Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 367 We have different paths

Lin Qun took a deep breath after listening to these words.

He realized that he should have thought of it earlier.

From the moment they first met, Brent's attitude was actually wrong.

To put it mildly, he was telling Lin Qun about the crisis situation that human civilization is currently facing, but to put it harshly, he was talking about the fact that Blue Star’s human civilization was vulnerable to a fight. The words were actually full of negative and pessimistic content.

It's just that the information he gave Lin Qun shocked Lin Qun so much that Lin Qun didn't realize the obvious content at all.

It was not until this moment that Brent gave Lin Qun a clear answer that he realized that the other party's true thoughts were completely different from Lin Qun's thoughts.

The real idea of ​​this son of human civilization—Brent Marion—is not to confront alien civilization at all, but to run away.

Lin Qun adjusted his sitting posture. The other party's words made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Not just those words about asking Lin Qun to be his little brother.

All of Brent's words made Lin Qun feel uncomfortable.

This person's impression in his eyes fell to the bottom in a second.

He didn't even know what to answer for a while. After a while, he just said: "Do you want to escape from Blue Star?"

Brent didn't seem to notice the subtle change in Lin Qun's attitude. On the contrary, he sat back in his seat, crossed his arms, and said: "This is to leave a fire for civilization. This is the only hope. No one on Blue Star knows the situation outside better than me.

"We can't win.

"I haven't grown up yet. I need time. As long as you give me enough time, I can grow into a true evolution.

“And give civilization time—civilization will soon take root.

"Don't think I'm talking nonsense to you.

"Everything I said is true. I have found my destination. It is a blue star-like planet more than fifty light years away from Blue Star, and I do have a spaceship. The blockade of the civilized battlefield Under this situation, only the spaceships of the sons of my civilization can leave the planet in a normal way and escape to the stars in a normal way without 'intervening' in the battlefield. Those so-called top civilizations do not have the ability to chase my spaceships. Their purpose is. After winning the Blue Star battlefield, outside the Blue Star, they will gain neither contribution points nor experience by killing humans or each other...

"And my spaceship is only owned by the children of civilization. Only the children of civilization have the authority to use it."

He reiterated that only the sons of civilization could use his ship.

Lin Qun understood what this meant.

He was telling Lin Qun not to make any crooked ideas. If he was gone, his spaceship would be gone too.

Brent's words seemed to have confirmed that Lin Qun was willing to leave with him, and judging from his words, Lin Qun could also see that Brent had done a lot for his plan. Careful and detailed preparations were made.

At least now it seems that everything is clearly thought out.


Lin Qun's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

Brent obviously thought too much and underestimated Lin Qun's strength.

Brent obviously thought that the Raider warship in his hand was captured by Lin Qun from an alien civilization. As for Blue Star, a third-level civilization battlefield, even the top-level civilization warship, that is, the Yu civil warship, can at most conduct short-range operations. Space navigation, but what Lin Qun owns is a genuine battleship.

He can travel between stars by himself, but he is a little concerned about the civilized battlefield blockade mentioned by Brent.

"You mean, the civilized battlefield is blocked? We can't live without Blue Star?"

"Of course." Brent said, "Blue Star has been blocked from the beginning of the civilized battlefield. From the surface of Blue Star to a position of 600,000 kilometers, this is the upward limit of the civilized battlefield. Of course, this limit will not Blocking the passage of any inanimate matter will only block the entry and exit of competitors and non-competitors. These are the rules and delineated battlefields.

“This is actually not a secret to the participating civilizations, but to us indigenous people, it is something that no one will tell us at all.

"If you are interested in the long journey ahead, I can introduce it to you bit by bit. With your strength, when our human civilization develops again in the future, we can also participate in the civilized battlefield and fight as a contestant. You will definitely do it when the time comes. Be the most powerful pioneer.”

Listening to Brent's words, Lin Qun became even more silent.

When he was in the Magic City, he had guessed who this "I am a human being" who had topped the human rankings with a high number of kills of 20,000 contribution points in the early days of the civilized battlefield was, and how amazing he was, and on the way here , he still had some curiosity and expectation in his heart. He wanted to see this legendary figure and was also curious about what important matters the other party had.

Maybe it was because of the Battle of Daxing.

Bai Yiming left a very deep impression on Lin Qun.

They barely exchanged a few words, but on the battlefield, they achieved unimaginable cooperation.

Lin Qun also admired the Blood Emperor who was respected by everyone in Daxing City. He thought that someone who could achieve global fame must be such an amazing person.

What he regretted about the Battle of Daxing was that he didn't get to know Bai Yiming properly. He rarely has such an impulse to take the initiative to get to know someone.

Lin Qun felt that his expectations for "I am a human being" may have come from this, because he remembered that before the Battle of Daxing, he was just curious and had no expectations.

But now it seems that he was somewhat wrong.

Brent and Bai Yiming are completely different people.

Brent is the son of human civilization, and he is the person supported by the organizers behind the civilized battlefield, but his thinking is completely different from Bai Yiming. Brent's idea is of course correct. He is the son of civilization and the savior of civilization. As long as he is alive, there is hope that he can establish a new blue star human civilization on another planet.

And everything here can be discarded.

For him, he will become the well-deserved master of the new human civilization, with glory and power in his hands, and he will be able to complete the mission of the son of civilization; for the Blue Star human civilization, he has also successfully helped the continuation of the Blue Star civilization. , the race will not be exterminated, and the fire of civilization will not be cut off.

This is the most secure win-win situation.

But Lin Qun watched and listened. He didn't know why, but he just felt a little uncomfortable. Of course, he also thought about walking away. Before and after the meeting with the General Director of Jinling City a few hours ago, Lin Qun said that once he found out, If nothing can be done, he will leave, rely on the attacker warship, and leave with his people. Now that nothing can be done, he can no longer control the remaining people.

At most, take away the seed bank or something like that.

Lin Qun didn't want to die either.

However, he never thought about walking away.

There is no reason why.

I just haven't thought about it.

Maybe it was because of the people who died in front of him in the Battle of Magic City, maybe it was because of the last words of Bai Yiming that Professor Wang brought him, maybe it was because of the support and enthusiastic support from all over the Chinese Federation. gaze.

Lin Qun knew that as soon as the news that the alien civilization was disrupting the "military morale" was released, some people were panicking and wanted to hand him over.

But there are people who have been supporting him.

And there are definitely a lot of them.

Northeastern Army, Lucheng, Daxing City, Jinling City...

That's not one or two people, nor is it a hundred or two hundred people, or even tens of thousands of people, but hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.

Their most direct support has turned into countless expensive high-level dark energy or energy recovery potions, lying in Lin Qun's Qiankun bag.

Those recovery potions, the cheapest ones are close to 100 contribution points, which are impossible for most people to get and they have to fight their lives to get them back.

The owners who spent the contribution points to redeem these high-level potions are not as powerful as Lin Qun, and many of them spent who knows how long it took to get them.

They were saving these contribution points, perhaps thinking about the items they expected and hoped to buy in the contribution point mall, but just these five words "Mr. Lin needs" made them hand over the contribution points they had exchanged for their lives. , and to contribute this thing, even if there is a mountain of military orders, it is impossible to force it. Human beings as indigenous civilizations do not have this authority. Only if they are willing can they hand it over.

Lin Qun didn't say anything at the time, but he remembered it all in his heart.

He patted his butt and left. What should these people do?

How could he deserve the support and the bottles of high-level recovery potions that were constantly sent to him?

Moreover, he didn't want to go to the stars.

After finally reaching this point, there was a voice in his heart saying.

Gotta try, gotta try.

If you can't go any further.

Looking at Lin Qun's silence, Brent smiled. He seemed to firmly believe that Lin Qun would choose him and his plan. He said: "You still have time to think about it. General Andorra already knows about my plan. He is preparing for me to evacuate Blue Star personnel, the historical and cultural library of human civilization, and the seed bank.

“Three days.

"You can give me the answer within three days, and I will leave a place for you among my fleet members.

"I don't treat anyone else like this except you."

Brent thinks highly of Lin Qun.

Facing the menacing alien civilization and the unstoppable trend, everyone stands in a different position and has different judgments.

For Brent, he believes that his current decision is the best choice for himself and the human civilization of Blue Star. Objectively speaking, there is nothing wrong with his approach, but he is still a little overconfident that he The idea is the only choice that everyone should recognize.

This is the self-confidence and advantage brought to him by his identity as a son of civilization and the information gap between him and other human beings.

Based on this, he judged that Lin Qun would definitely make the same choice as him.

Leave Blue Star.

And he valued Lin Qun because of Lin Qun's strength.

Defeating two Evolutionaries in a row is something unbelievable in Brent's eyes. Now he can't even fight against the Evolutionaries. With his strength, he could at most injure the evolved person and bite off a piece of flesh, but he himself would definitely die.

Of course, it is limited to incredible. Brent is very clear about his own advantages. In the future, he will definitely become an evolver. He is better than him now, but it does not mean that he will be the same in the future. No matter how powerful this mysterious oriental man is, he will eventually be far behind him, Brent.

Therefore, Brent is proud and confident, and wants Lin Qun to follow him, be loyal to him, and fight for him.

Brent hopes to recruit such talents under his command.

But unfortunately, Lin Qun quickly raised his head, his eyes were firm, and said: "In less than three days, I can answer you now, Brent——

"We are different.

"I will stay here.

"Whether it's the alien civilization or the space fleet wandering outside the Blue Star star system, I want to fight them. If I succeed, Blue Star will still belong to humans, and we don't have to start over. We can save a lot of time to rebuild our homes on the ruins and accelerate development; if I fail, I can also escape, so I won't lose both my wife and my army.

"Since there is a way to retreat, I want to try it, and I don't want to escape directly."

This is Lin Qun's real thought.

He still has cards.

There are cards for moving forward and for retreating. In this case, I have to try further.

I have to try it first.

Defeated without fighting, no one else said, he himself couldn't accept it.

That was a denial of his bloody battles all the way from the Magic City to here, and it was more like a ruthless mockery of his previous efforts.

Hearing Lin Qun's answer, Brent showed a look of obvious surprise and was very surprised: "Are you sure? Are you sure you are not impulsive? You said you have a way out? What is your way out? I know you have fought all the way here. Maybe retreating is a shameful choice for you, but you have to make a rational decision..."

"This is my rational decision." Lin Qun answered calmly.

He looked at Brent.

The expression in his eyes was extremely peaceful.

Maybe just now, he did have a brainstorm in his mind.

But at this moment, the brainstorm, hesitation and thinking are all over.

This is his answer.

Different paths, no plan.

You go your Yangguan Road.

I go my single-plank bridge.

Brent looked at him in a daze.

Lin Qun's decision was beyond his expectations. He saw the calmness in Lin Qun's eyes and realized that this was not an impulsive and reckless decision, but he had greater confusion in his heart. Moreover, he was reluctant to give up Lin Qun's fighting power. He couldn't help but say: "Lin Qun, I admire you very much. To be honest, you now have the strength to fight against the Evolvers. This is amazing. I can't do it now. If I face the Evolvers, there is only one way to die. If I stay on the battlefield, I can only become cannon fodder, and my benefits as a son of civilization will be turned into a "bounty" for the alien civilization life that killed me.

"You are a talent, so I really don't want you to make a stupid choice. I don't know what your retreat is. Unless you have a spaceship that can cross the stars, otherwise, nothing can be considered a retreat..."

"This is a compliment that makes me feel honored. But this is my choice. I have fought with them. I think no one on this planet knows how powerful they are better than me, so no one can know better than me what this choice I made at this moment means."

Lin Qun answered calmly, he sat up straight and proudly raised his chest.

He is not a son of civilization.

But his glorious military exploits in bloody battles are his confidence.

The countless forces in the world before he crossed over are his confidence.

The thousands of people in China who support him are his confidence!

At this moment, Brent's pupils dilated slightly, and he suddenly realized that the Oriental man in front of him had the same pride and confidence as him, or even more than him.

It's just that the natural restraint of Orientals made him keep it back.

Until this moment...

As Lin Qun made his statement, it came out naturally.

That incomparable strength and confidence.

That kind of pride in his bones made Brent feel ashamed. He looked at Lin Qun and suddenly felt an inexplicable jealousy in his heart, but he quickly suppressed it.

Brent's persuasion finally stopped slowly.

He understood that he could not change Lin Qun's decision.

Lin Qun smiled and said, "You choose to leave, I choose to stay. One civilization, two choices. No matter which one fails, there is always a chance. Isn't this a good thing? If possible, I hope you can tell me some information about the battlefield of civilizations, rules and so on. I think, maybe this will be very valuable to me."



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