Lin Qun was greatly surprised by the words "Evolver of Divine Creation Civilization".

But he soon reacted.

They have already fought against each other once in Rehe City. The evolvers of the Shengui Civilization are not ordinary beings. It is normal for them to be able to see problems.

Lin Qun's ability comes from his talent, so it's nothing. He was just briefly surprised because the secret was revealed, then calmed down and said: "I am the son of civilization, as the prophet civilization said. , I never said that.

"I'm even less interested in the god behind you.

"I only know……

"Non-my family, its heart must be different."

The moment he said this, Lin Qun took action.

He had no intention of wasting time.

The battle between Linyuan Civilization and Wushe Civilization has just ended. No matter what they do next, there will be a short window of time. If he can kill the evolvers of the Shengui Civilization during this time, that would be great. But that's it.

In the confrontation between the top experts, the victory or defeat can be decided in an instant.

Lin Qun took action directly.

Mark 50 was wrapped in thunder and lightning. He turned his palm and the Sword of Victory appeared in his hand. Infused with dark energy, he slashed forward. In an instant, the curry stick flashed dazzlingly, and the bright light came from He shot out from above the sword's edge and hit the ground!

In an instant, the entire dark world was illuminated, golden light illuminated everything around it, and the darkness shrank back——

And the sword Lin Qun fired was more than just a sword.

The moment the golden flash of the curry stick was released, the mysterious sound reached the sky amid the roar and roar.

"The Nine Heavens Mysterious Temple turns into divine thunder. The brilliant power of heaven is used to attract it with the sword!"

Lin Qun's dark energy was quickly replenished and consumed.

His first move was a set of curry stick combos.

The Sword of Oath of Victory is a city-defense weapon, plus the true secret of the Thunder God Sword!

A combination of Chinese and Western styles!

The dark sky of Spring City was pierced in an instant.

A storm of thunder and lightning descended from high heaven.

It fell suddenly, directly hitting the Sword of Victory in Lin Qun's hand, and formed a faint shield around Lin Qun, and then slashed downwards!

The noise was deafening.

The surrounding earth cracked inch by inch.

The entire underground structure sank further downwards.

The flash of explosion shot hundreds of meters into the air.

Lin Qun's figure quickly pulled up.

Because at this moment, among the lightning and golden light, a strike that was almost exactly the same as a curry stick but appeared pure black rose from the ground.

The Shengui Civilization Evolver once again copied Lin Qun's abilities.

But just as Lin Qun expected.

It cannot copy the true technique of the Thunder God Sword under the monk system, and the counterattack can only be a counterattack with a curry stick!

However, the attack it made was more than ten times more powerful than Lin Qun's attack just now.

But Lin Qun had expected this and was always on guard. The moment the two explosions pierced him, his body moved to one side to avoid it. This flash of light leaped into the sky next to his body and hit him. The dark clouds in the sky did not explode. Instead, they seemed to be like water and water merging together, filling up the thunder that Lin Qun had just triggered by the True Technique of the Thunder God Sword.

Lin Qun was trying to avoid it, and the shield around his body was torn apart in an instant!

But at this moment, his body is expanding in the sky.

The armored giant transforms.

His gaze moved to the center of the explosion on the ground.

On the ground, the dance studio was in ruins.

Under the two blows, this underground shopping mall that could still be vaguely seen before was now completely turned into ruins. Not only that, the surrounding vegetation of the mysterious civilization and ecology also perished in the blow.

Because these two blows from Lin Qun, whether it was the release of the precious phantom of the Sword of Oath of Victory or the thunder from the sky, they were pure and blazing attacks that absolutely suppressed the life and power of the divine civilization system. .

Under the two blows, the dark shadow in the center remained motionless, but its body was also split and became two parts. Only the crotch was still connected, keeping the body from being completely divided. two.

But this is not its main body.

Lin Qun noticed——

at its feet.

Two blows split the cracked ground.

From the shocking huge cracks one after another, darkness was pouring out like a tide.

At first glance, they look like some kind of black light, but they have substance, taking on a mud-like posture, flowing out from the holes and gaps in the ground, and even from every piece of the mirror that was shattered by the forest. Small fragments surged out, stacked on top of each other, surging wildly, disgusting and ugly, gathering at the feet of the dark shadow, like a real ocean of mud, but more and more, more and more, until one Lift it from the ground inch by inch, raising it higher.

The aura of boundless terror rose.

Lin Qun felt as if the earth was shaking at this moment.

In the darkness, there seemed to be an invisible hand grabbing his heart.

At that moment, the combo he originally wanted to launch stopped instantly.

A feeling of immobility that was strikingly similar to the one during the Battle of Daxing City emerged, spreading rapidly from the soles of his feet, like solid ice, trying to freeze him completely in mid-air.

But Lin Qun would never let the same situation happen again.

He directly activated his magical power.

Three heads and six arms!

Mark 50 nano-suit was put away in an instant, and the dark energy in Lin Qun's body burst out crazily. His body was bathed in thunder and lightning. Three heads suddenly appeared on his shoulders, and his arms changed from two to six!

Real six arms!

The freeze only froze his main body for a moment, but the remaining two heads and four arms were all able to move.

In his palm.

A scroll began to light up.

That was...

Spell Invalidation Boundary!

This was the six-ring spell scroll that Lin Qun had drawn before. There were three of them. It could create a spell invalidation area within a short range and also affect the ability of the evolver.

Therefore, this card took effect at the moment of activation.

The influence from the evolver of the Shengui civilization suddenly subsided, and Lin Qun was able to move again. Not only that, his transformation into the Armored Titan was not hindered.

The transformation into the Armored Titan was not because Lin Qun wanted to transform into a giant and rush up to fight him, but in this state, his energy doubled, which could reach the standard of activating the Cartoon Kingdom!

Although the giant transformation cannot increase the upper limit of energy, the energy value doubles, and 300 is enough.

This is also the reason why Lin Qun did not consume energy when using the curry stick just now, and would rather take drugs crazily to maintain the activation of the Thunder God Sword True Art later.

The purpose is to ensure that the Cartoon Kingdom can be activated at any time.

The Cartoon Kingdom is one of his important trump cards!

Once the Cartoon Kingdom is deployed, the effect ability on cartoon creatures will be directly invalidated on the terrain of the Cartoon Kingdom.

This means that the special means and strange abilities of the evolutionists of the Shengui civilization will be almost useless to Lin Qun.

Even, it can ban its ability to copy Lin Qun's abilities.

On the other hand, the terrain of the Cartoon Kingdom can restrict non-cartoon creatures.

This will create a combat environment that is most favorable to Lin Qun!

At the same time, the moment when Lin Qun launched the first round of counterattacks, the second round of attacks from the evolutionists of the Shengui civilization had already arrived.

This time, it did not use the abilities that Lin Qun had shown, but all of them were means that Lin Qun had never seen.

The second round of attacks was a black wind.

The moment it passed over Lin Qun's body, he stretched it out with the Golden Light Mantra, but it seemed to be useless. The deep black penetrated in along with the Golden Light Mantra and passed through Lin Qun's body in an instant.

Theoretically, the spell-nullifying barrier can exist for a longer time, but it was blown away by the black wind in an instant. However, when it passed over Lin Qun's body, Lin Qun felt almost nothing, but the next second, his perception clearly felt that his body began to age rapidly.

Not only that, the alien space of the evolutionist of the Shengui civilization also unfolded simultaneously.

When they were talking just now, they were very quiet, but now, as long as they made a move, they would immediately kill.

The last battle in Rehe was more like a test, but this time, it was fatal.

The alien space opened.

Lin Qun felt his lifespan rapidly declining in an instant.

In one breath, at least three to five years of life had been taken away!

But Lin Qun is already a cultivator, with the second level of sword control, which corresponds to the middle stage of Qi Refining. His life span has already increased due to the increase of this ability, so he can hold on at this time.

But the speed is still accelerating.

This time the space opened up, and it was obviously different from before.

The dead city melted at a speed visible to the naked eye in Lin Qun's vision.

Those buildings, structures, streets, and parks all melted like ice sculptures under high temperature, turning into countless black substances. They were like part of the body of the evolutionists of the mysterious civilization, and then turned into pools of black water, and then formed black pillars from the ground and soared into the sky.

Then, Lin Qun raised his arm.

He saw that the darkness was also climbing along his arm.

Along the blade of the sword of the oath of victory in his hand.

Everything about him melted in the space!

And his body was aging rapidly.

Lin Qun was startled. He suddenly realized that when he just entered Chuncheng, he had already entered the space of another dimension spread by the evolutionists of the Shengui civilization. However, this time it opened silently and secretly. Chuncheng itself was almost the same as the space of another dimension spread by the evolutionists of the Shengui civilization, so he almost didn't notice it.

This is the means of the evolutionists of the Shengui civilization.

Its space of another dimension is not dead and nothingness.

Here it can digest everything for itself.

It is digesting Lin Qun quickly.

The spell nullification barrier has disappeared.

Lin Qun's lifespan is rapidly passing under the influence of the strange black wind, and his body and even the sword of the oath of victory are melting.

The electric light surrounding him has turned into black flashes, and the armor of the armored giant has turned into flowing black water.

On the ground, the molten world rises up black pillars, piercing the sky, and instantly forms a huge cage.

The darkness above and below was like a swamp, and the surroundings were shrinking rapidly. The boundless breath rose in it, forming a huge square wall, which was about to lock Lin Qun in.

Lin Qun was surprised to find that.

His ability seemed to no longer be his ability.

During the digestion, his super-electromagnetic cannon ability seemed to disappear. Instead, scarlet arcs began to flash in the mud, and in the arcs, there was a touch of real electric light.

The dark shadow of the evolutionist of the mysterious civilization has disappeared.

But its sound echoed everywhere throughout the space.

"Human - do you really think you traumatized me in Rehe? No... that was only one thousandth of me.

"This world is all my body. If you come to kill me, how can you kill me?

"Even you will become a part of me!

"This time, you can't leave here again. No matter what your secret is or what abilities you have, it will become my nourishment."

Lin Qun can feel it.

At this moment, the power of the evolver of the divine civilization exploded in full force. On the surface, it seemed to be digesting him, but it was not that simple. The power of the evolver of the divine civilization had already penetrated into Lin Qun's body without him noticing. In the body.

In every cell, a dark shadow danced. It opened its huge mouth and was frantically biting everything in Lin Qun, and then replaced him, controlling his body and controlling his flesh and blood.

This is not activation either.

Lin Qun could feel another voice in his body commanding him to act, and as the devouring process continued, it wanted to replace him and become him.

This is its ability.

in its world.

It's everywhere.

Because it is everywhere, it can easily penetrate the human body.

Just like when it was in Daxing City before, it controlled the Slider to appear. At that time, the Slider was already a half-dead puppet. It had been acting strangely. Later, Lin Qun thought it was being controlled, but now he was horrified. Realize that perhaps the Slider did not exist from the beginning, because it is actually very different from the life of the Shengui Civilization. Now it seems that it may not be a life of the Shengui Civilization at all, but the evolvers of the Shenwei Civilization manipulated it, used its body to kill all the way, and built it into a strong man. That's why the Battle of Daxing was able to be like this I am willing to consume this slider!

And it only takes a little time to achieve all this.

In both Rehe City and Daxing City, it was given this time.

The evolution of the divine civilization has already played its cards at this moment.

Lin Qun had no chance of hesitation.

He had no time to hesitate.

The moment Lin Qun felt all this, he launched the cartoon kingdom without hesitation.

He originally wanted to launch it, to suppress the opponent to death with one set, but the Evolver of the Divine Creation Civilization was an Evolver after all, and his attack speed was much faster than him.

Therefore, Lin Qun was forced to play second-hand at this moment.

But the second hand plays the card.

That's enough.

First go out to Cartoon Kingdom to see the effect.

I can no longer enter the desperate situation of reincarnation.

Lin Qun's mind was spinning.

Cartoon power, activated.

Cartoon Kingdom Cards, activate!

The cartoon kingdom unfolds instantly!

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