Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 366 The True Son of Human Civilization

This was the first time that Lin Qun met "I am human" Brent, but the meeting was very different from what he expected.

Brent was more aggressive than he expected. He had been talking since they met. He sat opposite Lin Qun, leaning forward, staring at Lin Qun's pupils with eagle-like eyes. He said: "I know that you are not a child of human civilization, but I know that I am... I am a true child of human civilization."

Lin Qun's thoughts were still on his previous sentence: "What do you think about the fleet in space? What kind of civilization are they? Is this true? How do you know?"

After the Blue Star battlefield was opened, the Blue Star human's monitoring of outer space was almost completely paralyzed.

On the one hand, there was the blockade of the civilization battlefield itself, and the paralysis and loss of satellites; on the other hand, there was the damage and loss of ground-related instruments and responsible personnel.

——Who can look up at the stars when the survival in front of them is difficult to guarantee?

Even if they can, they may not be able to discover a fleet in space.

As far as Lin Qun knows, the star system where this Blue Star world is located is very similar to the one where he came from, with almost the same structure, and the diameter of the star is also around 15 billion kilometers. In the macroscopic scale of the universe, 10 billion kilometers is not a far distance at all. Therefore, if what Brent said in front of him is true, the space fleet is equivalent to having parked the fleet at the door of the Blue Star.

"My last sentence is the answer." Brent's eyes were burning, "I am the son of human civilization.

"I got the investment from the people behind the battlefield of civilization.

"So, I know more information than you, other humans, or even alien civilizations.

"This space fleet is a wanderer fleet wandering in our galaxy. This kind of wanderer fleet has no civilization of its own. They are similar to nomads, but their nomadic range is the starry sky, searching for civilizations and planets with resources everywhere. Once they are found, they will plunder and slaughter. The only difference between them and the vultures hovering over the battlefield waiting to gnaw on carrion is that they are far more powerful than vultures.

"The difference between them and us is that we are a group of life that can hardly leave our own planet, while they are already considered space civilizations.

"Of course, under normal circumstances, in the vast universe, even if they pass by our star system, they may not be able to find us, but...

"After a planet with life and civilization is marked as a civilization battlefield, it will be exposed within a certain range of galaxies. Although the universe is vast, they, as "nomads", can come and find us nearby.

"They dare not disturb the progress of the civilization battlefield, nor can they.

"But as long as the civilization battlefield ends and there is a winner, they will wait for the winner to leave; if there is no winner, they will pounce directly - but the ending is the same, our planet has been targeted by them. Even if we resist the current participating alien civilizations and make this Blue Star battlefield without any winner in the end, the ending of Blue Star will not change, and the ending of human civilization will not change: we will eventually be swept away."

The amount of information in Brent's words is too much, like a heavy hammer falling on Lin Qun's heart.

He felt unbelievable.

At this moment, outside the battlefield near them and outside the space, there are still enemies eyeing them covetously?

In the battlefield of civilization, there is no way for the indigenous civilization to survive?

And from what Brent said, he seems to be the son of civilization.

Lin Qun had never heard of this information, let alone knew it. Moreover, behind many details in Brent's words, there were some information that Lin Qun didn't know at all. Not only did he not know, but no one in the whole of China knew it.

Lin Qun opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while, but he basically believed what Brent said.

At this time, the other party didn't need to make up a bunch of lies to deceive him.

What's more, he is Lin Qun, and the other party is the world's second "I am human"!

Lin Qun had too many questions and too many words to say, but after a moment of silence, he just asked: "Is this what you want me to say to me?"

"Yes." Brent said, "To be honest, I am surprised. I am the son of civilization. I was selected at the beginning of the Blue Star Civilization Battlefield. Ordinary people only have one talent ability, and I have three, including one S-level ability and two A-level abilities. Not only that, I also have the support of advanced technology and equipment. This is why I got a huge advantage at the beginning of the civilization battlefield. However, I was also inflated at that time and was discovered by the Wuxie civilization. They have been chasing me, and I can only hide from here and there.

"In my opinion, I should be the savior of human beings on Blue Star. Of course, this is also the necessary mission of the son of human civilization.

"But I didn't expect that while I was still walking alone, avoiding the pursuit of Wuxie civilization, developing, waiting for the situation to change, and waiting for an opportunity to act, you have already risen in China.

"Even now, you have surpassed me, and the total number of contribution points is far ahead of me.

"If I didn't know clearly that I was the son of civilization, I would have suspected that you were the son of civilization."

Lin Qun was stunned.

This time he knew.

The sons of civilization mentioned by the alien civilization really existed, and it was also true that the sons of civilization could obtain many benefits.

Three innate abilities.

There is also technical and equipment support.

No wonder this person was able to obtain 20,000 contribution points not long after the Civilized Battlefield opened.

Although Lin Qun himself always thought that he was cheating, in the final analysis, he was still within the limited rules of the civilized battlefield. For example, he only had one innate ability.

The other abilities are all derived from his innate ability. Because of this, although some foreign civilizations think he is wrong, the civilized battlefield has not judged Lin Qun to have any "cheating" behavior.

And look now, isn't this Brent the real cheater?

This is the real wall hanging!

Moreover, this is a trick set up by the organizer!

Lin Qun sighed in his heart.

The real wall hanging can kill 20,000 alien civilizations at the beginning, but his fake wall hanging still has to develop on his own.

At this time, he also realized that this cheat had helped Brent and harmed him.

At the beginning, he did gain a significant advantage by using his official status as a son of civilization. It was an advantage that ordinary humans could not obtain at that stage. However, because of this, he was targeted by the Wushe Civilization, the top civilization in the Americas. It directly caused him to shrink up and hide.

Hanging doesn't mean invincible.

Even if the Wushe Civilization is not inferior to the Linyuan Civilization, it is still a genuine top-level civilization, with its heritage and strength. It discovered that humans were suspected of being the children of civilization, and pursued them all the way to the end. Even if Brent was involved, he was not that powerful. To a certain extent, they have to be nestled, and it is even more difficult to grow quickly.

Although Lin Qun was once pursued and intercepted by many top civilizations, he did not become the target of too many foreign civilizations at the beginning. Instead, he grew slowly at the beginning and spent a period of peaceful growth. Coupled with the blockade of the Magic City, on the one hand, it did bring heavy casualties to the Magic City, but on the other hand, it also helped Lin Qun from a certain perspective and won him a valuable period of development.

Lin Qun asked: "What do you mean by mission? Have you met the initiator of the civilized battlefield? Do you know... why does the civilized battlefield exist? Those top civilizations competing for the winner of the civilized battlefield can go there. What exactly are the rewards from the Kingdom of God?”

Lin Qun's eyes glowed.

Having said this, Lin Qun no longer has the slightest doubt about my true identity as a human being.

He also took advantage of the situation and asked the question he was most concerned about.

Why did the civilized battlefield come into being?

Who is the organizer behind the scenes? What kind of good place is the Kingdom of God? Why do those top civilizations want to go there even if they break their heads?

These questions have been swirling in Lin Qun's mind for a long time.

But no one could answer his question. Humans don't know the answer. Alien civilizations may or may not know, but whether they know it or not, they can't possibly tell Lin Qun, who is the enemy.

But in response to Lin Qun's question, Brent just shook his head. He looked at Lin Qun, with unpredictable complexity in his eyes, and said: "I don't know either. Although I was chosen as the son of my civilization, But I only got a simple intelligent system, which you can understand as some kind of super AI. It claimed to be from the north of the Kingdom of God. It provided help and support, but never revealed to me anything about the Kingdom of God, the organizer, or even the The purpose of a civilized battlefield...and even if I knew it, I would be restricted from saying it.

“As for the mission.

"There is nothing in this world that does not require a price. The existence of the Sons of Civilization is not essentially for the sake of indigenous civilization, but to enrich the civilized battlefield. The Sons of Civilization cannot get the benefits for nothing, so they naturally have a mission. This mission is very simple but also very complex. , that is to ensure that our indigenous civilization will not perish.

"The intelligent system I have obtained will determine whether my mission is successful or not. If it fails..."

Brent didn't say anything else, but it could be seen from his expression.

This intelligent system he talks about is his help, but it is also the sword of Damocles that may fall from his head at any time.

But this was quite different from what Lin Qun expected.

From the news he heard from the alien civilization before, he thought that the Son of Civilization was a bet made by one of the organizers, and it should only be beneficial.

But now it seems that this may indeed be a bet, but this bet is placed on the children of civilization, but the bet may be on the entire indigenous civilization.


The more Lin Qun listened, the more doubts arose in his heart.

Behind the civilized battlefield may be this Kingdom of God.

But what is their purpose in doing this?

What good does the conquest and slaughter on the civilized battlefield do to them?

Entertainment of advanced civilization?

Lin Qun thought it was unlikely.

High-level civilizations will not do this.

Even if there were, it would not be so widespread.

Kingdom of God...

What kind of place can be called the Kingdom of God?

Lin Qun didn't know that even Brent, a son of civilization, couldn't answer this question.

Lin Qun actually didn't quite believe what Brent said.

Maybe he knows something, but he just doesn't want to say it, or can't say it.

Lin Qun understood that whether Brent really didn't know or pretended not to know, he had already answered his question, and he would no longer be able to get the information behind the civilized battlefield from Brent's mouth.

In contrast, Lin Qun knew that he should focus more on what was in front of him.

The Kingdom of God and the civilized battlefield are too far away for him now.

The indigenous civilization has no right to win in a war of civilizations.

The four top civilizations joining forces to fight against humans have already put pressure on Lin Qun, not to mention the "Nomad" fleet in space that Brent mentioned.

That is a true interstellar fleet and an interstellar civilization, and they will not be restricted by the rules of a civilized battlefield.

If the human civilization of Blue Star survives until the end of the Blue Star Civilization battlefield, then they will attack us.

Sitting here, Lin Qun seemed to have felt the gaze and terrible oppression from the "vulture" in the deep sky.

Lin Qun took a deep breath and said: "So, do you want to seek my help to fight against the top civilized coalition forces and future fleets in space?"

Brent said a lot. As a son of civilization, he found himself and said so many things. He even said some things that no one knew, such as the fleet in space. He must have wanted to reach some consensus with him, that is, Lin Qun was interested in him. Useful, otherwise, there is no need at all.

Hearing this, Brent nodded and shook his head.

What he said next was still beyond Lin Qun's expectations.

Brent said: "You can say this. Lin, your rise surprises me and everyone. I really need your support... It is support, not help. A civilization can only have one civilization." Son, you are very powerful, but you are just luckier than me. This may make people feel uncomfortable saying this, but I do have the support of the Kingdom of God, which you do not have.

“I want you to follow me, follow me.

"I will not ask about your talents, nor will I ask about your secrets. I will also give you the best treatment and even give you part of my cake.

"This is the promise I can give you.

"However, my purpose is not to ask you to support me against the top civilized coalition forces and opponents in space.

“These are invincible enemies.

“Even if we defeat the top civilized coalition, we cannot defeat the fleet in space.

“Blue Star is finished.

“Our civilization sprouted and grew here…

“And now, it’s time for us to leave.

"I have gathered a group of talents, and I also need experts like you. We can leave together with the fire of civilization and escape to the stars. Our human civilization will not be cut off, and my mission will be completed.

"I know you also have a spaceship. I don't ask where your spaceship comes from. I'm not interested in your spaceship either, because if I guessed correctly, 80% of the time your spaceship was captured and modified from some top civilization. You shouldn't have the ability to make interstellar jumps, right? But even if you do, you can't go. The starry sky is vast, there is no destination, and there is not enough circulation technology support. Even the evolvers will eventually wither in the long space voyage. .

"You are powerful. If I'm not wrong, you may want to leave. The remaining humans here are not worth fighting side by side. But you don't have that ability, you don't have a spaceship, and you don't have a destination. You can't leave even if you want to. , for you, the only way is to fight with alien civilization.

"But I do.

“As a child of civilization, I have chosen my destination.

“I have a real spaceship that can travel between the stars, and only the Children of Civilization can use it.

“As long as you follow me and follow me, in the future, you and I will be the creators who jointly create a new civilization for mankind.

"Now, you can choose a safer path."

Brent's eyes were gleaming with anticipation.

Escape from Blue Star.

That's his real plan.

ps: Please give me a monthly pass

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