Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 373 Is he looking for death?

Ankara rule.

Panic was spreading, and Thomas sent a large number of men to first stabilize the army, and then move inward to stabilize the survivors inside.

Of course, in this case, it is difficult to maintain stability through any conventional means. Emergency unconventional means can only be used. As long as the impact of survivors on the defense of Ankara itself is reduced, success will be achieved.

In the command center, Andor took a few pills and was quickly calming down.

He was able to get to where he is today because of his ability. Brent's leaving without saying goodbye did give him a big blow, but he adjusted it immediately, took a deep breath, and faced the slightly panicked and confused people. Command center, issue the order again.

He stood directly on the table at the back, looked at the people in the room, and said: "What are you all panicking about? Before Brent came out, didn't we also fight with alien civilizations back and forth? Now Brent Brent is leaving. We are facing a top civilization. Are we afraid? Yes, Brent is leaving. He has been leaving for a long time. It’s just that I didn’t tell you. But now, this is the fact. We His support is gone.

“But whether we have his support or not, the enemy is there!

"If you continue like this, we will definitely die. If you can return to your posts immediately, then maybe we still have a chance.

"If you want to seek death by yourself, let's go now. You are not the ordinary survivors below. You should know that Ankarazhi is now surrounded by the armies of the four top civilizations. Even if you run away from Ankarazhi, what will happen?

"We can only run into the arms of the alien civilization army, where can we run to?!

"Now, follow my orders—"

Andor's words are not very powerful. He is a bit old, and he almost lost his temper just now, so his voice is a little old and weak, but his prestige is always there, and every word strikes these people. In his heart, when he said these words, there was still a little chaos and commotion in the Ankara Command Center, but when he got to the latter part, the place became completely quiet.

After Andor issued the order, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all got busy.

They are not ordinary survivors below. They all know that the current situation is not optimistic and panic is meaningless.

The panic just now was just instinctive.

Seeing that the people who are known as the sons of civilization and the flag-like existence of the Americas have abandoned them, how can it be possible without a little panic?

But after they were awakened, they were able to recover quickly and return to the busyness of the battlefield.

same moment.

Over the Americas, in low Earth orbit.

The giant ship of silicon-based civilization is anchored here.

This giant ship is exactly the same as the silicon-based civilization battlefield that participated in the Battle of Daxing City. It is only different in paint and number. But unlike before, this time, there are many other flying ships on both sides of this giant ship. The small and medium-sized spacecraft of the silicon-based civilization are defending.

The four top civilizations participating in the Battle of Daxing. Except for the elite of the Prophet Civilization, the other top civilizations only sent a fleet. Although the battleships of the Silicon-based Civilization were damaged on the Daxing battlefield, they still had a large fleet. With the main force in the European region. Exactly how much more there is is beyond human control.

What was sent this time was another fleet of theirs.

At this moment, they are adjusting their position.

The other small and medium-sized battleships under the giant ship spread out, and the kinetic energy weapon "lance" has begun to prepare.

Each of the four top civilizations has its own selfish motives.

At this time, the Silicon-based Civilization Knight Commander took the initiative to redeem the permission to use a weapon of mass destruction. It wanted to reduce the entire Ankara area to rubble with one blow and harvest contribution points in one go. In this way, all human contribution points would be collected. They will gain from this battle, and other top civilizations will work for them.

And this blow needs to be quick.

Because based on the information they have.

In the Linyuan Civilization Fleet, Linyuan Civilization Evolver Yegus has risen.

Parallel to their fleet, the small and medium-sized alien armies controlled by the Shengui Civilization also began to advance at an accelerated pace. Among those miscellaneous armies, darkness flowed between their shadows, and the evolvers of the Shengui Civilization were hidden among them.

Seeing that the human threat in the Americas has disappeared, the remaining human troops may be considered a threat to the conventional troops of the four top civilizations, but to the combat power of the next level of their evolutionaries, they are pure lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Since they can no longer threaten them, they will naturally not be as fearful as they were just now. On the contrary, they are scrambling to take action and take these human contribution points to themselves.

Previously, when I, Human Brent, the son of civilization, were around, the evolvers were worried about being counterattacked by humans if they struck first, thus losing their advantage over other top civilizations. No one was willing to take action and only allowed conventional troops to advance. But now, The situation suddenly changed again, and they rushed to take action.

The "lance" of silicon-based civilization will be ready soon.

Whether it is Yegus or the evolvers of the Shengui Civilization, they are all a little far away because of their caution. In contrast, they are the closest. There are no evolvers in the silicon-based civilization, but the speed of the lance falling from the sky is not the same. It is no slower than the Evolver's running speed, and even as a space-based kinetic energy weapon, its ultimate speed is even faster.

With these two advantages, in the eyes of the Knight Commander, Ankara was already within their grasp. It strode forward, its tall mechanical body standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, overlooking the bloated Ankara in the holographic scene. He said pitifully: "Pathetic humans, their sons of civilization have abandoned them, their defeat is a foregone conclusion - open fire!"

Accompanied by the order of the knight commander, the commander of the silicon-based civilization.

The giant ship in the low-Earth orbit of the silicon-based civilization's space poked out its gun muzzle. After strict calculations and one minute of preparation time, the "lance" of the space-based weapon powerful enough to destroy the entire Ankara poked out its spearhead.

Immediately afterwards, it opened fire brazenly, rushing out of the muzzle at a terrifying initial speed, crossing the sky in a diagonal position, and pounced from an orbital altitude of tens of thousands of meters to the earth beneath its feet.

It rubbed violently in the air, like a bright meteor.

Due to the information blockade in the Ankara area, Ankara only noticed its existence two seconds after it was launched.

Despite its speed, it had already flown halfway through the distance. In the urban area of ​​Ankara, when people raised their heads, they could see the meteor passing through the clouds at dawn. Wherever it passed, the clouds were The layers rolled open, as if they were also afraid of the destructive power possessed by this "lance".

It is no longer possible to effectively intercept it in the Ankara area.

Conventional interception weapons cannot destroy the lance at all, and can only turn it into ashes on its way forward.

In the command center, Andor's eyes showed a look of despair.

It's not that they haven't considered that alien civilizations may release weapons of mass destruction, but they have top experts here, and weapons of mass destruction will not pose a threat to the rule of Ankara.

For weapons of mass destruction, even I, the human Brent, am capable of intercepting them, either by using the advanced technology obtained by his son of civilization cheating, or by his ability, which only requires enough power to remotely destroy or If it detonates weapons of mass destruction launched by alien civilizations, it will be of little use.

But now, I am human and have left.

There is no strong man in Ankara who is strong enough to intercept the lance.

It is impossible for a conventional interceptor missile to detonate a lance, and it will be shot directly through the front of it!

Its speed is too fast, and its terrifying kinetic energy cannot be countered by existing human means.

In the giant ship of the silicon-based civilization, the knight stepped forward and looked coldly at the human city on the hazy land in the distance.

It was preparing to admire the majestic spectacle of destruction.

Even if they spent a little time applying for permission to use weapons of mass destruction and preparing "lances," they were still faster than the evolvers of the other two civilizations.

They will be the first to destroy Ankara. Become the top civilization that benefits the most from this battle in the Americas.

At this moment, the intelligence personnel of the silicon-based civilization on one side suddenly said urgently: "Master Knight, someone is quickly approaching the 'Lance' - Yegus and the evolvers of the Shengui Civilization have all stopped moving forward. Now Only the miscellaneous army of Shengui Civilization is still advancing!"

At the far end of the battlefield, thirty kilometers away from Ankara, the motley army brought by the evolutionists of the mysterious civilization is still advancing. They are in an almost crazy state of war, and there is a lingering look in the deepest part of their eyes. The darkness, at this time, seems to have forgotten that neither of them is a civilized life. They form legions with each other and stride forward. However, at this time, the darkness that was originally traveling between them and approaching Ankara with them suddenly stopped. Then they rolled back without hesitation, leaving only these miscellaneous troops moving forward at high speed.

And Yegus, the evolver of Linyuan Civilization, is not as insignificant as the evolver of Shengui Civilization, and its speed is also very fast. Starting from the location of its Linyuan Civilization fleet, about 80 kilometers away from Ankara, it takes a short time. In a short period of time, it has shortened the distance to less than fifty kilometers from Ankara.

It took the lead, and the fleet behind it did not move.

And there is no need for their fleet to move.

The humans in the Ankara Rule are particularly gathered. Now that the threat of "I am a human" is gone, as long as the Linyuan Civilization Evolvers resist the Ankara Rule, they can kill like crazy and harvest contribution points with one person's strength, without the need for an army behind them!

It is impossible for the regular human army in Ankara to resist the evolvers!

But at this moment, it suddenly stopped and looked towards the sky.

The situation on the battlefield changed suddenly in this second.

The siege paused momentarily.

Because a figure rushed straight into the battlefield, passing through the sky at extremely fast speed.

That person is no one else.

It's Lin Qun!

He was traveling through the sky at high speed using the air dance technique. Although his speed was still not as fast as the lance fired by the silicon-based civilization, his position was better. He passed through the diagonal line and hit the missile falling from the sky straight away. Terrorist rifle.

Seeing this scene, the silicon-based civilization with the fastest reaction was dumbfounded.

“Is that the ‘Yingying’ of the Chinese humans?”

"Why is he here? Is he crazy? Using flesh and blood to fight against lances? Are his attributes so high?"

Even the knight commander in the giant silicon-based civilization ship showed an expression of astonishment and shock: "Is he looking for death?"

According to the intelligence, although this strong human being has the combat power to withstand the evolved ones, his own attributes have not reached the corresponding height, and the power of this lance is even more powerful than the previous silicon-based civilization on the battlefield in the Daxing area. The lance dropped on the ground is a weapon that can directly wipe out an entire Ankara...

Even if Qingqi comes, he won't be able to catch such a lance, and he will be beaten to pieces directly.

Even if you are an evolver, you still have to endure it.

But this human being, whose attributes are definitely not up to the level of an evolver, still dares to take over?

The knight commander had a strange feeling. It judged that this human being might not know that this lance was definitely not at the level of Daxing battlefield, and thought that he could block it.

And if that's the case...

With the body strength and means of that human "Ye Shadow", maybe this collision can stop the lance, but even so...

Then he will definitely die.

And if he died...

This battle will probably end in such a ridiculous way!

Even if he blocks the "eyes of the gun" with his flesh and blood and saves Ankara, without the top combat power of human beings, they are like lambs to be slaughtered. There is only one way to die, and Ankara will not survive for long.

Even it felt ridiculous.

Could it be that the two strong men of humankind just ran away and died at the beginning of the game?

The threat just disappeared?

What ignorant and stupid humans...

At this moment, below, Lin Qun had quickly collided with the lance fired by the silicon-based civilization, and a ball of light lit up at the end of the sky.

The lance did not fall to the ground, and all the kinetic energy hit the forest group. There was no grand explosion or light, but the shock wave swept across all directions, and the clouds in the sky rolled wildly. The scene was extremely magnificent.

The clouds covering Ankara shook away, and the light of dawn fell on the earth.

The chaos in the urban area of ​​Ankara stopped briefly at this moment. People instinctively raised their heads and watched the meteor falling towards them at high speed in the sky being crashed into the end of the sky.

At this time, it was less than three thousand meters away from the ground in Ankara, so the rumbling sound of its explosion could even be heard on the ground.

The scene of the impact of the clouds is so majestic and dazzling.

But Lin Qun also disappeared at the same time.

It seems that he has really perished with this "lance" of silicon-based civilization!

Because it was too late to use other means to block it, it collided with flesh and blood, and finally disappeared under the blow!

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