Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 369: One hundred thousand troops!

The rules of the civilization battlefield are very detailed and more complicated than Lin Qun expected, involving all aspects.

He read it and confirmed many of his previous speculations and ideas.

As a contestant civilization, it does have the ability to gather the contribution points of its individual civilizations. That is, the contribution points of its individual civilizations are received by one or several people, or in the "account" of the contestant civilization for coordinated use. The rules here are also very complicated. For example, there are two ways to gather the contribution points of individual civilizations. The first is voluntary submission. The contribution points submitted by each individual will be charged a "handling fee" of varying total amounts. The amount of this handling fee varies according to the situation of the civilization battlefield and the situation of the contestant civilization; and the second is the recovery of contribution points after death. For individuals of the contestant civilization who died in battle, half of their remaining contribution points will be recovered to the civilization account.

The contestant civilization can collect and collect contribution points, and can also distribute the contribution points to someone for use, that is, through a method similar to bank card transfer, a large number of contribution points collected and collected can be handed over to someone, but this kind of transfer to an individual requires a 50% handling fee, that is, if a civilization wants to give an individual 10,000 contribution points, it may cost up to 20,000 contribution points.

The high "handling fee" behind this civilization's transfer to an individual is actually one of the manifestations of the contestant civilization encouraging individuals to kill.

This point is very important to Lin Qun, so he paid special attention to it.

Although the Blue Star human civilization, as a native, cannot use the permissions that only the contestant civilization has now, maybe it will be useful in the future?

In addition to this, the contestant civilization has more permissions, such as using the "civilization account" of the contestant civilization to unlock some special civilization exchange malls, and directly exchange some specific technologies or advanced equipment, which is an improvement from the civilization level. This civilization exchange mall will be opened after a civilization battlefield ends. All non-cheating civilizations that participated in the civilization battlefield but did not win the final victory can shop as long as they have an account, and the price is cheaper than the contribution point mall in the civilization battlefield. Whether you can buy things depends on whether the civilization can gain something in the civilization battlefield it participates in. Only with contribution points can you afford to buy things.

And these are the motivations for civilizations to participate in the competition and gain contribution points. Civilizations such as Bakatan and Zerg know that they are not capable of winning the civilization battlefield, and their main purpose is to make a quick buck. Most of the contribution points obtained by these civilizations will be used to improve the technical strength and level of their civilizations, in this way, in exchange for the civilization to achieve a leap or even a technological explosion in a short period of time.

Of course, the indigenous civilizations do not have the authority of these various participating civilizations.

Now they can only sigh in despair.

Lin Qun also saw the hierarchical gradient of the civilization battlefield.

There are three levels of civilization battlefields in total, the first level civilization battlefield is the highest level, and the third level civilization battlefield is the lowest level.

And the Blue Star is now at the lowest level. A group of planetary civilizations are fighting each other on a planet. They look very advanced and powerful, but in the eyes of the civilizations in the second-level battlefield and even the first-level battlefield, their battlefield here on the Blue Star is nothing at all.

Lin Qun guessed that Brent's fear of the fleet in space might also come from this.

Interstellar fleet means at least the level of the second-level civilization battlefield.

The level of the second-level civilization battlefield is actually relatively vague, because it is between the level of the first-level battlefield civilization and the third-level civilization battlefield. It may be only a little stronger than the civilization of the general third-level civilization battlefield. For example, it has just walked from the planet into the starry sky. It is also possible that it is almost close to the level of the first-level civilization battlefield. Conventional second-level battlefield civilizations and third-level battlefield civilizations are as fragile as paper for them.

But it must be said that this trip to the Americas.

Lin Qun also felt a little pressure.

This pressure comes from outside the starry sky.

A space fleet is eyeing it covetously. No matter what, there is no way there is no pressure.

Even if human civilization can survive until the end of the Blue Star Civilization Battlefield Competition, they will come roaring.

Like sharks that come after smelling blood.

Lin Qun read the contents roughly on the way. There was too much information. He wrote down the important ones himself. He was ready to return to the military to interpret the unimportant or incomprehensible ones.

Anyway, he only needed to know the things that were closely related to him. For the rest, even if there were any necessary ones, the military would send someone to study them and naturally remind him.

This is also the benefit of civilization.

Lin Qun didn't have to worry about the details.

Lin Qun successfully completed a round trip and returned to the sky above Jinling City in less than a day. Along the way, he did not attract the attention of any alien civilization life.

The four top civilizations are implementing a blockade on humans, but they cannot block Lin Qun.

With the blessing of the bronze mask, even the evolvers would find it difficult to find Lin Qun's traces.

He brought the information about the Americas back to Jinling City.

The old supreme commander immediately reorganized the meeting and adjusted the combat plan according to the situation in the Americas.

The old man, the supreme commander, said: "As for the latest situation, our communications have been completely blocked by alien civilizations. We have completely lost contact with our human compatriots in the Americas. Our liaison capabilities with various regions within the Chinese region have also been lost. Decline. According to the latest trends, the alien civilization will launch an attack in three Blue Star Days at the latest, and it will be able to reach Ankara, the current core survivor city in the Americas, in four days at the most.

"So, Mr. Lin helped me bring back this last communication with my compatriots in the Americas.

"The plan for the Americas cannot be adjusted. We can only adjust it according to our situation, and we must do it quickly!"

During the meeting, Lin Qun listened silently to one side and occasionally spoke.

He learned that during his absence, China had begun to make comprehensive preparations. On the one hand, according to Ren Qi's proposal, the seed plan was launched to leave the fire. On the other hand, it was actively preparing for war, mobilizing troops, and again On the one hand, it is to comprehensively suppress the chaos caused by panic.

Of these three, the first two are progressing smoothly.

But the progress of the last one was very slow. The chaos in some places was successfully contained, but in some places, contact with Jinling City was lost due to the interference of foreign civilization.

But now at this time, it can no longer care about so much. Jinling City has put more attention on this confrontation with foreign civilization.

If the border areas are in chaos, let's stay in chaos. If we win, there will always be a time of reckoning. If we can't win, then there is no need for that.

As long as the combat effectiveness of the core areas and main forces is guaranteed, it will be enough.

In the current situation, even if you want to control someone, no one can control anyone at this time.

The main issue is still war.

Chen Weiang, who attended the meeting via video, brought good news.

The alien civilization warships captured in Daxing City are now available.

In the Battle of Daxing City, the warships of foreign civilizations captured mainly came from the Black Sheep Civilization.

The Black Sheep Civilization’s flagship and several transport ships are inferior in technology compared to other top civilizations. Therefore, their systems can be successfully broken through by humans and even used for their own purposes. Some of the damage is not very serious. The battleships can even be directly used by human forces while being repaired.

Since the end of the Battle of Daxing, Chen Weiang has been organizing people to find ways to use the captured warships.

To this end, a lot of people were summoned from survivor bases all over China.

Now, more than half a month later, they finally succeeded.

"There are a total of two Black Sheep Civilization transport ships, as well as the captured Black Sheep Civilization flagship. Although our repairs have not been completed yet, they are currently ready for combat. These three warships, especially this flagship, at least It can carry 30,000 people!”

Chen Weiang sounded excited.

This is the result of their battle at the Daxing Survivor Base!

And this news also gave others a shot in the arm.

Lin Qun was on one side and found that this was the fastest meeting he had ever participated in.

Putting aside the time spent debating and reviewing the plan for the Americas, the revised plan took less than half an hour to come up with.

Of course, this is also because before Lin Qun came back, the old man, the supreme commander, had discussed many possibilities with many senior officers. All he had to do at this time was to make further adjustments.

The old man, the supreme commander, said: "We will gather a hundred thousand troops and set off from six ports including Haicheng Port and Jinmen Port. At the same time, our main fleet - the Raider warship and the three captured Black Sheep Civilization warships, It will pass through the Chinese region, travel overland from the former Russian alliance, cross the Bering Strait, and land in the North American region to support the American people and fight against the four major alien civilization alliances!"

This was their final plan.

This is no longer the era before the civilized battlefield began.

With limited shipping capacity, how easy is it to cross the ocean to support the Americas?

An army of one hundred thousand is already the limit.

We will take short distances through three routes, namely sea, land and air, to avoid the frontal advance of the alien civilization legions.

Among them, except for Lin Qun's raider warship, which took the land route and then transferred to the sea and land fleet, the other teams were all in a state of being broken into pieces to avoid gathering and causing hunting by the top powerhouses of the alien civilization, and then in the Bering Strait They gathered in one area and finally landed in the Americas.

But Lin Qun knew that he still had an army of 100,000, that is, the 100,000 giants who roared with the earth!

That would be a torrent more terrifying than a hundred thousand human soldiers!

It may not pose much of a threat to the enemies in the sky, but it can bring an almost devastating blow to the ground troops of alien civilizations!

However, if you want to activate the Earth Cry, you need to switch to the form of the ancestral giant, and some other skills cannot be used. On the battlefield, when to activate the Earth Cry and when to activate other skills, you still need to give full consideration before using them.

Lin Qun didn't say anything else at this time.

At this time. After the old man, the supreme commander, said these words, everyone stood up and performed the federal military salute.

The old man, the supreme commander, said: "I won't say any more. This battle will be a battle of life and death for our civilization. We will fight the four top civilized coalition forces in the Americas. In this battle, we will use all our main strength. If we win, humanity will have no strength to fight again. If we win, the road ahead will be smooth. Our human civilization may be able to create miracles as indigenous people and survive to the end in this civilized battlefield!”

The old man, the supreme commander, didn't say anything encouraging, he was just stating the facts.

Everyone knows the severity of this battle.

Not to support America.

It is to go to the Americas to fight the alien civilization.

Everyone left quickly and got busy. The matter of recruiting troops had already started before Lin Qun set out for the Americas. However, the specific number of troops needed had not been determined. Now was the time to fully mobilize.

At the same time, Lin Qun found the old man, the supreme commander, and handed him another USB flash drive.

Later, Lin Qun revealed Brent’s choice.

The old man, the supreme commander, was stunned as he listened. It seemed that Brent's choice also surprised him, but he didn't say anything more. After being stunned for a moment, he just said with emotion: "I didn't expect that human beings really have this ability." "Children of Civilization."

Lin Qun said: "It seems that the alien civilization has been clamoring to kill the sons of civilization, which is not a mistake."

The old man, the supreme commander, chuckled softly. He looked at Lin Qun and said, "We will adopt the same attitude as in the Americas regarding this matter. Don't tell others yet: Brent's departure is related to space." It’s okay for us to know about the fleet inside. There is no need for others to know.”

"Of course I understand."

Lin Qun nodded seriously.

When he was about to leave, the old man, the supreme commander, suddenly stopped Lin Qun: "Mr. Lin——"

"What's wrong?" Lin Qun turned around.

The old man, the supreme commander, was standing on the other side of the corridor. There was no one else in this corridor. Even the secretary of the old man, the supreme commander, was waiting outside.

The old man, the supreme commander, looked at Lin Qun, seemed to think for a moment, and said after a moment: "Mr. Lin, whether there is a true son of civilization or not, in the Huaxia Region, you are a son of civilization."

Lin Qun was stunned for a moment, smiled softly, and walked out the door.

As for China, preparations for war have begun.

Officers at all levels mobilized major units.

The armies of Lucheng, Jinling, and Daxing responded positively and were almost the first to speak out.

"Follow Mr. Lin to the battle!"

"Fight with alien civilization!"

"If they dare to unite, we will beat the shit out of them!"

"Wherever Mr. Lin is, our army from the Magic City will be there!"

Next came the Northeastern Army and the Northwest Army of the Northern Expedition, as well as some of the main forces in central China. They were assembled very quickly. In less than an hour, the 100,000-strong army was full. After another round of screening, the troops at all levels were dispersed. After setting off, Daxing's troops assembled locally and boarded three captured Black Sheep Civilization warships to go north. After joining the Northern Expedition troops still in the north, they crossed the Bering Strait according to their original route.

Troops from other regions dispersed and set off by sea and land. Hundreds of rivers converged into the sea. China's 100,000-strong army would converge at the Bering Strait and finally arrive in the Americas for landing operations.

Lin Qun also set out from Jinling City, quickly rushed back to the raider warship, and took the lead in the northern land. He took the initiative to leave the warship and show off his body, intending to rush to the Americas and show off on the battlefield.

Tell the global alien civilization.

I am here!

If you want to kill me, go ahead!

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