Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 359 The Son of Civilization wants to see you!

The sky gradually darkened, and the sunset was brilliant.

Lin Qun and Chu Youwei walked down the height of the ruins together.

The serious discussion ended there.

At this time, Chu Youwei invited: "The war is over, and now it seems that it is not the time for us to contribute. Do you want to have a drink tonight?"

Chu Youwei tilted her head to look at Lin Qun, her eyes sparkling in the light of the sunset.

What she said was true.

The battle in the Huaxia region is basically over, and there are few small and medium-sized civilizations left. Even if there are, they are hiding themselves very secretly. If Lin Qun wants to find a foreign civilization to brush contribution points, he may have to go across the ocean to find a top civilization. Going to a top civilization to brush contribution points is equivalent to going to war directly. It is obviously unwise to do so at this stage.

Although the humans in the Huaxia region have won, after such a long war of civilizations, the human air force and navy have been greatly weakened, and the satellites have all lost contact with the opening of the civilization battlefield. In this case, the Black Sheep Civilization in the African region, the Silicon-based Civilization in the European region, and the Linyuan Civilization across the Antarctic and the American regions are too far away for the current humans. If they want to take the initiative to attack these top civilizations, they have to plan for the long term.

Lin Qun was stunned when he heard this, and then he realized that what Chu Youwei said was really true.

He now seemed to be "drawing his sword and looking around in confusion".

Where are the alien civilizations around to kill?

At this moment, the Huaxia region is also entering a rapid recovery period. Reconstruction, sheltering survivors, and gathering troops are the most important tasks at present. These are to prepare for war, but there is no war now.

Therefore, Lin Qun looked at Chu Youwei in a daze.

It seems that these days, except for the fixed ranking reward contribution points for the first place in the global total ranking, he has not received any additional contribution points.

In fact, it was not only him, but also other human and alien civilizations. The battlefield of civilization entered a new stage, and the frequency of battles decreased. Next, it was a real life-and-death struggle. Once the war started, whoever beat the other in one breath would harvest all the contribution points of the other party. Otherwise, it would be difficult to burst out contribution points in the stalemate stage.

At this time, Lin Qun vaguely understood why the masters and strong men of those alien civilizations had experienced at least two or more battlefields of civilization.

Only in the initial stage of the melee in the battlefield of civilization can there be a chance to harvest contribution points by storm, and the opportunities are relatively equal. The strong and weak of each civilization have the opportunity. In the melee, there can be constant friction, you kill me and I kill you, but it may not be a serious injury to each other's civilization. When it comes to the middle and late stages, the situation of the battlefield of civilization becomes more and more stable and clear, and only the civilizations that are capable of competing for the winner of the battlefield of civilization are left. Only the strong can obtain a large amount of contribution points in stages.

Every harvest of a large amount of contribution points will mean the victory of a civilization-level contest.

The winner takes all, and the loser loses everything, which becomes someone else's experience and contribution points.

After all, this is a war of civilizations, and everyone is not stupid. In the early stage, they will fight together, and whoever can grab the contribution points will get it. Later, it is obvious that there will be a war between top civilizations. If you want to be cannon fodder, you will naturally run away if you can, and those who want to fish in troubled waters will hide well.

Chu Youwei had no idea what mechanism of the civilization battlefield Lin Qun was thinking about at this time. She looked at Lin Qun looking at her steadily, touched her face in a daze, and said: "What? Is there something on my face?"

Lin Qun blinked his eyes, then came back to his senses, and smiled awkwardly: "No. Okay, let's have a drink, call Huang Qizheng and the others, Huang Qizheng, this guy, has been nagging me for several days, and wants to drink with me. It just so happens that we haven't gathered for a long time. This time we defeated the Shengui civilization, and we should celebrate it."

"Huh?" Chu Youwei opened her mouth when she heard it, revealing an expression of wanting to say something but stopping.

Just at this time, a soldier ran over from one side, found Lin Qun, and said: "Mr. Lin, Commander Jin has a message, please return to the attacker warship to check!"

Lin Qun was a little surprised.

In recent days, his news came from Xiao Zhongguo, and Commander Jinling rarely gave him any news directly.

He nodded to Chu Youwei and left quickly.

Chu Youwei stood there, silent for a moment, shook her head and laughed.

The message from Commander Jinling to Lin Qun was very simple, only one, asking him to go to Jinling within two days, saying that the federal military department of the Americas region had received news that the Son of Civilization wanted to see him!

Seeing this news, Lin Qun was stunned for a moment.

He almost had a suspicion: I am the Son of Civilization, who wants to see me?

But the next second he realized that he was not the real Son of Civilization?

The person mentioned here should be the "I am human" in the Americas region!

Lin Qun has heard of this I am human for a long time.

When he was still in the Magic City, Lin Qun was shocked by this person's combat power.

At that time, he only had a few hundred contribution points, but others had already exceeded ten thousand.

In recent days, this name is definitely a legend. He shined in the battle against alien civilizations in the Americas and is a legend of the human race in the Americas. Now he is in charge of North America and is the top human powerhouse in North America!

Moreover, many rumors say that he is the son of human civilization. This news is said to have come from him.

As a fake son of civilization who has been "rumored" for a long time, Lin Qun is also very curious. Is this "I am human" really the son of civilization? What is so special about the son of civilization?

If there is anyone who could be the son of civilization, it can only be this "I am human".

However, at this time, Han Leshan said: "Mr. Lin, the attitude of the American region doesn't look very good... Commander Jinling forwarded the news intact. This is too arrogant. He wants to see you and can see you. What son of civilization? In my opinion, you are the son of civilization!"

Commander Jinling's news was directly transmitted to the attacker warship. With the increase in personnel in the warship, the two old men, Han Leshan and Xu Jie, also naturally became the captain and deputy captain of the entire attacker warship. They could also see this news.

Han Leshan has a straightforward personality and admires Lin Qun very much. Seeing that there is some arrogance in this news, he immediately stood up for Lin Qun.

"I never said I was a son of civilization." Lin Qun didn't think much of it and said, "Did Commander Jinling tell you how to meet?"

Xu Jie said on the side, "Commander Jinling didn't say it in the news, but Gu Pan said that the North American region wanted you to go, but the commander refused it outright, and it seems that they are still discussing it now."

Lin Qun blinked his eyes: "You and Gu Pan have a good relationship?"

"That's your relationship." Xu Jie smiled.

Lin Qun certainly knew that this was his relationship.

He went to the occupied area of ​​Shengui civilization, and part of the news in his hands was obtained from Xiao Zhongguo, which was macro information, and the other part of the gossip was all from Gu Pan and Lucheng.

Lin Qun was "busy" and had no time to deal with it, so he handed it over to Xu Jie and Han Leshan.

Although Lin Qun didn't ask about this, he actually knew that the situation in the Huaxia region was now stable, with more people, but also divided into new factions.

One part is the old three survivors base faction headed by Li Zheng and Chen Weiang, the other part is the joint military faction headed by Xiao Zhongguo and Wang Tiansheng, and the other part is the refugee faction from the African region and the Northern European region. Both sides have a large number of people, and there are more or less disputes in secret.

This is inevitable in human society, but in the overall situation, they all accept the command and dispatch of the Federation and Jinling Command. This is guaranteed, and the things in secret are harmless.

It’s just that Lucheng, as Lin Qun’s "mother-in-law", has always passed on all kinds of gossip that Lin Qun can use or not. Most of these things have nothing to do with Lin Qun, and he is too lazy to read them, and basically handed them over to Xu Jie and Han Leshan.

Lin Qun is also a hands-off shopkeeper. This feels pretty good.

In fact, from another perspective, the following things have nothing to do with Lin Qun.

His fighting power is here, and wherever he goes, no matter who it is, no matter which faction they are from, they must be respectful to him and dare not say no to his requests. Lin Qun has nothing to pay attention to.

It was the news from Gu Pan this time that made Lin Qun really aware of a little subtlety.

The attitude of the American region is a little subtle.

The attitude of the commander is also a little subtle.

Lin Qun realized that maybe this time, it would not be as simple as their previous meeting with Jinling, Daxing, and the United Army, nor would it be as pure as his friendship with Huang Qizheng and his cooperation with Bai Yiming.

However, Lin Qun didn't think much about it, and didn't feel much about the attitude of the American region. As a person who has been through life and death, these are already drizzle in his eyes. It was the commander's attitude that made Lin Qun feel warm in his heart.

But what Lin Qun was more curious about was, at this time, why did this "I am a human" want to see him?

He guessed that perhaps, the Son of Civilization itself was not as simple as he thought.

Not only that, the commander wanted him to go to Jinling to command, and there might be something else.

Lin Qun pondered for a moment and said, "Reply to Jinling Command for me. I will leave tomorrow morning."

The matter here is over. There is no alien civilization life to kill, and leaving now will not have any impact. Moreover, he should indeed meet the old commander. Even if the attitude of the military is subtle, it should not be a big problem. What he wants to see more is who this real son of civilization is and whether his judgment and guess are correct.

Han Leshan and Xu Jie nodded.

Han Leshan looked at Lin Qun about to leave, and called him a little awkwardly, saying, "Mr. Lin, whether you are the son of civilization or not, in my heart, you are our son of civilization."

Han Leshan is introverted, and it is difficult for him to say these words. After he finished speaking, his face turned red and hot.

Xu Jie on the side showed a funny expression, but also looked at Lin Qun. Although she didn't speak, her eyes clearly had the same meaning as Han Leshan.

This is also the common idea of ​​many soldiers.

From Modu to Daxing, from Daxing to here

Everyone who had participated in the battle with Lin Qun had the same idea.

They didn't know what the Sons of Civilization were capable of, nor did they care. They only cared about what they saw. Whoever they saw was high-spirited on the battlefield, whoever they saw shed blood and brought them victory, that person was the Son of Civilization in their eyes and hearts.

Because other people had nothing to do with them, why should they respect them, or even recognize them as Sons of Civilization?

"Thank you." Lin Qun smiled, "It's just a title. In my opinion, everyone who fights with alien civilizations to the end should be a son of civilization.

"Wherever we go, we have only one common goal. That's enough."

Lin Qun smiled and waved his hand, turned his head and left.

Xu Jie and Han Leshan looked at each other.

They all knew what the goal Lin Qun was talking about was-

Kill all the aliens.

Let them pay with blood.

This is the only goal they have fought so far.

When Lin Qun left the attacker warship, he received a message from Xia Qing saying that he had made an appointment and would start the meal at 7 o'clock in the evening.

Lin Qun was a little surprised. Why didn't Chu Youwei come to inform him?

There was still some time at this time, so he found an empty place and released the little loach.

During this period, Lin Qun himself had been practicing diligently and had not stopped feeding the little loach. At this time, the little loach was much bigger than before, and there were already Lin Qun One of the forearms has grown longer, but the shape is still a little round. At first glance, it doesn't look like a Kun, but an angry pufferfish.

During this period, the appetite of the little loach has grown with the growth of its body. Lin Qun asked Xiao Zhongguo for a lot of food, and fed it with the face mountain. It has grown like this. Lin Qun seriously suspects that it is caused by food additives in human food.

However, the little loach is round and cute, and as its body grows, its ability has begun to show results.

At this size, it can already open its mouth to swallow food about the size of a bicycle, and it is very fast. When it opens its mouth, it is like a black hole. In a few seconds, It can eat up all the food that Lin Qun put in front of it in a short time. Its eating speed and ability are comparable to Kirby's. This makes Lin Qun look forward to the scene of this guy swallowing the enemy fleet in one bite.

Lin Qun is very pleased.

With the crazy feeding and its little growth, Lin Qun knows that the day when this little guy goes to the battlefield is getting closer and closer.

This gives people a strange feeling of nurturing pleasure.

Lin Qun does not ask this little guy to swallow the stars, but it is very exciting to be able to ride Kun across the starry sky and eat the enemy fleet.

But this little guy is still picky about food, which makes Lin Qun quite helpless.

After feeding, Lin Qun took it back to the horn, looked at the sky, and hurried to eat.

The location is There was a relatively intact restaurant in the corner of Bingcheng. When Lin Qun arrived, everyone else had already arrived.

Huang Qizheng was taking the pot off the stove and said with a smile: "Lin Qun, I thought Lao Xiao was a good person to get along with. When he heard that we were going to have a dinner, he got us a lot of food and good wine. Hahaha——"

Lin Qun: "..."

A group of people gathered together, and Lin Qun felt as if he had returned to the land of Green Province at that time.

The battle of the mysterious civilization was smoother than they had imagined, and the casualties on the human side were not great.

What surprised Lin Qun was that before he even said it, Li Jie and others had already known that Lin Qun was going to Jinling to command.

And speaking of this "I am a human", Huang Qizheng actually knew some news.



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