Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 368 Rules for victory in the civilized battlefield

The room fell into a brief silence.

Brent looked at Lin Qun in front of him with a complicated expression. After a moment of silence, he said, "Well, although I feel very sorry, I also feel that I don't understand your decision, but I respect your choice.

"I don't have much information. After I made the decision to leave, I sorted it out and handed it to General Andorra. You can ask him to make a copy and take a look at it yourself. This saves me both words and your time.

"- If you want to fight with alien civilizations, nothing is more important than time now, right?

"To be honest, although I am leaving, I still hope you can win, even if it is almost impossible. "

Although Brent was ready to leave Blue Star, he also took out the information he had.

Lin Qun looked at him and felt that Brent might know more, not as simple as he said "I don't have much information".

What Brent took out and told Lin Qun was only the part he wanted to say or could say.

But whether he didn't want to say it or couldn't say it, Lin Qun understood that there was no need to ask more.

He just said: "As you said, the battlefield of Blue Star has been blocked, so can I go to their world through the space channel of the alien civilization? Their world is not blocked, right? "

Although Lin Qun was ready to give it a try, he didn't want to risk his life.

If it doesn't work, he still has to run away, and he has to plan the escape route first.

Lin Qun and the Huaxia Federation are not aware of the blockade of Blue Star. Lin Qun has broken through the atmosphere many times, but he has never reached a position of more than 600,000 kilometers. If it weren't for Brent's reminder this time, Lin Qun might really choose to fly directly from Blue Star when he wanted to run away and hit a wall.

And this road is not feasible, Lin Qun naturally thought of the road to the world of the alien civilization contestants.

Blue Star is a civilized battlefield, it is blocked, and the regular method of entering and exiting is not possible. Then, running to the planet of the alien civilization is always okay, right?

Hearing this, Brent was slightly stunned, pondered for a moment, and said: "This is theoretically feasible. But I want to remind you that these space channels are not owned by the civilizations of these contestants. They are the "equipment" invested by the organizers of the Civilization Battlefield after they choose to participate in the competition. Each space channel has an identification system for its contestant civilization. You can understand it as a kind of identification code, but it is generally not very smart. If you really want to pass through, you can go smoothly as long as you pass through with the alien civilization involved in the space channel.

"It's very simple, not that complicated, but the key point I want to remind you is: the other side of the space channel is the world of alien civilization.

"It may be a planet that is completely different from our world, or even not a planet, and the most terrifying thing is that it is the nest of their civilization and is not restricted by the rules of the civilization battlefield.

"If the alien civilization you choose to go to has some strength...

"Even if you are an evolver, you may be drowned in a large number of extinction weapons or even special weapons.

"So, if I were you, if I were to take this path, I would choose a weak civilization, and never a top civilization."

Lin Qun nodded: "Thank you for your reminder."

He probably guessed that it should not be difficult to pass through the space channel of the alien civilization.

Otherwise, he would not be able to threaten the Bakatans smoothly during the battle of the Demon City.

This is unnecessary. Because the rules and rewards of the civilization battlefield are only effective here. If you leave the Blue Star civilization battlefield and go to other planets, no matter how many you kill, you will no longer get contribution points and experience, because that is already "outside the game field".

"I will still leave in three days. If you change your mind, you can come to me at any time. If you have any other important people you want to take away, I can give you two extra places." Brent stood up.

In this moment, he has adjusted his mentality.

He is the son of human civilization. There is no need to envy and be jealous of the strength of another ordinary human.

In his opinion, Lin Qun just took a few more steps than him.

In the future, he will surpass him sooner or later.

Brent left after three days, in fact, for the stability of the Ankara region. He is a strong man in the Americas. His presence here also has a certain deterrent effect on the four top civilizations. The top masters of several civilizations will not easily take action. In this way, humans still have time. Otherwise, as long as the masters of the four top civilizations take action, Ankara will soon perish.

These three days were not only the last three days of Brent's preparation, but also the last bit of time he bought for the Blue Star human beings to resist the four top civilizations.

Lin Qun also stood up: "Thank you. However, I have made a decision and I should not change my mind."

Brent did not say anything more and turned away.

He had already made the invitation, and if Lin Qun did not accept it, it would be meaningless.

Then, Lin Qun also left here.

Thomas was waiting outside. When Lin Qun came out, he saw Thomas staring at Brent's back in a daze. After a while, he came back to his senses and looked at Lin Qun, saying with some envy: "Mr. Lin, if you are a legend of China, then he is our legend. He saved many of us. You are very powerful, and he is also very powerful."

Seeing him like this, Lin Qun realized that Thomas might not know that Brent was going to leave.


How could they let everyone know at this critical moment that their proud flag, strong man, and savior were going to abandon them?

But Thomas's attitude was actually the attitude of the remaining humans in Ankara and even the entire Americas.

Here, they didn't know any Lin Qun. Brent was the hero in their hearts and the most powerful existence in the whole human race.

Although Thomas didn't say it, in his heart, even if Lin Qun created more legends in China, he should not be as good as Brent.

Lin Qun could understand this very well. This is just like the people in China who didn't recognize Brent. Even if they knew that he was also very powerful, no matter what they said, they just felt that their own masters were better than others.

Therefore, Lin Qun didn't say anything, but just followed Thomas forward.

Andorra and others were still in a meeting to discuss how to cooperate with China.

Lin Qun rested and waited on one side.

This was a necessary wait.

Time was tight, and Andor and others did not discuss for too long. Soon, Andor came to Lin Qun and handed him an encrypted USB flash drive, saying: "This is our battle plan. According to the Chinese plan and our own original plan, we have made the last round of adjustments to our plans. It should have been perfected and stored in this encrypted USB flash drive.

"Now our contact with China is getting less and less smooth-the alien civilization is establishing a comprehensive blockade of our communications, and we can only use this method. Next, I am afraid that we will lose contact with each other, and everything can only be promoted according to the plan. Therefore, we will ensure that our American regional federal forces will be implemented completely according to the plan.

"It's just that Mr. Lin has worked hard."

At this point, Andor paused, took out another USB flash drive, and said: "If Mr. Lin wants it, it's here."

Lin Qun took the two USB flash drives and looked up at each other.

Andor smiled, a little faint, but also a little bitter and complicated: "Mr. Lin, since you have finished talking with Brent, you should know how he made his choice. I know why he came to you. To be honest, I was surprised. I didn't expect you to make a different choice from him.

"But I hope you can keep this secret for us.

"The war is imminent, life and death, even if we already have the fire, the lives of these people left behind are also lives. We must always fight with all our strength and cannot fall from the inside at this time."

Andor did not ask Lin Qun what his choice was. They are all smart people. Lin Qun appeared here, asking for the rules of the civilized battlefield and the plan for the American Federation to deal with the crisis, which has already explained what Lin Qun's answer is.

"I understand. I won't tell you. I will only bring this news back to China, and only the top leaders and a few people in China will know it. I promise you."

Lin Qun smiled faintly.

In fact, he wanted to say.

"I am a human being" Whether Brent leaves or not may have a great impact on the people in the Americas, but it will hardly have any impact on the people in China.

But he still didn't say these words.

Andor shook hands with Lin Qun, and he said: "The decisive battle should be here. We will gather the survivors and troops and fight to the death in Ankara!"

Immediately, Lin Qun and Andor briefly said a few words and left quickly.

Thomas saw him off all the way, and Lin Qun still took off from the old position and returned to China.

The coalition forces of the four top civilizations are advancing.

The first battle to start is information warfare and electronic confrontation.

At this moment, the confrontation has begun.

However, this has no effect on Lin Qun for the time being, and even the impact on the Chinese region is not great. At most, the communication with the Americas and some parts of the region has been disturbed and affected, and the main impact is still the Americas.

For the people here, they have no choice, the war is coming.

They can only be prepared.

On the way back, Lin Qun still chose a hidden route.

But this time, he found the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft of the Linyuan civilization and carefully avoided it without being discovered.

Apart from that, it was a safe journey.

During this process, Lin Qun looked at the USB flash drive that Andor gave him.

It contained information about the Civilization Battlefield that Brent had left for them.

After playing for so long, Lin Qun finally systematically understood some of the rules of the Civilization Battlefield.

About the contestants of the Civilization Battlefield. There are two ways to become a contestant. The first is to wait for the invitation letter to be issued. Those who receive the invitation letter can choose to participate in the battle, or pay a certain amount of resource "compensation" to refuse to participate in the battle; and the second is that if a civilization that has participated in a Civilization Battlefield once can become one of the top ten civilizations that participated in the Civilization Battlefield (that is, the last ten civilizations to withdraw without excluding the winner), they can get a ticket. Using the ticket, you can actively participate in the Civilization Battlefield, or you can use the ticket to deduct a resource "compensation".

After reading it, Lin Qun learned that compensation is not only needed for refusing to participate. If the contestant civilization chooses to withdraw, it also needs to "compensate" resources. The resources mentioned in the compensation here are mainly contribution points. If there are not enough contribution points, the life of this civilization needs to be compensated.

Behind this, the tyranny and coercion of the civilized battlefield itself is revealed: I force you to participate, you can participate or not, but if you do not participate, you must pay compensation.

There are also requirements for exiting (i.e. surrendering, choosing to leave the civilization battlefield, etc.). On the one hand, there is compensation, and on the other hand, after confirming the exit, you can no longer enter the civilization battlefield, otherwise it will be regarded as breaking the rules and the entire civilization will be wiped out.

There are three ways to exit. The first is to be wiped out. If a contestant civilization has less than 10,000 contestants in the civilization battlefield, it is regarded as being wiped out and defaulted to defeat; the second is to admit defeat and actively apply for exit. There is nothing to say about this. The third is that if the number of contestants does not meet the standard for more than five civilization battlefield planets, it will be directly judged as a defeat. Regardless of whether the civilization wants to exit or not, it must exit in defeat.

And here, there is another special case, that is, if your civilization does not exit in the first way of complete defeat, but in the second or third way of exit, then the "strong" in this civilization - the strong in the top 500 in the civilization battlefield rankings, can make a choice to stay in the civilization battlefield and can bring up to ten "subordinates". No longer participate in the battle as a civilization, but only participate in the battle as an individual.

The lives left behind in this kind of special circumstances are generally for the purpose of gaining contribution points and wanting to fight. Without the identity of civilization, they cannot win the battlefield of civilization, and their retreat will be cut off. Only after the victory of the battlefield of civilization, they can pay one thousand contribution points to stand. Otherwise, they will stay on the planet of the battlefield of civilization forever, and will eventually be harvested by the civilization that wins the battlefield of civilization.

Seeing this, Lin Qun felt clear.

He had doubts before.

Why did some civilizations withdraw, and it was obvious that they would not come again? Even in China's observation, many space channels were completely closed, but there were still individuals left.

Those people should be the special cases left behind.

And the number of those warlords and others was maintained at more than 10,000. All meet the above rules.

When Lin Qun saw this, he thought...

This means that under this rule, although the Shengui civilization withdrew a large number of contestants' lives, it did not withdraw from the battlefield after defeat, which means that they still have at least 10,000 people on the battlefield of Blue Star. Even more!

But where did these 10,000 Shengui civilization lives go?

However, their life forms are different from others. If they hide, even if they slip away under our noses, it is difficult to find them. Even if there is a ranking list to know their area, it is useless.

After all, who can know which color is them in the colorful world in front of you?

Lin Qun frowned.

He checked while flying.

The information rules given by Brent are only for the third-level civilization battlefield, and there are no higher-level civilization battlefields.

But despite this, there is a lot of information here, most of which are descriptions of the rules, some of which are very difficult to understand. Lin Qun did not read it too carefully, and quickly browsed down to find and check the content that he was more interested in and curious about.

For example, the victory conditions of the civilization battlefield.

Brent just mentioned this point.

In Lin Qun’s previous concept, which contestant civilization can win the final victory in the civilization battlefield will be the final winner.

Lin Qun only found out when he looked at it himself.

These conditions are not that simple.

There are five conditions to win the civilization battlefield.

First, the winning civilization must be the only contestant civilization that has not been defeated in the civilization battlefield where it is located; second, the winning civilization must obtain a total of 300 million contribution points in this civilization battlefield; third, the winning civilization must kill or conquer the indigenous civilizations in the civilization battlefield; fourth, the winning civilization must have at least one evolver; fifth, the winning civilization must be the civilization that has defeated the most civilizations (defeating at least three contestant civilizations in this civilization battlefield).

If any of these five conditions is not met, even if you laugh to the end, you cannot be judged as the final winner of the civilization battlefield. If there is no one who meets the conditions, a civilization battlefield will be judged as a complete defeat, no one will be born, and the victory reward will be bye.

Before that, there is an absolute prerequisite.

That is, the cheating civilization will directly lose the qualification to win this civilization battlefield.



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