"That's Lin Qun! Chinese Lin Qun is here!"

"Wait, what is he doing? He rushed towards the space-based weapons launched by the silicon-based civilization. Is he trying to intercept them with his body?"

"Damn it, he's dead!"

"We can't contact him!"

"It crashed! It crashed!"

"The space-based weapons of the silicon-based civilization have been successfully destroyed. The crisis is over! The crisis is over!"

"Where is Mr. Lin from China? Where is Mr. Lin? Oh no, is he dead?"

The above is what happened in the Ankarazhi command center in the last few seconds.

Realizing that it was a space-based weapon of the silicon-based civilization, everyone's heart was half cold.

And when Lin Qun appeared in the sky, people were burning with hope again.

However, Lin Qun's suicide interception made them all dumbfounded.

Although he survived, he was very happy and excited.


"Damn it!" Andor's eyes were bloodshot.

Although the space-based weapon of the silicon-based civilization just now did not hit, he also knew that this attack would definitely burn the entire Ankarazhi to ashes. Now, Ankarazhi survived, but if Mr. Lin died, it would be better for him and the entire Ankarazhi to perish!

If Lin Qun was not dead, humans could still fight, and only Ankarazhi would perish. The Chinese army that landed could leave quickly and return to the Chinese region to re-arrange the battle.

And if Lin Qun died...

The fate of the entire human race on Blue Star is today's Ankarazhi!

And Ankarazhi, even if it was not destroyed by the space-based weapon of the silicon-based civilization, would still be finished next.

How could he not understand this account?

However, at this moment, someone on the side exclaimed: "Wait, look at the list, Mr. Lin's name has not disappeared!"

At this moment, a flash of light flashed across the sky.

A fast figure flew across the sky, that was Lin Qun.

But this Lin Qun, unlike the one just now, flew from a distance and flew across the battlefield from the side all the way.

Andor was surprised to find that the ID of "Ye Ying" representing Lin Qun on the ranking list did not disappear at all, and had appeared on the ranking list of the Ankarazhi area.

Many people also discovered this.

Below, in the city of Ankarazhi, the survivors screamed.

"He is really the strongest in China!"

"The 'Ye Ying' who ranks first in the human race and has a total of more than 100,000 contribution points!"

"He came to us! Oh my God, God has not given up on us!"

"But is he as strong as 'I am human'? Can he resist the coalition of the four top civilizations?"

The survivors and the military of Ankarazhi were boiling at this moment.

But for the silicon-based civilization in the space orbit, this scene was shocking.

"He is not dead, how is this possible?"

"No, Lord Knight, we can confirm that the human who just hit our 'cavalry lance' is dead. This human did not appear from the position just now, but from a farther position. He just came here!"

The Knight Commander looked at the displayed data and was shocked: "How is this possible? Another human disguised as him and died with our cavalry lance? But this..."

They couldn't understand.

Obviously, a group of forests had just appeared, and they were killed by their weapons of mass destruction. Why did another group of forests appear here? It was obviously another group of forests!

Among humans, except for this "Night Shadow", who has the ability to die with their cavalry lances? With the speed of the cavalry lance's kinetic weapon, if the physical fitness does not reach a certain level, it is impossible to rush up like this and die together. It can only be ruthlessly shot through by the cavalry lance, and it will still rush towards Ankarazhi at high speed.

But even if there are such strong people of this level in the human world, there is no need to do this!

And that is the fact. In the sky, Lin Qun, wearing a Mark 50 nano-suit, flew through the sky with a line of fire. In the horrified eyes of Ankarazhi and countless alien civilizations, he flew over the Ankarazhi area and rushed towards the direction of the ragtag army controlled by the mysterious civilization that was approaching the Ankarazhi area.

The army and command center of Ankarazhi were all in high spirits!

Especially the high-level command center of Ankarazhi. Others may not know what the meteor of silicon-based civilization that just passed through the sky is, but they are all very clear that it is a blow that is enough to destroy Ankarazhi, and they could only watch the devastating blow coming.

And the appearance of Lin Qun directly reversed the end of Ankarazhi's demise.

Now that "I am human" Brent has escaped, Lin Qun's arrival and the combat power of instantly intercepting a weapon of mass destruction without any damage have undoubtedly brought them all great confidence and encouragement!

Thomas was outside, watching Lin Qun's figure passing through his field of vision, and couldn't help muttering: "Andor's judgment is correct. Brent has disappeared. It is a message to the four top civilizations, and it is also a message to Mr. Lin. He is coming soon!"

Human communication is blocked and information cannot be transmitted, but the ranking of the civilization battlefield itself is one of the channels for transmitting information!

And in the Ankarazhi command center, seeing this scene, Andor also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally an excited look appeared on his face: "I knew he couldn't be stupid, try to contact Mr. Lin immediately. At the same time, pass the information down, saying that the world's first night shadow of mankind has come, and Ankarazhi still has hope!"

Andor's eyes flickered, he knew that Mr. Lin had come, no matter what the result of this battle was, at least there was a possibility of fighting!

At least they didn't have to face the situation of death directly.

It's just that their command center had some difficulties in connecting with Lin Qun, even at such a distance, the communication was still somewhat intermittent.

But it didn't matter. As a top combat force, Lin Qun was originally independent of the human federation command system-he knew what he should do and what to do.

Just now, the one who died with the lance was naturally Lin Qun, and now it was naturally Lin Qun who was here.

Lin Qun used the technique of multiple shadow clones!

The preparation time of the silicon-based civilization's space-based weapons and the time to exchange the right to use weapons of mass destruction gave Lin Qun an opportunity.

Relying on the extreme speed of the Mark 50, he reached the battlefield of Ankara in the shortest time.

But after arriving, he did not rush forward himself.

Instead, he used the technique of multiple shadow clones, flew at full speed, rushed to the battlefield, and took the initiative to block the other party's lance with his flesh and blood.

In an emergency, there is no simpler, cruder and more convenient way to intercept than this.

That clone Lin Qun was naturally annihilated in an instant under the attack of the lance.

But that didn't matter. The death of a shadow clone was just an impact of death memory for Lin Qun.

Moreover, there was no memory of death this time.

That him was annihilated directly.

There was not even much pain, and the memory picture only stayed at the moment of the final collision with the lance.

This time, Lin Qun also knew what it felt like to be killed by space-based weapons.

And his real body also rushed out afterwards, rushing to the distance without hesitation, aiming at the ragtag army of the Shengui civilization!

They were advancing at the fastest speed, and now they were approaching Ankaraji’s 18 kilometers away. In fact, the first round of artillery attacks had already begun, and they were firing at Ankaraji’s military from a distance, but it was not so fierce yet. The current contest was the confrontation between the missile systems and anti-missile systems of both sides.

One by one, the intercepted missiles exploded on both sides of the sky, like bright and blazing fireworks.

Lin Qun’s thinking was clear. He intercepted the lances in the first round, and the second round was this group of miscellaneous troops!

The coalition forces of the four top civilizations accelerated the pace of advancement. This was a judgment and change based on human reactions. They wanted to defeat the living forces in the Americas before the human army in the Huaxia region arrived. At that time, the troops from the Huaxia region, including Lin Qun, would change from supporters to isolated troops. They were trapped in the Americas, but they would be isolated and helpless, with no danger to defend, and directly face the armies of the four top civilizations.

In this way, the power of mankind was defeated separately, the pressure of the four top civilizations was directly reduced, the losses would be reduced, and they would defeat the human power more easily.

But because of this, Lin Qun wanted to give them a shock in return!

His speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye he had left Ankara behind.

Rows of missiles flew towards him, and he suddenly stopped five or six kilometers away from the ragtag army controlled by the Shengui civilization.

Then, golden light fell from the clouds at dawn and hit Lin Qun.

The ability of the ancestral giant was directly activated!

The thousand-meter-class super giant appeared on the battlefield in an instant!

Then, countless golden thunders broke out.

The earth rumbled and trembled.

Lin Qun did not hesitate and launched a combo.

The ancestral giant transformed + earth rumbling!

The ragtag army controlled by the Shengui civilization was still launching missiles and other attacks at Lin Qun.

But Lin Qun no longer avoided those attacks.

Because at this moment, a golden thunderstorm broke out on the battlefield.

Under the golden lightning, rows of terrifying super giants at least 60 meters long, with red skinless bodies, appeared!

They spread out in circles with Lin Qun as the center, and countless giants shook the battlefield.

Hundreds of thousands of giants are coming on stage!

Many of the missiles that whistled through the air fell directly on these super-large earth rumbling giants that suddenly appeared. With a loud noise, some giants were blown to death and collapsed, but more giants are appearing!

"Earth rumbling! It's earth rumbling! This is actually true. I've heard that after the Daxing battle in Huaxia that shocked the world, Mr. Lin showed his ability to earth rumbling in the battle with the Zerg, summoning 100,000 invincible giants from another world and pushing the Zerg army flat. I always thought this was an endless rumor among the survivors, but I didn't expect it to be true, it's actually true!"

At the Ankarazhi Command Center, their connection with Lin Qun has not been established stably, but at this moment, the golden thunderstorm and countless huge giants that appeared on the battlefield have appeared on the screen of their central command center.

At that moment, the senior federal officers in the command center of the entire Americas almost lost their voices collectively.

Because this scene is too shocking!

Pulling up an army of 100,000 giants out of thin air!

This is when the Legion rises from the ground!

Many of them have heard rumors about the giants in the forest, but because of the lack of information and the long distance, no one dares to believe it. Because who would believe such a thing if told?

Not only can a person turn into a giant thousands of meters tall, he can even summon an army of 100,000 giants out of thin air!

This sounds even more outrageous than the Chinese killing an evolved person in Daxing!

But now, this scene was truly displayed in front of all of them.

The expression on Andor's face was unclear whether it was joy or excitement. His shocked voice had a hint of dreaminess: "Is this the combat power that can shake the Evolved?"

The impact of one hundred thousand giants was too shocking.

In fact, at this time, Lin Qun had summoned less than 100,000 giants, just over 10,000.

It takes time to summon so many, but the super giants are already huge. With more than 10,000 in number, they are already like a mountain of moving giants. When they take steps on the earth and walk forward, , it was the real earth trembling, and the trembling of the ground could be felt even more than ten kilometers away.

It was as if a mountain wave was coming towards them.

On the front, the miscellaneous troops controlled by the evolvers of the divine civilization all looked at this scene with expressions of utter panic.

They were bewitched by the evolvers of the divine civilization, and their wills were already fragile. Even with the influence of the evolvers of the divine civilization, at this moment, the impact of these countless giant legions was too great, and they felt fear in their bones, especially those on the ground. They feel it most strongly among the motley crew of troops.

A mountain of giants appeared directly in front of us out of thin air. Even the ground was shaking. They were advancing unstoppably. Is this a force that human beings can match?

The motley army in front screamed. They began to remove their armor and retreat in panic. They screamed and looked frightened.

"Giants! So many giants!"

"Invincible, run! How to fight? Run!"

At this moment, the Linyuan civilization evolver had stopped, neither advancing nor retreating. He also saw this scene and was surprised: "Is this the method he used to defeat the insect swarm?"

In the giant ship of silicon-based civilization, a being from silicon-based civilization asked the tall knight commander standing in front: "Are we still firing lances?"

"There is no need for that. With the top combat power, even weapons of mass destruction are useless. They have no effect at all. Only when the top combat power is dead can the lance be effective." The knight commander was also looking at the people below. Giant Legion said, "It seems that the evolvers of the Shengui Civilization are not alarmist. No wonder Linyuan Civilization is so willing to participate in the war.

“This human being should indeed have power that can rival an evolved person.

"It's really amazing. He is obviously not a civilized son of mankind. Their civilized son even ran away——

"This is a respectable opponent."

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