As Lin Qun's side decided the winner, the human army advanced rapidly, and the area occupied by the Shengui civilization in the Huaxia region was eliminated.

Humans were unstoppable, and there was no force that could stop them in the deep area of ​​the Shengui civilization occupation area in the entire Northeast region.

More news was also sent back, piecing together the possible situation.

"From the current situation, the Shengui civilization is about to collapse. Many of their contestants should have fled back to their homeland before we entered the deep area. Now, their forces in the Huaxia region have been swept away. The dark clouds spreading in the Siberia region are actually a decoy. Their remaining forces should all be concentrated in the Dameng region. And we have not yet observed large-scale activities of Shengui civilization contestants in the Dameng region."

In the command center.

There were no Shengui civilization contestants to kill in front, so Lin Qun didn't have to be on the front line anymore. At this time, he came here. Xiao Zhongguo was pointing at the map and analyzing the current situation for Lin Qun. The above words were said by Xiao Zhongguo with a serious expression.

His finger went from the Liao Province area to the northwest, across the land of China, and directly to the Dameng area.

Lin Qun also looked at the map, followed Xiao Zhongguo's finger, and asked: "What does this mean?"

"Mr. Lin, this shows that the power of the Shengui civilization on our planet has been greatly reduced. It is very likely that before we officially attacked the deep area, when we thought that the Shengui civilization might be deploying attacks against us in its control area, they actually began to retreat; this also shows that we have ushered in a great victory." Xiao Zhongguo took a deep breath and said: "Although this is a little unbelievable, it is a great victory. This time we conquered the Shengui civilization, and we succeeded so quickly that we didn't even expect it. Although we didn't kill the Shengui civilization evolvers, nor did we kill too many Shengui civilization contestants, we have defeated them thousands of miles away."

Lin Qun's eyes also lit up.

The Shengui civilization evolvers failed to compete with him in Chuncheng, and the Shengui civilization was naturally defeated thousands of miles away. This battle has been briefly decided!

On the battlefield ahead, the human troops are also cheering for this victory.

Fighting from the south to the north, from the edge to the deep zone, they won a great victory all the way. The top civilization Shengui Civilization was defeated. This is an exciting result for all humans.

Moreover, this news is spreading rapidly.

The battle between Shengui Civilization and humans has also attracted the attention of many civilizations. Such a result was unexpected by everyone and everyone was shocked.

"The news has been confirmed. Shengui Civilization was defeated by the indigenous civilization humans, and even the evolvers fled in panic!"

"It is said that the army of Shengui Civilization had fled north in large numbers before humans took action, and its main force had already fled back to their homeland!"

"Do humans really have such a strong force? Are they still indigenous?"

"The son of their civilization is extremely powerful. It is said that when he fought with the evolvers of Shengui Civilization, the evolvers of Linyuan Civilization were also present. In the end, this son of human civilization did not die, but the evolvers of Shengui Civilization and Linyuan Civilization escaped!"

The human defeat of Shengui Civilization is causing shock in all directions, and countless civilizations are shocked!

On the contrary, all the people in the world were excited when they heard the news.

They were all waiting for this moment!

Although the Shengui civilization ran fast enough, their defeat was inevitable. The Chinese area once occupied by the Shengui civilization was gradually eroded and annexed by humans.

For humans, harvesting contribution points is important, but more important is to recover their homeland.

Returning to the homeland and recovering lost land is more meaningful to most humans than killing many alien civilizations.

In the next two days, Xiao Zhongguo coordinated the battle and recovered the lost land in an all-round way, bringing the remaining inch of land in the Chinese region back to the control of humans.

The result of the battle between Linyuan civilization and Wuxie civilization is not surprising. When two powers fight, there must be one winner and one loser.

And Linyuan civilization has always shown a very strong attitude, and it is not a problem to take down Wuxie civilization.

But the victory or defeat of the battle in the Chinese region is surprising.

The alien civilizations still on the battlefield of Blue Star are all shocked.

It is not without precedent that indigenous civilizations defeated alien civilizations, after all, indigenous civilizations have the advantage of home field. But it is unheard of for indigenous civilizations to defeat top civilizations.

More small and medium-sized civilizations began to withdraw.

They chose to withdraw from the Blue Star Civilization battlefield on their own initiative.

Because they have already known that they have no chance to fish in troubled waters now.

Two days after the American region and the Chinese region successively decided the winners and losers.

On the Blue Star battlefield, there are fewer and fewer small and medium-sized alien civilizations, and the remaining ones are no longer the main forces of these small and medium-sized civilizations, but some civilian armed forces or warlord armed forces.

They are either small in number and want to pick up some contribution points casually, or they are stupid and blind, and still have a glimmer of fantasy that they can pick up leaks at the end of the melee and become the final winner of the Blue Star War Civilization battlefield in one fell swoop, and then glorify their entire civilization, thus achieving a leap to heaven in one step.

But in any case, these small and medium-sized civilizations have gradually withdrawn from the stage.

"The melee is coming to an end completely. The information that we have defeated the Shengui civilization is spreading widely, and more and more people are contacting us. People in Southeast Asia and Europe have actively contacted us."

Fifteen kilometers outside Fengtian City, Liao Province, in the temporary command center.

Xiao Zhongguo summoned senior military officers to discuss the next step: "Not only that, at present, your Excellency has successfully transferred from the Kyoto area and has now arrived at Jinling City, where a temporary command center has been established!"

Xiao Zhongguo looked excited.

Many people who have known him for a long time have not seen such an excited look on Xiao Zhongguo's face for an unknown amount of time.

It seems that he has been worried ever since the Civilization War began and the Federation was torn apart.

Until the great victory of the divine civilization.

"This is good news. If the system can be reorganized and we can unite global forces, our strength can be further enhanced." Wang Tiansheng's eyes shone, but he said: "However, we must solve the problem of the mysterious civilization as soon as possible . My people have already searched deep into the Dameng area. As soon as they find the location of the Shengui civilization, they will report it immediately. "

Lin Qun nodded and said: "Chief Wang is right. The evolver of the Shengui Civilization is not dead. Judging from the rankings, it has not left the Blue Star battlefield. If it is alive, it is a huge threat. The Shenwei Civilization dares to withdraw its army. From the outside, it seems that they are afraid of us and defeated by us all the way to reduce losses. But from another perspective, the Shengui civilization itself does not really need an army. Their unique ability can turn other people's legions into armies at will. They have formed their own weird army. Even if they withdraw a large number of their civilization's competitors, as long as their top masters are still there, their combat effectiveness will not drop much."

"Yes." Xiao Zhongguo said, "At one go, the Shengui Civilization fled all the way, but its evil intentions did not die. We will take advantage of its illness to kill it. A top civilization is hiding. It is not easy to find it, but we must eradicate the future troubles. Even if the entire Dameng region is turned over, the remnants of the Shengui civilization must be found!

"This is also an order."

Victory is victory.

Although the Shengui civilization was defeated, it was not completely defeated.

Judging from the current situation, Shengui Civilization has not transferred the space channel to other areas. In the two days since the end of the Battle of Spring City, the human coalition has advanced to the north with overwhelming force. Now it has arrived in Longjiang Province. The vanguard is storming Ice City. Looking along the way, it is not only the Chinese region, but also Siberia. , and even in the Dameng area where it is suspected that the mysterious civilization is escaping and hiding, there are no space cracks for the mysterious civilization.

This means that Shengui Civilization directly closed the space rift.

"They closed the space rift. They withdrew the main force, but this does not mean that they have given up. Their masters are still there, and the evolvers are still there. They are just hiding. They are very cunning. They don't want to confront us head-on. They probably want to wait. We fight to the death with others and others with others, and then they come out and fight back."

The staff officer on one side analyzed.

"Your Excellency's order, we must also be wary of other civilizations. This time the Linyuan civilization evolvers appeared on the Spring City battlefield. This action was beyond our expectations and should not be underestimated. What behind this reflects the attitude of top civilizations towards us humans. This time, we defeated the top civilization of Shengui Civilization, which caused shock and shock to alien civilizations around the world. Now, in the eyes of these alien civilizations, we should be a huge threat. We must be cautious and pay attention to other people. The actions of alien civilizations will expand the results at the same time!”

Xiao Zhongguo looked around the audience.

The officers at the scene all held their heads high and their faces glowing.

This has not been the case for a long time.

In the past period of time, no one has looked like a defeated rooster.

But now, the successive victories have given each of them hope and regained their confidence.

Especially in this battle, against the Shengui Civilization, the top civilization, they moved forward all the way, defeating the Shengui Civilization all the way, and their winning streak reached this point. This is a huge morale boost for the entire army!

The army was excited from top to bottom.

Next, Xiao Zhongguo said a lot more.

They are all about the overall situation and plans for the future.

A large part of them came from Jinling City.

Xiao Zhongguo and others were born in the army and were suitable for fighting. Now, the war against the Shengui civilization has come to an end. Next is a series of things such as consolidating the results and gathering survivors. The commander and his leadership team are the best to push forward. What a better arrangement.

Xiao Zhongguo and others also completely obeyed.

Before, they may have been wondering who should give command and who would dispatch so many troops from so many regions.

But now, there are answers to all this.

They were all convinced by this commander, and they felt that this should be the case.

Of course, as far as Lin Qun knew, there were some who were dissatisfied with this. In fact, their coalition forces here seem to be working together, but in various regions, there are also some out-of-control "wild horses" who want to become kings on their own, and now they are being completely eliminated.

During the special period, the commander used thunderous means.

Lin Qun understands this approach very well.

In the face of a formidable enemy, the top priority is to gather enough force and the power of civilization as soon as possible. Any force that sings the opposite, any force that may shake the foundation of civilization must be dealt with as soon as possible. Otherwise, the delay will not be temporary or local. It is a matter of the whole civilization and the whole mankind.

Although Lin Qun only met him once in a hurry at Base No. 1, he was still somewhat impressed by him.

He could see that this person here was just as great as the one in his world.

This high-level meeting was mainly to discuss these things.

Lin Qunzhu participated in the meeting, but he didn't say much except for a few positions involving alien civilizations. Until the meeting was over, Xiao Zhongguo kept him alone.

"Li Zheng also went to Jinling." Xiao Zhongguo said this.

Lin Qun was slightly stunned, then reacted and said, "This is..."

"Li Zheng originally had a low military rank, but he has made great contributions from the Magic City to Lucheng. Your Excellency is going to take this opportunity of victory to reward people according to their merits. Of course, Li Zheng is the first one to be rewarded. This is not a formality. First, it is to promote a group of people. After the opening of the civilized battlefield, many senior officials died in battle, but more capable people rose. Their military ranks are not high, but they manage a lot of troops. Now they have to be re-named and appointed to full positions, regardless of their qualifications, only their abilities. Now everyone has military merits, and it depends on who has the greatest military merits; second, it is to give everyone hope that the Federation will not treat everyone who fights for humanity unfairly. Of course, it may not be right to say the Federation now, it should be said that humanity... and third..."

Xiao Zhongguo glanced at Lin Qun and said, "I guess, I want to talk about your business."

Lin Qun was slightly stunned and then reacted.

Of course, his business must be discussed.

He is an independent existence outside the old system of the Federation. After winning two consecutive evolutions, he is a unique banner for the survivors and the warriors, but for humans and the Federation, he is a little subtle. Lin Qun is far away in the northeastern front, so it is impossible for him to participate in these things at this time. The best choice for the commander is to talk to Li Zheng, who has cooperated with Lin Qun for the longest time, is the most harmonious, and knows Lin Qun best.

Lin Qun smiled and said, "Maybe it doesn't have to be so troublesome, but I think if you guess right, Li Zheng will give all of us a satisfactory answer."

Li Zheng is reliable, and His Excellency is also a capable and thoughtful person. Lin Qun has nothing to worry about. Moreover, with the combat power he has shown now, all mankind has to win him over.

At this time, he looked at Xiao Zhongguo and said, "Chief Xiao, you left me here for the last time, it should not be just to say these things?"

"Indeed." Xiao Zhongguo's expression became serious, and he said, "One thing I didn't say at the meeting just now is...

"We have received accurate information... In the non-European battlefield, the Black Sheep Civilization and the Silicon-based Civilization have completely ceased fighting.

"The thing we are most worried about is likely to happen!"



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