Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 360 The whole world is our enemy!

Speaking of "I am a human being", Huang Qizheng first took a swig of Erguotou, smashing it in his mouth, and then said mysteriously: "I really know the news about this son of American civilization, but this news about me , it was also heard from hearsay, I don’t know whether it is accurate or not. I heard that the sons of civilization carry the secret of the rise of the indigenous people and are the designated spokespersons of the Kingdom of God. Therefore, the sons of civilization need to obtain the support and help of the entire civilization, and they must also let their own The continuation and survival of civilization is his mission.

"I am a human being. I don't know if he is a child of civilization, but Lin Qun, you are definitely not a child of civilization. So, if he is, he might want to recruit you!"

Li Jie frowned when he heard this and said, "What kind of mission is not a mission? It sounds so mysterious?"

"Hearsay. Hearsay."

Huang Qizheng chuckled.

He has always been unreliable, but without Tong Xin by his side, there was one less person to trouble him.

Lin Qun shook his head: "It is said that the children of civilization are the children of civilization. Everyone knows the alien civilization. None of us know what the children of civilization are, let alone what makes the children of civilization special."

His words touched everyone's hearts.

Chu Youwei raised her head and looked at him: "If he really wants you to go to America to meet him, will you go?"

"It depends on his reasons." Lin Qun answered pragmatically.

The implication is: If there is any benefit, go. If there is no benefit, don’t go.

After all, no one knows whether the opponent is a son of a true civilization, whether he has other intentions, or even whether there is an alien civilization interfering with it.

Li Jie heard the words and said: "Brother Lin, let me tell you, what kind of civilized son is he? I am a human being. He is indeed powerful, but where was he before? There is no one who has ever stood up before. Our Daxing War, the Insect Swarm War After winning the fight, he suddenly showed up and said that he was a son of civilization, but I didn’t like him anyway!”

Nie Wensheng also said: "Yes, it depends on me. Whether he is a son of civilization or not, he is not on the same level as Brother Lin. I estimate that he may not even be able to defeat Tianqi, let alone It’s said to be an evolver, otherwise he would have appeared long ago.”

Li Xinghe laughed and said: "Maybe he is just like me when I was in Magic City. He claims to be a big boss of the Son of Civilization, but in fact he is not strong enough and wants to hug me!"

They are staunch supporters of Lin Qun, and their words are somewhat biased.

But what Li Jie said is not unreasonable.

Before the Daxing War, I am a human being and had always been number one in the overall human rankings, but no one knew where he was. Even if he started taking action in the Americas, it was only after the Daxing War and the Insect Swarm War. In this regard, his move came after the situation began to turn against humans.

He had been in a semi-dormant state before.

Lin Qun just smiled at this: "People a thousand kilometers away, don't think too much. I'll go tomorrow and see what's going on first."

He didn't recognize this "I am a human being", but both of them were called sons of civilization in their own regions, and in the eyes of others, they were more or less comparable.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said softly: "Mr. Lin, the news Mr. Huang heard may be exaggerated, but I have indeed heard some similar rumors. You have to be vigilant, but this time you go to Jinling General Directorate, you should immediately There is a conclusion.”

Lin Qun nodded. He knew that everyone was thinking about him. How could Lin Qun not understand this?

He patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry. The attitude of the Huaxia Region has always been on my side. Moreover, the evolvers of alien civilizations are not my opponents. If this can happen, you don't have to worry too much. "

"Yeah...Brother Lin, you are so powerful. We were all sweating during the battle in Spring City, but we didn't expect the result. The two alien civilization evolvers all retreated and fled. Such a record, looking at the entire Blue Star, who can do it?" Nie Wensheng's eyes glowed.

Huang Qizheng said: "Come on, let's go."

Chu Youwei also looked at Lin Qun, her eyes sparkling, but she didn't speak. She just followed Huang Qizheng's advice and silently raised her glass in the corner.

Lin Qun glanced at everyone and smiled softly. He said: "This is not important. What is important is that we are one step closer to killing all the aliens. I think that day will come soon - Lan The day the stars return to our hands."

Lin Qun's words aroused everyone's yearning.

This is exactly the result they have been working hard to achieve.

Kill all the alien civilizations.

Let Blue Star return to their homeland.

There is no war.

There is no death.

Aren't the strong and the weak all here for this and fighting for this?

Lin Qun's efforts are also for this reason.

He wanted to create a world where he could live in peace.

Stable, strong, prosperous, advanced, comfortable...

"For a bright future!" Xia Qing raised her wine glass high.

Her eyes were filled with tears.

That is the goal that she has worked hard to survive to this day.

Everyone agreed.

If there is a book, it will be long; if there is no book, it will be short.

There is no longer a threat from alien civilization in the Huaxia region.

Humans regained control of this area, and this night, like the previous few days, was a peaceful night.

They continued until late at night before falling asleep one after another.

It was getting bright and clear, and Lin Qun was ready to set off.

He did not return to the Raider battleship last night, but slept in the camp below. At this time, he got up and prepared to leave. It was a long distance from Ice City to Jinling, but with Lin Qun's Mark 50 Nano suit, If he wanted to rush over at such a speed, it wouldn't take long, but in fact, he was also a little curious.

The first is to know why America's "I Am Human" wants to see him.

Secondly, he wanted to know what Jinling always wanted to tell him.

Bingcheng doesn't need him for the time being anyway, so it's the safest time for him to set out now.

So, before seven o'clock, Lin Qun took off from the camp, seemingly flying towards the attacker's warship, but in fact it was a false shot and flew in a farther direction.

Mark 50 plus, Lin Qun did not rush at the extreme speed, and arrived in an hour.

On the way, he saw different mountains and rivers.

On the land of China, human cities are being "lit up" again.

The alien civilization that once raged and raged disappeared, replaced by people who once again stood on their homeland.

The army marches across the land, being dispatched to one assembly point or destination after another.

The survivors either returned to their hometowns or gathered in the new city area planned by the Jinling General Command to rebuild new homes.

During these two months of war, the population in the Huaxia region and surrounding areas has dropped sharply. In order to adapt to this situation, the Jinling Commander-in-Chief is preparing to uniformly delineate new human settlement areas, which must not only ensure dispersed security, but also Ensure that each survivor base can communicate with each other. Of course, the most important thing is to ensure the survival of the survivors.

Of course, these are actually not the most important things.

At this stage, the Huaxia region is temporarily safe, but the war of civilization is not over. The forest group flies across the land of China. What they see more is the dispatch of the army. One arsenal after another is starting work, and a large number of survivors and soldiers are preparing for the war. Take the time to prepare for the next battle.

For Lin Qun, his journey was smoother than ever before. He didn't have to worry about attacks from alien civilizations on the ground, let alone being discovered by any enemies on the road.

Because this is already their human domination area.

He can travel freely through the sky of his own civilization!

Such a picture makes people's fighting spirit rise.

This is the answer to Lin Qun's bloody battle all the way.

It was the result of his fighting all the way from Magic City to Ice City.

When they arrived at Jinling Commandery, it was Li Zheng who personally came to pick up Lin Qun.

Wearing a straight federal military uniform, he stood in front of the office building, squinting as he watched the forest group rapidly approaching from a distance, and finally landed in front of him.

Before Lin Qun arrived, they had already made contact with the Jinling City defenders, and the communication was unobstructed.

The Jinling soldiers along the way all paid federal military salutes to the forest groups flying rapidly in the sky, and followed each other with their eyes all the way to the forest group's ground.

"Hey, it seems like I haven't seen you for a long time, Mr. Lin." Li Zheng stretched out his hand to Lin Qun.

"You look good." Lin Qun shook hands with him, "I haven't returned to Lucheng since the last time I fought Tianqi in the Demon City, but we have always fought side by side."

"Haha... Come on, Mr. Lin, the Supreme Commander is waiting for you. He has set aside a whole morning for you." Li Zheng led Lin Qun into the office building.

This was the former Jinling federal government office building, and now it has become the center of the Huaxia region and even the surrounding areas.

This was Lin Qun's first time here in Jinling, and most of the people he saw on the road were unknown to him.

But these people all seemed to know him, and looked at him with some curiosity, some inquiry, and even a little awe.

Lin Qun has reached the second level of sword control, which is the middle stage of Qi refining. His perception ability has been greatly improved. He can hear the whispers of those people in the corner.

"That's him. He's Lin Qun. It's unmistakable. Ye Ying, the number one human being, is really here."

"He looks more ordinary than I thought... Do you think he is a child of civilization, or is he the one from America?"

"God knows, I hope he is, do you know? How terrifying is his reputation in Jinling and Lucheng? I came here from the north, and the old people here in Jinling City, whether they are soldiers or survivors, except Commander Fang, only recognize This Mr. Lin and that person named Huang Qizheng, if anyone dares to say anything bad about them, something will happen! "

"I really want to have a word with him!"

"He is not ordinary. That's because he didn't look at you. He glanced at me just now. It felt like... like he was being targeted by some ferocious beast. This is a strong man who slaughtered more than 50,000 alien civilizations in one battle! "

A vicious beast?

The corners of Lin Qun's mouth twitched.

Li Zheng noticed something, smiled, and said: "Mr. Lin, don't be surprised, you are now everyone's favorite topic of conversation after dinner. No one has any ill intentions toward you."

"I know." Lin Qun smiled and shook his head. He thought for a moment and said, "I just didn't expect it to be like this here."

At this moment, all the elites of the Chinese Federation gathered in the government building in Jinling. Many of them were staff brought by the supreme commander from Base No. 1. They were all very strong in terms of professionalism and ability. From the moment he walked in, Lin Qun could feel the busy atmosphere here.

"We are all human beings. Human beings always have emotions and desires, and have various thoughts and will talk about others."

Li Zheng replied with a smile.

Lin Qun agreed with his answer. Even he was interested in some weird things, such as gossip or anecdotes, even though those might have nothing to do with him.

However, although Lin Qun was talked about a lot, no one dared to actually come up and talk to him.

Li Zheng's official position was promoted three levels by the supreme commander, and he was directly awarded the rank of general. Now his official rank and status in the federation are beyond the reach of ordinary people. What's more, he has the support of Lin Qun and Lucheng behind him. The real power of this person is something that ordinary people would not dare to approach, and it becomes even more so when there is a Lin Qun.

Everyone they met along the way just respectfully called General Li "Hello". Some of them dared to call out and ask Lin Qun, and some did not dare to look at them at all. They called "General Li" and walked away in a hurry.

Lin Qun noticed this and joked: "General Li, you are now directly on the same level as General Xiao and others. It is an honor for you to come to pick me up... But why don't you, the general, even have a guard around you?" "

Li Zheng smiled bitterly and said: "It's just an official rank. It's all thanks to you. Otherwise, let alone the general rank, I wouldn't even be able to get out of the Demon City. As for the guards, Mr. Lin... This is Jinling, not to mention, there are If you are by my side, you can still kill me, no matter how many guards there are, you can't stop me, right?"

He and Lin Qun looked at each other and both smiled. This time they met, compared with the last time, Li Zheng and Lin Qun were in a much more relaxed state. This is because the situation has changed. Humanity is gaining a firm foothold. The battle between the gods and civilizations has not only won them space and time, but also the most critical confidence. In the past, I was struggling to survive, but now I am preparing to take back my home. The mentality is naturally different.

While chatting all the way, Li Zheng didn't say anything useful. He just talked about the bunch of awards he received when he came here. He didn't care about these, but after receiving them, he was still happy from the bottom of his heart.

But Li Zheng also said: "Mr. Lin, I have not forgotten the agreement between you and me in Magic City. Whether I am Commander Li Zheng or General Li Zheng, if one day I need to make a choice, I will still abide by my promise. "

Lin Qun's footsteps paused slightly, and he said seriously: "Me too."

He still remembers that time in Magic City.

The agreement between him and Li Zheng.

His civilization will fight for him.

And he will also fight for his civilization.

During the conversation, Li Zheng led Lin Qun to the underground safe house.

The secretary Lin Qun had met at Base No. 1 led the way, and the two security guards opened the door in person.

The commander's office is here.

He was alone in the room.

Seeing Lin Qun come in, the old man waved enthusiastically and said, "Come on, Mr. Lin, come in and have tea. Thank you for your hard work, Xiao Li."

The eyes of the secretary and security guard behind him flashed with surprise.

He calls General Li Zheng Xiao Li, but calls him Mr. Lin Qun. Behind this, we can see the caution, prudence and respect the commander has for Lin Qun.

They had followed the Commander for so many years and had seen him travel across the Federation, but they had never seen him treat a person with such care.

Li Zheng didn't seem to think anything of it. He backed away with a smile and closed the door with his own hands.

Only the old commander and Lin Qun were left in the room.

The old commander personally poured a cup of tea for Lin Qun, smiled and asked a few questions about what happened before, and said with emotion: "It's amazing, to be honest, I didn't expect that this time the Northern Expedition of Shengui Civilization would go so smoothly, even if Shengui Civilization had Other tricks, but this should be beyond their expectations, but this matter is both a blessing and a curse. You should have guessed that I invited you back from the north this time. It is not only because of the affairs in the Americas, if it is just They can't afford to let you go through this trip.

"There are more important things."

His tone was gentle, but he went directly to the topic and got straight to the point: "Xiao Li said that you are a well-informed person and a straightforward person. I like people like this, so I won't go around and around with you.

"——Mr. Lin, recently, we received accurate information from a small and medium-sized alien civilization that was defeated by us.

"Although it sounds incredible.


“The world’s top civilizations and the remaining small and medium-sized alien civilizations are forming secret alliances.

"The goal of their alliance is to eradicate us:

"'Kill the human natives first, and then decide the outcome of civilization.'

"You should know what this means."

Of course Lin Qun understood what this meant, but like the old commander, he was also surprised that these alien civilizations would join forces...

He took a deep breath and said word by word: "I understand, this means that we humans... will be enemies of the whole world."

"Not only that." The old commander looked at Lin Qun and said deeply: "According to the alien civilization life we ​​captured, there is another layer to their plan.

"This level is the reason why I called you back urgently:

“Then I’ll just kill you.

"As long as you die, they are willing to let go of all other humans on Blue Star."

When Lin Qun heard this sentence, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The alien civilizations wanted to alienate him from the entire human civilization!

Not only do they want the entire world to be their enemy, they also want the entire forest to be their enemy!

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