number one flatterer to never appear in front of me again, right?"

He knew that the three-person team of Li Xinghe, Li Jie, and Nie Wensheng had a good relationship.

After Li Xinghe left, another nurse came in and said that she and the soldier in charge of security were outside, and Lin Qun could call her at any time if he had any instructions.

Lin Qun nodded.

He didn't say much.

This was a brief silence.

He stared at the ceiling for a while.

Some silence.

Just now, he also learned from Li Xinghe why he could wake up.

It was Bai Yiming.

That young man...

He was not familiar with him, strictly speaking, he didn't even know him.

He was a little curious now.

Bai Yiming... What kind of person is this legend of Daxing City?

He might never get the answer to this question.

Lin Qun was groggy and didn't know how he fell asleep. When he woke up, it was completely dark. It was already late at night. The nurse said that Li Zheng had contacted him, but when he learned that he was resting, he didn't wake him up.

But when Lin Qun woke up this time, he really felt better. His energy recovered very slowly this time. It has not recovered to the full value yet, but it has reached more than 50. This energy is enough for Lin Qun to be full of energy. However, the first thing he wanted to do at this time was not to contact Li Zheng or something, but to rub his hands and prepare to do something else before that.

For example...

Draw cards.

Lin Qun did not draw cards because he could not move just now, but now that he can move, it is naturally different.

Start drawing immediately!

Now, Lin Qun has 65,000 contribution points.

It is definitely enough to upgrade the level 4 card pool, and it is definitely enough to draw cards after upgrading the level 4 card pool.

No matter how many contribution points are needed to draw cards from the level 4 card pool at a time, 65,000 contribution points will definitely be enough to draw a few rounds.

But Lin Qun is not in a hurry to upgrade at this time.

The war is over. With so many contribution points, Lin Qun plans to draw ten times in a row in the current level 3 card pool.

From a rational point of view, this is to drain the level 3 card pool again, and also to see if he can get the Diming card together at the end.

From an emotional point of view... Anyway, there are so many contribution points now. Ten consecutive draws from the third-level card pool cost 5,000 and there are still 60,000 left. It's just a drizzle - just enjoy the draw first!

Lin Qun did it as soon as he thought of it. He directly chose ten consecutive draws.

The cooling time of the fairy's gaze card has also expired. Lin Qun once again prayed for extreme good luck and planned:

Draw four fairy's gaze cards, and the remaining six depend on luck.

Lin Qun started to talk nonsense, blew a breath of fairy air into his palm, and then...

The ten consecutive draws began.

First, the four consecutive draws of good luck.

The first card emerged first.

The first one is...




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