Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 320: Crazy card drawing! The last giant card!

The first card is emerging in front of Lin Qun.

This is a cartoon card that looks very much like the style of China in the 1970s and 1980s.

There is a familiar Chinese mythological character on it.

It is Nezha with three heads and six arms.

This card is...

[Name: Magic Power·Three Heads and Six Arms]

[Type: Skill Card]

[Description: Use this skill card to obtain Nezha's magic power of three heads and six arms: consume dark energy, use this skill to transform into three heads and six arms, and the newly grown head and arms have the same attributes as the original torso. In the state of three heads and six arms, if an arm is cut off, as long as the number of remaining arms is not less than two, after the magic power is released, the arm will not be lost; if a head is chopped off, as long as the number of remaining heads is not less than one, after the magic power is released, it will not die and will still have a head. ]

[Load? 】

This... is an interesting magical card. It was drawn in the lucky state, proving that the entire magical card is at least at the B-level. Judging from the effect, it should be a standard B-level card. It is still very useful to Lin Qun. After all, he now has a lot of equipment and means. Two hands are really not enough. Six hands and three heads are also very good. In addition, in this magical state, the extra expulsion that is transformed will not affect the main body even if it is damaged, which is even more interesting.

Lin Qun took this card.

The second card has also emerged.

This second card is an item card!

Lin Qun saw the card face and his eyes flashed.

Because this is Thor's Hammer!

[Name: Thor's Hammer (Mjolnir)]

[Type: Item Card]

[Item Card Grade: B-Class]

[Description: Use this item card to obtain Thor's hammer Mjolnir, which comes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The hammer head of this hammer is forged in a fading star, and the handle is made of wood from the World Tree. Thor's hammer also has Odin's spell bonus, so that no one who is not recognized by Thor's hammer can lift it. Thor's hammer is extremely hard and has a strong impact when thrown out. It can be used to guide lightning, fly, etc. ]

[Special Note: If you get Thor's hammer's recognition and lift it, you will get the power of Thor: all attributes +55. ]

[Do you want to manifest? 】

On the card, there is a Thor's hammer that is exactly the same as in the Marvel movie. In fact, Lin Qun has always wanted to complain about the shape of Thor's hammer. It looks a bit like a kind of ice cream called big milk block in the north...

And the effects of Thor's hammer, such as summoning thunder and being able to fly by itself, are exactly the same as the settings in Marvel. Of course, in addition to these additional settings, the classic settings in the original book have also been retained-that is, only people with noble character can use this.

Thor's hammer is in hand...

This time, the equipment of the three giants of Marvel: Iron Man, Captain America and Thor, haven't they been collected by myself?

Unfortunately, these three giants are not set cards... Otherwise, I wonder if they can summon a special effect like Thanos or the Avengers' assembly?

In this regard, Lin Qun thought of a picture. Maybe, when the three-headed and six-armed skill is activated in the future, two of them can hold a Thor's hammer and a Captain America shield in their hands.

In fact, the Thor's hammer in the comics is more powerful, but the one Lin Qun pulled out at this moment is obviously from the world of film and television, and in the world of film and television, its ability is relatively weaker, so it is a B-level item card.

But this thing itself is also a very brutal weapon, which is not bad. The most important thing is that it can add +55 points to all attributes!

This is a big bonus. Moreover, it is all attributes +55 points! Energy, dark energy, physique, agility, strength, all add 55!

These 55 points are also exaggerated for Lin Qun now. For ordinary humans, many people have struggled and fought all the way from the opening of the global battlefield to the present, and they may not have such high attributes!

Lin Qun's eyes suddenly became a little hot.

His current attributes are high enough. If he can bring this equipment and add 55 points to all the attributes, wouldn't it take off?


Lin Qun thought about it, looking at the notes behind, and suddenly thought of a key point-

Wait, can I lift this Thor's hammer?

Only after Thor's hammer's approval can one lift Thor's hammer, which is an important setting of this thing.

And this Thor's hammer's approval...

From a literal point of view, it means that only those who meet the condition of "justice in mind and pure heart" can lift it and use it.

And from Lin Qun's own understanding of the Marvel world, this should refer to righteous people with noble character.

When Lin Qun thought of this, his expression suddenly became a little strange.

He felt that he should not be at the same level as Thor and Captain America.

In other words, if Thor's hammer is given to him, he may not be able to lift it.

He is Voldemort, who just regretted that he should have run away earlier, and it is certain that he cannot lift it!

Lin Qun asked himself, he is not a bad person, but he is not related to the word noble character...

Lin Qun's mouth twitched, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt wrong.

But he changed his mind and thought again. From Shanghai to Daxing, he had done a lot of good things. So many people outside regarded him as a legend. Based on this point, the possibility of Thor's Hammer recognizing him was very high.

Lin Qun had two thoughts fighting in his head. He wanted to use this item card right away and try to see if he could lift Mjolnir.

But after a moment, he felt relieved.

He now has many means. Although the effect of Thor's Hammer is good, it is not indispensable for Lin Qun now. Although it can add all attributes, the prerequisite is to master Thor's Hammer, and Lin Qun now, The main related skills are still related to swords. If you switch to a hammer, it is always inapplicable. Moreover, Lin Qun can't hammer a sword with one hand. From this point of view, it doesn't seem to be suitable for his use. Even if he can't use it, there are always so many people around him who can use it. In any case, it's not a waste.

Thinking of this, Lin Qun's mind was made up.

Just let it happen.

If he doesn't use it, he can give it to others. This thing may not improve him that much, but if it is given to others, it may help them improve a lot.

At this moment, the third card has also appeared.

Lin Qun also calmed down and looked over.

This is a consumable item card!

[Name: Spell Invalid Barrier (Sixth Ring Spell)*3]

[Type: consumable item card]

[Item card level: C level]

[Description: Using this card, you can obtain a sixth-level spell scroll: Spell Invalidation Barrier. Inject 20 points of dark energy into the scroll and chant according to the incantation on it. You can use this sixth-level spell to create a spell-invalidating barrier within a radius of thirty meters. Within the barrier, Target super powers whose energy value is lower than the scroll user's energy limit + 50 points will be ineffective for 10 minutes. 】

[Is it present? 】

Item card...

This is... a scroll?

Lin Qun blinked.

This thing is still very powerful. It can remove demons in a certain area. In the global battlefield, its effect becomes that it can suppress super powers.

Directly create a "magic"-free field!

It can be regarded as a weakened Chu Youwei's skill.

But its range is larger and its duration is considerable. It may be able to play a considerable role on the battlefield.

In particular, its targets for banning magic are other targets whose energy value is lower than the user's energy limit + 50 points.

In other words...

Lin Qun's current energy limit is 173.6. If you throw away this scroll, then people with an energy value lower than 223.6 will not be able to use any super powers within this range!

Even in the top civilization, apart from those masters, how many people can reach 223.6 energy points?

Lin Qun's energy level is not dead, it can change.

He activates the giant form, doubling or even two-and-a-half times in every minute. At that time, those who exceed the energy limit of 500 or 600 points will be directly banned from demons!

What does this mean? If you are facing a foreign civilization on the battlefield, you can almost achieve a kill. Except for the top masters, everyone will be on the same level and only look at basic attributes and mechanical weapons!

The range of sixty meters in diameter is very large.

Lin Qun showed these three scrolls and put them away carefully. They may play an important role in the future battlefield.

At this moment, the fourth card has also emerged.

The moment he saw this card, Lin Qun's eyes lit up!

This card is the card he wants most.

Attack on Titan card!

The only card in the Giants of the Forest series that does not exist.

The eighth giant card finally appears!

[Name: Attack on Titan Skill Card]

[Type: Skill card (unique type)]

[Description: Using this skill card, when you have sufficient physical strength, you can transform into an Attack on Titan. He is 15 meters tall. The agility attribute is increased to 2.5 times the original attribute. The strength attribute is increased to 2.5 times the original attribute. The attributes and energy attributes are increased to twice the original attributes. After the transformation, the giant image and some characteristics are closely related to the skill releaser. 】

[Tip: Attack on Titan longs for free will and transforms into Attack on Titan. It will gain a halo of free will and be immune to mental attacks and guidance used by targets with lower energy attributes than Attack on Titan's transformation state*2. 】

[Special Note: This card is one of the Attack on Titan decks. Collect all Warhammer Titan, Beast Titan, Super Giant, Armored Titan, Attack Titan, Female Titan, Jaw Titan, and Car Titan cards. , you can synthesize the Ancestral Giant Card and gain the ability "Crying of the Earth". 】

The last giant card is here!

After such a long time, he finally got the giant set of cards together. Although he failed to get it together during the Battle of Daxing, it is not too late to get it together now. Lin Qun actually knows this. It is difficult to force things. It is impossible for him to gather them all at that time just thinking about the battle of Daxing.

Moreover, this Attack on Titan card is also consistent with Lin Qun's memory, and it is not subject to mental control...

In the original work, Attack on Titan is the only Titan that cannot be controlled by the Founding Titan.

However, Lin Qun remembered that Attack on Titan also had the ability to read the memories of previous hosts, but it was not reflected in this card. Lin Qun guessed that this might be because he drew a ready-made skill card. , these giant transformations do not involve any inheritance or memory, so this skill was directly banned.

Of course, this is actually not important to Lin Qun now.

With so many giant cards in hand, this Attack on Titan card itself is not that important to him. What he cares most about is actually the Founding Titan formed by the combination of these giant cards and the ability of the Rumbling!

That is the key!

If the Rumbling can really be activated.

No matter what form the countless super giants appear in, they can be transformed into the most needed powerful force for the current Federation humans.

Even if the super giant sea may not be as useful as in the original book in modern warfare, but with enough numbers, combined with the military strength of the human side, it is still a terrifying combat power that cannot be underestimated. As long as it can be used well, it is entirely possible to sweep across the earth!

Of course, as far as the battlefield of civilization is concerned

Holding this card, Lin Qun's heart was inexplicably excited.

This last card, he has waited for so long, and it is finally here!

How can he not be excited?

In front of Lin Qun's eyes, it seems that the picture of his eight cards combined into one, activating the Rumbling, summoning countless super giants, and sweeping across the world has emerged!

The real Tata Kai!

However, at this time, he was not in a hurry to synthesize it now.

Because the card drawing is not over yet. The set of cards has been collected, and it can't fly. It's not too late to synthesize after this round of ten consecutive draws.

After four lucky card draws, he still has six of the ten consecutive draws.

This is a generous splurge before upgrading the card pool. Lin Qun wants to enjoy it until the end before synthesizing.

As for the card drawing of the first four cards, Lin Qun is still very satisfied. All four cards are good, there are no useless cards, and there are two skill cards and a Thor's Hammer among the four cards, which is more cost-effective.

At this time, the fifth card has emerged.

This time, it is an ordinary card.

A C-level card, a monster summoning card in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh.

This is a monster card without attributes, named Guardian before the Royal Family, with relatively ordinary attributes and appearance.

[Name: Guardian before the Royal Family]

[Type: Monster Summoning Card]

[Summoning Card Grade: C-level]

[Description: Use this card to summon the monster: Guardian before the Royal Family. The guardian in front of the royal family is a mechanical guard that moves on tracks. Once summoned, it will completely obey the summoner and its main attack method is missiles. If it dies in battle or the card is damaged, it will no longer be summoned. Attributes: Strength: 160; Agility: 160; Constitution: 160. 】

The monster drawn on this card still looks very cool. It is a golden heavy combat machine, but its attributes and effects are mediocre and useless to Lin Qun. Maybe it can be used in other places...

Lin Qun thought that maybe he could give this guardian in front of the royal family to the military.

Its attribute ability is not low for the military, and its combat ability is also very compatible with the military. But it is not very meaningful to Lin Qun now.

At this time, the next card has been automatically drawn and emerged.

The next card seems to have good luck. Without the extreme good luck bonus, it actually drew a B-level card.

But this B-level card itself is ordinary, it is the left hand of the sealed one.

Its description is no different from the previous one.

So far, Lin Qun has two cards of the sealed one series in his hand, and he still needs three cards to complete the collection.

The rumbling is already in hand, and the Dark Mage seems to be not far away.

Lin Qun's eyes moved and looked at the next card.

The seventh card.

Lin Qun narrowed his eyes.

This is another skill card!

[Name: Immobilization]

[Type: Skill Card]

[Description: Use this card to obtain the skill: Immobilization. Within a range of 15 meters, consume dark energy and use the Immobilization to temporarily immobilize a target. The immobilized target is conscious, but the body cannot move independently. The immobilization time is related to the difference in strength between the caster and the target: if the caster is much stronger than the target, only a small amount of dark energy is needed to immobilize for a long time (up to fifteen minutes); if the caster's strength is almost the same as the target's, a certain amount of dark energy needs to be consumed, and the immobilization time will be shortened to 10 seconds to 180 seconds; if the caster is relatively weaker than the target, more dark energy needs to be consumed, and the immobilization time will be between 0.1s-3s; if the caster is much weaker than the target, a large amount of dark energy needs to be consumed, and the immobilization spell will only temporarily slow down the opponent's actions; if the caster is infinitely weaker than the target, the immobilization spell will fail. 】

【Load? 】

Lin Qun blinked.

This skill is described in detail.

As a C-level skill, this is already very good, and there is no cooldown time.

Its effect is also acceptable.

This immobilization spell is a spell in the spell system that is slightly stronger than the basic spell, which is very good.

Lin Qun can't use this spell to deal with super strong people.

This immobilization spell itself is definitely more functional than tactical.

But so far, this round of card drawing is still good overall.

Watching the cards emerge one by one, Lin Qun was secretly happy.

Sure enough, it’s fun to keep drawing cards!

At this moment, except for the spell-nullifying enchantment scroll that he immediately materialized, the remaining six silver cards were in his hand, a thick stack, and Lin Qun had a strange sense of satisfaction and happiness.

This kind of happiness, perhaps, is similar to the feeling of using money to build a bed...

And now I have drawn seven cards, and there are still three!

It’s so cool!

Lin Qun smashed his mouth.

He looked at the eighth card with joy.

This eighth card seems a bit ordinary. It is also a spell, the technique of fasting.

The art of fasting is very simple. Lin Qun glanced at it and showed no interest.

Although fasting can save you the trouble of eating, but...

Isn’t eating one of life’s great pleasures?

This technique of fasting grain can only be used in emergencies.

better than nothing.

And when the ninth card appeared, Lin Qun's expression became even weirder.

"What the hell is this?"

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