
The heartland of the Black Sheep Civilization.

The Black Sheep Civilization and the Silicon-based Civilization have ceased fighting.

The news from the battlefields in the Americas and Asia has long been transmitted to the depths of the Black Sheep Civilization occupied area.

The Black Sheep Civilization and the Silicon-based Civilization also started fighting two days ago, and the battles gradually degraded. Until about two hours ago, they chose to cease fire and retreat at the same time.

The evolvers of the Black Sheep Civilization have not made any moves, and they are in the heartland of the Black Sheep Civilization in the African region.

Because of the stalemate on the front line, it is not time for it to make a move.

Moreover, the Silicon-based Civilization has weapons that can kill the evolvers, and the evolvers of the Black Sheep Civilization are afraid. Therefore, the Black Sheep Civilization did not adopt the same promotion method as humans and Linyuan Civilization, which is based on top combat power. It uses conventional troops to promote, waiting for the consumption or destruction of the evolver-level weapons of the Silicon-based Civilization by ground troops before taking action.

Being able to rank among the top civilizations, but not evolving itself, the Silicon-based civilization has its own means to fight against the top combat power evolvers of the top civilizations.

But the combat effectiveness of the armies of both sides was not much different, and both sides suffered a lot of losses in Daxing City. Although they had started a direct battle, they were extremely cautious and their speed of advancing was very slow.

They had been in a stalemate, and the ceasefire was also very fast at this time.

There were two reasons for the ceasefire.

Not only because of the threat from the Linyuan civilization in America and the human beings in the Huaxia region, but also because...

At this moment...

The evolver of the Black Sheep civilization was standing deep in a pool of burning magma.

This is its palace.

Located in the center of the entire Black Sheep civilization occupied area, a mountain building rose from the ground. They built a flowing magma pool in the core here.

And it lived here.

In front of it, an erratic black shadow was flickering, and its voice sounded in front of the evolver of the Black Sheep civilization, still using the language of the Black Sheep civilization, but it was different from the life of the Black Sheep civilization. The same words came out of its mouth and seemed very sharp: "The evolver of the Linyuan civilization has expressed his willingness to form an alliance with me to solve the human natives first.

"Evolverator of the Black Sheep civilization... As long as you nod, I think the silicon-based civilization will not refuse. ”

“Human natives… why should I form an alliance with you to deal with these natives?”

The evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization leaned forward, and part of its body was exposed from the magma. Its black horns were as smooth as black jade, and the surrounding space seemed to be slightly distorted in the high temperature. It looked at the dark shadow below: “As far as I know, you were just defeated by the human natives and retreated thousands of miles. Even if they are a threat, they can’t threaten us now. When you are almost dead with them, we will take action. Why should we cooperate with you?”

Its voice was muffled, like the mountains talking.

The dark shadow flickered and said: “That’s the truth. But what if we don’t fight with humans? Everyone knows that letting others gnaw on the hard bones is the truth that you can pick up leaks, but what if others don’t give you this opportunity? In the end, you will be the one who faces troubles.

"Moreover, the indigenous human beings are a threat that all our civilizations cannot avoid. According to the rules, even if we win or lose, if you are defeated by the indigenous civilization, you will not be able to become the winner of the civilization.

"And with the attitude shown by humans now, do you think they may choose to become your vassal?

"Look around you-how many humans has the Black Sheep Civilization slaughtered on this land?

"I think you should know much more than me.

"Eradicating humans first is equivalent to reducing a threat for you and me, and we can compete fairly among several civilizations.

"This is not only my opinion, but also the opinion of the Linyuan Civilization Evolver. You may think that I am untrustworthy, but the Linyuan Civilization Evolver has the same judgment. It believes that the human in the Huaxia region is growing too fast. During the Daxing War, he could only cooperate with other humans to barely kill an injured evolver. Now he is fighting with our Shengui civilization, but he has the power to fight against my power on his own.

"It's okay if he is strong.

"Humans all over the world are called and gathered for this reason.

"If we don't put out the flames of the human natives before they become powerful, we may all be defeated by them in the future. It's not just that we will become a joke in the battlefield of civilization, but we will actually suffer losses and miss the chance to win the battlefield of civilization that is so close - don't you want to go to the Kingdom of God?"

The words of the dark shadow seemed to have finally worked. The Black Sheep Civilization Evolver was silent for a moment, and his tone loosened a little. It said: "Who knows if you deliberately lost to him, or if he is really strong?

"But I can participate in your actions.

"However, if the silicon-based civilization refuses, we will also refuse, and whoever is the initiator will take the lead. You and Linyuan civilization will be the first to take action."

"That's natural." The dark shadow flickered and said: "Why should I deliberately lose to him? We lost face, lost our occupied areas, and lost a lot of our people...

"But, believe me, the silicon-based civilization will make the same correct choice.

"If we join forces and fight against humans together, is there any possibility for humans to survive?

"That human being, no matter how powerful he is, is just a life without evolution. We three evolvers, four top civilizations...

"He must die."

The evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization said: "Are you so sure?"

"Of course. What I just said is only part of my plan, and there is another part..." The dark shadow sneered in the shadow: "We can try to offer a price to the human natives, as long as this human 'Night Shadow' By dying, we can spare everyone else on the planet, which, I think, would be more conducive to letting us kill him.

“Even if most human beings will not believe us, there will always be cowards and fools in a civilization, as long as there are people who believe and are afraid of the combined power of many of our civilizations.


“They will also start to unravel internally.

"How could we not win?"

The waterfall of magma began to surge.

A shadow as tall as a mountain emerged from it.

There was magma scattered as it stepped out from inside, flowing on the rocks on the ground. In front of it, the dark shadow instinctively took half a step back.

"This sounds like a good plan. Eradicating humans, especially killing the son of human civilization, is also good for us. We can cooperate with you. But, I want to warn you-" The voice of the evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization As heavy as a mountain, he said: "Evolvers of the divine civilization, please... don't play any tricks!"

"It's natural."

In fact, at the same time, deep in the European region, a dark shadow also appeared in front of the Knights Council of the Silicon-based Civilization, lobbying them simultaneously with another dark shadow in the African region.

And not just these two places.

corner of the world.

In front of some warlords and forces of other small and medium-sized alien civilizations who are unwilling to leave, the shadow of the evolvers of the divine civilization is also emerging, and it is also lobbying these people.

"Iron Knights of Silicon-based Civilization, I come here with sincerity. The threat to mankind cannot be underestimated - I think you who have experienced the Battle of Daxing should know this very well... Black Sheep Civilization, Linyuan Civilization has reached an alliance with us, now it is time for you to make a choice..."

"Taku people... I know your ambitions, and I also know that you are just an inconspicuous warlord force among the Taku people, but I can give you this opportunity, give you the opportunity to be loyal to our great god, As long as you are willing to join us in the crusade against mankind, and when our divine civilization wins the war of civilizations, I can make the decision and make you the new favored ones of our god...and you will also follow us and our god. Get the opportunity to go to the Kingdom of God, think about it, by then, you will be the new king of your civilization..."

"Fluorescent tribe, I hear you, I see you, there is no need to hide, I am not here to massacre you, I think you can fight for me... This is an opportunity for you..."

"...Our Shengui Civilization is willing to give you a chance... I am the evolver of the Shenwei Civilization. Aren't my words enough to convince you?"

"The Yu's me...I found you...I know what you are thinking. I can give you a better chance to join us..."

"...I need a legion to fight against the bottom forces of human civilization, and your race is the best choice. Believe me, we will give you a chance..."

Some individuals from alien civilizations were still doubtful, but before they could speak out their doubts, a shadow quietly appeared in the deepest part of their eyes. The doubts and rejections they were about to say immediately turned into absolute support. .

This state of affairs soon spread like a plague.

Suspicions and doubts strangely turned into fanatical following.

Those who are still remaining in Blue Star are basically miscellaneous troops from various alien civilizations. They are either powerful personal armed forces, people who are not popular in their own civilization, or careerists. They will choose to stay. The common characteristic of them all is that they have a gambler's mentality, but they have no strength. As long as the evolutionists of the divine civilization give them a little incitement, and then secretly confuse and pollute their minds, they will all become "fascinated".

An army of divine civilization with few lives of the contestants of divine civilization was formed in this strange way.

Several top civilizations are also making preparations.

Yegus heard about the army of the divine civilization and simply said: "The power of the divine civilization is not only on the front, but also in places we can't see. It is likely to invade our thoughts pervasively and make everyone wary of them. "

On the surface, it seems that the global situation in the Blue Star Civilization Battlefield is gradually stabilizing, and the number of major civilizations is gradually decreasing, but under the surface, there are turbulent undercurrents.

A terrifying alliance is quietly taking shape.

And behind this, it is not just the divine civilization that contributes to the flames.

There is also the strength of Linyuan Civilization.

After the Battle of Spring City, Yegus, the evolver of Linyuan Civilization, also came up with the idea that humans must be eradicated first. After returning to America, he began to assemble troops aggressively and rest for the war.

At the same time, human power is also gathering around the world.

The battle between the Chinese region's human coalition forces and the divine civilization has made all alien civilizations fearful, but at the same time, it has also given hope to humans around the world.

A large number of human survivors and warriors began to gather.

In the Asia region, humans from surrounding areas began to converge on the Huaxia region.

Especially the refugees from the African region and the Nordic region. There are a lot of them. They have fled from these two regions a long time ago. Those who ran slowly have all died, but they have nowhere to go. They could only spread out and wander around the nearby areas like lonely ghosts. Now, they finally had a direction.

That is to go to China.

"The news is true. China has lost consecutive defeats to top civilizations, and now the entire China region is completely under human control."

"Go to China! Go to China! China is now the safest place in the world!"

And at the same time.

In the North America region of the Americas region.

Human power is also gathering.

The location here is quite special. It is too far to reach China from the Americas and it is too difficult now. However, the humans here have gathered together to form a force that cannot be underestimated in North America.

The people sitting here are the federal troops from the two regions of South America and North America, and they also have experts, that is, I am a human being, who once ranked first in the global human rankings for a long time.

He also declared himself a son of civilization.

Coupled with his considerable strength, his illustrious military exploits in consecutive battles, and many people gathered around him, his position on the land of America is similar to that of Lin Qun. He is also the banner and top powerhouse, and is valued by both survivors and the military. .

As a result, on Blue Star, two core areas of humanity are gradually taking shape.

And at the same time...

Huaxia Region.

Lin Qun was standing at the northernmost point of the Huaxia Region, in the Ice City.

In front of him were the continuous ruins of the city.

A large number of human troops are advancing in the city, sweeping away the last remaining strange things among the buildings and ruins.

The once prosperous northern ice city is now in devastation and is no longer suitable for human survival.

Five days have passed since the Battle of Spring City, and the area once occupied by the divine civilization has been reoccupied by humans.

"I heard that the war situation in other directions is also very optimistic." There were footsteps from behind. Chu Youwei climbed up from under the ruins, stood beside Lin Qun, and looked at the city, "The civilized battlefield broke out in front of I came here a year ago, and it was once an internet celebrity tourist city, but I don’t want it to be like this now..."

Lin Qun said: "Although the ecology of the mysterious civilization has been clarified, the impact is still there. Experts say that the deep zone will not be suitable for human survival for at least three years."

The environment created by the divine civilization that is suitable for their survival is a deadly "poisonous swamp" for humans.

Chu Youtong looked at him: "Is there still no news ahead?"

"No. The divine civilization seems to have disappeared." Lin Qun said, "General Xiao has sent more than a hundred search teams into the Dameng area to search for traces of the divine civilization, but they seem to have disappeared from the world. "

"Do you think they really evaporated?" Chu Youwei also frowned and asked.

Lin Qun shook his head and said: "This is impossible. Judging from the rankings, it is impossible. But the command center raised another possibility: Maybe they will leave only the people on the rankings."

"There are so many people, what do they want to do?"

Lin Qun continued to shake his head, and said: "I don't know, but the Shengui Civilization will not give up so easily, and now that I think about it, in the battle of Spring City, the evolvers of the Shenwei Civilization must have some useless cards, and my methods may really suppress them. It failed, but it couldn’t have failed so casually.”

Chu Youwei looked stunned and whispered: "You mean: it may have a back-up plan?"

"Yes, it wanted to kill me before because it thought I was a believer of another god and was in conflict with them. Killing me was like a fanatical believer waging a holy war for his god. A sacred and inevitable mission, but... during the Battle of Spring City, it became clear to me that it already knew that I was not a believer of another god," Lin Qun said, "So... their goal was what it should have been in the beginning. There have been changes too.

"Don't you think they retreated too fast? Even if we did have the strength to repel the Shengui civilization head-on, they retreated too fast. The most important sign is that we were unstoppable along the way, but the Shenwei we killed were There are not many civilized contestants. If they are really defeated, no matter how fast they react, they shouldn't be so fast, especially the contestants from the mysterious civilization in the deep zone. We don't know about other alien civilizations, but we are the ones who have experienced it - they all fought. They ran away without fighting us. At that time, we even thought they had withdrawn to the north. In fact, they had already withdrawn a large number of low-level combat forces through space channels!

"Maybe for us humans, killing the divine civilization is an important thing.

“But for them.

"Jihad is no longer necessary. Winning on the civilized battlefield, then, is the key."

"You mean... they may have been prepared to give up the occupied areas of the Shengui Civilization early on? No matter whether they can defeat us or not? And the strong combat power we have shown is exactly what they want, and they don't have to act. "

"This is General Xiao's judgment." Lin Qun's eyes fell on the shadows among the ruins of the city in the distance. In his eyes, those shadows seemed to be surging like living creatures.

"But even if they have some conspiracy, they don't have many people here can they win?"

"This is exactly my doubt." Lin Qun turned his head, looked at Chu Youwei, and said, "In the battle between the divine civilization, we got what we wanted, but the divine civilization became blurred. This may also be the reason. is what they want.

“The fact that they have not completely withdrawn proves that they have not given up on the war of civilization.

"As for what plans they have next and how they will act.

"We just have to wait and see what they do."

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