Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 376 I'll kill myself to liven up the atmosphere!

The evolvers of Shengui civilization are waiting to see what happens.

On the American coastline, the evolvers of the Black Sheep Civilization have arrived.

Where it is located, the entire sky is covered with heavy black clouds. Among them, red lightning flashes, and the huge horned body is looming. It is like a dark and terrifying mountain, hidden in this black tide.

Warships such as the Raider warship and Anyuan have their guns out and are ready to fire at any time.

Even if they are facing Evolutionaries, they still have to fight to the death.

Because they have no way out.

In the Raider battleship.

"It's five kilometers away and extremely dangerous! All units are ready for battle."

Xu Jie issued an alarm.

In the bridge, Chu Youwei squeezed the Thor's Hammer in her hand and said, "It's going to take action. I'll resist it for a while. Lin Qun will definitely come soon."

Xu Jie did not answer Chu Youwei's application for combat, but just said: "Wait, wait."

She knew that facing the Evolved, any one of them except Mr. Lin would die.

This is also Chen Weiang's order.

Chen Weiang was sitting on the Anyuan, but the order had already arrived before the Black Sheep Civilization Evolvers approached an absolutely dangerous distance: "Don't move, Mr. Lin will be on the way here. Facing the Evolvers, none of us will be like a mantis, and fighting is just a matter of time." Suicide, our Iron Curtain device in China is ready to be activated. It can cover us at any time and can withstand an attack. Don't fire until you reach the end of the road! "

However, at this time, the message from the Linyuan civilization evolver to the Black Sheep civilization evolver also arrived.

Lin Qun is on the way.

Mark 50 has gone through the air, and he has appeared in the vision of the evolution of the Black Sheep civilization.

Across a distance of a thousand meters, the Black Sheep Civilization Evolvers took action against the Lin group first.

In the dark clouds, it raised its arms.

Then the terrifying thunder spread in the sky and struck directly at Lin Qun's position.

But in the face of this blow, Lin Qun responded with thunder!

He raised the sword in his hand high.

The Divine Sword Controlling Thunder Act was activated instantly. He raised the Sword of Victory in his hand, and the dark energy burst out simultaneously.

The railgun ability is activated.

The Black Sheep Civilization Evolver was surprised to see that the lightning it struck was in turn attracted by the forest and fell on the edge of his sword, causing the power of his sword to increase exponentially as he suddenly moved forward...

One sword opens the sky!

The unparalleled sword light tore through the sky, slashing all the way into the rolling black clouds of the Black Sheep Civilization Evolutionary. In an instant, the black clouds surged, like Moses parting the sea, and the black clouds in the sky suddenly moved to both sides. Separated, cut and torn apart by this sword light, it became two halves, with the huge body of the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver exposed.

Its image is still somewhat different from the ordinary black sheep civilized life. First of all, it is extremely huge. It is hundreds of meters tall, even bigger than a super giant in its normal form, and its body is dark, with pits and ravines, like a rock that has flowed through magma and solidified, which makes it look extremely It is thick, and the two horns on the head are sharper, like two horns of obsidian inlaid on it. Its eyes are golden, and in the clouds, they emit a terrifying light like those red lightnings.

Lin Qun's attack was deflected by it.

Because the distance is enough, this sword light forest group starts from a thousand meters away, which is completely enough for a strong person of this level to react.

Therefore, this sword was so powerful that it failed to hit the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver, but it completely separated the rolling black clouds, forming a huge "channel" that ran all the way from one side to the other.

In the eyes of the Raider warships and other human fleets, it was a magnificent scene!

At this time, Lin Qun's figure had flown to the battlefield and stopped in the middle between the Black Sheep Civilization Evolvers and the Chinese Federation Fleet!

"Mr. Lin is here!"

"One sword cuts the clouds, and Mr. Lin is still so powerful!"

Many people in the fleet showed excitement.

Many people who participated in this battle followed Lin Qun all the way. They had seen Lin Qun reverse the situation of the battle time and time again. They admired Lin Qun extremely and admired his martial arts. At this moment, they watched Lin Qun fight with With such momentum appearing on the battlefield, how could they not be excited?

The battle hasn't started yet, but they are already boiling with murderous intent!

The Black Sheep Civilization Evolvers are coming menacingly, and the black clouds in the sky are huge and oppressive. Therefore, everyone can see the scene of the black clouds being blown away with a sword, and the confidence and shock it brings are unparalleled.

This aspect is completely different from Ankara rule.

Although the American Federation later won many battles, it was different from those of these Chinese troops.

The Chinese Federation defeated extremely powerful opponents. They fought bloody battles and narrowly escaped death. Their passion and self-confidence far exceeded the human power in the Americas.

The most crucial point...

Flag of the Americas "I am human" Brent ran away.

But the flag of China, Lin Qun, is still here!

This is enough to stabilize the morale of the army!

In the attacker's battleship, Chu Youwei squinted her eyes, stared at the figure in the screen, and relaxed her grip on Thor's hammer.

However, Chen Weiang's voice has spread throughout the three armies: "Mr. Lin has arrived. The Evolvers have nothing to fear. All troops must assemble immediately to complete the landing and advance forward. Cooperate with Mr. Lin to support our fellow Americans and fight against the four top civilizations!"

Chen Weiang's order quickly reached the three armies, and the soldiers were all shocked.

"Support our fellow human beings and fight against the four top civilizations!"

The soldiers of Lucheng excitedly said to their companions in other regions.

"Look, that's Mr. Lin! The strongest human! He came out of the Magic City with us!"

"I didn't lie to you, did I? Mr. Lin is so powerful, and the power of the evolver can also cut him with one sword!"

In the sky, Lin Qun's figure was still suspended in the sky, holding the sword of victory, looking at the evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization.

The evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization was also looking at him.

After a moment of silence, it chose to retreat.

Several evolvers were confident in their own minds, and no one wanted to fight this human strongman alone.

Especially when they knew that the other party had the ability to fight against or even kill the evolver.

Although the evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization didn't know why the Linyuan Civilization and other civilizations said that Lin Qun's name was still on the list of the Ankara region, the power of the sword just now had proved that this was not an illusion. The human who came here now had absolute combat power.

The evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization believed that this was his true body!

And at this position, if it goes to war with the human's body, the evolvers of other civilizations can take this opportunity to stay out of it.

At that time, it will be it that suffers.

The evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization even had a guess at this moment.

Perhaps, the information given to it by the Linyuan Civilization was simply false, just to trick it into a decisive battle with this human here, so that they can reap the benefits.

The four top civilizations joined forces, but suspicion is inevitable.

At this moment, after countless instantaneous thoughts and judgments, the evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization chose to retreat.

Since we have to attack together, then we will attack together.

However, what makes the evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization still a little confused is that it thinks this human is real, but in this area, there is no such human on the ranking list. What's going on?

It doesn't know, but it doesn't want to take risks. If it takes risks, it is not only about it alone, but also about the efforts of their entire Black Sheep Civilization. Even if it feels that there is something strange, it can only choose the safest plan.

The black cloud that was separated by Lin Qun's sword light began to close, covering its huge body again. It rolled up the black cloud and retreated, and soon disappeared from sight.

On the ground, the human forces have been assembled.

In addition to the four human warships, there are also a large number of ground troops, who arrived by transport planes or ships. At this time, they gathered on the ground to form a land force and began to move towards Ankara.

In the sky, Lin Qun turned to the direction of the human fleet at this time. He did not stop, but flew with the human fleet.

He was here, which could boost morale and shock the alien civilization.

Especially now, he came, and the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver, who had just been invincible, retreated directly. This situation made everyone very excited.

But only Lin Qun knew that he was actually strong on the outside, because what came here was indeed not his real body, but a shadow clone of him.

Linyuan Civilization was not wrong.

Lin Qun's real body was in Ankara.

The ranking list can't be wrong. In this civilization battlefield, the information from various civilizations may be false, but the information in the ranking list cannot be false.

However, Lin Qun almost gave most of the dark energy to this shadow clone.

Therefore, just now his shadow clone was able to launch the power of the Thunder God Sword and the super-electromagnetic cannon, and in turn attracted the thunder counterattack of the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver, creating a huge momentum!

And just now, Lin Qun was also trembling with fear. Because he could see that the attack of the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver was just a test.

But his clone was not so confident.

After this attack, the dark energy reserve of Lin Qun's shadow clone was almost exhausted. Because the clone is not a physical entity, it is itself a gathering of dark energy, so it cannot use recovery potions. In other words, the remaining dark energy reserve is all the dark energy that Lin Qun's clone can use. If the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver continues to attack, Lin Qun will be exposed immediately.

However, Lin Qun is betting that the opponent will not continue to attack.

Because he had just attacked, deliberately showing extremely fierce fighting power, just to make the other party feel apprehensive.

Everyone wants others to fight him to death, and no one wants to fight him to death.

Using this mentality, Lin Qun judged that as long as he showed a certain threat, the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver would not be able to entangle with him.

This is indeed the case.

It retreated quickly.

There was almost no hesitation.

And this is exactly what Lin Qun wanted.

After flying with the fleet and showing that he was here, this "Lin Qun" clone also entered the attacker warship.

Because his dark energy was exhausted, he would soon disappear.

At this moment, the Black Sheep Civilization must be paying attention to his movements. If he flew into the attacker warship at this time, the Black Sheep Civilization would only think that he was in charge here, and even if his clone disappeared in it, there would be no way to know.

But Lin Qun entered the attacker warship and did not say anything to Xu Jie, Chu Youwei, Huang Qizheng and others. He just said that he wanted to recover and got into his own independent cabin.

It is best not to let his people know that he is about to disappear.

Not only do they want to deceive alien civilizations, they also want to deceive their own people!

Everyone saw him enter the attacker's warship, so they all thought he was here, so they naturally had information.

Lin Qun actually wanted to talk to Chen Weiang, but at this time, the communication was not smooth, and there was a possibility of being detected by alien civilization. In order to avoid leaking the information, he said nothing to anyone.

The situation here is quickly being understood by the three top civilizations around Ankara.

This time, they were all a little confused and became more and more confused.

In the silicon-based civilization giant ship, the knight commander was a little confused: "He is clearly on the ranking list in the Ankara area. How can the Black Sheep civilization be real? Could it be..."

Thinking of this, it turned around and said: "Bring up the last picture of our 'lance' just now, analyze the data, and view it frame by frame!"

And on the other side...

In the Linyuan Civilization Fleet, the life forms of the Linyuan Civilization were also surprised.

"What's going on? The rankings of the Civilized Battlefield are unmistakable, but the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver did test it out with that human, and the human accepted it."

"Is the Black Sheep Civilization lying to us? Has the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver let the water go? Mr. Evolver, is it possible that the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver directed and acted on his own and wants to trick a few of our civilizations into attacking Ankara and fighting this human being first? They are so easy to profit from, and the advancement speed of Black Sheep Civilization is indeed the slowest among our civilizations!”

Linyuan Civilization's endless chatter about life analysis penetrated into the ears of Yegus, the evolution of Linyuan Civilization ahead, through the channel.

It's also a bit uncertain.

Before humanity's top combat power appeared, the situation was clear. Several top civilizations wanted to swallow up Ankarazhi in one go, and they wanted to take action with all their strength. But as soon as Lin Qun appeared, the situation immediately changed, and it completely turned into a tug-of-war. and temptation.

After many rounds of testing, especially the back-and-forth between the Black Sheep Civilization Evolvers and Lin Qun at a long distance, almost ten minutes have passed since Lin Qun displayed the cartoon kingdom above Ankara.

Yegus, the evolver of Linyuan Civilization, pondered for a moment and decided to test it again. It accelerated forward, preparing to launch an attack on the Cartoon Kingdom above Ankara.

But what happened next made Yegus pause again.

Because at this moment, in the cartoon kingdom above Ankara, a two-dimensional version of the cartoon forest suddenly walked out. Standing on the edge of the castle, facing the sky and the earth, without saying a word, holding a fire Wen Jian wiped his neck and committed suicide in front of everyone!

Yegus, an evolver, was dumbfounded.

Even though it is well-informed, it has never seen such a scene!

The battle hadn't started yet, but someone jumped out and committed suicide!

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