In the alien space of the evolutionist of the mysterious civilization, it is now a dark and doomsday scene.

But at this moment, a little light suddenly lit up in the center of the dim world.

That is the cartoon kingdom -

which is unfolding magnificently.

A cartoon world that is obviously different from the weird and dark style of the surroundings, like a scroll, slowly opens here.

First, there is a huge scroll.

Its range reaches four kilometers, and on the scroll, a huge cartoon castle rises from the ground. This castle is a bit simple, but the exaggerated cartoon style is very clear, and it is much larger and richer than the one drawn on the card.

The castle has walls, battlements, and arrow towers, which are towering. In the simplicity, it reveals a sense of majesty and solemnity, but under the cartoon image, the majesty reveals a sense of humor.

The moment it appears, it has its own aura.

Like a bright lamp, it instantly lights up in this dark alien space.

Lin Qun's body appeared directly at the battlement of the cartoon castle wall.

He was slightly stunned, because from his perspective, this cartoon castle was not macroscopic, but more like it rose directly from his feet.

When he reacted, he was already standing in this cartoon kingdom.

Under his feet was the towering cartoon castle with a different feeling.

At a glance, from this angle, he could see some details inside the castle through the window.

Both the outer castle and the inner castle were very complete. There were defensive crenels, arrow towers, and even a raised drawbridge outside, and the castle inside was also fully equipped, with restaurants, bedrooms, and living rooms, and the style was more inclined to the European style of the castle itself.

Although it was cartoon, it was fully equipped. It had everything a typical Western castle should have, but inside and outside the castle, it was empty, and there was no other living thing except Lin Qun.

This was a venue with a coverage radius of two kilometers.

It was nothing for the huge Spring City, but it was large enough for Lin Qun personally.

The three hundred energy points paid for the expansion of the cartoon kingdom had been deducted.

To maintain the Cartoon Kingdom, an additional 75 points of energy or one point of energy limit is required every minute. For Lin Qun, 75 points of energy is completely affordable. He can even pay it by taking drugs. There is no need to choose to pay the energy limit to maintain it.

In the first minute of paying 300 points of energy, no more energy is required.

At the same time, the effects of the Cartoon Kingdom are all triggered instantly.

Lin Qun lowered his head and saw that the Sword of Promised Victory in his hand also turned into a cartoon form at this moment, which is similar to the previous giant. This item, which comes from the two-dimensional world, is also the original state in the anime after being cartoonized, without any sense of disobedience.

Moreover, a little starlight is rising on the ground, covering his body.

Standing here, Lin Qun has a warm feeling, as if some kind of support is coming from the Cartoon Kingdom under his feet into his body.

In the cartoon state, the recovery speed and anti-strike ability of his cartoon body are greatly enhanced.

This should be the increase mentioned in the card effect of the field card.

Moreover, Lin Qun noticed that as the Cartoon Kingdom unfolded, his aging and the dissolution of the surrounding Shengui Civilization Evolvers in the other dimension were suppressed.

When he stood here, the abilities of the Shengui Civilization Evolvers before were invalidated on the basis of the Cartoon Kingdom!

This is one of the effects of the Cartoon Kingdom - when the field card is in the unfolded state, the cartoon creatures on the field card will not become the target of the opponent's effect!

Now, the Cartoon Kingdom has unfolded, and Lin Qun's state is exactly the state of cartoon power. Standing in the Cartoon Kingdom field, he is a cartoon creature by default and enjoys all the effects of the Cartoon Kingdom...

Lin Qun was in the Shengui Civilization Evolver's other dimension, isolating the Shengui Civilization Evolver's ability to exert on him.

This is an extremely incredible situation.

The Shengui Civilization Evolver seemed to be stunned for a moment, and did not react. Why did its ability directly invalidate Lin Qun!

But Lin Qun has begun to fight back.

In fact, when the Cartoon Kingdom was unfolded, what Lin Qun wanted to try most was whether the death of the individual clones of his shadow could trigger the second effect of the Cartoon Kingdom and directly draw cartoon cards. If so, it means that he can rely on the cooperation of the Cartoon Kingdom and the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique to brush the effect of cartoon card drawing without injury!


There is obviously no time to test it now.

Fighting against the Evolvers, every second counts, and Lin Qun has no time to fully unfold the ability of the Cartoon Kingdom.

The Cartoon Kingdom card can only be used as an effect card to offset the influence of the Shengui Civilization Evolver's space and its ability on himself-because, as the unfolder of the Cartoon Kingdom, Lin Qun felt that at the moment the Cartoon Kingdom was unfolded, the attack of the Shengui Civilization Evolver was instantly wiped out, and the offensive of the Shengui Civilization Evolver paused for a second, which seemed to have stunned it, but it was only this second of sluggishness, and the darkness of the world rolled up again, and the black cages on all sides continued to tighten, and the more terrifying scarlet lightning jumped infinitely.

The huge pressure was sensed by Lin Qun through the Cartoon Kingdom.

The whole world seemed to be squeezing the cartoon kingdom, trying to break this unfolded field card back into its original form and tear it into pieces!

This is something that is almost impossible for other ordinary life forms to do, but this is an evolver.

The evolver may really be able to beat the Cartoon Kingdom back.

Therefore, Lin Qun had no time to do anything else. In the fourth second after the Cartoon Kingdom unfolded, Lin Qun drew his sword synchronously.

It was still the True Art of the Thunder God Sword.

But this time, based on the Cartoon Kingdom, he used the body of the Armored Titan to transform into three and appear at the same time.

The effect was lifted, and the "melted" and "extracted" super-electromagnetic gun ability returned to Lin Qun's body.

Lightning suddenly appeared out of thin air, and Lin Qun's body was instantly bathed in terrifying lightning like a thunder king.

Under the cartoon body, his limbs seemed to be flowing with lightning, which gave a sense of déjà vu of a big move in anime.

The power of the super-electromagnetic gun ability + the True Art of the Thunder God Sword increased exponentially.

Moreover, the evolver of the Shengui civilization copied Lin Qun's superpowers before and integrated the electromagnetic ability of the super-electromagnetic gun into its scarlet lightning. At this moment, the scarlet lightning that was not considered thunder and should not be attracted by Lin Qun's sword art, on the contrary, rushed to the Sword of Promised Victory in Lin Qun's hand.

Three Lin Quns, three swords in hand.

The Multiple Shadow Clone Technique cannot copy weapons.

At this moment, one of the three swords is the Sword of Promised Victory, one is the Fire Emblem Sword, Lin Qun's first sword a long time ago, and the other is a weapon he specially prepared before and exchanged from the Contribution Point Mall at a cost of more than 500 contribution points.

He had been preparing for this moment.

The Armored Giant transformed, and the dark energy reached 2.5 times the original, plus other amplifications, which was 999 on the panel, but the actual value could directly break through 1,200.

This means that Lin Qun can instantly transform into three people and activate the Thunder God Sword Art at the same time.

As long as the dark energy is maxed out before the clones, then...

His main body and each clone can have at least 400 points of dark energy at that moment.

That is the threshold for launching the Thunder God Sword True Art.

And the Thunder God Sword True Art undoubtedly has a natural restraining power against the Godly Civilization.

This point has been tested by Lin Qun in the first round of cooperation with the curry stick just now-he observed very keenly that, unlike the last time when the headshot girl's skill exploded the body of the dark shadow, the dark shadow seemed to be exploded by Lin Qun's headshot girl's skill, but in fact it was not injured in essence, and it did not recover immediately to confuse Lin Qun, but this time it was different. Under the Thunder God Sword True Art, the dark shadow that was split at that time did not immediately launch any countermeasures, and the body did not recover, but gathered its dark matter color from the surroundings-theoretically, Lin Qun had already made a move at that time, and it should counterattack within one second, and it could not be delayed. The reason for the delay can only be that Lin Qun's Thunder God Sword True Art did have a suppressing effect on it.

In the world of Zhu Xian, the True Art of Controlling the Thunder God Sword is an ability that can be used at all levels. How powerful it can be depends on the strength of the cultivator who uses this sword art.

From Lin Qun's own perspective, 400 points of dark energy is the limit of activation.

But he has the ability bonus of the super-electromagnetic gun, and at this moment, there is also the unexpected help of the scarlet lightning of the evolutionist of the mysterious civilization.


Three thunders, with extraordinary power, move forward brazenly!

The power of these three True Art of Controlling the Thunder God Sword, with multiple increases, far exceeds the limit of the power that Lin Qun can exert at the second level of the current sword control technique, and is even comparable to the fourth and fifth levels of the sword control technique!

"Come on, I am your thunder tribulation!"

Lin Qun launched an attack in a cartoon state of strength, and three rays of light suddenly lit up in the dark world.

The lightning on Lin Qun's body and the scarlet lightning around him were all pulled up.

Reaching the sky.

The dark clouds above his head suddenly exploded.

It seems that the alien space has been pierced.

The lightning fell brazenly!

Three pale cracks appeared in the dark world.

That was the space being torn apart.

Lightning flashed downwards, and along the way, the omnipresent darkness like a quagmire melted like ice and snow.

The dark cage that enveloped Lin Qun and the Cartoon Kingdom suddenly broke.

The Evolver of the Divine and Weird Civilization had no entity in the conventional sense, and the Headshot Girl's skills were almost ineffective against it, but this also meant that Lin Qun's three swords did not need to be aimed at all, and he could chop anywhere he wanted. As long as there was black surging, it was the Evolver of the Divine and Weird Civilization!

And now the entire space was dark.

This meant that Lin Qun's three Thunder God Sword Secrets would hit without a doubt!

The darkness was dispelled.

The skylight returned to the earth.

The space of the Evolver of the Divine and Weird Civilization was being torn into pieces, and the darkness was shrinking comprehensively, and the terrified howl resounded in the flash of thunder.

In front of Lin Qun, the boundless darkness was hit by the thunder of the Yu Lei Shen Sword, and suddenly exploded into more fragmented pieces, scattered everywhere, like a dog that has lost its home.

The battle in Rehe City may not have done anything to this evolutionist of the mysterious civilization, but this sword, Lin Qun dared to be sure, would hurt his foundation.

Lin Qun's eyes were cold, he took a step forward, and the body of the giant of the Cartoon Kaizhi giant began to burn, and a touch of miserable gray began to emerge in his eyes.

Reincarnation desperate situation -

One sword seriously injured.

With another sword, he wanted to kill this evolutionist of the mysterious civilization in the desperate situation of reincarnation!

No matter how many colors this Shengui Civilization Evolver has, or whether all of them are here, as long as part of it is here, Lin Qun can cast the Samsara Desperate Situation on it, and pull all of its bodies into his own world in one second!

And the Samsara Desperate Situation can steal attributes.

If he can steal the attributes of this Shengui Civilization Evolver, maybe he can create four of his own shadow clones, and continuously kill the Thunder God Sword True Art. Under the suppression, there is a great possibility that he can successfully kill it.

Moreover, the stolen attributes of the Shengui Civilization Evolver are also lost by it, which means that Lin Qun becomes stronger and it becomes weaker.

The Thunder God Sword True Art has proved to have a huge killing power against the Shengui Civilization in the two rounds of attacks just now!

Even if the Thunder God Sword True Art can't, Lin Qun can activate the Zhuxian Canjian, pay a little price, and a Zhuxian sword light, kill the gods who stand in his way!

Seven seconds of Samsara Desperate Situation is enough.

But what Lin Qun didn't know was that at this moment, in the darkness of the broken and cracked alien space in front of him, the Shengui Civilization Evolver was also waiting for this moment.

It had guessed Lin Qun's method.

Because Lin Qun had used it to kill Huihe over Baocheng, it had a guess about Lin Qun's method. It felt that Lin Qun might have some ability similar to their evolvers to exile to the other dimension.

And it was also waiting for this moment.

The strength shown by Lin Qun really made it tremble with fear. Not only could it not copy the sword tactics just now, but it could also split its other dimension and cause huge damage to its body. This made it even more surprised. It didn't expect that this human could really reach this level. He was not even an evolver.

Moreover, how long had it been since the battle of Daxing?

At that time, he didn't have such combat power.

But now, he already has the combat power to compete with it.


The evolver of the Shengui civilization has another backhand.

That is also its real killer move.

That was the power it borrowed from its own god. It didn't want to show it in this round of attacks, so it didn't prepare before, fearing that it would be discovered by others. But in the last battle to defend the city, it noticed that Lin Qun's ability was not even perceived by it, so it was ready to go with the flow. If Lin Qun showed that he had used that ability on Huihe, it could activate it inside.

No matter how powerful you are, how can you resist the power of God?

At this moment, the evolver of the Shengui civilization and Lin Qun were all murderous, waiting for the next moment to decide the outcome.

But at this moment, Lin Qun's reincarnation desperate situation had not yet begun, and he suddenly realized and turned back like lightning.

He saw the dark Shengui civilization space dome behind him just cracking like a spider web.

It was like an invisible and huge arm penetrated from the outside and broke the entire space apart in an instant.

The skylight outside was instantly cast in.

A magnificent shadow appeared in the sky.

Another unmatched breath rose on the battlefield.

Lin Qun immediately checked the rankings.

There were not many people on the Chuncheng region rankings, only some humans, and at this moment, Lin Qun discovered that there was suddenly an extra name in front of the Chuncheng region rankings—

That was…

The Linyuan civilization evolver!

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